Channel Ten: 02/07/08, Five: 23/09/08
Karl hears the volunteers talking and they think that the fires have been deliberately lit. In the heat of the moment, Nicola kisses Steve. Ned emerges from the forest, carrying a badly-burned Kirsten. Marco is found alive, but passes out almost immediately. Karl tells Marco that his body has lost an enormous amount of fluid from the burns, his internal organs are struggling and if they were to collapse, there is nothing more they could do. Kirsten goes into arrest, Karl rushes in to help and Ned and Mickey watch helplessly.
Steve and Miranda come over and Ned tells them that Kirsten's heart has stopped. Noticing how upset Mickey is, Miranda asks him about his drawing - it's a picture of himself, his mum and dad together. Ned hugs him.

Carmella sits by Marco's bedside and he tells her that the past year has been the best of his life. Noticing his use of 'has been', he corrects himself, saying it still is the best. Carmella says that she went mad thinking about losing him, after losing her ring, especially after everything was so perfect. She mentions that the thought of not marrying him killed her, so her asks her to get married, not when he's better, tomorrow.
Ned emerges from the hospital with good news, telling Steve, Miranda and Mickey that they got Kirsten back. Ned tells Mickey that his mum will be alright, but he asks if, when she gets better, they will live together. He overheard Ned telling Kirsten that he loved her and eager not to disappoint, Ned confirms his love for her and hugs his son.

Carmella breaks the news about her wedding to Rebecca, Oliver and Sienna, who are delighted. Rebecca asks if Marco is well enough, but Carmella says that he'll be fine and was really insistent. She excuses herself and walks over to Karl, telling him of her wedding plans and wants to know if it's a good idea or if it could hurt his recovery. Karl tells her that it won't hurt him, but it would make him very happy.

At The General Store, Miranda tells Steve and Nicola that Susan has invited him to an early dinner before they go back to the hospital. Steve says that it sounds good, but still nervous about her kiss with Steve, Nicola tells them that she can't go because she has a date. She tells them that they don't know who it is, but says that "he's a lawyer, he's a solicitor, he's unattached, quiet and loveable." Miranda presses for details and Nicola admits that she lied about them not knowing him, it's Toadie. They're surprised, but pleased.

On Ramsay Street, Toadie and Callum are outside playing. Nicola comes over and tries to make conversation by asking him about the law. She then asks him out on a date, saying that most guys are swamping her with offers, so she's going after them instead. Toadie can't believe it and Callum makes fun of his inability to pick up chicks. He agrees to the date, but tells her that Callum will have to come too. However, she doesn't mind and Callum asks her if she has any friends.
At the hospital, Karl increases Marco's morphine and lets him know that Carmella told him about the wedding, but says that he didn't tell her the truth about Marco's condition. Marco is glad because he want to see love and happiness in her eyes, not fear. All he asks is that Karl get him through the wedding. He tells him that he'll do his damnedest to help him. Carmella arrives with Chloe and Karl leaves. He lies to her, saying that Karl was only being cautious and he was feeling much better. He asks if she is ready to be his wife and she replies that she is and wants to get married to him tomorrow.


At number 24, Rebecca gives the wedding dress that she was supposed to marry Paul in, to Carmella, claiming that it can be her something borrowed. Carmella thanks her, but starts crying, saying that this doesn't feel right. She tells them that Marco thinks the wedding will help him get better, but she doesn't believe him and thinks that he's dying. Sienna tries to calm her down and Rebecca says that even if he's dying, it doesn't change anything because they still want to marry each other.
At Erinsborough, Mickey continues to show Kirsten his drawings. Miranda and Steve arrives just in time for Mickey to tell his mother that she is coming to live with him and Ned. Kirsten refuses the offer, believing that Ned feels obligated and is just trying to be nice. She says that she'll never be able to live a normal life again and tells him that she doesn't want his pity. Miranda and Steve try to take Mickey away, so Ned and Kirsten can talk, but Ned doesn't let them, saying that he wants Mickey to hear what he has to say. He promises Kirsten that he will be by her side every step of the way from now on, whether she likes it or not.

At Charlie's, Toadie and Nicola are on their date. Callum is asking Nicola if she likes 'Hellboy', but like Toadie, she hasn't seen it. When Miranda and Steve enter, she asks Toadie to tell her a joke and play along. Miranda comes over, offering to get them some takeaway, as she's getting some for Bridget and Declan. Nicola refuses, saying that she and Toadie are having a ball, but Callum reveals that they're not even talking. Miranda leaves and Nicola apologises, telling Toadie that she invented the date to get Miranda off her back. Toadie says that it's alright and not really surprising as he isn't normally the type of guy that a girl like Nicola goes for. She tells him not to guilt-trip her, since he only accepted the date to impress Callum. They have a toast to 'Decoy Dating' and laugh.

Oliver arrives at the hospital with flowers for the wedding and tells Marco that everything is organised for tomorrow. Oliver thanks him for going back into the fire to get water for Chloe and for picking him up when he fell, as well as saying sorry for not waiting on him and letting them close the door. Marco tells Oliver that he can back and found him, but he can't finish his sentence as he has trouble breathing. He lies again, saying that h will be alright and as Oliver leaves to let him get some rest, Marco calls him back. They shake hands and Marco says that, although they have history, today cancels that out and asks him to be his best man. Oliver accepts, saying that it would be an honour.



The following day, Karl makes sure that Marco is comfortable and asks if he is sure that he doesn't want Carmella to know. He ignores his question and simply asks Karl to get him through the wedding ceremony. Oliver, Rebecca and Sienna arrive with a bow-tie and roses from his garden. Father Capetola enters and Rebecca notes that he is early, but he explains that he and Marco had some matters discuss earlier. Carmella enters and Marco tells her that she looks beautiful. The ceremony begins and the pair say their vows. Carmella tells Marco: "You're every dream I ever dreamed. Every wish I ever wished. I've never loved a man like I love you and I never will." Marco replies: "From the moment I saw you, I knew I loved you and I never knew love could be so strong. My Carmella..." As he places the ring on her finger, he struggles to complete the vows, but manages it. They kiss and everyone claps.

Back on Ramsay Street, Toadie and Callum finish loading up the car for a day at the beach. Nicola comes over and thanks Toadie for playing along last night. She tells him that her plan worked and Steve and Miranda approve of him as a date. Before she leaves, she tells him not to be so sure about the kind of guys that "hot babes" like her like and kisses him on the cheek. Inside the car, Callum gives him a thumbs-up.
At the hospital, Marco holds Chloe and Rebecca and Oliver hug and congratulate Carmella. Oliver asks if Marco is okay, but she's says that he's fine, but it's time that they were left alone. Before Marco passes Chloe to Sienna, he kisses her head and says "Ciao bella." As they all leave, she asks Karl to ensure that they are left alone. They kiss again and profess their love for each other. Marco wants to say something, but she tells him to stop, saying that they have all the time in the world.


Later, Carmella lays beside Marco on the bed. He has become weaker. They hold each other's hands. Carmella speaks to him:
"It's just us now, beautiful. Everyone's gone. We're just an old married couple curled up on the bed. There should be a cat here, even though I've always hated cats. You did it, beautiful. You came back to me. I was so scared of falling in love with you, do you remember? I kept running away, but you were so patient. You were so strong. You've always been so strong for me and Chloe. I'm so proud to be your wife. We'll get old and silly together, but we will always have each other. I'm yours, I always will be"

Marco's hand releases its grip on Carmella's and he silently passes away.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Jane Hall as Rebecca Napier, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Alan Fletcher as Dr Karl Kennedy, Steve Bastoni as Steve Parker, Nikki Coghill as Miranda Parker, Daniel O'Connor as Ned Parker, Fletcher O'Leary as Mickey Gannon, Natalie Blair as Carmella Cammeniti, Sarah May as Chloe Cammeniti, Jesse Rosenfeld as Marco Silvani, David Hoflin as Oliver Barnes
Guest Cast: Imogen Bailey as Nicola West, Nikola Dubois as Kirsten Gannon, Morgan Baker as Callum Jones, Erin McNaught as Sienna Cammeniti, Mark Doggett as Father Capetola
Trivia Notes
• Marco and Carmella's wedding song is Grounded Bird by Angie Hart
• Callum is a fan of the Hellboy film series
by Conor