Channel Ten: 08/07/08, Five: 29/09/08
Carmella remembers Harold telling her that Marco will live on in her memory and her heart, just as his ghost appears to her. Steph discovers a lighter that was in Callum's jacket. Rebecca witnesses Carmella talking to 'Marco' even though no one is there. Jay sets fire to Callum's playhouse.
Dan goes outside with the washing and noticing the fire, shouts for Toadie. They run out and see that Callum is attempting to put the fire out, but immediately Jay arrives with Steph, and deals with the fire.

Later, Toadie asks Callum how the fire started, but he says that doesn't know and that he only tried to out it out. Toadie asks him again, but Callum stresses that he is telling the truth and is annoyed that Toadie won't believe him.

At number 24, Harold is ironing his clothes as Carmella emerges from her bedroom with a black dress, asking him to leave the iron on. She tells him that his advice made her realise how important it is to celebrate the life of someone she loves, so she is going to Marco's funeral. Harold leaves her to iron her dress, when Marco's spirit appears to her again. He tells her that the dress is depressing and jokes that if she wears that, he isn't going. Her suggests her anniversary dress, but Carmella think it's inappropriate. He tells her that she looks beautiful in that dress, he fell in love with her in it and he would like her to wear it. Carmella promises that she will and Marco disappears when Rebecca and Oliver arrive, carrying a bag. Oliver says that his bedroom has a leak, so he is homeless for a few days. Carmella suggests moving in with Elle or getting another room and he admits that it was a lie, but thought she may like the company. She agrees to let him stay for a couple of days.
At number 26, Didge explains to Declan that she isn't going to Marco's funeral, but won't tell him where she's going instead. Steve enters with Didge's phone bill, annoyed that she's sent hundreds of texts to Declan. She tells him that he has to go and do something important, but promises that she'll pay the bill.

At the gym, Didge is working, when Declan arrives, having followed her. He asks her why she kept it a secret and she says that Steve doesn't want her to be distracted from schoolwork. The agree to meet-up for lunch, but Declan won't leave until she gives him a goodbye kiss.
Back at number 24, Carmella tells Rebecca that she doesn't need Oliver to babysit her. Rebecca thinks that Carmella isn't as resilient as she thinks, telling her that she saw her talking to Marco. Carmella denies it and says that she doesn't believe in ghosts, lying that she was on the phone using her ear-piece and insisting that Rebecca was mistaken. Oliver, Rebecca and Harold leave with Carmella saying that she'll meet them out there. Alone, Marco comes to her again. He tells her that she looks gorgeous and that he'll be with her. She asks him what to say at the funeral, but he promises that she'll know what to say when the time comes. They leave together.


Carmella arrives at the funeral, upset and is comforted by Libby, Lou and Sienna. Lou and Sienna want to say a few words, but think there isn't time. Carmella asks Marco's parents if his General Store colleagues can pay their respect, but Patrizia is extremely upset and says that Carmella is showing a lack of respect by the dress she's wearing. She accuses Carmella of killing Marco because he died saving her daughter.
Libby tries to console Carmella. They both agree how hard it must be to lose a child, but Libby jokes that she still wanted to slap Patrizia. Carmella decides to stay out of their way, thinking it will be easier for them. Libby disagrees, saying that when Drew died, she wanted the whole world to know that he was the love of her life and that a part of her died when he died. Dan hears part of their conversation, before telling them that the service is starting. Carmella and Libby hug.

At number 26, Didge and Declan hold their own private service for Marco, reading a passage from the Bible:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does no boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
Didge gives Declan a present - an expensive shirt. He is delighted, but says that it's too much. Didge tells him that she wants to give him everything and they kiss.
At number 32, Steph and Jay discuss Toadie. He tells her that she shouldn't feel bad about being right and that if Toadie was a real friend, he would understand how hard it was for her to be honest. Jay finds her handbag and she's read to go, when Toadie comes in. He apologises and tells Steph that he should have listened to her, but he still can't believe that Callum started the bushfire. Jay explains that he may not have, that the lighter is incriminating, but isn't proof. He suggests that the burning of the shed may be a copycat act or an act of defiance and that there is a 'Juvenile Fire Awareness and Intervention' programme that Toadie may be interested in. Toadie says that he would appreciate it and thanks him.


Steph and Jay arrive at the funeral and apologise to Carmella for their lateness. Patrizia and Franco try to give a speech, but Franco is too upset and goes back to his seat. As they speak, Carmella remembers Marco and their first kiss. She sees his ghost by the coffin, smiling at her. As she finishes, she invites Marco's uncle Gino to tell everyone about the times Marco visited him during the school holidays. Marco isn't happy about it and gestures for Carmella to come forward. Unsure of what to do, she stands up and shakily begins to sing ' Amazing Grace.' As she sings...

Toadie looks pensively at Callum, who is innocently listening to music.

Declan and Didge kiss on the sofa of number 26.


Carmella becomes more confident and approaches Marco's spirit as she sings. When she finishes, Marco silently begins to clap her, moments before everyone else. He thanks her, but says that it's time for him to go. She exclaims that she isn't ready, but he tells her she is. He walks away and the congregation come to hug Carmella. She hugs them all and Marco blows her a final kiss, before leaving his own funeral.
Later, Marco's coffin is placed inside the hearse. Libby and Sienna comfort Carmella. Sienna tells Carmella that what she did was beautiful, but she doesn't know how she found the strength. Carmella tells her that she had help. Just then, she sees a man from behind, dressed the same as Marco and runs to meet him. She is intercepted by Franco and Patrizia, who tell her that they know how much she loved Marco and that they would like her and Chloe to come and visit them sometime. Carmella tells them that she would really like that. When they leave, the man in the suit is gone and Carmella is left standing alone. Oliver wonder if he should go to her, but Libby thinks that she should be left alone. Carmella realises that Marco is gone.

At number 28, Didge and Declan are still kissing on the sofa. Steve arrives home from the funeral and sees them, much to his horror. He says that he thought Didge was going out and that's why she couldn't come to the funeral, but she acme back for lunch. "And desert" too, Steve adds. He thinks things between Didge and Declan are going too fast, but she tells him to trust her. Declan says that they could probably take things a little bit slower, but she doesn't to, telling Steve that's her life and she likes the way it's going. She grabs Declan and leads him out, saying that she has to get back to work to pay the phone bill.

At number 24, Carmella tells Chloe that she missed her today and Rebecca offers to put her to bed. Alone, Carmella tries talking to Marco, telling him that he was always really lousy at goodbyes, but he doesn't appear to her. She continues talking to him, saying that she thought she was ready for him to leave, but she misses him. She says she wants to be with him again, for him to hold her and Oliver overhears her. He puts his arm around her trying to comfort her and kisses her head. In her upset state, Carmella mistakes him for Marco and begins to kiss him. He pulls away and Carmella is furious. He says sorry and leaves immediately. From the doorway, Rebecca has witnessed everything.

At number 32, Jay finishes lighting a bunch of candles, telling Steph that he needed romantic lighting to help him say what he has to say. He tells Steph that he is falling in love with her and they kiss.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Jane Hall as Rebecca Napier, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, James Sorensen as Declan Napier, Steve Bastoni as Steve Parker, Nikki Coghill as Miranda Parker, Eloise Mignon as Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter, Natalie Blair as Carmella Cammeniti, Sarah May as Chloe Cammeniti, Jesse Rosenfeld as Marco Silvani, David Hoflin as Oliver Barnes, Kym Valentine as Libby Kennedy, Carla Bonner as Stephanie Scully, Brett Tucker as Daniel 'Fitzy' Fitzgerald
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Charlie Clausen as Jay Duncan, Morgan Baker as Callum Jones, Erin McNaught as Sienna Cammeniti, Gary Down as Franco Silvani, Lise Rodgers as Patrizia Silvani, Serge Vercion as Uncle Gino
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of the 'Eastside Dingoes Football & Sporting Club' set
• The dress Carmella wears to Marco's funeral was the dress she wore on their anniversary. Marco claims that he fell in love with her when she wore it
• The passage Didge reads is 1 Corinthians 13 from the New International Version of the Bible
• The Fire Department has a 'Juvenile Fire Awareness and Intervention' programme
by Conor