Channel Ten: 31/07/08, Five: 22/10/08
Didge argues with Nicola in the hospital, publicly exposing her affair with Riley. Angus tells Rachel that he is getting out in a few days and that he isn't ashamed of his love for her. Paul tells Toadie that by paying Kirsten's hospital bills, he will make sure that Kirsten gets looked after. Toadie gives Ned the cheque and Mickey rejoices. Daniel accidentally knocks Steve down on the football field. Miranda admits that she was in love with another man when she married Steve.
At the hospital, Declan tries to stop Didge from going in to see her parents, thinking that she'll make things worse.

Inside the room, Steve recalls how he sent Miranda dozens of roses, she came to him and accepted his proposal and they planned their wedding, but the whole time she was in love with another man. She argues back that she has been faithful from that day on, but Steve thinks that she's made a fool of him. Didge enters and agrees with her father. Miranda tells her that she doesn't understand, but Didge protests that she does - Miranda is just like her sister and if someone has to leave, it should be her.
At number 28, Ringo tells Susan and Zeke about Steve's accident, but he doesn't understand why he was so worked-up. Susan tells him that he's a parent, so there's plenty to get worked-up about every day. Rachel arrives home with a shirt she bought for Angus and asks Susan if Angus' mum and dad can come to the dinner that they're organizing. Susan suggests that she give them some time to adjust and notes that there is the chance that his parents won't want to see her since she's the reason that their son went to jail. Rachel believes the past won't matters when they see how much they love each other.

At the prison, Angus tells Rachel that his family coming to dinner will never happen as his father changed his mind, not allowing Angus to come home and therefore, he isn't getting released. He won;t be allowed to leave without approved accommodation. Rachel promises that she will find somewhere else for him to live as she can't stand to be apart from him for another day.

At the hospital, Dan apologises to Steve for hurting him, but Steve admits that he was acting like maniac. As they leave, Dan asks him if everything is alright and if there is anything he can do. Steve tells him that he needs a place to stay for a while and that he appreciates Dan's help. Dan reassures him that his rocky patch with Miranda will only be temporary.
At number 26, Didge stares at her mother and leaves the house. Miranda begins to cry as she does the washing.

Dan offers Steve a beer. Didge arrives with a bag of her stuff, claiming that Steve has there she needed him, so she will be there for him. Steve tells her that she can't stay as it will make thing worse than they already are and says that Miranda is still her mum and loves her. Didge points out that she doesn't love her mum right now. He asks her to go home.
At number 24, Declan is comforting Didge, who fell and injured her leg after visiting Steve. Declan tells Rebecca that Didge wants to stay with them for a while, saying that she can stay in his room and that nothing will happen between them. Rebecca offers to tell Steve and Miranda, but Didge doesn't want her to as they don't need this right now. Declan promises Didge that he will look after her.

Outside, Declan joins the other horrified teens in the street as they stare at Harold's van, rocking back and forth. Harold emerges followed by Kate, who says that it's time for a break as what they were doing really took it out of her. Harold tells the kids that there were cleaning the van and quickly takes Kate away for tea. Didge phones Declan and he goes to see her. Rachel walks by and Zeke goes to talk to her, but she brushes him off. He angrily accuses her of not caring about anything else apart from Angus. Elle comes over and ask if it's true that Angus will be releases early. Rachel doesn't tell her and storms off. Donna notices that Rachel doesn't look happy and races home to check her stars, thinking that she may be next.

At number 28, Susan refuses to let Angus stay with them, despite Rachel begging her and walks away. Zeke stares at his sister.

At number 26, Mickey's invisible friend 'Jerry' has told him to pack his toy tiger. Mickey looks sad and Ned wonders why as he thought Mickey was excited about Perth. Mickey believes that Callum hates him. Ned suggests that he say sorry and see what happens. Lou reminds Mickey that he and Harold have been friends for years and he's lost track of the number of fights that they've had. He takes Mickey to check his bedroom and see if he missed anything. Ned apologises to Miranda if the trouble over the house has caused problems with her and Steve, but she adds that it's something more than that and that Steve has left her.
Harold plans his trip. Kate comes to him and he awkwardly asks her if she will join him on the road. She is delighted, but immediately annoys Harold as she takes over planning their itinerary. He stops her and tells her that what she is planning isn't his idea of the open road. She gets upset when he says that he doesn't want her to organise him. She turns down his offer, believing that she will get in his way.

Miranda and Ned say goodbye and she asks him to tell Steve to come home, Bridget too. As he leaves, Rebecca comes over and informs her that Bridget is staying with them. She offers that she will send her home if she wants, but Miranda thinks that there is no point forcing her. However she thinks that Bridget should go to Kirsten's farewell at the hospital.
Miranda walks over to Dan with a bag of Steve;s belonging that she forgot to give to Steve, asking him to give it to him. He tells her that Steve is out in the garden, so she could give it to him herself.

Steve tells Ned about what happened with Miranda. Ned tries to convince him that it doesn't matter as Miranda loves him and that he shouldn't throw all of that way. Miranda overhears their conversation. Ned tells him that it isn't that hard, he just has to get his ego out of the way, just like he did when he accepted Paul's money. He begs Steve to come to Kirsten's farewell and try to put the past behind them. Steve tells his brother that he doesn't want to see Miranda. She walks to him, placing his bag on the steps and tells him that Bridget is staying at Rebecca's, if he wants her and leaves.
Ned leaves number 36 and looks around Ramsay Street for the final time. He remembers the times he spent there, including his family's arrival, his relationships with Elle and Kirsten and Mickey. He begins to walk away.



At Erinsborough Hospital, Kirsten thanks Paul for his money and he states that she owes him absolutely nothing, before kissing her on the head and saying goodbye. Ned, Miranda, Lou and Mickey arrive, closely followed by Steve. Ned says a few words:
"You know, nothing matters more than friends and family. If you got those, I reckon you've got everything."


Steve promises Mickey that he'll help Miranda look after Jake Ned reminds his bother about what he just said about family and hugs him. Ned and Kirsten both say that they're ready and they, along with Mickey, leave together. Didge turns the corner in crutches, much to Miranda and Steve's surprise.
At number 28, Susan arrives home with an application for emergency accommodation for Rachel to fill in for Angus. Rachel doesn't think it's good enough, claiming that Angus can't live in a hostel. Susan tells her that it's a flat, but to take it or leave it. She asks her to think what Angus will feel like if Rachel is his carer, when he needs independence. She tells her t take things slow with Angus as she will need to find out if their relationship is real or a romantic fantasy.


Outside the prison, Rachel holds Angus' ring and Susan is there to support her. The gate opens up and Angus emerges. Rachel runs toward him and they kiss.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Jane Hall as Rebecca Napier, James Sorensen as Declan Napier, Steve Bastoni as Steve Parker, Nikki Coghill as Miranda Parker, Eloise Mignon as Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Daniel O'Connor as Ned Parker, Fletcher O'Leary as Mickey Gannon, Stefan Dennis as Paul Robinson, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Caitlin Stasey as Rachel Kinski, Matthew Werkmeister as Zeke Kinski, Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter, Brett Tucker as Daniel 'Fitzy' Fitzgerald, Sam Clark as Ringo Brown, Natalie Blair as Carmella Cammeniti
Guest Cast: Imogen Bailey as Nicola West, Morgan Baker as Callum Jones, Margot Robbie as Donna Freedman, Nikola Dubois as Kirsten Gannon, Jonathon Wood as Angus Henderson, Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Briony Behets as Kate Newton
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Daniel O'Connor as Ned Parker and Nikola Dubois as Kirsten Gannon
• Didge's accident was written in as a result of Eloise Mignon breaking her leg at her housewarming party
• Morgan Baker and Imogen Bailey are credited, but do not feature in this episode. Ian Smith is not credited, but does appear in this episode
by Conor