Channel Ten: 08/10/08, Five: 14/01/09
Kelly mistakes Toadie and Dan for a gay couple. Donna wants Carmella to help her throw a party for Elle. Nicola is arrested in the middle of Ramsay Street. At the police station, Nicola claims that she is Miranda Parker.
At the hospital, Steve moves his leg, but only Lou witnesses it. Didge's mobile rings: it's Nicola, but she wants to speak to Steve, saying that there's been a mix-up down at the police station. Realising who it is, Miranda grabs the phone from Didge. Nicola calls herself Miranda Parker and wants to speak to her daughter. Miranda angrily tells her never to call Didge again and hangs up. Detective Skinner takes the phone from Nicola, but she insists that her name is Miranda Parker, she lives in 26 Ramsay Street, Erinsborough and she has done nothing wrong.

At the gym, Donna tells Elle about Ty, but she is more concerned with staring at Lucas. He comes over to them and they discuss their 'date' later, even though Elle is adamant that she is only repaying a favour. When she goes into the changing room, Donna tells Lucas that he has to cancel because it clashes with Elle's surprise party.

Libby tells Susan and Carmella about having to come home early from her holiday. Donna interrupts and invites them all to Elle's party. Obviously not excited, they still agree to go, but Steph notes that Libby is feeling sick, so may not be able to go. Donna leaves and Steph jokingly fakes illness. Carmella and Susan convince her to come, pointing out that Elle has changed.
Elle gets ready for her date, dancing around the room and talking to the cat. Paul comes in quietly and surprises her, saying that she's spending too much time with the cat and thinks it stares at him disapprovingly. He gets Elle to admit that she's meeting up with Lucas, but she says it isn't a date. He tells her that she looks gorgeous and that he hopes Lucas is worth it, as does Elle.

Doctor Levi tells Miranda to remain calm and non-confrontational as he lets her in to visit Nicola, who doesn't recognise her. Miranda tells her to stop playing games, but she continues, saying that she has tried to call her husband, but he hasn't answered any of her phonecalls. Miranda orders her to stop, stating that there are no doctors or police in the room, so she can be honest. Nicola begs for her sister's help, but Miranda still tries to get her to say her real name. Nicola starts becoming confused and upset and Miranda says that whatever is wrong with her, it won't change anything: she doesn't want Nicola anywhere near her family again. Nicola starts crying and calls for the nurse, saying that Miranda is crazy and trying to confuse her.

At the gym, Kelly has been helping Lou at the kids' training session. Mickey and Callum start fighting because Callum is convinced that Nicola is a witch and she poisoned Steve with a potion. Kelly tries to get him to apologise, saying that its not true, but Lou coughs, hinting that there may be truth to Callum's story. Lou send them to the car and threatens that if they keep fighting, they won't get ice-cream on the way home. Kelly asks Lou to tell her about Nicola and Lou says that it's a long and sordid story.
Lou tells Toadie about the fight between Callum and Mickey. Toadie tries to talk to Callum about it, but he says that they've sorted it out: he said he was sorry and gave him half of his chocolate bar. Toadie says that he knows that Callum is upset over the situation with Nicola. Callum disagrees, saying that Mickey was upset and that he's glad she got to Steve before them, but either way, Steve didn't deserve it. Toadie tries to make Callum see that Nicola wouldn't hurt him because she loved him, but Callum points out that she loved Steve too. Toadie thinks that Nicola is good person, but she got confused - like the time Callum used Toadie’s shirt for an art smock. He also thinks that Callum has a right to feel hurt by what Nicola did and explains that sometimes good people do bad things. Callum understands and wants to play a videogame with Toadie.

Callum goes to number 26 to drop Bronte off and finds Didge throwing out food in case Nicola has contaminated them as well. Didge isn't interested in keeping the dog until Callum says she'll have to go the pound, just like his dog did when his mum got in trouble. Didge calms down and says that they'll keep Bronte. Callum leaves and Didge starts petting the dog, saying that it's not her fault that Nicola behaved as she did.

Later, Didge has joined Miranda at the hospital. Doctor Levi has completed his assessment on Nicola and diagnoses her with extreme paranoia exacerbated by trauma - she's completely delusional and needs full-time psychiatric care. He doesn't know if she will ever be able to go to court, but will be transferred to another facility and reassessed after treatment. Didge comforts her mum, saying that Nicola won't be able to hurt anyone again. They look at Nicola through the window, then go, as Nicola sits rocking back and forth.
At Charlie's, Elle waits for Lucas. At the bar, Libby tells Steph that she's still feeling a bit rough and Steph jokes that they don't want to take any risks with her health. Elle gets a message from Lucas, who cancels their date. She starts to get upset and leaves, noticing Libby and Steph staring. They begin to feel guilty and with Libby's 'symptoms' clearing up, they try to get to the party before Elle does.


Libby and Steph arrive at the party. Donna sees Elle coming and tells everyone to hide. Elle walks in, in the middle of leaving Lucas a voicemail, sarcastically wishing that he and Libby will be very happy together. As she finishes, Donna yells 'surprise' and Elle notices Libby hiding behind the sofa.

Elle is angry with Donna for organising the party. Donna tries to make her have a good time but to no avail. Elle accuses her of paying half the guests to come and says that she is unbelievable. Libby laughs and Elle asks if she has something to say - she doesn't. Elle then notes that would be a first, which angers Libby and she criticises Elle for being angry with Donna, when she is the only one at the party who actually likes her. Elle thinks the only reason Libby came is so she could run into Lucas. As the girls continue to fight, Lucas enters, just in time to hear Elle say that he was Libby's back-up plan if things didn't work out with Dan. Steph takes Libby away from her and Elle feels humiliated in front of Lucas.


Carmella is talking to Elle, who is happy because everyone seems to have stopped staring at her. Meanwhile, Lucas is looking at Libby, who now feels like she can't leave as he will think that Elle was right about her. Paul comforts Donna, who believes that Elle hates her. Paul assures her that Elle will forgive her: she's one of Elle's 'inner circle' and she likes her.

At the hospital, Didge tells Steve that seeing him like this has made her rethink her future career and she wants to be a doctor. Lou and Miranda come back in and Lou is still sure that he saw Steve move earlier. Much to everyone's joy, Steve begins to wake up.

Toadie and Callum are messing around at number 30. To Callum's surprise, Kelly arrives and Toadie sends him to his room. Kelly understands that Toadie and Dan aren't Callum's legal guardians and Toadie explains that his grandmother isn't well enough to look after him. Kelly explains that Callum's been very unsettled at school and with all this drama with Nicola, she is concerned about his ongoing care. She says that she is legally obliged to report her concerns to Human Services. Toadie knows that there is a real possibility that Callum will be taken away from him and unbeknownst to them, Callum has overheard their conversation.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Steve Parker, Miranda Parker, Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Stephanie Scully, Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson, Libby Kennedy, Susan Kinski, Carmella Cammeniti, Lou Carpenter, Jarrod 'Toadie' Rebecchi
Guest Cast: Imogen Bailey as Nicola West, Morgan Baker as Callum Jones, Scott Major as Lucas Fitzgerald, Margot Robbie as Donna Freedman, Katrina Milosevic as Kelly Katsis, Roger Neave as Dr Jeremy Levi, Kevin Summers as Det. Alec Skinner
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Nicola West, played by Imogen Bailey
• Libby returns from Bali early because of school commitments
• Callum has a videogame called 'Death Dragon'
• Nicola is diagnosed with extreme paranoia exacerbated by trauma from the accident
• Lucas' text message reads: 'Can't make it. Sorry, raincheck? L x x'
by Conor