Channel Ten: 12/12/08, Five: 20/03/09
Toadie officially asks Callum to move in, and tells him he'll become his legal guardian. Kelly tells Toadie that Callum might need glasses. Donna angrily tells someone who's calling her to leave her alone. Declan promises Steve and Miranda that he'll take care of Didge during the rafting trip. Susan hugs a moody Zeke goodbye. Rachel asks Zeke why he's being so horrible to everyone. Zeke choosing Justin and Kyle over his old mates. Andrew announcing that a rafting race will take place to settle Declan and Kyle's differences...
The Erinsborough teens are at the water’s edge, about to embark on a white-water rafting challenge, and Donna in the distance is still being bugged by a mysterious phone caller; Ringo overhears and asks why she is getting so much attention from them. But she quickly reassures him that it’s nothing to worry about, and compliments him on how rather fetching his wetsuit is!


At the water’s edge, Principal Andrew Simpson is running over the details of the expedition, and who is on each team. Libby is unsure whether the whole thing is going to be that safe, particularly with serial school bully Justin and his mates being part of it. Declan is suspicious of the new friendship between Zeke and Kyle, and demands that Bridget stay with his team, particularly with a baby Parker on the way. However, Bridget refuses, and asks to join the other team, with Justin, Kyle and Zeke, leaving Declan upset.

At number 30, Callum is trying anything he possibly can to avoid Toadie and Kelly making him wear his new glasses, under the impression he’s going to look like a dork. After Toadie fails to calm him down with his quick-witted humour, Callum storms off wearing his eye patch, disgruntled, as Steve and Mickey come in. Callum and Mickey insist on playing laser tag, but Toadie tells him that unless he gets used to the glasses, he’s not going anywhere.
Over at Harold’s, Elle is busy serving drinks, with Harold desperately trying to lend a hand, as he tries to make up for the scene he made on Christmas Day. Two youngsters, Simon and Tegan, are sitting at a table. Having just arrived in Erinsborough, Tegan is less than impressed with the state of things, and calls Elle over to get a new latte, when she already has one, which she complains is cold. Elle sees through her games, and asks her to pay for one, or just leave, which prompts Tegan to call Elle a ‘fish-faced skank’ as she walks away. Horrified at Tegan’s behaviour, Elle orders her and Simon to get out.


At number 30, Callum is still on course for the longest ever tantrum, as he’s doing all he can to stop those glasses getting anywhere near him, and sends them flying across the room. Toadie warns Callum that, if Human Services ever find out his welfare is being neglected, that he could be taken away for good. Callum just ignores Toadie and storms out.
As the teens get kitted out for their rafting expedition, Donna is bugged again by the phone caller, leaving Ringo still wary of what’s going on, fearing that she’s cheating on him. Bridget is still griping about what team she wants to be on, and in the end, much to Declan’s annoyance, Bridget goes with Zeke and Justin’s friends. Everyone sets off down the river with Libby and Andrew recording each team’s rowing efforts on camera. Declan urges his team to put some muscle into their rowing, to catch up with the other team.

In the other team’s raft, Zeke is mocking the other team’s efforts, as he knows why the others are struggling so hard to catch up; Justin and his mates tied a bucket to their raft, to slow them down. As Kyle realises Declan spotted the sabotage, he tells Zeke and Justin about ‘plan B’ – block the other boat from going any further, knocking Declan, Donna and Ringo in the water.

Back at number 30, Toadie and Kelly get a call from Human Services, informing them that a social worker is coming round to discuss Callum’s welfare. However, as Toadie goes to tell Callum what’s happening, he realises the young boy’s disappeared.
At number 26, Kelly asks Steve if Mickey and Callum might have gone fishing together - Steve starts making calls.
Over at number 22, Elle is greeted again by Simon and Tegan, and as Tegan gives Elle more grief, Elle learns that they are Donna’s siblings, and Tegan asks if they can stay.

At number 30, Harold has tried calling the Kennedys, but they haven't seen the boys. Toadie starts to get really worried, as Steve and Harold leave to search down at the allotments. As Toadie continues to worry, Kelly tries to reassure him, then there's a knock at the door...


Meanwhile, along the river, Libby and Andrew warn the teens about the upcoming rapids, and they halt the race, instructing each team to approach the rapids separately, for their safety. But, with ‘plan B’ in mind, Justin and Kyle get ready to tip the other raft in the water. Bridget overhears, and asks what’s going on, and Zeke is also unsure.
At number 30, Callum’s social worker, Roz Challis, has arrived and is left waiting for his return, leaving Toadie to use his jokes to pass the time, but she is clearly unimpressed.
As they wait for the boys’ return, Callum and Mickey are fishing on a river bank, both talking about the pros and cons of wearing glasses.
At number 30, Toadie eventually lets slip that Callum isn’t at the library, and he in fact ran away because of his refusal to wear glasses.
At the river bank, Callum realises that he could get some cool glasses, and running away isn’t the answer, and runs off home, as Mickey goes after him.
Yet, when he gets back, Roz has already left and Toadie sits looking very glum. Callum suspects the worst - he might get re-homed.







Just before the teens embrace the rapids, Justin and Kyle put their plan into action, and they get he boa to turn round the opposite way, to go towards the other team. Then, as the rapids begin to take control of the boats, the other team panic and desperately try to get out of the way, but it’s too late, and the sheer force of the rapids capsizes Libby’s boat. That ‘plan’ backfired, and Libby, Zeke and Bridget are left trapped under the boat because of the string current, as Justin and Kyle manage to escape.

With everyone frantically trying to get back on dry land, Declan realises Bridget is missing and calls out her name, but with no luck. Declan grabs Justin and Kyle, demanding to know where Bridget is, but they just fall to the ground in a daze, and as the others scream out for Libby and Zeke, Declan is filled with dread, with the fact that he may never see Bridget again.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Steve Parker, Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Libby Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Declan Napier, Jarrod 'Toadie' Rebecchi, Elle Robinson, Callum Jones
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Peter Flannigan as Andrew Simpson, Katrina Milosevic as Kelly Katsis, Christopher Milligan as Kyle Canning, Chris Toohey as Justin Hunter, Mauricio Merino Jr as Simon Freedman, Chelsea Jones as Tegan Freedman, Janet Watson Kruse as Roz Challis, Jade Amantea as Schoolboy, Tom Coltrane as Guide 1, Siros Niaros as Guide 2
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Michala Banas as Libby Kennedy
• Mauricio Merino Jr and Chelsea Jones begin a 12-week stint as Simon and Tegan Freedman, having won the roles through Dolly magazine's Neighbours' Next Big Stars competition
• Janet Watson Kruse appears in her third guest role, having previously played Ruth Cato earlier in 2008 and Molly Wright in 2006
by Matt