Channel Ten: 09/06/09, Five: 11/08/09
Paul calls Rebecca, telling her that he is leaving the country at one o’clock. Declan takes the name of the airfield Paul is leaving from out of Rebecca’s handbag, secretly. Bridget and Declan talk to a man at the airfield and are told that Paul has just flown out. Bridget expresses to Donna her view that marriage is a “patriarchal, women as possessions thing”, and says she never wanted to get married. Steve passionately kisses Miranda at the vet’s. Bridget and Declan set off for help after their car breaks down. Zeke, Ringo, Donna and Sunny set off in Toadie’s car to help their friends. Bridget and Declan ask a woman in a church if she has a phone they could use. The church organist talks to Bridget about marriage. Bridget asks Declan to marry her, here and now.
Bridget and Declan stand outside the church and discuss Bridget’s proposal. Declan is unsure, saying it’s been a bad day and Bridget suggests that this will cheer them up, but Declan says that’s no reason to get married. Bridget says she wants to do this, because it feels like the right thing to do now. Declan, concerned that Bridget is making it too easy, asks if he should have just brought her here a month ago, but she replies that it wasn’t right then. He watches her thoughtfully.

Steve and Miranda enter Charlie’s cheerfully, joking with each other. They are on their ‘first date’, though Miranda teases him that he has vouchers off at Charlie’s and it’s half price Tuesday at the cinema. They sit down and she complements him on his nicely ironed shirt, which he is proud to have done himself. Just then, a harassed looking Rebecca approaches them, asking if they have seen Bridget and Declan. She says that they drove off “to see a mate” hours ago, but she can’t get in touch with them and the Kennedys don’t know where the other teens are either. Miranda and Steve look at each other as they realise their date has just come to an end.


The teens pull up outside the church and Bridget and Declan meet them. In response to Donna casually asking “What’s new, guys?”, Bridget tells them that they’re getting married, provoking gasps and shocked looks from their friends. Donna begins to get very excited and the teens congratulate the couple happily. As the others continue to chat excitedly, Zeke pulls Sunny aside and asks if she’s mad at him, but she says, honestly, that she isn’t. As they rejoin the group, Donna enters wedding planner mode. She learns that Molly, the organist, has gone to fetch the priest, but that is all that has been arranged so far. Bridget stresses that she wants a no-fuss wedding, which Donna says she understands, then pulls Bridget away, exclaiming that they have so much work to do. As the others follow, Donna stops them and says it’s women only, but beckons Sunny after her. The boys stay back, joking that Zeke should follow too.
Steve, Miranda and Rebecca anxiously enter Harold’s Store. They see Toadie and ask if he knows where their kids are. He tells them about Declan’s car breaking down near Charlton and that he leant his car to the others to go and help him. Rebecca searches in her bag, recognising the place name, and realises that Declan took the note and went to find Paul at the airfield. She tells Miranda and Steve this, and they are shocked to learn that she has spoken to Paul. Toadie overhears and watches Rebecca carefully to make sure she doesn’t say anything she shouldn’t. There’s a brief debate about why Declan went and whether or not he “dragged” Bridget along, before Miranda decides they have to go and find them, because she doesn’t like the idea of Bridget being out there without a phone. The four of them leave the store.

Back at the church, Donna and Sunny are picking flowers in the garden whilst Bridget watches, sitting on a low wall. Donna talks about bouquets and confetti and suggests putting flowers in Bridget’s hair. Bridget again stresses that she doesn’t want any fuss, and Donna says she totally understands – the natural look. But that’s going to take a lot of make up... Donna continues to get excited, waxing lyrical about how romantic it is. When she turns to Sunny for agreement, Sunny merely replies “Yeah” and continues picking flowers.
At the front of the church, the guys are just sitting around. Zeke asks Declan what he’s wearing. Declan looks at what he has on and replies. After a pause, he lifts his arm, and declares that it smells all right. The other boys shrug their acceptance of his attire.
Meanwhile, back in the church garden, Donna is ticking items off her to-do list. She reaches rings and asks if the other two have any ideas, which they don’t. Then Donna remembers her friendship ring, and offers to lend it to Bridget, and Ringo will lend his to Declan. As she hands it over, it strikes Donna that this will be their “something borrowed”.
The boys are still sitting at the front of the church, and Ringo asks if they should be doing something. After a moment’s consideration, Declan suggests that as they are his best men, they should organise him a buck’s night. Ringo and Zeke consider it for a short second, then continue to do nothing.

Back in the garden, Donna has reached bridesmaids on her list. Not so subtly, she says she will need a decision from Bridget about whether she wants them or not. Smiling, Bridget asks Donna if she would like to be her bridesmaid, an offer which Donna happily accepts. Bridget asks Sunny as well, but Sunny turns her down. She says that she doesn’t think it’s right to have a wedding without their parents being there. Donna defends the decision, saying that their parents do approve of them getting married. Bridget, however, looks away, her face falling, as she only just realises what she is doing to her parents. They are interrupted by the arrival of Molly, the organist, with a huge pile of clothes from the church op-shop. Donna hurries to help her whilst Sunny sits with Bridget and apologises, but Bridget says it’s okay. Sunny asks if she think her parents will mind and Bridget says no, they’ll be “cool”, but she doesn’t look convinced.
Later, Bridget and Declan are sitting in the church with the friendly priest, Rev. Archie Draper. He asks them if their parents know what they are doing. As though surprised at his own answer, Declan says no, smiling. The priest looks concerned, and Declan goes on to explain that they were going to get married a month ago, at which time their parents fully supported them. Rev. Draper asks why they don’t want them here now, in that case. Bridget and Declan says that it’s not that they don’t want them, it’s just that they didn’t plan this and their parents would make such a big deal out of it. Rev. Draper jumps in, pointing out that marriage is a big deal. They tell him that they know that – they just mean that their parents would go over the top, where as they want it to be about them, not a big party. Rev. Draper stresses that is a big commitment. Bridget points out that they are going to be parents themselves soon, which the priest, looking at her bump, is clearly aware of. Declan says that he loves Bridget, and he loves her, and no matter whether Rev. Draper marries them that day or not, they are going to be together “Absolutely/Forever/Always”. With a smile, Rev. Draper agrees to marry them. He says he needs to see their license, which Declan reveals he has been carrying around in his wallet ever since they got engaged. As they laugh about the luckiness of this, Declan searches his pockets, before turning to Bridget and asking if she has his wallet – it’s missing.

Back at no. 26, Steve, Miranda, Rebecca and Toadie are at the kitchen table, pouring over a map. They find Charlton and are dismayed to realise it is a long way away and in the middle of nowhere. Steve and Miranda hurry to get their keys and bag, leaving Rebecca and Toadie alone as Rebecca folds the map away. Rebecca is fretting about something happening to Bridget, but Toadie says he’s sure she’ll be fine. Rebecca says he can’t know that and Toadie retorts that if she wants to blame someone, she should blame Paul. She exclaims that it’s not Paul’s fault they went to look for him, to which Toadie says if he hadn’t run away they couldn’t have gone to look for him. Rebecca is struggling with the map and gets annoyed at it, so Toadie takes it from her and folds it up, proving that he is still friendly. He tells her to make sure she doesn’t tell anyone that Paul came back to Ramsay Street and Rebecca replies of course. Steve and Miranda return and the three parents hurry out.
Declan, Ringo and Zeke are on a deserted country road, searching Declan’s car for his wallet, which Declan insists he had with him when he came out. Zeke asks if he stopped anywhere on the way. Declan says they only stopped at the airport, to Zeke and Ringo’s surprise. They ask what he was doing at an airport and, after a pause in which he considers what to say, Declan tells them the truth – that he and Bridget were trying to stop Paul leaving the country. They are shocked, and ask if he saw him. Declan says that Paul left before they arrived. He tries to explain that he was doing it for his mum. He then jumps into another question, asking them if they think Rebecca will mind that he and Bridget are getting married without her. Zeke reassures him, saying that Rebecca will just be happy that they are getting married at all. Declan agrees, but says that after everything they have been through, he thinks she’d like to be around for something good. But before he can dwell any further on the issue, Ringo discovers the wallet down the side of a seat.

Back in the garden, the girls are searching through the clothes. Donna finds a blue dress that she holds up against Bridget, meaning that, as it is also old, they just need something new. Bridget doesn’t reply but instead sits down and says that maybe what they are doing is wrong and their parents should be there. Donna says that the bride cannot be negative and blames Sunny, who she declares has been anything but a ray of sunshine, suggesting that she should have been named Stormy. Sunny says that all she did was suggest that their parents should be involved, causing Donna to rant that Sunny stresses about everything to do with parents. She says it was a miracle that Sunny told them about Zeke, but there’s no way that she’ll tell them about helping her heavily pregnant friend to get married in secret. Sunny acknowledges this with a glum look, and admits that she hasn’t even told them about Zeke – she lied to him. They admonish her and she tries to explain that her parents wouldn’t want her to be with an Australian boy, especially not one from her host family. Bridget insists that she tell Zeke the truth.
Steve, Miranda and Rebecca are at the airport. Steve comes out of the building and announces that Bridget and Declan were there three or four hours ago, and Paul has been there too. Rebecca decides their plan of action. She says that if Declan’s car has broken down, which, she says, has happened many times before, then they have to be stuck on one of the three roads that lead in, one of which they have already been down. As they prepare to set off, Miranda says she just hopes that they haven’t done anything stupid. As Miranda and Steve get into the car, Rebecca lingers for a second, as though she had almost been hoping that Paul would still be there.

In the garden, Donna is putting the finishing touches to Bridget’s hair, whilst Sunny picks more flowers. Donna and Sunny have both changed into dresses from the op-shop whilst Bridget has wrapped a gown around herself to hide her dress. Donna declares that she knew Bridget would be okay once they found her a dress and says that even Sunny has joined the party. She gives Bridget a hand mirror so that she can see her hair. Bridget says it’s amazing, and thanks Donna for all she has done, telling her she could have done it without her. Sunny comes over and says Bridget looks beautiful – except for the bandage on her wrist. Donna agrees, saying it has to go, and then immediately begins to run through a checklist. They have the borrowed rings, the old/vintage dress, freshly picked flowers and – nothing blue. Donna begins to panic and Bridget asks if it really matters. Donna insists it does as they have to complete the rhyme. Sunny produces a piece of blue netting, which Donna immediately snatches and uses to tie Bridget’s bouquet.
They all jump when Zeke approaches, worried that it is Declan. Zeke, who is now dressed in an old shirt and suit jacket, has come to collect the corsages. Donna tells him that Sunny will sort him out, mouthing for Sunny to tell him the truth. Zeke tells Sunny that she looks gorgeous, which she denies. He asks if something is wrong but Sunny is unable to tell him her lie and just hands him the corsages, kissing him on the cheek before he hurries off.
Molly approaches and asks if they are ready. Donna jumps and claps her hands excitedly, saying soon Bridget will be Declan Napier’s wife. Bridget, grinning happily too, adds that he will be Bridget Parker’s wife.

The three guys are waiting in the church, Declan fussing with his open collar shirt. He asks if it’s all right. Zeke approves and jokes that he’d marry Declan himself. The door opens a crack and Donna sticks her head through, signalling to Molly that it’s time to begin to play.



As Molly plays a feisty tune on the organ, Donna and Sunny walk up the aisle, and the two guys smile at their two girls.
Then, Bridget enters, barefoot and dressed in an above-the-knee, lacy, off-white dress. She reaches the altar and she and Declan face each other, ready.
The wedding ceremony begins and Bridget and Declan give their vows.
Bridget - “When we first met, I never dreamt we’d end up here. I thought we’d end up in jail. But then you kissed me. I promise to always put us before me, to share everything. And I promise not to be too cranky, at least most of the time.”
Declan - “When you dropped my abseiling rope is when I fell for you. We are so much better together than we are apart. You make me a better man, and you’ll also help me be a great dad to Tadpole.”
Bridget - “And you’ll help me be a better mum.” (To Tadpole) “And we’ll always love you. Even if you steal cars with the girl next door.”
They exchange rings and Rev. Draper pronounces them husband and wife. With grins all round and a hopelessly soppy look from Donna, they kiss. Bridget jumps – Tadpole’s kicking to say congratulations.



Outside, the bridesmaids and groomsmen through flower petals as Bridget and Declan exit the church. They all pose for photographs taken by Molly. Sunny says that they ought to have a honeymoon and Ringo suggests the Winter Cool music festival, which Donna dismisses out of hand, telling him that women do not want to spend days camping on the ground for their honeymoon, although Ringo says that Bridget has always wanted to go. Declan and Bridget overhear their friends conversation and Bridget exclaims that she would love to go, to Donna’s horror. Declan says it’s within their budget and agrees.


But the day is not set to end happily. Bridget is about to throw her bouquet, with instructions from Donna to remember who organised everything, when Miranda, Steve and Rebecca pull up and are horrified to discover what has taken place without them. The others notice just before Bridget, who throws the flowers that land at Donna’s feet. Bridget looks round and is aghast to see the new arrivals.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Bridget Parker, Declan Napier, Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Sunny Lee, Zeke Kinski, Miranda Parker, Steve Parker, Rebecca Napier, Toadie Rebecchi
Guest Cast: Susan Turner as Molly Keogh, Gregory Ross as Reverend Archie Draper
Trivia Notes
• Gregory Ross previously appeared in 1990 as Roger Walsh, an older boyfriend of Melanie Pearson, and in 1999 as a DJ, George Caruana
• In their vows, Bridget and Declan refer to their joyriding from soon after they first met, and the time when Bridget accidently let Declan fall from a height whilst abseiling indoors, in 2007
• Rebecca references the fact that Declan’s expensive car has broken down on a number of occasions
• Zeke says that Rachel will be grumpy that she has missed the wedding
• The song that plays as Donna, Sunny and Bridget enter the church is Alone With You by the Australian band The Superjesus
by Sian