Channel Ten: 11/06/10, Five: 30/07/10
Harry says that he can't trust anybody but Andrew says that he can trust him. Kate tells Harry that he should go to Sydney. Steph tells Toadie that if it's meant to be with Sonya, she'll still be there in six months. Toadie tells Steph that Sonya has moved to Perth. Lucas tells Toadie to let her go. Sonya says goodbye to Toadie. Steph watches as he smashes up the living room.
At Number 30, Steph gets up to find Toadie asleep on the sofa and wakes him up. Toadie explains that he couldn't sleep so he watched a Meg Ryan marathon on the television and the last thing he remembers is the delicatessen scene. Noticing the broken remote control, Toadie tells Steph that he had an accident with it, but she says that they don't hold up to being thrown around the room, revealing that she saw how upset he was. Toadie tells her that he's fine, but she reminds him that they agreed to be honest. Toadie tells her that everything will settle down once Sonya has gone, the main thing is that the plan is working and they'll be married by that time tomorrow, assuring her that they'll get through it.

Outside of Harold's Store, Steph is sitting at a table as Lyn arrives having been shopping for some last minute bits for the Hens night. Steph reminds her that she doesn't want a fuss, but seeing that something is wrong, Lyn asks what's happened. Steph says that it's nothing, before explaining that Sonya is leaving town and it seems that Toadie is still in contact with her. Lyn tells her that with the Hens party that day and the Wedding tomorrow, Sonya leaving town probably makes things easier for everyone, but Steph says that it doesn't as Toadie is devastated. Lyn reminds her that Toadie has made his decision, as has she and they have to remember why they are going through with all of this. Steph sighs, realising that her Mum is talking sense.

At Number 24, Harry and Sophie answer the door to Andrew who has received a message from Harry. As Sophie heads off towards the bedrooms, Harry tells him that something has come up. Noticing the case on the table, Andrew asks if they're going on holiday, but Harry explains that he is going to Sydney, for good. Heading to the kitchen in disbelief, Andrew helps himself to a drink from the fridge as Harry explains about the basketball scholarship and shows him the letter. Andrew asks if Kate is really going to let him go and tells him that he can barely cut it in Erinsborough, so has no chance of surviving in Sydney. Harry sarcastically thanks him for his support, but Andrew continues trying to convince him not to go until Kate returns home and asks what's going on. Andrew tells her that he was just leaving whilst Harry storms off to his room.


Next door at Number 26, Susan, Libby and Summer yell out surprise as Lyn returns home with Steph for the Gypsy-themed Hen party. Steph says that she told them not to go to any trouble, but Libby tells her that she deserves to be spoilt, but first they have to turn her into a Gypsy Queen.
At Number 30, a heartbroken Toadie is ironing his shirt for the wedding.
Back at Number 26, the girls are busy transforming Steph and Libby comments that she has really popped in the last week. As Steph and Lyn look uncomfortably at each other, Lyn tells her that she looks beautiful and whispers for her to try to relax and not think about it before Summer leads her into the lounge.
Over at Number 30, Toadie finishes polishing his shoes and considers calling Sonya before turning his phone off and taking Rocky for a walk.

On the driveway at Number 24, Kate asks Lou if he knows where to take Harry. Lou reminds her that she printed out the map for him and assures her that he'll hang around as long as Harry needs him. Kate says that she is so glad that he can drive Harry up to Sydney, but Lou tells her that it's his pleasure and says that he'll be playing Morecambe and Wise on the way to Sydney, showing her a CD before heading off the get the car ready. Noticing Harry on sitting on the front lawn, Kate asks if he has finished packing, he says that he hasn't, so she tells him to get a move on as Lou wants to reach Albury before dark. Harry wonders if he's making a mistake, but Kate reminds him that he's got an amazing opportunity, however he worries that he'll go up to Sydney and everything will turn pear-shaped. Asking what's changed as he was so excited about leaving, Kate looks towards Number 22 and realises that Andrew has said something. Harry says that he doesn't want to go, Kate thinks he's crazy as it's his dream, but he asks her when that has ever worked out. Kate tells him that things like that work out all the time, and asks why the same shouldn't apply to him. Harry tells her that it won't because nothing good ever happens to them before getting up and heading back towards the house.

At Number 26, Summer is doing a tarot reading for Susan, but can't work out what the card means from the instructions she has. Susan jokes that her destiny has gone missing, but Summer says that they can probably work it out themselves, commenting that the card looks like it's about the World, so maybe it's telling them about travel. Libby suggests that Karl is going to take her on an exotic holiday, which they all quickly laugh off, before moving onto Steph's reading. Turning her cards over one by one, Steph reveals The Hanged Man, which means that someone has or is about to make a life changing sacrifice, then Justice, which means that an action must be taken to right a wrong and finally, The Tower, which means that there is going to be some kind of cataclysmic upheaval, a whole life crumbling down. As Steph quickly relates them to the cover up of her pregnancy, Lyn quickly writes the reading off and tells Summer to put the cards away.


Outside of Sonya's house, she is loading her belongings into the car as Steph pulls up and races over to her. As Sonya asks what she's doing there, Steph explains that she came to ask her to stay as Toadie still loves her before blurting out that the wedding is a sham and that is why she needs to stay.
At the Lassiter's Complex, Steph and Sonya are sat on a bench talking. Steph tells Sonya that she didn't know how Toadie felt about her when everything happened, explaining that she got pregnant and Toadie insisted on standing by her, telling Sonya that he is in love with her. Sonya says that he still slept with Steph, but Steph insists that Toadie has never betrayed her and tells her that there is a lot more to the situation which she needs to let her explain, stopping as Libby approaches and asks what's going on as she thought that Steph was only going out for some fresh air. Steph tells her that she wanted to see Sonya before she left town and invites her back to the Hens party, which Libby doesn't think is a good idea. Steph tells her that it's fine and implies to Sonya that she needs to hear what she has to say. Agreeing, Sonya goes off to make a phonecall as Libby asks Steph what is going on, wondering if it's because of the tarot cards. Steph explains that she doesn't want Sonya to leave with things the way they are. As Sonya returns, they all head back to the party, with Steph promising Sonya that she won't regret her decision.


In the lounge at Number 26, the girls are sitting on the floor making a wedding dress out of toilet paper, with the exception of Sonya who is sitting uncomfortably on the sofa. Wanting to know what is going on, Lyn decides to clear away some of the plates, heading into the kitchen, swiftly followed by Steph. Lyn asks what she's trying to accomplish with Sonya as she could ruin everything, but before she can answer, Sonya runs in and says that she's going to leave. Pleading with Sonya to stay, Steph asks Lyn to give them some space before telling a stunned Sonya that Toadie isn't the father of her baby, someone else is. As Sonya asks what is going on, Summer interrupts and drags Steph back into the lounge.

At Lassiter's Lake, Andrew and Natasha are talking about Harry. Andrew explains that Harry is lucky to have him as a mate, which nearby Kate overhears, telling him that Harry is talking about not taking the scholarship and that she thinks that is down to him. As Natasha makes a quick departure, Andrew asks Kate what's going to happen when everything goes wrong for Harry in Sydney. Kate tells him that Harry is the best friend that he'll ever have and that he used him, before warning him to stay away from Harry, or he'll have her to deal with.
At Number 24, Kate tries to convince Harry, who is unpacking his case, to ignore what Andrew said and asks if he remembers when she chickened out of the dance audition and he made her go through with it. Harry says that was different, but Kate tells him it isn't and that he was wrong when he said that nothing good happens to their family and that she would back him over anyone else, any day, as he has come through so much, he just has to take the first step and the rest will happen.

Later outside of Number 24, Lou and Harry are packing up the car as Summer arrives to say goodbye, apologising for everything that went on with Andrew and Chris. As Andrew appears on the driveway of Number 22, Kate tries to rush Harry along, but he heads over to say goodbye to his cousin. Andrew tells him that he can't believe he's still going and tells Harry not to expect him to bail him out when it all goes wrong. Harry says that he won't, but he'd still like him to visit and holds out his hand for Andrew to shake. Andrew tells him that he's making a big mistake, but Harry points out that he'll be making a bigger one if he doesn't shake his hand. As he doesn't, Harry heads back to the car, whilst Andrew storms back into the house. Kate and Sophie tell Harry not to let Andrew get to him, before giving him hugs. Harry tells Sophie that she can have his bedroom if she wants, but she says that it's his room and they'll keep it for him. As Lou hurries him along, Kate tells Harry that she loves him as he gets into the car. Harry tells her that he loves her too, waving as Lou pulls away.



That evening, at Number 26, Libby calls for order as she wants to say something about Steph, who is wearing the toilet paper wedding dress and a veil. Thanking them all for coming, Libby says how happy she is that her two best friends are marrying each other and thanks Steph for everything she's done as she wouldn't have got through her breakup from Dan without her. As they hug, Sonya looks on and begins to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Later, Steph sees Libby out. Libby asks if she'll be ok with Sonya, to which Steph says that she will, before they hug and say that they love each other. Saying goodbye to Sonya, Libby leaves with Steph watching her go before turning around to speak to Sonya. As she does, Sonya stands and asks if the baby is Dan's, explaining that all afternoon she'd been wondering why Toadie would marry Steph if the baby wasn't his and he didn't love her, but seeing her with Libby she realised, as it's the only thing that makes sense as Toadie would do anything for Steph. As Sonya asks again if the baby is Dan's, Steph answers yes.



At Number 30, Steph and Sonya wait for Toadie, but Sonya wants to leave, saying that what she and Toadie had has gone. Steph says that it isn't as she loves Toadie and he loves her, but Sonya points out that Toadie chose her and heads towards the door. Pleading for Sonya to stay, Steph explains that everything is worked out and that six months after the baby is born, she and Toadie will separate and asks Sonya to wait until then, saying that she and Toadie can still see each other as long as they're careful, but Sonya refuses, saying that what they're doing is wrong and she doesn't want anything to do with her or Toadie ever again before storming out.
Featured Regular Characters: Toadfish Rebecchi, Stephanie Scully, Lyn Scully, Harry Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Andrew Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Libby Kennedy, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Natasha Williams
Guest Cast: Eve Morey as Sonya Mitchell
Trivia Notes
• Toadie describes having watched When Harry Met Sally the night before
• The song played over the beginning over the Hens party is Gypsy Girl by Lior
• The CD that Lou shows Kate is Classic Morecambe & Wise: Songs And Sketches
• Steph is driving Toadie's car, a silver Toyota with the registration NHV 896, whilst Sonya's car registration is RJX 143
• Lou's car is also a silver Toyota, with the registration XNN 790
• Final appearance of Will Moore as Harry Ramsay. Tom Oliver also departs on one of his regular breaks
• Although he appears, Tom Oliver is not credited as Lou Carpenter
by Callum