Channel Ten: 14/06/10, Five: 02/08/10
Michael tells Paul to keep Andrew away from Natasha. Sonya tells Steph that she doesn't want anything to do with her and Toadie ever again.
At Number 26, Libby opens a bottle of champagne as Lyn does Steph's hair and nails for the wedding. As Libby and Summer have fun getting ready, Steph is deep in thought. As Lyn puts the finishing touches to Steph's hair, Summer admits that she was wrong to think that Lyn might do something really daggy. Libby tells Steph that she looks beautiful and jokes with Summer that Toadie will probably cry when he sees her as he is finally marrying the love of his life.


In the living room at Number 30, Toadie looks at a picture of Sonya on his phone as Callum and Charlie come in. Walking over to them and setting up the ironing board, he says that he thought he told them to get ready. Callum explains that Charlie couldn't find the ring cushion and wanted one last practice. Toadie explains that it's on the bed, so Charlie goes off to get it whilst Callum checks that his Dad is ok, Toadie explains that he's just nervous, which is normal.

Back at Number 26, the girls fuss around Steph as she starts to cry. Steph explains that she's just a little overwhelmed, so Lyn asks Libby and Summer to go to Harold's Store to pick up the cake, then when they get back it'll be time to do their hair. As they head off, Lyn tells Steph that she needs to pull herself together or else she is going to give the game away. Steph tells her Mum that she is just tired, but Lyn warns her that people are going to start guessing, however Steph says that Sonya knows, explaining that she guessed and there was no point denying it.

On a road, Sonya's hire car has broken down. As the mechanic arrives to fix it, she is shocked to see that it's Lucas.

At Number 30, Charlie is practicing his role of ring bearer. Toadie praises his efforts but tells him that it's time they got a wriggle on and asks Callum to take Rocky outside so that they don't get dog hairs on their suits. Callum explains that he was just thinking about Sonya and asks if it'd be ok if she came to the wedding as she and Toadie are friends again.
Over at Number 26, Lyn asks Steph if she's mad and worries about Sonya telling Lucas or Libby. Steph assures her that she won't as she promised she wouldn't and is leaving for Perth with her boyfriend, so they'll never see her again.

Back on the road, Sonya curses the hire car which was supposed to get her all the way to Perth. Lucas comments that she hadn't gotten very far, but she explains that she got caught up. Lucas asks if she's alright, but Sonya tells him just to fix it as she wants to leave.
At Number 30, Toadie is explaining to Callum about Sonya leaving and assures him that she'll call when she settles. Callum asks about Rocky's final assessment, as he won't be able to do it without her, but Toadie tells him that they'll have to learn to do so.

At Number 26, Lyn asks how Toadie feels, but Steph explains that he doesn't know as Sonya didn't want her to tell him, but she feels like she should, so that maybe he could call Sonya and work things out, but Lyn says that she has had her chance and has gone way too far to go back on things now. As Steph ponders what to do, elsewhere, Toadie and Sonya do the same.

At Harold's Store, Summer asks Libby if she's sure that Steph's alright, Libby explains that everyone gets emotional on their wedding day and when they're six months pregnant. Summer worries that Steph is remembering the last time she nearly got married, but Libby assures her that isn't an issue. Summer says that she just wants the day to be perfect for them, before heading over to speak to Andrew.


Summer tells Andrew that she spoke to Harry and explains that he likes where he's living and everyone has made him feel welcome. Andrew says that's good, but Summer encourages him to call Harry as he was a complete jerk to him when he left. Andrew tells that that Harry has gone and asks what the point would be, but Summer replies that Harry is still his friend and he knows that's true, before heading off, explain to Libby that she'll wait outside. As Summer leaves, Michael walks in and he and Libby exchange pleasantries as Andrew sends a text message to Harry to apologise. Just then, Natasha walks in an kisses Andrew, giving Michael an idea.
At Number 32, Tash wonders what Andrew has done, but Michael explains that no one is in trouble, he just thinks it's time they all talked about their relationship. Michael says that they're going to see each other whether he likes it or not, so he's going to like it, explaining that he'd rather they do whatever they're doing at Number 32, than somewhere else. As Michael agrees that Andrew can stay any time, Natasha suggests that he should have his own key, as well as space in the bathroom and a drawer in her room. As Andrew tries to stop her, Tash comments that her Dad said that he was ok with him being there and that should include sleepovers. As they head to the door, Michael asks where they're going, to which Natasha replies that they're going to Andrew's house to pack a bag.

At Number 26, Steph opens the door to Callum who has his hands over his eyes. Steph asks what he's doing, so he explains that he heard that it was bad luck to see the Bride before the wedding. Laughing, Steph explains that is just the Groom, not the Best Man, before asking if everything is ok at home. Callum says that it is, before giving her a bracelet as her 'something new', explaining that it cost him two weeks pocket money. Touched, Steph tells him that it'll go great with her dress, so Callum asks if she's really going to wear it at the wedding, to which Steph replies that she's not going to take it off. Callum thanks her for being so cool with him after how he treated her when she and Toadie got together, wanting his Dad to be with Sonya instead of her and he knows now that he was wrong. Steph tells him that Sonya is a good person, however Callum explains that he knows that, but Sonya left and tells Steph that when she marries his Dad, they'll be together forever, giving her a hug.


Over at Number 30, Toadie is still ironing as Steph rushes in, followed by Callum who tries to stop her seeing Toadie as it is bad luck. Steph says that she's not superstitious, before explaining to Toadie that she forgot to tell him a few things about the arrangements. After Toadie sends Callum off to take something into Charlie, Steph tells him that they can't go through with the wedding, explaining about Callum and the bracelet. Toadie tells her that if they call the wedding off now there will be too many questions and assures her that if they wait six months as planned they have time to prepare Callum and make things as painless as possible, but Steph says that there is other stuff too, explaining that before Sonya went away she told her everything.
Still on the roadside, Sonya waits impatiently as Lucas fixes the car.

Back at Number 30, Steph explains that at first, Sonya was relieved to finally understand why Toadie left her, but then started thinking about things and thought it was all too much. Toadie asks Steph if she told Sonya about the six month plan, which Steph confirms and says that if it changes the way he feels, she understands, but Toadie says that he wants to go ahead as planned as Sonya knows the truth and still left. Steph apologises to Toadie that things couldn't be different, but Toadie assures her that it was his choice and even if he could go back in time, he would still make the same decision. Hugging him, Steph tells Toadie that he is the best man ever, telling Toadie that she'll see him at the ceremony before getting up and leaving.
On the roadside, Lucas tells Sonya that he can fix the car, but he hasn't got the part, explaining that he'll have to go back to the garage to get it and asks if she wants to go with him. Sonya says that she'll stay and watch the car, but Lucas asks what is going on as she can't even look at him and asks what the problem is as she has a new job and a new man in her life, but Sonya explains that she broke up with David the night before as she realised that she wasn't in love with him. Lucas realises that she's still in love with Toadie, so she explains that it's not easy seeing him marry someone else, which is why she's still leaving. Lucas explains that's why he's working, before heading off to the garage to get the part.

At Number 32, Michael is working as Natasha and Andrew come in and head to her room. Michael offers to work in the kitchen so that they can use the lounge to watch a DVD or play some music, but Tash says that they'd like some real privacy before dragging Andrew off to her room.
In Natasha's room, Andrew explains that he's packed a fake bag and is pretending that he is staying and asks what more she wants. Tash explains that she wants to make her Dad crack as he's only pretending to be cool.

In the lounge, Michael is distracted from his work as Tash starts to play her music loudly and he hears the sound of the springs moving on her bed. Heading to her room and banging on the door, he asks Tash to come out, but she says that she's busy. Michael says that if she doesn't come out, he's coming in.
Inside her room, Natasha is jumping up and down on the bed and says that it's fine by her. Michael counts to three and then opens the door, before charging in and turning the music off, ordering Andrew to leave. Natasha asks why, to which Michael explains that she's too young to have boys in her room. Tash points out that he said he was cool with it, but Michael tells her that he lied. Calling her Dad a hypocrite, Natasha leaves with Andrew.

On Ramsay Street, Andrew sees Summer and tells her that she looks nice. Summer explains that she's waiting for the wedding cars and that from the way Lyn is acting, you'd have thought that she was the one who was getting married. Noticing Andrew's bag, Summer asks if he's been somewhere, so he says that he's been to Tash's, leaving Summer jumping to conclusions. As he receives a text message, she asks if it's from Tash, but he explains that it's from Harry, so Summer asks what he said. He reads out the message, which asks if Summer had put him up to texting him, so they laugh as Harry sends another message saying that he misses them. Andrew says that he misses Harry too, before heading home.


At Number 32, Tash is watching the television as Michael comes into the lounge and apologises for losing it before, commenting that she was deliberately pushing him. Tash tells him that she knows that he was hoping that by pushing her and Andrew together she would run a mile and it didn't work. Hearing a miaowing sound from the front door, Michael comments that the cat is back. Tash says that Cat likes her, before asking her Dad to give Cat a go and let her come in. Michael reluctantly agrees to try, to which Natasha jokes about taking it one Robinson at a time before getting up to let Cat in. Picking Cat up and walking back into the lounge, Tash asks her Dad if he wants to give her a pat, but he tells her not to push it.
At Number 26. the cars have arrived, throwing the girls into a panic. Calling for Steph, Summer comments that she looks so beautiful, but from the bedroom, Steph agrees she does, for a big pregnant bride. As Libby tells her that it just makes her glow even more, Lyn hands out the bouquets and comments that they're ready to go.

On the roadside, Lucas has returned and fitted the new part, commenting that the car is ready and will take Sonya across the Nullarbor, no worries. Sonya seems reluctant, so Lucas asks if she still wants to go to Perth. She says that she knows she should, so Lucas asks what's stopping her.
Back at Number 26, Lyn is hurrying everyone along, but Summer says everything will be fine. Libby tells them to go on ahead, she'll get Steph. Knocking on Steph's door, Libby asks if she's ready. Taking a minute to compose herself, Steph tells her she's just doing a few last minute checks, as Libby comments how happy she is for her and that she's the best friend she's ever had, leaving Steph struggling with her decision even more.


On the roadside, Sonya comments that everything is such a mess, so Lucas suggests that they fix it by going to the wedding. Sonya says that they're not invited, but Lucas says that anyone can go to the ceremony, however Sonya refuses. Lucas tells her to go to Perth then, but she can't, so he pushes her to go to the wedding. As Sonya breaks down, Lucas apologies, but she says that it's not his fault, she's just so confused, so he tells her to let it all out and tell him everything.
By Lassiter's Lake, everyone has congregated for the wedding, including Toadie, Callum and Charlie, who asks where his Mum is. Callum points out that the ceremony was supposed to start ten minutes ago, but Toadie tells him that the bride is traditionally late. Callum asks how late is late, so Toadie tells him that he'll let him know when to start panicking, before turning and noticing the Steph's wedding car arriving.

In the car park, Lyn comments on how perfect the day is as the girls get out of the car and says that she'll head off to get the music started. As she does, Steph notices Sonya and Lucas on the other side of the car park. Libby comments that she though Sonya was going to Perth to which Steph replies that she thought so too.


Over by the lake, Callum notices Sonya and Lucas walking towards them and tells his Dad that Sonya has come back for the wedding. Noticing them as well, Lyn hurridly instructs the violinists to start the music.



In the car park, Libby tells Steph that's their cue before she and Summer head over to the walkway over the lake, slowly followed by Steph, whilst back by the rotunda, Lyn and Toadie exchange nervous glances. Stopping, Steph flashes back throughout her pregnancy and the ever growing number of arguments and lies.
Featured Regular Characters: Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy, Stephanie Scully, Summer Hoyland, Toadfish Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Charlie Hoyland, Lucas Fitzgerald, Andrew Robinson, Michael Williams, Natasha Williams
Guest Cast: Eve Morey as Sonya Mitchell, Carmen Warrington as Celebrant
Trivia Notes
• Lucas is driving a white Holden ute
• The telephone number of the roadside assist company that has contracted Lucas is 1800 106 707
• The registration of Steph's wedding car is NZT 618, whilst Sonya's car registration is RJX 143
• As Lyn instructs the violinists to start, they play Concerto No.1 in E Major, Op. 8, RV 269, "La primavera" I. Allegro from Vivaldi's The Four Seasons
• Although credited, Carmen Warrington does not actually appear as the Celebrant until the following episode
by Callum