Channel Ten: 15/06/10, Five: 03/08/10
Terry and Lou share their opinions of Lyn, Nick tells Ringo that he doesn't want him hurting Donna again, but Ringo says that he loves her. Donna tells Ringo that she needs to sort herself out. Steph tells Sonya that Toadie still loves her and the Wedding is a sham. Toadie tells Steph that Sonya left despite knowing the truth. Lucas asks Sonya if she still loves Toadie, she says that's why she's leaving, whilst he admits that he's still in love with Steph. Everyone is shocked to see Sonya and Lucas turn up at the wedding. Libby asks Steph if she's ready to get married.
By Lassiter's Lake, everyone takes their seats for the wedding before standing as the bridal march begins. As Summer, Libby and Steph slowly begin their procession along the walkway over the lake, everyone stands and turn to watch. As Steph reaches the back row where Sonya and Lucas are sitting, she stops and looks at them before continuing up the aisle.




As Steph takes her place as Toadie's side, checking he's ok, the celebrant signals for everyone to be seated. Asking Steph and Toadie if they're ready, the celebrant tells them it's ok to be nervous before beginning the ceremony. As she asks if anyone knows of any reason why Steph and Toadie should not be joined in matrimony, they wait anxiously hoping that no-one does.


As Charlie brings the rings to the altar, the celebrant explains that the bridesmaids have requested that the rings are shared amongst the congregation to be warmed with their love and support, however Karl comments that there won't be much warming going on in the back row. Glancing back at Sonya and Lucas, Libby asks Steph if she wants her to ask them to leave, but Steph tells her no as the celebrant calls for Steph to begin her vows:
Oh Toad, you've always been there for me. My soulmate. Today is just a piece of paper and it doesn't do you justice. Every day you show me why you're the best person to have by my side. I can't thank you for everything you've done for me, but I'll try. I thank you. I love you and I will always, always be there for you.
Toadie follows:
The love of my life is here today. I know we've had our ups and downs and we've even gone our separate ways, but the fact that you are here right now, and you've come back, is proof that we called things off for the wrong reasons. I guess it's just a matter of timing, so whether I have to wait six months or six years, that doesn't really matter because when you find that one special person you have to hold onto them no matter what. I know you are a strong independent woman, but if you let me I will love you, I will cherish you and I will never let you go again.
As he finishes, Toadie glances at Sonya, signalling who he was really making the vow to.

As Toadie and Steph exchange rings, the celebrant announces them husband and wife before telling Toadie that he may kiss the bride. As they do, the congregation applaud, whilst Lyn cries and smiles with relief.

At Harold's Store, Kate is on the phone reassuring Lyn that the store is fine, saying that she'll see her at the reception as Terry walks in. He asks Kate if she got his messages as he needs her help to win over Lyn. Kate says that she will, but not today. Sophie explains that they're going to a reception, so Terry asks if Lyn will be there. Kate replies that she will, but he's not invited, however he says that Lyn will see him in a whole new light with some champagne and dancing. Kate replies that Lyn is the mother of the bride and will see him as a wedding crasher, but as Summer walks in, Sophie has an idea.

At the counter, Summer is looking for Lyn's camera charger as she thinks she left it at the store, but Kate says that she hasn't seen it. Sophie asks if it would be ok to bring Terry to the wedding reception explaining that he has a crush on Lyn. Finding the charger, Summer tells her and Kate that they can bring him if they like, but he's not Lyn's type, she likes well-groomed and classy men, Terry won't cut it.
Over at Charlie's, Libby introduces the bride and groom as they arrive and are greeted with well wishes and applause. Donna tells Steph that her dress looks perfect, whilst Toadie tells Ringo that he couldn't be happier to be a married man. As they move on, Ringo tells Donna that she looks great and suggest that they have a dance later, but Nick overhears, saying that there won't be any dancing for Donna tonight. Donna explains that the doctors have advised her to take it easy. As Sonya and Lucas arrive, Steph and Toadie look uneasy, but are touched as Lucas offers his congratulations. Looking at Sonya, Steph says that they really appreciate their support. As Lucas walks off, Toadie tells Sonya that they need to talk as Lyn calls him away for a photo.


On the patio at Charlie's, Toadie thanks Sonya for not telling Lucas and apologies for lying to her, but guesses she understands why he had to do it. Sonya tells him that he didn't have to do anything and wishes he wasn't so loyal as it'd be easier to forget him if he were a jerk.

Back inside, Steph is sitting alone, which Lucas comments that she shouldn't be at her own party. She explains that she's just taking a load off and should never have let Libby talk her into wearing heels. Lucas comments that he's not sure that biker boots would have gone with the dress. Steph tells him that when she saw him turn up, she was worried that he might do something and thanks him for not wrecking her wedding. He explains that wasn't why he came.
Outside, Sonya asks Toadie about what he said at the ceremony. He says that he meant every word of it and he'd be so happy if he knew there was a chance she still loved him, asking if her not being on her way to Perth means something. Sonya explains that she broke up with David, but has to make a fresh start.

Inside, Lucas tells Steph that she looks beautiful. Steph apologises for everything, but he tells her that it's water under the bridge and what they had is history now, telling her to enjoy the party as he walks away.
Back outside, Sonya tells Toadie that she's leaving after the party as he's married and she's not going to be the other woman. Toadie tells her that his commitment to Steph is only for six months, after that he's all hers and asks her to consider staying. Sonya explains that she's quit her job and given up her apartment, but Toadie says that the only thing that's kept him going is the hope that at the end of all the craziness, they could still be together and that her being there shows that part of her hopes for that too.


At Harold's Store, Lucas asks Sonya if she's glad he dragged her back. Sonya says that it's been interesting, whilst he says that he's glad that Steph and Toadie are married now and he can move on. As Donna comes in, Lucas ask what her excuse for skipping the party is, so she explains that she needs a chocolate fix. Lucas jokes that means it's bad news, which she says it is, as Ringo wants her back. Lucas says that's good news and asks if she loves him. She says that she does, before realising it, so Lucas asks what the problem is. Donna says that the timing is messed up, which Sonya relates to, explaining that she's just found her Dad and doesn't think that he's ready to share her. Lucas tells her to ask Ringo to wait, to which Donna asks if he thinks he would, but Lucas explains that's for Ringo to decide. As Donna heads over to the counter to pay, Sonya asks if he really thinks it's ok to ask someone to wait. Lucas says that he has no idea, but Donna and Ringo really want to be together, so what's a little wait.
Outside, Sonya contemplates returning to the reception as Callum calls out to her and thanks her for coming, inviting her to be his date for the party. She thanks him and they head inside, putting their arms around each other.

Inside Charlie's, Lyn tells Sonya that she thought she'd gone, but Callum explains that she's with him. Lyn asks Callum to check that the microphone is working for the speeches, before asking Sonya if she's ashamed with herself for manipulating Callum so that she can get another crack at the groom. Sonya is shocked as Lyn says that she knows why she's there, but tells her that she knows nothing about her as Summer interrupts as Kate and Sophie want to introduce her to Terry. As Kate introduces him, Terry says it's nice to meet properly at last, before asking Lyn to dance. Lyn says that she doesn't dance, but Kate explains that Terry has his own dance studio. As Terry compliments Lyn on her outfit, she excuses herself as she has to make a speech.


Later at Charlie's, Lyn is still making her speech, wishing Steph and Toadie a long and happy marriage, giving her lots of grandkids. As everyone toasts to them, Toadie asks Steph what Lyn is on. Meanwhile, Terry comments that Lyn is a class act and wonders if his approach was too formal. Overhearing, Karl asks Terry if he is trying to pick up Lyn Scully, Terry explains that he is and asks if he has any advice for him. Karl says that he does, don't, but Susan tells Terry not to listen to him. Kate tells Terry to go and be himself, but he says he'll give it a few moments as Lyn looks distracted.

Later, Steph and Toadie cut the cake, whilst Lyn makes a swift move towards Sonya. Stopping her, Steph reiterates that Sonya isn't going to tell anyone and pulls rank, telling her that as the bride, she wants Lyn to come and eat cake with her and Toadie and leave Sonya alone.

Even later, Kate and Sophie feel sorry for Terry who has been rejected by Lyn, whilst Donna and Ringo dance. Donna explains that she just needs some time, which Ringo agrees to give her as Nick interrupts, asking if Donna if she should sit down. Donna says that she will after that song, but Ringo asks Nick if he'd like to finish the dance, which he gratefully accepts as Ringo asks Sophie to dance. Bitter, Terry suggests that maybe he should have taken a leaf out of Ringo's book, but Kate tells him not to give up so soon, besides she's glad that Lyn turned him down as Declan has been roped in to help in the kitchen and she has no-one left to dance with, asking Terry to dance with her. Smiling, Terry says that he'd be honoured.


Later still, Libby dances with Steph and asks if it's weird for her having Sonya there, but Steph explains that she's cool with it, to which Libby replies that she's a bigger woman than she is. Steph jokes that she is, literally, touching her baby bump.
At the bar, Sonya is talking to Karl and Susan who say that it was lovely to see her, before sitting down, leaving her alone. Walking over, Lyn asks Sonya why she's still there, however Sonya reassures Lyn that she's not there to cause any drama, but Lyn says that she feels sorry for her as she's like a stray dog waiting outside for the scraps before telling her to go home as she's not needed. Sonya says that she's not sure that Toadie would agree as he thinks they have a future, but Lyn says that once Toadie has settled in to married life with Steph and the kids, he'll know exactly where he belongs. Sonya asks if that's in a loveless marriage, but Lyn points out that no-one goes that far out of their way unless it's love, of course he loves Steph, he always has. Looking over and seeing Toadie dancing with Steph, Libby and the kids, Sonya begins to think that Lyn is right and leaves.

Later, Steph prepares to throw her bouquet, telling Summer that as her bridesmaid it's compulsory to join in, however she points out that Libby isn't doing it. Libby explains that she's just got a message from Doug who is on his way, besides they're in a good place and she doesn't want to jinx it. As Libby leaves to wait for Doug outside, Kate asks Donna if she's joining in, but she says she'll hang back as it might get rough. Preparing herself, Susan says she's damn right it will, someone needs to show the kids how it's done. Noticing Toadie looking around, Steph runs over and asks what's wrong. He explains that he can't see Sonya, so Lyn explains that she sent her packing. Telling Toadie to go and find her, Steph says that she'll cover for him before heading back over to throw her bouquet.



In the car park, Sonya struggles to find her car keys as Toadie runs over and tells her that whatever Lyn said was a lie, he loves her.
At Charlie's, Steph counts to three before throwing her bouquet. As the girls scramble to catch it, it magically ends up heading in the wrong direction, being caught by Donna. As everyone applauds, Susan complains that it was rigged, whilst Ringo looks thoughtfully at Donna.


Back in the car park, Toadie explains to Sonya that the whole situation is crazy, but he'd rather spend six months in limbo than forever without her. Sonya says that she would too and kisses him as Libby emerges by the side of Lassiter's and spots them.
Featured Regular Characters: Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadfish Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Lyn Scully, Charlie Hoyland, Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Ben Fitzgerald, Summer Hoyland, Libby Kennedy, Stephanie Scully, Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay
Guest Cast: Eve Morey as Sonya Mitchell, Peter Moon as Terry Kearney, Brian Vriends as Leigh 'Nick' Nixon, Carmen Warrington as Celebrant
Trivia Notes
• Carmen Warrington who appears as the marriage celebrant, is actually a celebrant as well as an actress, however does not conduct marriages
• At the start of the episode, the violinists play Concerto No.1 in E Major, Op. 8, RV 269, "La primavera" I. Allegro from Vivaldi's The Four Seasons
by Callum