Magic Moments
> 2012
> The 2012 Car Crash: Part One
Episode 6471
by Eloise Healey, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 20/08/12, Five: 17/09/12
Andrew tells Chris that he sold the app to the casinos, and that he needs to stall until Tash has the cheque... Lou encourages Lucas to tell Vanessa how he feels... Lucas finds the engagement ring in Rhys' bag...
At Charlie's, Lou is surprised to find Lucas, and is annoyed that he's stayed out of the house all day so they could be alone. Lucas is clearly unhappy, and explains about finding the ring and his belief that Rhys is going to propose. He tells
Lou that there was no point in telling Vanessa after finding that. Lou thinks that Vanessa won't do anything she doesn't want to, and he should still tell her. Lucas, however, points out that she's pregnant and living in his house, and he can't
risk telling her and then her rejecting him - and returning from Japan, engaged to Rhys. Lou suggests that he try and find out Vanessa's true feelings, promising he'll be subtle; Lucas isn't entirely convinced but agrees to go along with it.

The next morning, at number 22, it's Andrew's birthday and Paul has given his son a new bag to go with his new business career. Chris arrives, and Sophie's loud music
begins from upstairs. Andrew's phone rings, and he isn't keen to answer - Chris realises who it is and tells Andrew that he needs to be honest with Tash. Andrew says that the cheques should be arriving that day, and he'll tell her then, so she won't
be able to complain.
At Harold's, Lou arrives and brings up one of Vanessa's favourite reality series, asking her if she'd like to have a bevy of men fighting for her affections, like the woman on the show. He asks if she'd marry someone after only a few months -
Vanessa says it's about passion rather than the length of time you've known someone, and wonders why Lou is suddenly interested in reality TV. He orders a coffee and says that he'll be outside.

Outside Harold's, Lou recounts his conversation with Vanessa to Lucas, and they come to the conclusion that they're no closer to figuring out whether Vanessa would marry
Rhys now if he asked. They quickly quieten down as Vanessa comes outside, and Lucas admits that he should have just sorted this out himself to begin with.
At number 22, Paul finds Sophie online, and nags her about doing some homework, and tells her that she should move on and grow up over what happened with Zoe. He goes to see what she's doing on the laptop, and she's just finished ordering tickets
to a gig, with the credit card he gave her for emergencies. He tells her that she'll be paying for it out of her allowance, and that she's not going - she has to stay home and do school work all day. End of discussion.

Outside Harold's, Andrew finds the envelope with the cheques inside, in his post office box. He smiles to himself as he looks at them, and then he calls Tash. She wishes
him a happy birthday, and he asks if she's free to meet, but she tells him that the government are interested in buying the app. He again asks to speak to her, and wants to meet in person, so arranges to go to number 28.
Summer arrives home with a cinnamon cheesecake and she, Tash and Chris are preparing the table to Andrew's surprise birthday lunch. Andrew, meanwhile, heads off from Lassiter's, thinking that all of his problems are over.

Later, Andrew arrives at number 28, and is surprised to find everyone there, explaining that he just wanted to talk to Tash. Tash thinks it can wait until after lunch,
and Andrew is pleased when they give him tickets to the Jezabels gig, as his present. They're all going to go together - Chris and Andrew go to the kitchen, and Andrew decides that he'll wait until the next day to tell Tash, rather than spoil the
day for everyone.
At number 22, Sophie is on the phone to Rani, trying to convince her to be her cover story for that night. Paul comes in and finds her, asking her questions about her night at the Kapoors, but he wants to check her bag, and finds another set
of clothes and a print-out of her ticket, which he rips up. He tells her she's not going anywhere, and to get on with some homework. Andrew then comes in, and explains about his night out at the Jezabels gig. Sophie thinks it's unfair and tries
to get Andrew to change Paul's mind, but Andrew doesn't want to get involved. He says that he needs to get ready, as Chris has the car outside and they're going in half an hour.


Outside, Tash is listing all of the things she's brought with her, and wants Chris to open the car boot so she can put her giant bag inside. Ed turns up, and Andrew
is annoyed to see him. Tash tries to defend him, and Andrew wonders if they're dating. As they're all arguing about it, Sophie manages to sneak across the road and into the boot of the car. Andrew doesn't want to talk about the app with Ed, and
brings the conversation to a close. Chris makes sure that the boot is closed properly and they drive out of the street.
Later, outside Harold's, Vanessa is surprised to see Lucas back again - he explains that he's waiting on a delivery at the garage. He asks her to join him, and asks if she's looking forward to the trip, as it's such a big deal going away on such
a long trip with someone so soon. Vanessa admits that she felt the same way to begin with, but she's seen a different side to Rhys and she wants to be with him. She tells Lucas not to worry, and asks if he's still OK to take them to the airport. He
uses work as an excuse to back out of it, and she says that they'll get a cab instead.


The gang are on the way to the gig in Chris' car, and Tash is handing out food to everyone, when they hear a ringtone. Nobody knows whose it is, and Ed thinks that
it's coming from the boot.
After pulling over, they find Sophie in the boot of the car. She says that she just wanted to come to the gig. Summer tells Chris to take her home, but Andrew thinks they'll miss the whole gig. Sophie thinks that the only way to get to the
gig on time will be if they take her with them - Chris isn't keen to overload the car, and Andrew points out that it's not much further now anyway. Chris is worried about the cops, but Andrew calls him a wuss, and he eventually gives in.

Later, they're continuing on to the gig, and wondering what time The Jezabels will be onstage. Andrew says that he wrote it on the back of his ticket and asks Summer
to get his wallet from her bag. She finds the cheque written out to Tash, and asks why Andrew has it. He asks her to just give him his wallet. Tash asks him what the hell he's done.



The car journey continues, with Tash telling Andrew that she said she didn't want to sell to the casinos and he went behind her back, lying to her in the process. Ed
wonders how Andrew managed to do it anyway, as Tash would have needed to sign. Andrew thinks that everything is being blown out of proportion, and Tash gets very upset as she realises that Andrew forged her signature and demands that Chris stop
the car. Chris tells everyone to settle down, and a fight breaks out as Tash threatens to call the police. A distracted Chris then loses control of the car, which speeds up the verge and spins over.
Featured Regular Characters: Lou Carpenter, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas,
Natasha Williams
Guest Cast: Sebastian Gregory as Ed Lee
Trivia Notes
• Lance Anderson was credited as 'Chris Driving Double' for this episode
• Andrew celebrates his 19th birthday
• The events of Andrew's 18th birthday, when Tash almost drowned, are mentioned
by Steve