Magic Moments
> 2012
> The 2012 Car Crash: Part Two
Episode 6472
by Pete McTighe, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 21/08/12, Five: 18/09/12
Andrew sell the app to the casinos... Paul bans Sophie from going to the Jezabels gig... a fight breaks out in the car... Chris loses control and the car crashes and flips over...
At the hospital, Rhys is on the phone to Vanessa, telling her that he needs to go by the care home to visit his mum, then he'll be back to go to the airport. He's smiling, which Karl comments is a rare occurrence, and then Karl starts to talk to
Rhys about a romantic trip to Japan that he once took with Susan. Rhys promptly cuts him off and leaves, as Karl spots an unamused nurse, who's been listening to their conversation.


At the scene of the accident, Ed is in a lot of pain as Tash tries to get him out of the car, whilst Summer is struggling to breathe as Chris pulls her away from the car.
Tash desperately tries to find her phone and call for help, and Andrew is trapped in the wreckage. Tash then spots a car approaching and stops it - Rhys gets out and runs over to help. He checks on a stunned Summer, and Tash says that Ed is in a lot
of pain. Chris then calls out that Andrew won't wake up, and Rhys tells Chris to keep an eye on Summer and Tash - he then goes to help Andrew and manages to cut his hand as he tries to get him out. As Rhys describes the situation and the injuries
on the phone to the paramedics, nobody has realised that Sophie is lying, unconscious in a ditch at the side of the road.
At number 22, Paul has been telling Kate about what happened with Sophie, and he doesn't think it was unreasonable of him to ban her from going, though Kate thinks that it might have been a slight over-reaction. Kate suspects that her little
sister will stay in her room during dinner, just to make a point, so Paul says he'll wait another 10 minutes for her.


Back at the crash site, the police and ambulances have arrived, and a shaken Summer can only say that she wants to see her friends. Rhys assures her that they'll be
right behind her in the next ambulance. Andrew is wheeled along on a stretcher, and Rhys assures him he'll be fine. All Andrew can say is 'S....' and Rhys thinks he's asking after Summer. Meanwhile, Sophie is still lying in the ditch.
Kate has tried to call Sophie down for dinner, but is getting no response. Paul decides to go upstairs and speak to her.

Rhys is on the phone to Vanessa, telling her what's happened.
Paul comes back downstairs and says that Sophie's done a runner. They decide to try and call her, which alerts the police to Sophie's presence by the side of the road. Rhys picks up a phone and it has Sophie's picture on it.
Paul receives a call and thinks it must be Sophie, but it's the hospital, telling him that Andrew's been involved in an accident. Kate's horrified to realise that the other kids were in the car too, and they both rush off to the hospital.
Rhys is searching and he finds Sophie, as the police call through for an ambulance for the sixth victim. Rhys says that she has a weak pulse.

Paul and Kate arrive at the hospital, and Karl assures them that everyone got out of the car and they all seem to be in reasonably good health. They're standing
around waiting, when suddenly Sophie is wheeled in on a stretcher. Paul and Kate are horrified and can't understand why she's there too.
Chris is sitting in a hospital room, with minor cuts, and having flashbacks to the accident. Karl brings him round and says that he's going to keep him in for observation, telling him to get some rest. Karl goes out into the waiting area,
where Kate and Paul are frantic with worry about Sophie. They ask to speak to Chris to find out what happened - he says that it's all very hazy. He explains that Sophie was in the boot so they took her to the gig. Kate tells him that Sophie's
been in emergency surgery for ages.

Karl is trying to get Rhys to have his hand checked, but he insists that he's fine and there's too much work to do. Vanessa and Kyle arrive, with Vanessa worried
about Rhys as she hasn't been able to contact him. Kyle asks about his hand, with Vanessa commenting that she thought Rhys wasn't injured - they're both shocked to hear that Sophie is in a serious condition. Rhys is still adamant that he wants
to work, but Karl says that he'll be putting patients in danger - it's not until Vanessa tells him not to be stupid that he finally agrees to have a tetanus shot and some treatment on his hand.
Andrew is lying in a hospital bed, and Paul is slightly taken aback as he sees him. He goes in and gently wakes him up. Andrew thinks that the whole accident is his fault. He explains to his dad how they found Sophie in the boot, and Paul asks
him why they took him when they knew she was banned from going. Andrew starts to get upset, and Paul assures him that Sophie is stronger than any of them, and she'll be fine.
Tash is pestering Karl about going in to see Ed, as his parents are in Sydney and she doesn't want him to be alone right now. Karl relents and shows Tash into Ed's room, where he explains that he's fractured his collarbone and will need a
lot of rest. Tash goes to sit with him and tells him to wake up. She explains that Sophie's in surgery, but everyone else is going to be OK. She thinks it's better that he's asleep, as her hair's a mess, but she wants him to wake up soon, as
there are some things she needs to tell him - she thinks he's a great guy, and although people think she's shallow, she promises not to be like that anymore. She tells Ed that he's smart and funny and she doesn't deserve him, but if he gets
better, she won't be ashamed of being seen with him from now on.



Vanessa finds Rhys, who says his hand just needs time to heal, but Japan is off. Vanessa says it's fine, and she's proud of what he did today. Paul comes in, and Rhys asks
after Sophie, but there's no news. Vanessa takes Rhys home, and as they go, Rhys assures Paul that Sophie is in good hands.
The next morning, Karl wakes Paul, who's been in the waiting room all night. He tells Paul that Andrew's doing well, and Paul admits that he feels terrible about how angry he was with Sophie yesterday and now he's worried that'll be the last
thing he said to her. Karl tells Paul that he needs to be strong for Kate, who has lost a lot of people important to her in the last few years. Karl leaves, and Paul goes over to Kate, who says that she can't lose Sophie. Paul sits down and
comforts her.
Tash has slept in a chair by Ed's bed, and they both wake up. He's confused about where he is and needs his glasses. Tash tells him that he's going to be OK, and he compliments her on her hair. He's in some pain and she's about to go and get
a doctor, but he asks how long she was there for. She explains that she stayed all night, as she wanted to be around when he woke up. She says that there are some things she wanted to tell him, then she leans in and kisses him. He smiles and says
that his heart rate just went through the roof, then they kiss again.

Paul and Kate are standing outside Sophie's room, as she lies unconscious, hooked up to machines. Karl spots Chris watching them, and asks why he came back, as he was
discharged. He insists that he'll only go once he knows that Sophie will be OK. Kate then asks Karl why they can't go in - he tells her and Paul that Sophie has a fractured pelvis and they need to examine her further for spinal injuries. Suddenly,
an alarm sounds and Karl rushes into her room, where Sophie has arrested. The nurse closes the blinds and Kate is hysterical, with Paul trying to calm her down and hold her back, and a dazed Chris watching what's happening.


Later, Paul, Kate and Chris are still waiting for news, as Andrew wanders in, asking how Sophie is, as nobody will tell him anything. Paul tells him that he needs
to rest, but Andrew needs to know the truth, so Paul explains about her cardiac arrest. Karl comes out of the room and tells them that Sophie's internal injuries were worse than they thought and they need to prepare themselves for the worst. Kate
collapses in shock, with Paul and Karl helping her to sit down and a stunned Chris watching the whole thing.
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson, Kate Ramsay, Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas,
Natasha Williams
Guest Cast: Sebastian Gregory as Ed Lee, David Rock as Bill Grainger
by Steve