Magic Moments
> 2012
> Jade's Departure
Episode 6521
by Eloise Healey, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 29/10/12, Five: 26/11/12
Olivia and Karl agree to try again after their eventful first date... Jade tells Kyle that she's accepted a permanent job in Los Angeles... Kyle tells Jade that he doesn't want them to drift apart...
The next morning, Kyle wakes up alone on the sofa, and starts to make himself some breakfast, as Jade is out for a run. She stops outside Kyle's builders' yard.


Jade arrives home and sees Kyle in the kitchen. She asks if he'd slept on his decision, and he says that he has, and he hasn't changed his mind. She
asks if it's something she's done - has she pushed him too hard? She promises him that she's moved on from the thing with Kate. Kyle stops her and says that he can't cope with living apart from her, not knowing if or when she's
even going to move back to Australia. Jade tries to tell him that they can visit each other, but he says that it's not enough and he doesn't want to talk about it now. He walks out, telling her he's going for a shower.
At Harold's, Karl is having coffee and looking at his dating profile on his laptop. Rhys comes in and Karl quickly closes the laptop, but Rhys opens it and asks how Karl's online dating is going. He explains that he had a
very nice date with Olivia, but Rhys sees Karl's message to her, which says that he's very busy, and wonders why he's giving her the brush-off. Karl says that he's just concerned that the next date might be disappointing, and
Rhys tells him that he needs to make it clear that he's thought about it, and listened to what she's told him. Karl remembers that she mentioned liking Heston Blumenthal, and decides to make her a multiple-course banquet with matching
wines, ignoring Rhys, who thinks it sounds like it's a bit over-the-top.

At the garage, Chris is alarmed to find Karl trying to leave with a big blowtorch. Karl insists that Lucas knows and is fine with it, explaining that
he's going to do some repairs. Chris sees through his lies, and Karl has to admit that he's actually going to use it to sear some tuna. Chris offers him a smaller blowtorch, and says that he wants to come along and see what he's
up to.
At number 30, Jade is ranting to Sonya about how over-dramatic Kyle is being. She says that she's been over the options with him and he keeps throwing them back in her face - she's been going back and forth to the US for him,
texting him all the time, but she feels like now he's just giving up on them. She doesn't know what else she can do. Sonya tells her sister that perhaps she should consider where Kyle is coming from; he loves to have his family
and friends close to him, and a long-distance relationship might not fit into his life. Sonya tells Jade that sometimes in life, we have to make difficult choices.

At number 26, Jade walks in and sits with Kyle, telling him that she's decided to stay in Erinsborough. She says that she'll sell out of the franchise,
as he's more important to her than that. He asks her if she's certain about this, and she tells him she is; he's the most important thing in her life and she's not going to lose him. He offers her a smile and hug, but he's clearly
not convinced that this is the right decision.
At number 28, Karl is searing his tuna with a blowtorch, and Chris is amazed to see all the effort he's going to, especially as it's only his second date with Olivia. Karl insists that he likes Olivia, and he wants her to
know that he's not playing games with her.

Later, Karl is lighting the candles when Olivia arrives, and she's surprised to see all the trouble he's gone to, with his suit and the dinner table.
She says that she thought it was just a casual lunch, and he explains that he thought he'd liven things up, as she mentioned that she liked Heston. He runs through the various courses with her, and then runs off to start cooking,
leaving Olivia slightly stunned.
Jade is outside number 26, on the phone to Rick, who is disappointed that she's not returning to LA. She tells him that she'd be happy to sell her share in the business, if they want to keep franchising in the US. Kyle
then comes out and overhears the call, as Jade unconvincingly tells Rick that she's thought about this and she can't give up her life, or her boyfriend, in Australia.

A devastated Kyle walks back into the house and sits down.
Back at number 28, lunch is finished, and Olivia seems eager to leave, rather than have coffee with Karl. He realises that he's messed up and gone too far with all of this, and she agrees. She says that the Heston stuff
was just small talk, and she isn't ready for something that's this intense, this quickly. Karl insists that he can back off for the third date, but she tells him that there isn't going to be a third date, and leaves.



At number 26, Jade comes in, deleting all of the LA events from her phone, and says that she'll be around for their one-year anniversary, and for
Christmas. Kyle tells her to stop; she doesn't want this and she needs to go to LA. He tells her that it clearly makes her happy, and he doesn't want her to gradually come to resent him for taking this opportunity away from her.
Jade starts to cry, and Kyle says that maybe he'll want to move to LA one day, but for now, this is the right thing to do. They hug.
Later, Sonya finds Jade in the kitchen and asks her if she's had time to think about things. Jade just breaks down in tears and hugs her sister. She says that she told Kyle that she would stay, but he realised that it wasn't
what she wanted. Sonya asks if she wants to come and stay and number 30, but Jade isn't sure that would help. Sonya goes, to give her sister some space, as Jade makes a call to Rick.




Later, Jade walks into the lounge with her bags packed. Kyle asks if she's going to Sonya's, but Jade explains that she's changed her flight and is going
back to LA that evening. She tells Kyle that she just can't be around him now. She says that Sonya is going to give her a lift to the airport, and organise couriers for the rest of her stuff. She hugs Bossy and says goodbye to her, and Kyle
wishes her a safe flight as she takes her bags and leaves. He then watches from the window as she hugs Sonya by the car, and then tells Rhys that she's going. He admits that he's going to miss her, and gives her a hug too, before going
inside. He finds Kyle standing at the window and tells him to go after her. Jade tells Sonya that she's sorry she's going to miss the birth, and gives her an origami stork that she managed to make. Kyle watches Jade get into the car,
and suddenly rushes to get Bossy and get out of the door, but as he gets down there, he's too late and has to watch the car drive out of the street...
Featured Regular Characters: Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning, Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Chris Pappas, Rhys Lawson
Guest Cast: Alyce Platt as Olivia Bell
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Gemma Pranita as Jade Mitchell
• Jade's final words are "I am sorry I'm going to miss the birth. Oh. Um..." (hands Sonya the origami stork) "I cheated."
by Steve