Magic Moments
> 2013
> Ajay and Rani's Departure
Episode 6685
by Sam Meikle, Directed
by Jo O'Shaughnessy, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 12/07/13, Five: 09/08/13
Mason tells Georgia about how quiet things are at the garage... Karl asks Georgia if she would consider joining The Right Prescription, and she agrees...
Rani pleads for Ajay to let her go with him to India, but he tells her she needs to stay for school...
On Ramsay Street, Karl is leaving the house, and Ajay runs over to ask him a favour - can he and Susan take Rani in for a while. Karl asks what's wrong, and Ajay explains about his grandmother’s illness and his trip to India. Ajay mentions that
he doesn’t want Rani missing school - Karl says he’s sure Susan can give her a set amount of schoolwork so Rani doesn’t fall behind, but Ajay explains his grandma is dying, and he doesn’t want Rani to go through that again so soon after losing Priya.
Karl tells Ajay they would be delighted to take Rani in, and asks when he is leaving. Ajay explains that he’s leaving this afternoon, so he won’t be able to make the gig tonight; Karl tells Ajay not to give it another moment’s thought
and decides he and Georgia will do something acoustic. Ajay thanks Karl again, and rushes off.

At Charlie’s, Mason fills Lucas in on all the dramas with Imogen’s car, Hermione, much to Lucas’s amusement. Mason jokes to Lucas that the car is going to purr,
Lucas says that Mason doesn't have to prove anything. Lucas orders more drinks - Mason queries whether he can afford it, given how slow things are at the garage. Mason mentions that he hasn’t been working on any cars.
Lucas seems to be in denial about it, he tells Mason not to worry and insists that things will get better – but that in the meantime he'll have to satisfy himself with pick-ups and coffee runs.
On the Lassiter’s reception desk, Terese loudly confronts Paul, telling him they have a problem. Terese explains that the concierge has lost a trolley-load of guests' bags - she claims the concierge
is the last weak link in the business, and she’s had her eye on him for a while; she blames Paul for not having sacked him earlier. Paul informs Terese that he has been with the company for years and a pay out would be huge. Terese tells Paul that he’s
complacent and nobody should be at the entry level forever, they should prove themselves - get promoted or move on. Paul is keen for Terese to buy the guests off with freebies, but Terese suggests they need to let the concierge go and hire a young trainee
who’s keen for career progression.

At Harold’s, Karl and Susan are having coffee, and Karl is explaining to Susan that Ajay is going to India, and that Rani will be staying with them. Susan’s looking forward to having
another teenager around the house. Karl mentions to Susan the downside of teenagers; ‘they multiply; first it’ll be Rani, and then we’ll be fighting Callum and Bailey for a place on the couch. They’ll eat all our food; they’ll suck up the Wi-Fi’… Susan
laughs and tells Karl that’s what she’s always loved about him – his optimism! Kyle and Georgia walk in, Karl approaches Georgia and asks if she received his email. He wants to discuss the band’s revised set-list. Georgia is worried about doing all
Karl’s original material and suggests they could do some covers as well. Karl explains that they’re not a covers band, and he suggests Georgia should write some songs too. Georgia mentions she wrote her first song when she was 15. Karl tells her not to be
shy and he’d love to hear it. Kyle chips in saying he would like to hear it too, but Georgia is not keen on that idea.
Mason is working on Hermione the car at the garage, while Imogen sits on the bonnet whinging about how lame the school holidays have been, since she hasn’t been able to use the car. She enquires when the car is going to be done. Mason says he’s
going as fast as he can with the repairs, however he can’t spend work time working on his car - Imogen corrects him, ‘our car’. They talk about his job more generally, and Mason admits he’s not sure what he’s doing at the garage anymore – he’s
just doing odd-jobs such as stupid pick-ups and coffee runs, he feels like a ‘glorified gopher’. Imogen reminds him he’s an apprentice, and Mason mentions that he’s worried Lucas won’t be able to afford to
keep him on, particularly with Chris there too.

At number 24, Rani is moaning to Bailey about not being able to go to India with her dad. Bailey tells Rani he’s pleased she’s staying on Ramsay Street,
she will be living 2 doors closer to him and they’ll get to spend time together, but Rani feels like her dad is dumping her, and that school isn’t a good enough reason for her not to go with him. Karl knocks at the door and lets himself in,
and he tells Rani her room’s ready, whenever she wants to bring her things over. Rani asks Karl what her dad said to him about why she has to stay; but Karl says she’ll need to talk to her dad about that.
Paul and Kate are having coffee and are talking in Charlie’s; Paul tells Kate that he’s moving into the Eclipse penthouse apartment next week and wants a final decision on the colours for Kate’s room. Kate reminds him she’s not living there
with him, but Paul says it would be nice for her to have a room all the same, for when she needs to stay over. Kate thanks him, but says he can choose the colour. Mason walks into Charlie’s; Kate rushes over to greet him. Paul listens in as Mason fills
Kate in on some nuisance parts pick-up he has to make for the garage, and says they will have to meet up later in the evening for dinner.

Outside the Community Centre, Ajay is paying a visit to Priya's memorial, when Rani turns up. Ajay tells Rani he didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.
She asks her dad why he is trying to protect her and why he won’t take her to India. Ajay unconvincingly tells Rani that she has school and it’s important not to miss any. Rani tells Ajay that it’s not about school, and it’s not about India. Her great-grandma
is dying and he doesn’t want her to go through with that so soon after losing her mum. Rani tells Ajay that he can’t protect her forever. People dying – it’s part of life. Ajay asks Rani when did she get so strong, Rani explains to Ajay that
losing her mum was one of the worst things she’s ever going to have to go through. Rani tells Ajay that she doesn’t want to face staying here and being alone; they should be together and be a family.
Back at number 24, Rani tells Bailey the conversations she had with her dad and her thoughts about it. Bailey enquires about how Ajay responded, Rani says that her dad is thinking about things now, but she’s determined that she’ll do whatever she has
to do to be in India with her family. Bailey looks sad, and admits he was happy about her staying before. He asks if she’ll be back for her birthday; Rani doesn’t know. Bailey informs Rani if she’s not, he’ll organise a ‘kick-butt party’ for her a few weeks later.
Bailey also mentions that he’ll save up her birthday kiss, unless she wants it early. Bailey and Rani Start to kiss, just as Ajay walks in, coughing politely. Ajay tells Rani that he’s thought about what she said, and that he wants her to go with him
to India. Rani’s over the moon and hugs her dad, but Bailey looks upset and disappointed.

At the Lassiter’s reception desk, Imogen arrives to pester Terese for a driving lesson. Imogen explains to Terese that Mason hasn’t done much work on the car
and how bored he is with his job. Paul overhears this, and Terese eventually agrees to the driving lesson as soon as she’s finished work, and Imogen leaves happy. Paul says he’s thought about what she said and agrees with it; they need a new concierge
to come in at entry level.
At number 28, Ajay informs Susan of his decision to take Rani with him to India after all. Rani’s speech convinced Ajay that she is no longer a child. Ajay thanks Karl and Susan for everything they’ve done, and tells them they’re the best neighbours
out there. He hugs both of them before leaving. Karl tells Ajay to have a safe flight and he’ll see him when he gets back. Karl and Susan hug.



On Ramsay Street, Ajay loads up the taxi, as Callum and Bailey arrive to bid Rani goodbye. Rani promises to send Callum a postcard, he tells her that he would like that a lot,
but looks a bit awkward with Rani. They say their goodbyes and Callum wanders off. Rani’s left with Bailey; she tells Bailey that she’ll be back before he knows it, showering him with tacky souvenirs. He says that he can't wait, then
builds up the courage to tell Rani that he loves her. Rani, touched by this, repeats the same back to Bailey, and they share a goodbye kiss. Ajay beeps the horn of the taxi; Rani says she will miss Ramsay Street and she'll really miss Bailey - and gets
into the taxi. Bailey waves goodbye, as the Kapoors pull out of Ramsay Street.
Later on in the evening at Charlie’s, Karl and Georgia are playing their gig to an impressed-looking bar full of people, including Kyle, Sheila and Gloria the groupie. They’re singing My High-Flying Bird, the song Karl and Ajay wrote about their
daughters – and receive rapturous applause at the end. Kyle says Georgia is incredible, Sheila tells Kyle that she can certainly pull a crowd. Kyle hugs Georgia, telling her it was even better than last time. Sheila repeats her offer of a weekly gig and
Georgia wonders if they should wait for Ajay to get back to make the decision; but Karl reminds her that he was The Right Prescription long before Ajay showed up. Kyle tells Georgia she belongs up there and they all love her, and Karl agrees and tells
Sheila that he accepts the regular gig. Georgia looks bewildered.

Kate comes in and joins Paul at a table; Paul asks what she is doing here, he thought she had a late dinner with Mason. Kate tells Paul that Mason cancelled - he mentioned he would be bad
company. Paul suggests to Kate that they could have dinner together instead. Kate informs Paul that she’s just here for a drink, plus she wouldn’t be very good company either and walks off. Paul looks
pensive, before disappearing out the door. Kyle and Georgia take his table, and discuss the band gig - Georgia tells Kyle she is thinking of pulling out. Kyle explains to Georgia that he understands that she’s not the biggest fan of Karl’s music but
everyone in the audience loved them both. He thinks that they can do something amazing with this and he can’t wait till next week.
At number 32, Mason helps himself to a beer from the fridge, only to turn around and find Paul standing in his kitchen. Mason looks suitably disturbed, and asks him if he's lost. Paul says that people in this street should start locking their doors, and
proceeds to tell Mason that he wants to help him; he’s heard he’s fed up of being Lucas’s gopher at the garage, and wants to offer him a new position at Lassiter’s – the trainee concierge role. He would be starting at the bottom, but there would be
considerable opportunity for progression. Paul tells Mason it’s a career path, something he’s never had before and that eventually, Mason could move up to hotel operations and even management. Paul explains to Mason that it’s a path to travel,
to a new skill set, meeting interesting people, to great money but if those things don’t interest him... Paul starts to leave, but Mason asks him to wait. Mason points out that he doesn’t know anything about hotels, but Paul says Lassiter’s
would pay for him to do a hotel management course at TAFE. Mason is shocked to hear from Paul that Lassiters would pay for him to study, Paul tells Mason that Lassiters like to invest in their employees. Paul tells Mason that if he stays at the garage,
in a few years time, Lucas might move him up to answering phones, but at Lassister's he could be a manager on a great wage. Mason asks Paul why he is offering this to him. Paul informs Mason that he believes he’s got potential and he’s
not the only one who cares about Kate. Mason brings up the trial and how Paul tried to sabotage it, but Paul says that was before he knew what he knows now. Paul says he’s a pragmatist, and that for him, Kate is the bottom line –
which makes Mason a good investment. Paul reckons that if he gives the job to Mason, it’ll give him more chance of seeing Kate. Paul says he’ll draw up a contract, and tells Mason he should take it to a lawyer to check over,
promising the offer will be worth his while. Paul leaves Mason to think about this offer.

Karl and Susan relax at home, listening to one of Karl’s The Right Prescription tracks; they both get cosy on the couch and kiss.
Just then the phone rings - Susan tells him not to answer it, he tells Susan he has to as he is on call. Karl answers the phone, it's Izzy Hoyland, much to Susan’s annoyance. Karl has a brief conversation with Izzy, who then hangs up. Karl then explains
the conversation to Susan; Izzy’s met a new bloke and they’re going off together on a cruise around the Mediterranean. Susan asks Karl how this affects them, Karl tells Susan that Izzy has put Holly on a plane to come here and stay with them.
Susan looks shocked.
Featured Regular Characters: Ajay Kapoor, Rani Kapoor, Bailey Turner, Callum Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Georgia Brooks,
Terese Willis, Imogen Willis, Mason Turner, Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay
Guest Cast: Lisa Heenan as Gloria Gibson
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearances of Sachin Joab (Ajay) and Coco Cherian (Rani), though Coco would return for three episodes later in 2013, to tie up the Kapoors' stories
• Ajay's final words are "Rock on."
• Past characters Priya Kapoor and Izzy Hoyland are mentioned
• An unseen Lassiter's hotel guest, Mrs Hampton, is mentioned - the concierge has lost her expensive bracelet
by Kyle