Magic Moments
> 2013
> Lucas and Vanessa's Departure
Episode 6737
by Pete McTighe, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 24/09/13, Five: 22/10/13
Chris finding out that Hudson doesn't want to see him, following Hudson's arrest... Lucas revealing to Vanessa that someone wants to buy the garage, and discussing the possibility of moving to the country...
Georgia telling Kyle that she could be sued by Paul if she doesn't keep to the singing contract she has... Paul explaining to Georgia that he has lined someone else up to sing her song after Kyle had spoken to him about Georgia
At number 26, Kyle is in the kitchen reading the newspaper when Georgia storms in. She angrily tells him that he shouldn't have spoken to Paul, and asks if he is scared her career will take off and leave Kyle behind. Kyle apologises, as does Georgia for her outburst.
Georgia admits she shouldn't have signed the contract and that she shouldn't have taken it out on Kyle. she adds she is not happy her song has been taken away by Paul after putting so much work into it.

At their apartment, Lucas and Vanessa are looking at the country house on the laptop, finding reasons that they shouldn't buy the house, such as it being too cold in the winter and the fact
it is probably infested with spiders. Closing the laptop, they both agree how insane the idea is, before opening it up again and reconsidering. Vanessa and Lucas agree they would love it, as would their children, before saying how great it would be.
Vanessa urges Lucas to call the agents, as they agree it would be their dream house.
At number 30, Toadie sits down in shock as Lucas tells him that he and Vanessa are leaving. Meanwhile in Harold's, Vanessa is telling Sonya the same news. Both Lucas and Vanessa explain how perfect the house is and how, with the sale of the apartment and
the offer on the garage, everything is falling into place. Vanessa is reassured by Sonya that they don't need permission to move, but Vanessa reluctantly explains how, as they have been through so much, she doesn't want Sonya and Toadie to feel abandoned.
Sonya reassures Vanessa that it is not the case, and convinces Vanessa that if it is the right move, it should go ahead. Toadie and Sonya both congratulate Vanessa and Lucas and tell them how much they will be missed. Toadie then suggests a party to Lucas,
who excitedly drums on the table.



Kyle marches into Charlie's and heads over to Paul, telling him he didn't ask Paul to give Georgia's song away. Paul responds that Kyle should be thanking him, because he now can spend
time with her. He adds that a girlfriend of Kyle's should have simple ambitions. Paul asks if Kyle could have handled Georgia travelling all over Australia. Paul then goes on to say it is the best outcome: he gets to make money, whilst Kyle gets to spend
lots of time with Georgia. Kyle sarcastically tells Paul that he is a piece of work, before angrily walking off. As Kyle leaves, Lucas drifts past Paul, who has sat down at a table. Paul congratulates Lucas, who is surprised how quickly the news of his and
Vanessa's departure has spread. Paul admits that, although he and Lucas have had a few run-ins, he would sincerely like to wish him well, because Lucas has a good heart and fought for his family, which Paul admires. Lucas is pleasantly surprised and shakes
Paul's hand before Lucas heads off to the bar.
Chris is at the table, mobile phone to ear, whilst trying to find a spare tool for the garage. Sheila comes into the kitchen and tells Chris he needs to eat. Chris puts the phone down, and explains to Sheila that he can't get in touch with Hudson.
Sheila has to tell Chris to calm down as he gets more and more agitated by the lack of communication from Hudson or Hudson's family. Chris worries what will happen if Hudson goes to jail, and asks Sheila if he meant so little to Hudson in the first place.
Sheila tries to persuade Chris not to go to work, but he heads off, agitated and upset.

At number 30, Toadie is unpacking groceries in the kitchen, when Sheila knock on the door. He asks her in, and tells her that Lucas and Vanessa are off for good. Sheila remarks how sudden it
was, and goes on to ask if Hudson is likely to be locked up. Toadie explains that it is possible he wasn't given bail, and Sheila wonders whether there is any way that Chris could find out. Toadie offers to look at the public record for Chris as the results
of the bail hearing should be published there. Sheila replies that Chris really needs something to hang on to because Lucas leaving will hit him hard.
At the garage, Chris is staring at Hudson's number in his phone when a customer arrives to ask about her car. He asks her to wait, although she jokes he said he'd only be a second five seconds ago. Telling Chris she was joking, the customer asks what the problem with
the car is, but Chris snaps that when he knows he will tell her. Chris discovers the problem is a faulty fuel sensor, but the customer impatiently asks whether he really wants the work. Chris angrily retorts that if she is in a hurry, she might want to go
somewhere else. Chris apologises as she gets in the car and drives away, but it is too late. Sadly, Chris looks at a photo of himself and Hudson on his phone.

At Harold's, Chris is in shock as Lucas tells him he is moving away. Chris admits he doesn't know what to say, and asks if Lucas really has to leave that day. Lucas admits that he and Vanessa
don't, but that they want to. Lucas apologises that he won't be there for Chris at the moment, but that he is only an hour away, so Chris should call and visit. Chris tells Lucas he has helped him lots, and Lucas replies that his apprenticeship is safe as the
new owners have agreed to keep him on. Lucas adds that Chris is a good mechanic, and that he will end up running the place in no time! Inviting Chris to the party at toadies, Lucas looks sad as Chris tells him that he has put a lot of faith in him over the
At number 30, Vanessa, Toadie and Sonya are delivering plates of party food to the table. Vanessa tells them they needn't have gone to so much trouble, but Sonya tells her that they did. Lucas arrives and hugs Sonya, asking her if she hates him for
leaving. Sonya explains she is happy for Lucas and Vanessa, but is sad that hey are leaving. She adds how far Lucas has come and Lucas explains it is all because of Sonya. Toadie apologises that Callum is not going to make it back in time, but everyone
agrees to meet up soon. Lucas excitedly tells Vanessa, Toadie and Sonya that he has had a call from the agent: the contract is ready to be signed and the house is officially theirs. Before toasting the news, Vanessa tells Toadie and Sonya that they are
the most amazing people, and she doesn't know where her and Lucas would be without their friendship. She adds how much she loves Toadie and Sonya. In return, Sonya tells Lucas he is not a friend: he is family, and explains how much they will be missed.
Toadie then tells Lucas and Vanessa he will miss Vanessa's cupcakes, and they all clink glasses, toasting Vanessa, Lucas and the children.

A little later, Susan tells Karl and Kyle to leave some of the party food for other people. Karl replies that if you want first choice at a buffet, you need to get to it early!
Susan walks over with a bowl of snacks to Lucas, telling him that Libby and Ben send their love. Lucas explains to Lou that he and Vanessa will be staying in a B and B, and a rental house, until they can get into their new house. Kyle suggests that Lucas
should try and get in the house early. Just then Chris arrives, but is pulled aside into the kitchen before he can join the party by Toadie. Toadie tells Chris that Hudson was granted bail, being released immediately after the hearing. He adds that Hudson
has gone up to Sydney to see his family. Upset, he leaves the party, telling Lucas he is unable to stay.
At number 26, Chris angrily sits down on the sofa next to Sheila, who suggests he books a flight to Sydney as he could arrive that same night. Chris replies that if Hudson wanted to speak, he would have answered his calls. Sheila urges Chris to consider what is
going through Hudson's mind. Chris explains that he wants to and that he loves Hudson, adding he wanted to spend his life with him. Sadly, Chris tells Sheila that he should have let Hudson go home with him on the night of the exhibition so that the hit
and run wouldn't have happened. Sheila tells Chris he is not to blame and that Hudson has to take responsibility. Chris replies that Hudson will probably spend years in jail because of him.

Georgia is sitting on a sofa, when Paul heads over, introducing Georgia to Amali Ward. he explains that Amali will be performing the song. Before being whisked off by Paul,
she says that she hopes her performance doesn't disappoint Georgia. As Amali and Paul head off, Kyle walks over, inviting her over to Number 30. Georgia explains who Amali is, and that she is singing Georgia's song. Kyle offers to wait with Georgia, but
she urges him to go back to Lucas.
Sonya is showing Vanessa and Lucas how they have been added to Harold's book about the history of Ramsay Street. Toadie explains that Harold would approve because Harold liked a happy ending. Susan and Karl arrive, telling Lucas and Vanessa
that the car is packed. Vanessa heads outside to see if Patrick is ok, as Karl tells them he is getting a little grizzly. Lucas points out that Chris is not answering his calls, but Toadie says that he and Sonya will keep an eye on Chris. They embrace again.


Lou tells Vanessa and Lucas to keep in touch. Seeing Chris, Lucas heads over to him, and tells Chris he hates leaving with everything like it is. He adds that any guy would be
lucky to have Chris, and that if Hudson doesn't realise, it is his loss. Lucas adds that if they are meant to be together, it will happen, just like it did with Lucas and Vanessa. Chris says that he hopes so, before they hug. Lucas tells Chris to take care
of himself. Walking towards the car, Lou says he hopes Lucas doesn't leave before making a speech. Lucas and Vanessa explain how they will never forget the street or the amazing people there. After hugging those present, they jump in the car, waving as they
head off down Ramsay Street.



Later at Charlie's, Amali is singing Georgia's song, watched by Kyle, Paul and Georgia. Paul tells Georgia how fantastic Amali is, and Kyle gets up to square up to Paul, though Georgia
pulls him back towards her. Fighting back tears, Georgia leaves.

Chris arrives at the garage, when he runs into the customer from earlier. she says that she has fixed the problem with her car herself, as she knows the way around an engine.
She wonders why the garage was closed earlier, but Chris angrily snaps back, asking what it has do do with her. Chris looks mortified when she introduces herself as Danni Ferguson, the new manager of the garage.
Featured Regular Characters: Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson, Georgia Brooks,
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Chris Pappas
Guest Cast: Amali Ward as Herself, Laura McIntosh as Danni Ferguson,
Remy Hii as Hudson Walsh, Basquait Voevodin-Knack as Patrick Villante,
Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearances of Scott Major (Lucas), Alin Sumarwata (Vanessa) and Basquait Voevodin-Knack (Patrick) - Scott would continue to work on Neighbours as a director
• Lucas's final words are "Tell me something I don't know."
• Vanessa's final words are "Bye Bossy!"
• Past characters Libby Kennedy and Ben Fitzgerald are mentioned
• Callum's absence is explained by his being on a school excursion
• Remy Hii is credited as Hudson for this episode, but is only shown in a photograph
Paul: "Listen, I know we've had our run-ins, but I would sincerely like to wish you well. You know, you've come a long way
and you've fought for your family, which I, for one, respect. You've got a good heart, Lucas Fitzgerald."
Lucas: "Is this really happening? Paul Robinson's paying me a compliment?"
Paul: "Well you do have to leave town to get one."
Lucas: "Done."
Paul: "Good luck, mate."
Lucas: "When I first got to Erinsborough, I guess I was kind of lost. And then I found Ramsay Street. I found friends. I found the love of my life. And I don't know what else to say..."
Vanessa: "You guys have always been there for us, when we really needed it. We will never forget this street, you're just the most amazing people."
Lucas: "How was that?"
Toadie: "You're lucky you've got her, because you'd be lost without her."
Lucas: "Tell me something I don't know."
by Alex