Magic Moments
> 2014
> Callum's Departure
Episode 6904
by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 12/06/14, Channel 5: 26/06/14
Sonya has a go at Susan for putting Callum in the competition without her consent... Callum reassures Sonya that it will be ok... Libby returns to Ramsay Street with Ben...
Libby comments that she has been at a loose end since her school closed down... Georgia asks Chris what he is hiding from her... Georgia see’s what Chris was hiding from her, a photo of Kyle on Facebook with another girl...
Chris and Georgia are putting the finishing touches to the cupcakes at number 26, when Kyle enters and Chris comments that he doesn’t smell too good. Kyle tells them both that he had a ‘run in with a bag of blood and bone’ and will
have a quick shower before he hits the party. As Kyle is looking through the laundry basket, Georgia tries to quiz him on his trip to Thailand. Kyle tells Georgia that he didn’t do much apart from the night Dane was released, Kyle grabs a top
and heads straight to the shower. Chris asks Georgia why she didn’t ask about the photo, “I shouldn’t have to” is Georgia’s reply, and she adds that she
doesn’t want Kyle to think she doesn’t trust him. Chris reassures Georgia that Kyle is not going to think that and she needs to talk to him and get things out in the open.

In Harold’s, Sonya spots Josie sitting on her own, so goes over and asks if she's going to the party. Josie confirms she is. Sonya notices how sad Josie
is and sits downs, Sonya says that it's OK to be upset about Callum leaving. Josie tells Sonya that she wishes that Callum would stay; she is going to miss him so much, not because he’s her boyfriend but
because he’s also her best friend. Sonya agrees, and Josie adds that she and Callum can write or talk online but it won’t be the same. Sonya nods in agreement and apologises, telling
Josie that if she could make things different, she would. Sonya comments that she’s tried but Callum really wants to do this. Josie says to Sonya “Yeah I know that, I wouldn’t stop him even if I could but it still sucks” Sonya tells Josie
that she is a lot wiser than she is, realising how long they have been talking Sonya suggests that Josie walks back with her to the party and Josie agrees.
At number 26, as they're preparing to go to the barbecue outside, Georgia says to Kyle “Look Kyle, I’m not going to pretend that everything's alright because it isn’t”. Georgia
flips up the laptop and shows him the photo. Kyle asks where she got the photo from. Georgia explains that it is from Dane’s Facebook page, and she asks Kyle who the girl is. Kyle tells Georgia that he didn’t know he posted it and has no
idea who the girl is. Georgia doesn't believe Kyle, and says “Come on Kyle, I’m not stupid, she’s gorgeous, she’s all over you, she’s flashing her underwear, do you really expect me to believe you’ve forgotten about her?” Kyle admits to
Georgia that it was a big night and there were a lot of backpackers. Georgia says to Kyle “That’s it, that’s all you’ve got, you went out with Dane and you meet some hot chick and you can’t remember anything that happened” Kyle tells Georgia that
the night was very fuzzy and declares that after all they’ve been through, he can’t believe that she would think he would cheat on her again. Kyle reassures Georgia that he loves her. “Then why is this girl all over you?” is Georgia’s reply.
Kyle doesn’t answer and Georgia announces that she needs some air and leaves.

Inside number 30, Callum is talking to Bailey and Josie. Bailey tells Callum that he’s not good on speeches and would prefer a one on one goodbye; they hug and shake
hands, before Bailey leaves. Callum then goes over to Josie, who looks sad, and tells her that it’s going to be fine and mentions that he has made a schedule of when they can talk online. However, Josie tells Callum that there is no way they are going to stick
to a schedule. Callum disagrees but Josie says to Callum “You’re going to be meeting heaps of new people, working hard, going out, you’re about to start a whole new life”. Callum declares that his life is with her, but Josie explains to Callum that
he needs to be realistic, he is going to be living on the other side of the world, “which is why I am breaking up with you” Josie painfully says to a crushed Callum.
Outside, Brad asks Libby how she feels about being back on Ramsay Street. Libby comments that it’s like she never left, except for a few new faces. Brad tells Libby that he’s technically a “new old face” Libby laughs and informs Brad that she remembers
Lou telling her about him and how he used to go out with Lauren. Brad says to Libby “that was a long time ago”. Terese comes over and Brad tells her that he was just chatting to Libby about how good it is being back on Ramsay Street, adding that it’s a
great place to raise a family. Terese agrees and mentions that Erinsborough has a bit of everything. “And nobody holds a street party like Ramsay Street” Libby chips in. Toadie then approaches Libby and gives her a very warm hug - he says that she's
glowing and asks if she’s met someone. Libby declares that she’s blissfully single and so happy to be home, they hug again. Amber heads over to Daniel and enquires what he is holding. Daniel admits that he caved in and shows Amber his phone. Daniel declares
he did it for Paul. He asks Amber if she can help him grab a table, Daniel explains that Sonya thinks that they need more food and she would like another table set up. Whilst putting the table up it falls onto Amber’s foot - Daniel gets her to sit down,
joking that that he will get her an ambulance. Amber insists that she’s fine and gets up, claiming that she feels better and makes an excuse that she has to help her mum with something.

At number 30, Toadie is talking to Callum about his break up with Josie. Callum tells Toadie that he doesn’t want to lose Josie. Toadie explains to Callum that he and Josie can
remain friends and maybe things can pick up when he comes back from America. Callum shakes his head. Toadie says to Callum “It must have taken a lot of guts to break up with you when she likes you so much” Callum remains silent, Toadie continues “You know
she’s still out there, I wouldn’t take too long”. Toadie heads back outside, leaving Callum to think.


Back outside, the Ramsay Street residents are enjoying the street party. Kyle is on the phone to Dane, trying to get him to remember something about the mystery
female backpacker, but then Kyle says that it doesn’t matter - all he wants is a written statement from him declaring that he didn’t sleep with “bra girl”. Kyle hangs up. Chris comes over and Kyle tells him that Dane can’t remember anything and he
is going to need his help to make Georgia believe he is innocent. Chris explains that he is not getting in the middle of all this and states that Georgia has already given him a second chance. Kyle again declares that he didn’t cheat. Chris says to
Kyle “All I’m saying is maybe you should think about why this keeps happening and if it’s fair on Georgia”. Chris walks away, whilst Kyle looks concerned.
Inside number 30, Josie walks in, telling Callum that she got his text. Callum announces that he loves Josie - “Even after what I just did?” is Josie's reply. Callum nods his head and explains to her that he loves her even more because of it
and doesn’t think that anyone in America will be as awesome as her. Josie reminds Callum that a year is a long time and she didn’t want to hold him back. Callum suggests a counter-offer to Josie; they stay together until tomorrow which
means they would get one last day together. Josie tells Callum that it could work, they both smile and hug. Josie declares to Callum that she loves him so much and is going to miss him like crazy. Callum apologises and tells Josie that if he could
change his mind and take it all back he would. Josie reassures Callum that he has to do this and she will be ok. Callum tells Josie that she’s tough and asks if they have a deal. Josie says to Callum “What d'you think?” - they kiss again.
Sonya comes through and tells Callum that it’s speeches time and they need the guest of honour. They all head outside.




Outside Toadie starts the speeches “As you all know, we are all here to send Callum off in style. The day I met you was the beginning of the best part of my life,
you made me realise how much I really wanted family and you brought your mum to me and you’re the glue that binds us together and we love you.” Toadie starts getting emotional, so Karl speaks up. “Callum, you’ve kept us on our toes for
years and the place won’t be the same without you, but you know the thing about this street, it’s always home and we would welcome you back anytime. You'll want to return just like my daughter Libby, who is paying us a visit.” Susan stops Karl
and tells Callum what Karl means is that everyone loves him and hopes that he has a great adventure. Callum thanks everyone; Sonya starts by telling Callum that she, his dad and sister love him very much and don’t know what life is going to be
like without him, not seeing that cheeky smile, hearing his sense of humour and the love and generosity he gives. Sonya admits she’s so lucky to have him and insists that Callum calls her every week or she will be on the next plane. Sonya and
Callum hug, Toadie gets everyone to raise their glass and to toast to Callum.
Later on, Toadie is clearing up inside, as Callum enters. Toadie says that the party went really well, and Callum asks if it's ok for Josie to stay the night. Toadie points to the couch where there is bedding and tells Callum that he is one step
ahead of him. However, Callum asks Toadie if Josie can stay in his room. Toadie is a little thrown by this, but Callum explains that he and Josie have talked about it and they always said they would wait for the right time and this is their last chance.
Toadie tells Callum that it’s not just his decision; Josie’s mums have to be ok with it. Callum informs Toadie that he has already asked Josie’s mums and they are fine with it. Callum then reminds Toadie that he and Josie love each other and this
is their last night together, Callum again asks Toadie “So what you say?”

A little while later, Sonya is furious that Toadie agreed to Josie's sleepover, without even asking her. Toadie explains that there wasn’t anything else to say, they both know
how serious Callum and Josie are about each other and they haven’t rushed into it, they can’t stop them growing up forever. Sonya, angry with Toadie’s decision, looks over to Callum’s room and tells Toadie that she can’t believe he made such an important
decision without her. Toadie says that she was at the shops, and he tried to contact her but she didn’t pick up. Sonya gets her out her phone and realises she has a missed call, saying that she didn't hear it. Toadie asks Sonya if she would have said
no and she simply tells Toadie that they will never know because he didn’t consult her. Toadie mentions that Josie’s mums were on board with it and he thought she would be too. Sonya quite abruptly tells Toadie that she’s had enough, the situation is done,
her own opinions on her son don’t count for anything, and she proceeds to storm off.
At the Waterhole, Daniel is playing pool with Amber; Josh comes over with a drink for her, asking if she's having fun. Amber tells Josh that she was thinking of setting up Daniel and Imogen - Josh isn’t too keen and tells
Amber that Imogen’s love life is something he doesn’t like to think about too much. Karl and Libby then walk in, Libby is impressed with the new look and Karl comments that the food has improved. Libby however knows what Karl is up to and
tells him that she did live here before, so he doesn’t need to sell the place to her. Libby explains to Karl that she loves that he wants her to stay longer but her life is just not here anymore. Karl suggests to Libby that it could be, but Libby
is adamant and tells Karl that she’s enjoying being Libby Kennedy not Dr Kennedy’s kid or Principal Susan’s daughter. Libby asks Karl if he can stop the hard sell, talking about beautiful, sunny Erinsborough and enjoy her being back for a visit.
Karl agrees to do this. Libby tells Karl that she is going to buy him a drink, Karl jokes that anything from the top shelf will be fine. Libby mutters under her breath “standard”.

At number 26, Kyle tells Georgia, who is looking at his phone, that everything that happened is explained in the email from Dane. Georgia tells Kyle that Dane called her
earlier. Kyle is surprised, and Georgia explains that Dane was a bit hazy on the details. Kyle comes closer to Georgia and tells her that he loves her and there’s no way he'd cheat again. Georgia interrupts Kyle and tells him that she done a bit of
Facebook stalking and she found 7 photos of his backpacker ‘bra woman’ doing the same with other guys; it must be her ‘signature move’. Kyle tells her that she’s not 'his' backpacker, Georgia says that she believes him, it took her a little while
to realise it, she doesn’t need proof, she believes him and she trusts him and most importantly she loves him. Kyle says it back, and they kiss. Georgia and Kyle head to the bedroom, Georgia says to Kyle “I have a few signature moves myself
I would like to try”.
The next morning at number 30, Callum and Josie are having breakfast whilst holding hands. Sonya seems unimpressed and suggests that they should all get going in case there’s a rush at the airport. Toadie agrees and asks Callum if he’s ready to go,
Callum confirms he is. Josie takes Nell from Toadie and tells everyone that she will meet them outside. As Josie goes outside, Callum tells Toadie that he and Josie didn’t get up to anything. Toadie asks why not, and Callum explains that
it didn’t feel right in the end. Toadie sighs with relief and tells Callum that he is an amazing kid, before hugging him. Toadie then heads outside and, as she rushes him, Callum tells Sonya to give him a second. Sonya agrees, Callum looks around the room
then goes over to a photo of the family. Sonya re-enters and tells Callum that he’s going to be late. Callum looks upset; Sonya goes over to him and hugs him. Sonya starts to cry and says to Callum “my beautiful boy, I love you.” They walk out together.


A little later, Toadie enters the lounge and asks Sonya how she is feeling. Sonya replies “Well, my son has moved over to the other side of
the world for a whole year, how'd you think I’m feeling, Jarrod?” Toadie can tell Sonya is still angry with him about last night and asks her if they can talk. However, Sonya is not willing to. Toadie reminds her that Callum and Josie didn’t
do anything, however Sonya comments that it isn’t the point, he didn’t discuss it with her, his WIFE. Sonya reminds Toadie that she is Callum’s mother and he made a huge decision without her. Toadie and Sonya continue to argue and things
become heated, Sonya then storms out of the room.
Featured Regular Characters: Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas,
Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Joshua Willis, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner
Guest Cast: Tim Phillipps as Daniel Robinson, Kym Valentine as Libby Kennedy,
Felix Mallard as Ben Fitzgerald, Madison Daniel as Josie Lamb,
Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Morgan Baker as Callum Rebecchi
• Callum's final words are "Don't change anything while I'm gone. I wanna be able to picture it perfectly." (Sonya tells him to hurry up) "Just give me a sec."
• Past character Dane Canning is mentioned
by Kyle