Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6905
Written by James Walker, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 13/06/14, Channel 5: 27/06/14
• Bailey has a gathering at his house but later he and Jayden fall out
• Amber hurts her foot at the street party and Daniel massages it, leaving Amber embarrassed
• Callum asks Toady if Josie can stay in his room for the night
• Toadie and Sonya argue about Callum and Josie

Rebecchi Law: Naomi brings a wrestling figure for Toadie as a surprise for Monday but he is already in the office thinking about Callum and Sonya. Naomi tells him she
is worried about him and is there for him if he wants to talk. Toadie mentions his trouble with Sonya and that he’s missing Callum. Naomi makes Toadie go for a walk to clear his head, as he leaves she looks pleased with herself.
No 32 - Kitchen: Amber is smiling, thinking about Daniel massaging her foot when Josh walks in from his swim. Josh asks her what she was day dreaming a
bout and starts to mention Daniel but Amber quickly snaps at him asking him why he would think that. Josh actually meant that she was thinking about setting Daniel and Imogen up but doesn’t suspect Amber was thinking of Daniel herself.
Bailey arrives and Josh tells him to get out to the back of the house to warm up, they are doing “astronaut training” to keep his mind off Callum leaving. Amber tells him that is a nice thing to do.

Rebecchi Law: Sonya arrives at the office with Nell and is surprised to see Naomi sat at Toadie’s desk. Naomi explains she is just catching up on work. When Sonya
asks where Toadie is, Naomi says she isn’t sure where he is but he’ll be back soon. Naomi asks Sonya how she is with Callum leaving and she confesses she isn’t great and that she and Toadie have argued so she is here to talk it through with him.
Naomi talks her out of it and tells her to take some time to think it through herself first and suggests having a massage. Naomi is quite insistent that Sonya has a massage and gets on the phone to book it. Sonya thanks her but is unsure about
going for the massage.
Rebecchi Law: Later, Sonya has left and Naomi is trying to calm Nell down. She tries singing songs, telling jokes and reading to her from a law book…
which finally works!

The Waterhole: Daniel and Amber are playing pool. Imogen arrives and they start having some banter about winning at pool. Amber tries to pass the cue to
Imogen to get her to play but Imogen takes her to one side to ask what she is doing. Imogen thinks Amber is trying to set them up and wants to leave. She finally agrees to stay as long as there is no matchmaking, to which Amber agrees.
Rebecchi Law: Toadie arrives back from his walk to find Nell asleep. He can’t believe Naomi has got her to sleep by herself but she mentions it was reading
legal journals that cracked it! Toadie is surprised Sonya has gone for a massage but Naomi explains it was her idea. He thanks her for being so thoughtful. When he goes into his office Naomi calls the salon where Sonya is having her massage
to ask them to prolong her stay there for an hour or two and that she will foot the bill.
The Waterhole: Daniel and Imogen are flirting and teasing each other about their home towns whilst Amber sits there looking bored.
Amber tells Imogen to ease up on the jokes.

Lassiter's Grounds: Sonya bumps into Sheila on the way back from her massage. Shelia thought she would be a mess today but comments how peaceful Sonya looks.
Sonya explains how Naomi paid for it and recommended it and is even looking after Nell. Sheila thinks she should get back to Nell as Naomi may be struggling to cope but Sonya thinks she will be fine. At the other side of the park, Josh and
Bailey are training with Bailey doing sit ups. As they are training Jayden and his friends arrive and start making fun of Bailey. As they walk off, Josh tells Bailey to forget them and concentrate on what he is doing.
Rebecchi Law: Toadie and Naomi have just changed Nell’s nappy and Toadie is teasing her about how she has been holding her breath because of the smell. Sonya arrives back
and says how great the massage was and that it was generous of Naomi but then leaves giving Toadie the cold shoulder. Naomi apologises to Toadie as she thought the massage would help but he looks upset. Naomi plants the idea in Toadie’s head that it could be
something to do with Brennan and Toadie starts to think that this is the reason Sonya is on edge.
Lassiter's Grounds: Bailey and Josh are still training when Jayden and his gang appear again. Jayden teases Bailey again to the point where he gets
his things and storms off home leaving Josh looking disappointed.
The Waterhole: Amber is sat watching Daniel and Imogen play pool and flirt with each other and is rolling her eyes. Sheila tells Amber that an interstate
pool comp could be good for the bar. Amber agrees but isn’t too enthusiastic. Amber tells Imogen she is taking it too far with the sledging but she disagrees. Amber says that now the game is over Imogen can stop being such a cow.
Imogen doesn’t know what is wrong with Amber today so she has another joke with Daniel and leaves. When Imogen leaves, Daniel and Amber are alone at last.

Harold's Store: Amber is telling Josh how her attempts to play cupid went wrong as Imogen was being really rude. Amber is contemplating who to set Daniel
up with but Amber can’t think of anyone that is Daniel’s type. Quickly changing the subject Amber asks how things went with Bailey. Josh explains what happened and that he thinks he may have made things worse. Amber calls Bailey to
see if he is ok...
No 32 - Kitchen: Bailey sees amber calling and ignores his phone. As he walks to the fridge he sees some alcohol on the side and picks it
up as if he wants to drink it.
No 30 - Living Room: Sonya tells Toadie about a text she has had from Callum saying where he is. They make awkward small talk. Sonya gets upset
because she misses him and she’s struggling. Toadie agrees they are having communication problems and they need to work their way through them but he can’t help but feel Brennan is getting in the way. Sonya can’t understand if they’re both
trying why it isn’t getting any better between them. Sonya suggests they could spend more time together now they have one less child to look after and they start kissing but are interrupted by Naomi calling. She has just got a letter
from her stalker and is freaking out.
Rebecchi Law: Naomi is sitting in the office making the threatening letter herself whilst telling Toadie how scared she is on the phone.
No 30 - Living Room: Toadie says he’ll come and get Naomi soon. Toadie explains to Sonya and as he leaves they kiss and he promises to be back soon.

The Waterhole: Amber is apologising to Daniel for Imogen being rude earlier. Daniel is fine with it as it is just Imogen’s personality.
Daniel asks Amber if she has feelings for him. She admits she got jealous over Imogen but isn’t sure how she feels. When Daniel tells her that’s how he feels when she is with Josh she rushes out saying she has to go.
Featured Regular Characters: Toadfish Rebecchi, Naomi Canning, Amber Turner, Josh Willis, Bailey Turner, Sonya Rebecchi, Imogen Willis, Sheila Canning
Guest Cast:
Tim Phillipps as Daniel Robinson, Khan Oxenham as Jayden Warley,
Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Izzy Hoyland, Gus Cleary and Kate Ramsay are mentioned. Sen. Det. Alec Skinner's name is also shown in the online article about the fire
• Richard Sutherland (Victor) is credited, but is only shown in photographs; Ben Barrack (Gus) is credited and is only shown in flashbacks to the Lassiter's fire
• Victor Cleary is 35 years old, and was released from prison in February 2014, after serving a nine-year sentence
by Nicola