Magic Moments
> 2014
> Susan Buried Alive: Part One
Episode 7020
by Fiona Bozic, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 21/11/14, Channel 5: 05/12/14
Sheila sends Naomi on a holiday to Hawaii in a bid to help her get over Toadie... The anonymous letters and DHS call are taking their toll on Sonya’s state of mind...
Paul orchestrates a reunion between Terese and her ex-boss, and almost-flame, Ezra... Ezra correctly guesses that Paul wants him to come between Terese and Brad... Brad is upset when Terese and Ezra go for a drink together...
Nate’s struggling to engage with his new counsellor and is having trouble sleeping… and has taken up digging holes in the middle of the night...
Inside number 28, Susan catches Karl looking at a website called ‘Erinsborough Pets’, and mentions to him that she hopes that he’s looking for a Christmas present for someone else, but Karl reminds Susan that she agreed to talk about getting a new pet. Susan tells
Karl that talking and buying are two different things. He replies “I’m just saying that if something warm and cuddly happened to turn up in my stocking…” Susan jokingly tells Karl that she doesn’t think she would fit. Nate has just got up and comes out of his room,
but Susan immediately notices he’s got dirt in his hair. Nate claims it’s from moving topsoil for Sonya yesterday. He rushes off for
a shower, and once he’s gone, Susan remarks to Karl that Nate seems on edge.

Terese is having breakfast at the Waterhole when Ezra enters. She asks why he hasn’t got his flight back to Perth, Ezra explains he’s postponed his flight back to Perth because of ‘unfinished business’ – he wants to spend more time working on Paul’s
festival idea. Terese is reluctant, but Ezra persuades her it will be fun to organise the festival together – and they quickly get started talking about ‘The Erinsborough brand’.

Over at Harold’s Store, Brad tells Paige that Doug’s plane got away on time. He asks if Terese has been in this morning, and Paige quickly realises that Brad is still worried about
Ezra, after he and Terese went for a drink together. Brad wonders why Terese would do that, especially after their last fight, and Paige reminds her dad of his own advice – to keep his anger under control. Paige also tells him to give Terese the space she’s asked for, and
concentrate on other things. Paige leaves Brad to think, as Chris enters, and Susan, who’s sitting at a table, spots him and calls him over. Susan thanks him for his and Nate’s pranks on Karl; she explains that Karl has locked Elvis in the garage. Susan tells Chris
that Karl is now on the lookout for a live pet, she suggests that he and Nate could organise another kidnapping. However, Chris admits to Susan that Nate isn’t in a great place at the moment;
he thinks Nate’s having nightmares again. Susan admits that she’s noticed Nate has been a little distracted, and tells Chris not to worry – he probably just needs a good night’s rest. But as Chris walks off, Susan looks concerned.
Back at The Waterhole, Toadie, Sonya and Nell are having breakfast, when Sonya gets a text message from ‘Unknown’, asking if she's been looking after Nell. The Rebecchis all look concerned.

At number 26, there are clothes scattered everywhere in the lounge room and a suitcase is on the coffee table. Georgia enters and gasps at the mess and immediately assumes Bossy
is responsible. Just then, Naomi comes in from the kitchen, revealing she’s responsible for the mess and explains that she’s just got back from her holiday. Naomi offers champagne as a belated wedding celebration, and apologises to Georgia for not being there. Naomi
tells Georgia that she had a job offer in Hawaii and she couldn’t pass it up. Georgia enquires about the job, but Naomi’s quick to change the subject, saying she heard Gary’s in town. Georgia comments that relations between Kyle and Gary are ‘getting there’ – and
mentions they’re out collecting timber at the moment, and Sheila is out having a massage. Georgia wonders why Naomi didn’t call them and get them to pick her up from the airport; Naomi claims she wanted to surprise the family. Georgia nervously proceeds to say to
Naomi “And, erm… How are you? Are you okay?” “All that time on the beach, why wouldn’t I be?” is Naomi’s quick reply and proceeds to change the topic again, quizzing Georgia on her big day, but Georgia isn’t biting, and she explains to Naomi that she knows she
still had feelings for Toadie and that is why she left Erinsborough.
At The Waterhole, Terese and Ezra are engaged in more corporate festival-talk. They’ve come up with a proposal and decide to pitch it to Paul and the team. Ezra remarks that it’ll be easy, since Terese can sell ‘a bike to a fish’, and she replies that Ezra was a
good teacher. Ezra comments that it feels like the good old days, but Terese quickly tells him that she should be going. Ezra proceeds to put his hand on Terese’s arm and says “Look, I hope you don’t mind me saying this. I can’t believe an intelligent, attractive
woman like you is living out of a suitcase”. Terese tells Ezra that she would like to avoid discussing personal matters at work. Ezra then suggests to Terese that she comes to dinner with him tonight. Despite his best persuasive efforts, Terese tells Ezra she can’t,
and makes an excuse to leave.

On Ramsay Street, Brad walks down the driveway, outside number 22 and Terese stops to talk to him. Brad’s on his way to the school; Terese suggests they have a coffee together before he
rushes off, but Brad declines the offer and tells Terese he can’t see her later either, as he’s doing some extra tutoring to help pay off Josh’s legal fees. They end up arguing, as Terese thinks Brad’s being deliberately difficult, and Brad thinks Terese is being
unreasonable by expecting him to drop his commitments now she suddenly wants to talk. Terese retorts that she has a lot of her own commitments too, with the festival. “And how’s that going? The old festival gurus, reunited”. Brad says. Terese tells Brad
that Paul was the one that brought Ezra in because they work well as a team. Brad’s doesn’t buy Terese’s declaration that her work with Ezra is strictly professional. Terese asks Brad if he is going to make the time or not, as she has a perfectly good dinner
invitation if their marriage is too much for him to fit into his busy schedule. Brad tells Terese that she should go to dinner if that’s what she wants. Terese proceeds to apologies to Brad and tells him that she didn’t mean it, but he tells her that he
is not going to compete for his own wife and declares that he’s giving up. Terese, shocked, says to Brad “So that’s it?” and Brad asks Terese if that's what she wants. Terese tells Brad that it’s obviously what he wants and proceeds to walk off.
Inside number 26, Georgia, Naomi and Bossy are looking at wedding photos on the laptop. Naomi thanks Georgia for not telling Toadie that she still had feelings for him. Georgia explains that she didn’t want to rock the boat for
no reason, as Naomi had left town. Naomi apologises again for not making the wedding, but Georgia reassures her, saying that she’s glad she took the time to get her head straight. Naomi claims she didn’t think about Toadie much while she was away, and declares
her heart is well and truly mended.

At Harold’s, Karl is making the argument for a pet, based on the positive impact on mental health, however Susan seems distracted, and she wonders out loud if a pet would help
Nate. Karl believes that it would, and states the more pets in the home, the better, telling Susan that the pet shop has a great deal on guinea pigs. Susan tells him that he can forget about the guinea pig idea, as he wouldn’t be able to stop there. Susan wonders
if it would be good for Nate to choose a pet for himself and she suggests a dog. Karl agrees with Susan that a dog would be marvellous for Nate. Susan brings up the conversation she had with Chris earlier about Nate having nightmares and admits she’s worried
his counselling isn’t working - Karl suggests that they give it a bit more time and if Nate hasn’t improved they can see what they can do to help him.
Back at The Waterhole, Toadie offers to walk a distressed Sonya to work. Naomi arrives, sees the Rebecchi family and sits discreetly by the exit so they don’t spot her. Sonya comments to Toadie that she feels like she is being watched all the time. Toadie tries
to reassure Sonya by reminding her that Matt will sort out the mystery of the text messages very soon. Toadie also tells Sonya to contact the police straight away if she gets another message. Naomi watches secretly from a distance as Toadie comforts
his wife.

Georgia is tidying up Naomi’s clothes that are scattered about the front room in number 26. She goes to put them back in the suitcase, but is shocked to find one of the red poison
pen envelopes in the case, addressed to ‘The Resident, 26 Ramsay Street’. Inside the envelope is one of the anonymous letters. Georgia also finds a receipt for Adama Apartments in Melbourne, showing that Naomi has been staying there, and not in Hawaii, since
17 October.
Georgia has taken this new evidence straight to Toadie and Mark at number 30. Toadie tells them that Naomi has no reason to attack Sonya, but Georgia confesses to Toadie that she found out a while back that Naomi left Ramsay Street because she was still in love
with him. Toadie asks Georgia why she didn’t say anything earlier and Georgia explains that it wasn’t relevant, and mentions to Toadie that she wants to believe that Naomi’s innocent, arguing that Naomi did tell her she was over Toadie earlier today. Mark doesn’t
think they have enough evidence to go accusing Naomi, but Toadie tells him that Naomi now appears to be the only person with any motive. He rushes off to confront Naomi, leaving Mark and Georgia to look after Nell, before Toadie leaves he asks them not to tell Sonya about this.

Paul is lending a sympathetic ear to Terese at the Waterhole, as she describes her row with Brad. Paul steers the conversation from her marriage and towards Ezra, and Terese
admits he’s invited her to dinner tonight. Paul wonders why that would be such a problem, and Terese has to remind him that she's still married! Paul tells Terese that from what she's just said, she is separated. Terese states to Paul that she is still married to Brad
and having dinner with another man doesn’t feel right. He then asks if Brad gave her permission, and Terese admits that Brad didn’t make much of an effort to talk her out of having dinner - Paul asks Terese if that really surprised her. Terese, not understanding
what Paul is getting at, asks him what he means. Paul says “Oh, come on. Look, Brad is a nice enough guy and he’s a good dad. But does he really put much effort into anything else? Here’s you, a dynamic and driven woman who’s got aspirations
and goals. But he, on the other hand, is not like you – not even in the slightest. Now, you know that, I know that – and finally he knows it. Now it may be harsh; it may not be what you want to hear. But I’m telling you as a friend that your life with Brad is over”.
Terese looks shocked.
Later, at the Lassiter’s Complex, Susan is on the phone to Karl in the car park. As she speaks to Karl, she sees Nate heading off into the bushes by the lake with a shovel in his hand, and quickly ends the conversation with Karl. Toadie approaches, asking if
she’s seen Naomi, but Susan tells Toadie that she didn’t even know she was back in town. Susan then asks Toadie if Nate’s been doing any work at night for Sonya in the nursery, Toadie tells Susan that he doesn't know of any, and he leaves - Susan turns back around
and looks suspiciously at the trees Nate was walking into. Meanwhile, Terese and Ezra are crossing the courtyard. She needs to collect some documents from her room so they can continue to work, but Ezra suggests they work in her room instead. Terese hesitantly
agrees, and Paul, who has been listening in from a nearby table, smiles as they walk into the hotel together and get into the lift. Meanwhile, Susan spies on Nate in between the trees, and is shocked to find him digging a hole with the shovel. Nate hears whoops from
nearby revellers, and breaks off digging to go and investigate. This allows Susan an opportunity to inspect the hole he’s been digging, it’s a fairly big, deep hole and as Susan gets closer she trips and topples into it!

In Terese’s hotel room, she and Ezra are still talking about their festival pitch, but having poured them each a glass of wine, he suddenly shuts her laptop, and raises a toast. They start
to discuss Terese’s favourite wine and begin to reminisce about the night at the cricket club with the impromptu flash mob! Terese comments that it was very embarrassing, but Ezra tells her that it was one of the best things he’s ever seen! Ezra goes
in to kiss her, and Terese moves towards him too. Just then Terese has second thoughts and tells Ezra that she can’t do it as she still loves her husband and it isn’t right. Ezra tells Terese that it is right, but she insists it’s a mistake and apologises, before
opening the door and asking him to leave – she tells Ezra that she wants to be alone. Ezra picks up his jacket and walks towards the door, then stops. They stare at each other for some time – then he drops his jacket again, and closes the door, remaining inside
the room.
At number 30, Sonya and Mark are preparing dinner, but Nell is crying in Sonya and Toadie’s bedroom, so Mark goes off to read her The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Sonya retrieves her phone.

Beyond the trees, the noise having dispersed, Nate returns to the hole he’s dug and begins to shovel dirt back into it – which we see clattering onto Susan’s blue jacket below.
Back at number 30, Sonya calls Toadie to tell him dinner’s almost ready.

At The Waterhole, Toadie tells Sonya there’s someone he needs to see first. As Naomi comes in, he tells Sonya he’ll be home soon, and he walks towards Naomi.
Back at number 30, Sonya puts her phone down, and suddenly gets a text, asking if Nell's being a bit restless tonight. Sonya reads the message, this time a number is displayed.

Over at The Waterhole, Toadie confronts Naomi by saying to her “What the hell are you playing at? Where do you get off sending those poisonous letters, texts to my wife?
And lying about being in Hawaii for the past five weeks!?” Naomi declares that she didn’t, but Toadie doesn't believe her and says “Oh, really? What, so I suppose that’s not yours, is it?” Toadie proceeds to wave the evidence Georgia found in her face.
Inside number 30, noticing the number the message came from, Sonya decides to call it. To her horror, she hears a ringtone coming from her bedroom, where Nell and Mark are supposed to be. Sonya rushes to the bedroom door, calling for Mark,
but the door’s obstructed somehow and keeps springing back, so she can’t get in the room. Sonya calls out for Mark.
Beyond the trees, Nate continues to shovel dirt into the hole, on top of an unconscious Susan!

Back at number 30, the phone continues to ring, as Sonya struggles with the blocked door. Sonya starts to panic and starts shouting for Mark and asking who is in the room.
Nell begins to cry from behind the door, as Sonya gets increasingly upset. However Sonya can’t open the door despite her best efforts, and starts screaming and banging at the door. “Please let me in! Let me in!”
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Nate Kinski, Chris Pappas, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Naomi Canning,
Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Paige Smith, Georgia Brooks
Guest Cast: Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi, Steve Nation as Ezra Hanley,
Philli Anderson as Susan Stunt Double
Trivia Notes
• This episode served as the 2014 season cliffhanger for UK viewers, who had to wait a month to find out what happened next
• The text messages received by Sonya read: 'I hope you're looking after Nell' and 'How's Nell? A bit restless tonight is she?' and are sent from the number 0487297507
• Naomi was staying at the Adama Apartments in Melbourne between 17/10/14 and 21/11/14
by Kyle