Magic Moments
> 2015
> Tyler's Arrival: Part One
Episode 7055
by Nick King, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 06/02/15, Channel 5: 20/02/15
A freeze on police overtime leads Matt to secretly seek night work as a security guard... Amber decides that she and Daniel belong together... Paige and Imogen prepare a topless protest against
Paul’s logo censorship...
Imogen looks increasingly scared as the topless protest is about to kick off at the Lassiter’s complex, until she’s forced to apologetically tell Paige not to hate her, but she can’t go ahead with it. Terese shows up, having received a text from
Brad asking her to get here urgently, and wants to know what’s going on. Imogen walks off with Terese, explaining that she couldn’t go through with the protest. Lauren suggests to a disappointed Paige that she could cancel the protest, but
Paige disagrees and reminds Lauren that there is still a principle to defend, even if she has to defend it herself. Lauren says to Paige “I can’t let you”, Paige tells Lauren that she can’t stop her. “Who said I was going to?” is Lauren’s reply
and a smile appears on Lauren’s face.

Bailey bursts into the police station, telling Matt that he needs him urgently outside – and to bring his jacket!
Back outside, Lauren and Paige are now topless! They realise that Imogen still has the letter they were going to post, so they decide that a walk to and from the post-box will have to be enough! They’re cheered on by the crowd, but a
mortified Matt and Bailey rush across, desperately trying to cover the girls from view with the jacket! Matt firstly asks Lauren and Paige to put some clothes back on but Lauren tells Matt that they are protesting against Paul Robinson’s
doctoring of Paige’s logo and Paige adds that the female body is nothing to be ashamed of. Matt agrees with Paige but states that nudity in public is still an offence. Lauren then points out that they are not nude, they are topless. Matt again tells
Lauren and Paige to put some clothes on because if they don’t, he will have to charge them with indecency. Paige, offended, proceeds to ask Matt if he would charge a man for having no top on - Matt sheepishly tells her he wouldn’t. “This is exactly the kind of hypocrisy
that we’re talking about!” Lauren chips in. Matt, trying to get the situation under control, asks Lauren and Paige if they could continue this discussion somewhere else and tries to usher them inside the police station. Paige, however, declares
“I’m sorry, but you can’t mess with these sisters today, Mr Policeman!” But Matt follows through with his threat, and marches them to the police station, while Bailey helps protect their modesty!

Inside The Waterhole, Sonya, Toadie and Karl are having a coffee as Daniel and Amber pass by. Sonya asks if Amber’s looking forward to starting uni; Amber admits she’s barely
slept all week and it’s all a bit scary, but Daniel reassures her, saying that it’s also exciting. Karl and Toadie start exchanging uni stories, including Toadie painting UN flags on his bum and Karl pretending to be a corpse! Amber
and Daniel look baffled. Toadie then recalls the many parties he had at uni, and how everyone would hook up with everyone else. Daniel looks increasingly concerned. “Two of my roommates broke up with their long-term girlfriends in the first week!”
Karl decides to add. Sensing the peculiar atmosphere, Sonya tries to change the subject, but Amber insists uni won’t change how she feels about Daniel. They exit sharply.
Paige and Lauren sit around in the police station, but haven’t actually been arrested. Lauren tells Paige that she can’t stay here tonight as she has plans with Matt. “Oh! There is something quite romantic about a police cell,” Paige says to Lauren.
Just then Paige receives a text from Paul saying “Call off the dogs, you win!” Paige, happy that the protest is a success, high-fives Lauren and thanks her for getting on-board. Matt enters and tells them the senior officer is letting them both off
with a warning. Paige rushes off to tell Brad the good news, while Matt tells Lauren not to do that again – at least not until they go on a European beach holiday! Lauren laughs.

Back at The Waterhole, Amber and Daniel are looking at the schedule of events for o-week at Eden Uni. Amber points out that there’s a toga party later and suggests they
go. Daniel says that his parents went to toga parties, but he doesn’t seem keen to go, and when Amber tells Daniel that partying is what uni’s all about, he reminds her that he dropped out of uni himself. Daniel tells Amber that he’s
not trying to put her off, just uni wasn’t for him. Amber seems worried, but Daniel tells her she’ll be fine – and even if she does find uni isn’t right for her, it’s not the only way to explore her ‘gift’ for photography. Amber has a flashback to
Rain similarly telling her that she had a gift. The flashback spooks Amber, and she quickly makes an excuse to leave, claiming she needs to organise some togas! Daniel’s confused as to what’s upset her, while Josh, who has been hanging around in the background,
looks on with interest.
Matt is lying down for a nap on the sofa inside number 32, when his phone rings. Bailey’s in the room, and Matt who answers the phone tells the caller that he has plans tonight. Matt says to the caller “Really? That much? Okay. Yeah. Send through
the details. Thanks”. Hanging up, Matt tells Bailey he has to go back in to work this evening as something has came up. Bailey reminds him about his dinner date with Lauren - Matt tells Bailey that she’ll understand, but when Bailey sarcastically
suggests otherwise, Matt shouts at him unexpectedly, before saying he’ll explain to Lauren later.

Matt turns up at a security office and meets a woman called Michelle, who will be his supervisor. She tells him he’ll be manning the gates this evening, and preventing anyone
going in without authorisation. Michelle also tells Matt to not go wandering around and to radio her if there’s any trouble. She then points him towards a uniform inside the guard’s cabin and promises to drop in on him later.
Imogen enters Harold’s, sees Paige and apologises to her for backing out of the topless protest, claiming she didn’t want to embarrass her mum. Paige tells Imogen that Terese would have understood, and just saying she supports something
isn’t enough, she has to have the guts to go through with it. Paige reminds Imogen that she wanted to live a little, and have some fun. “You cannot do that unless you take some risks, and get out of your comfort zone”. Imogen nods in agreement, and
Paige proceeds to tell Imogen to get the uni events calendar and to pick something that’s on tonight, and to do it. When Imogen mentions the toga party, Paige tells her that’s perfect and Imogen agrees to go.

Matt has changed into his security guard uniform and is looking very bored. Michelle comes back, warning him that the job can be pretty dull and that he may need to
bring a book. Noticing that Michelle is carrying something, Matt asks if she has to clean up too, and Michelle explains that they're some dresses - surplus factory stock - and offers them to Matt for his wife. His police instincts kicking in,
Matt questions this; Michelle assures him it’s not stolen, just production excess, and gives him some of the clothes to take home to Lauren. Matt is tempted, but says he wouldn’t feel comfortable. He excuses himself and goes back inside the
cabin, while Michelle leaves.
At number 32, Josh has come over to collect a toga from Amber, to give to Imogen for the party. Josh asks Amber if she is looking forward to uni and Amber tells him she is, but is worried about how she’ll balance everything. Josh remarks
that she seemed upset as she left The Waterhole earlier, insisting he’s only asking as a friend despite recent events. Amber tells Josh that it was something Daniel said, when Daniel himself comes in, and is visibly disappointed to find Josh
there. Josh makes a quick exit, and Daniel tells an awkward-looking Amber that she doesn’t need to explain why he was here. Daniel quickly presents Amber with a present, a top-of-the-range new camera. Daniel apologises for upsetting Amber earlier;
and Amber admits he said something that reminded her of Rain, which Daniel states is the last thing he’d want to do. Daniel tells Amber that he wants to see her achieve her dreams and he wants to be right there by her side to see it happen. Amber
reminds him that they are so lucky to have been given this second chance, adding that they should get things back to the way they were. “I thought we had?” Daniel says and Amber reminds Daniel that they were getting
married before. Just then Amber gets down on one knee and asks Daniel if he will marry her. “Are you kidding me? Yes!” is Daniel’s quick and happy response, they kiss happily then hug.

At Eden University, the toga party is in full swing, but Imogen looks a little lost. She cheers up when Amber and Daniel arrive; they both comment that she looks amazing.
Imogen’s face drops when Amber and Daniel announce they’re engaged again. She quickly covers it up, saying it's fantastic news – and Amber asks Imogen to be her maid of honour again. Imogen tells Amber that she’d love to, but the moment they turn away,
Imogen looks mortified, and downs her drink.
Karl, Toadie and Sonya are still drinking coffee at the Waterhole, as Paige and Lauren tell them about their topless protest. Toadie is disappointed that he wasn’t there, but when everyone gives him funny looks, Toadie gets defensive and insists
he didn’t mean it in a pervy way. “I can’t win, can I? I say I support you and I’m a perv, and if I don’t, I’m a misogynist!” Lauren says to Toadie “Oh, well. The world is full of double standards, Toadie!” Just then Lauren gets a call from Matt, and
asks him where he is. He tells her that he’s cancelling their dinner date.

Matt lies to Lauren telling her that something came up at work. He apologises, but explains that it’s really busy, adding that they could use the overtime money. They each
tell the other that they love them, and hang up. Michelle turns up again, having overheard Matt’s conversation, and asks if Matt’s got a problem at home. He insists it’s all good, and she leaves the cabin. But outside, she makes a phone call… “Dimato,
it’s me… Not yet, but I’ll get him on-side soon. Shouldn’t be hard… I’ll let you know”. Michelle looks back at an oblivious Matt through the glass.
Back at the Waterhole, Toadie reminds Karl how he streaked in their living room not so long ago! Karl says to Toadie “Seven grand was at stake!” “Yeah, you got the seven grand. All I got was emotional scarring,” is Toadie’s reply. Paige sees
Lauren looking disappointed, and asks if everything’s alright. Lauren admits that Matt can’t make their date later, and how much she was looking forward to it. Paige invites Lauren to the toga party at the uni, as they’ve been invited
by the women’s study group. Lauren asks Paige if they know how old she is, but Paige encourages Lauren not to care and declares that they’re ‘hellraisers’ as they head out of the Waterhole.

Lauren and Paige turn up at the Eden University toga party, and get a rapturous reception from fans of their protest. Paige says to Lauren “We don’t even go to uni and we
own this place. Rebels!” Imogen can be seen dancing tipsily nearby, Paige and Lauren start talking to Daniel and Amber, who is also supportive of their protest against Paul. Amber also announces their own good news, about them resuming their engagement.
Lauren tries to hide her reservations but Amber sees through her mum’s concerns and comments that she knows that she mentioned it was too soon to think about getting re-engaged - Lauren reminds Amber that she agreed, and Amber nods but tells her mum
that her and Daniel are ready to make this commitment. Paige congratulates them, and is immediately invited to be Amber’s other bridesmaid – which she agrees to, provided she can pick the outfit. Amber and Daniel dance off elsewhere, and Lauren and
Paige immediately agree that it’s way too soon for them to decide they’re getting married again. Paige goes over to talk to Imogen, who looks quite drunk, and is having a great time dancing on her own – although she points to a new friend she’s made,
adding that she’s staying at her place tonight. Paige tries to convince Imogen to switch to water, and to have something to eat. Paige looks bemused as Imogen drunkenly hugs her, declaring their shared membership of the ‘sisterhood’!
Shortly afterwards, Imogen has taken to dancing on a wall! Amber and Daniel tell her they’re leaving. Imogen says to them both “What?! Already?! But this party is wild!” Amber tells Imogen that she and Daniel have had enough, and Imogen calls them
lame and reminds Amber that partying is what uni life is all about. Amber is getting a bit concerned about Imogen and suggests that she should slow down just a little bit. Imogen disagrees, telling her to stop being so boring, old and married.
Imogen continues dancing as Amber and a slightly concerned Daniel leave her to it. Likewise, Lauren and Paige decide it might be time to head home too, Paige telling Lauren that Imogen’s staying at a friend’s place tonight. Imogen carries on drinking
and dancing alone!
At number 32, Lauren calls Matt, but gets his answerphone. She leaves him a message, asking him to call her when he gets it as they need to talk about Amber.


The next morning, at the university, a mysterious young man walks through the uni courtyard, which is scattered with overturned chairs and cups.
He finds Imogen lying unconscious on the floor, and looks at her curiously.
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Daniel Robinson, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Paige Smith,
Imogen Willis, Joshua Willis
Guest Cast: Ra Chapman as Michelle Kim
Trivia Notes
• Travis Burns makes his first appearance as Tyler Brennan in the final scene, but has no lines and is not credited
• The character Rain Taylor is shown in flashback, but actress Airlie Dodds is not credited for the appearance
• The song Geronimo by Sheppard is played when Imogen is dancing
by Kyle