Magic Moments
> 2016
> The Lassiters Explosion: Part One
Episode 7336
by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Laurence Wilson, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 04/04/16, Channel 5: 04/04/16
Lauren delighted that Brad's scheme is getting recognition... Paul informs Nene that the motel has lost its liquor licence... Julie Quill tells Terese that
Lassiters is hosting the Citizen of the Year award... Paul asks Cecilia to sabotage the Citizen of the Year awards... A mysterious person in the boiler room
at Lassiters... Doug tells Josh that he needs to go out and live his life... Kyle receives a letter from Georgia... Nene mistaken in her belief that Amy has
resolved the Georgia issue... Kyle sends a text to someone asking them where and when to meet...
Kyle is at the Lassiters Complex. It's revealed that the text message he sent was to his wife Georgia, who has returned to Erinsborough. Georgia thanks him
for coming, telling Kyle that she wasn't sure he would want to meet her. Kyle agrees that he was in two minds about deciding to meet but has resolved that he
must hear what she has to say.

Georgia informs Kyle that she has found a job in Germany at the clinic where her mum was being treated. Kyle is happy that she is able to work overseas like
she always wanted to and asks her when she is flying out. Georgia says that her flight is this afternoon, but she wanted to talk to Kyle before she left. She
knows that Kyle has now moved on and is dating Amy, to which Kyle replies that he feels like he is now ready to settle down and that Amy is great company. He
still doesn't fully understand why Georgia asked him to come over though and asks her. She tells Kyle that she still loves him despite everything that
happened, and she wants him to come to Germany with her so that they can get married and live together. Kyle is lost for words at Georgia's confession.
Over at no. 22, Josh breaks the news to his family that he plans to move to Queensland to help out Amber and Matilda. Terese is surprised at the news and
tells Josh that she can't deal with this now with everything else going on Š Josh asks her if she needs a hand preparing for the Citizen of the Year Awards
at Lassiters. She declines his offer and tells him she has everything under control as she departs. Brad tells Josh that moving to Queensland will be a big
adjustment for all of them to make, but Josh hopes that they understand his reasoning. Brad tells Josh that he's going to miss him, but he wonÕt stand in the
way of him being a good father to Matilda, something that he regrets from his own past mistakes with Paige. As Brad and Imogen depart, Josh asks Doug if he
is ready for today, and tells him that Brad doesn't suspect a thing.

Karl is on the phone at no. 28; he says that he is surprised to hear from this person, tells them he will be fine and quickly hangs up as Susan enters the
room. Karl looks distracted as Susan asks for his opinion about what she is going to wear to the Citizen of the Year awards, telling him that she wants to
look nice for the photos. Karl tells Susan that she will look nice in any outfit she chooses, and then quickly departs, informing Susan that he has to make
a house call at the hotel and will have to meet her for lunch at the ceremony. Wondering if she has upset Karl regarding Nene staying with them, Karl
understands that she must stand by her convictions and rushes off, leaving Susan looking perplexed at his brusqueness.
At Harold's, Toadie is keeping Sonya and Steph amused with imitations of the Citizen of the Year award winners acceptance speeches! He starts with an
imitation of Karl and a 'free as a river' parody and then moves on to Sheila and her gnomes, but then has to rush off to the office, asking Sonya to record
the ceremony for him. As he leaves Amy comes in to talk to Steph about Julie Quill and Lassiters taking over the Citizen of the Year event from the motel.
Amy thinks that Paul will still find a way to get the upper hand on Julie, which worries Steph. She asks Amy if she is going to the ceremony but she says
she's busy helping Kyle with a gazebo order, and she thought she'd surprise him with breakfast before they start. Steph mentions that she saw Kyle going into
the hotel earlier and assumes it was an emergency callout, although Amy looks concerned at this.

Paul is angrily walking through the Complex and spots a Citizen of the Year poster, which he promptly rips off the wall. He then walks over to Julie who
has built a model of the new look Lassiters complete with high rise flats; she tells him that the plans she has for the Complex are bigger than anything
Paul could come up with. Paul asks Julie if she thinks she can pull this off after her step-son Tom's antics, and she replies that nothing works better
than a big community event to drum up good publicity. Paul isn't convinced and slyly digs that something will happen to ruin the event.
Daniel is busily transporting a portrait of Mrs Mangel to the mezzanine as Paul strolls over. Paul asks Terese how his event is going, and she tells him
he shouldn't be here, reiterating that it wasn't her fault that the Citizen of the Year ceremony is no longer taking place at the motel. She tells him that
his presence at the hotel is only making things worse and politely asks him to leave.

As he departs Terese continues to make preparations for the ceremony, joining Daniel, Julie and Sonya on the mezzanine. She spots a picture of Josh on the
Citizen of the Year poster and looks sad at the potential departure of her son for Queensland.
At Lassiters Lake, Josh is happily looking at pictures of Amber and Matilda, whilst in the background Amy is frantically wondering what to do about the
news she heard from Steph about Kyle's mysterious visit to the hotel.

Having been banished from the hotel area by Terese, Paul heads back through the complex and runs into Tom Quill. Paul is surprised to see him at the hotel
as he thought he had been sent back to Sydney by Julie, however Tom tells him he has an offer to make to Paul. He says that they both hate Julie, and they
should put their heads together to formulate a plan to make sure she suffers. Paul implies that he's already one step ahead of Tom in his plans to oust Julie
and heads off.
In the boiler room at Lassiters hotel an unseen person is looking at some blueprints, with a set of tools in a bag next to them.

Kyle is also still at the hotel, at a loss for words after Georgia's revelation that she wants him to join her in Germany. Georgia apologises for putting
Kyle in this position but confesses that she couldn't walk away from him without at least trying one last time to reconcile. Kyle says that she didn't have
a problem walking away when they got married, but Georgia defends herself, saying that she was both scared and had a lot to go through with her mum. She tells
Kyle at that stage of her life she didn't want to settle down and have kids, she wanted to see the world. Kyle asks her what's changed, and Georgia reveals
that she missed him too much, and wanted him by her side. She asks Kyle if he loves Amy. After he says that he does, she tells Kyle that she still loves him
and wonders whether he feels the same. She thinks about him every day and tells him that leaving him was the biggest mistake of her life. Georgia is still
wearing her wedding ring as Kyle reaches over to hold her hand, and they both lean in for a kiss.
A mysterious man bumps into Paige on his way through the Lassiters Complex. She apologises for not watching where she was going as Toadie passes her on the
way to his meeting in the city. He then receives a phone call and reverses direction, heading back towards the hotel for an urgent meeting. Tom is also still
hanging around, and is spotted by Aaron, who decides to follow him. Paul is likewise milling around - he's on the phone with Cecilia to make sure that
everything is on track, pleased when she responds in the affirmative.

Back in the boiler room somebody is putting on a pair of heavy-duty gloves and, after picking up a hammer, prepares to tamper with the boiler.
Karl is at the hotel for his mysterious rendezvous with the person he spoke to on the phone earlier. He exits the lift and stands outside room no. 401,
but just as he decides to knock, his phone rings - it's Susan, wondering how long he's going to be as she's heading to the ceremony and wanted to meet him
for lunch beforehand. He says he will join her as soon as he can, then hangs up quickly, resuming his position outside room no. 401. After a slight hesitation
he knocks on the door.

Things are hotting up in the boiler room as steam rises to the ceiling, whoever is tampering with the boiler has caused the pressure to rise dangerously.
Meanwhile back outside the hotel Aaron is still following Tom.

Terese is at the reception desk in Lassiters looking wistfully at a picture of Josh. Daniel rushes in and tells her there have been reports of power surges
on certain levels of the hotel, and there is a danger that they could lose the air conditioning. Terese doesn't understand what's happening and to make
matters worse Paul returns to the hotel; he has a proposition for her and Daniel. He wants Terese and Daniel to join his motel and needs thirty minutes of
their time to explain his proposal. Terese has other things on her mind and tells Paul she doesn't have time to indulge him in his duplicitous plans to get
back at Julie. She heads to the escalator but is stopped by Amy, who asks her if she called Kyle this morning to carry out some repairs. Terese looks
flustered and Amy can tell something is going on that she is not privy to. Amy asks Terese to be honest with her about where Kyle is and with whom, and
Terese prepares to divulge what she knows.
Kyle and Georgia are still in their hotel room in a tight embrace, wondering what their next move should be. Georgia has to get to the airport, and she
hands Kyle a plane ticket. She wanted to be prepared in case Kyle agreed to go with her, but Kyle tells her he can't just walk out on Amy and Jimmy at such
short notice. Georgia asks Kyle where that leaves their relationship, and he tells her he is too consumed with thoughts of Amy and what will happen if she
finds out about their secret liaison. He is in love with Amy and is happy to be a part of her family; Georgia concedes that this is what he always wanted.
However Kyle's feelings for Georgia are still strong and he kisses her, just as Amy turns up outside their hotel room.

The pressure is still building in the boiler room, as steam cloaks the area.
Paul is in the lobby area trying to persuade Daniel to talk to Terese about his proposal to work at the motel, but Daniel tells him that now is not a good
time. Daniel tells him that he will try his best to get her to meet with him and Paul is grateful as he leaves. Josh is also in the lobby and asks Daniel
where Terese is - Daniel replies that she is with the maintenance staff and doesn't know how long she will be. Josh decides to sit in the hotel lobby and
wait for her, telling Daniel about his plans to visit Amber and Matilda in Queensland and to potentially move there. Daniel wonders if Josh has told Amber
that he is coming, and on hearing that he hasn't implores Josh to ensure he tells her that he is coming to stay permanently. He also tells Josh that he
needs to man up and take more responsibility now that he is a father, as Amber has a lot to deal with. Josh is thoughtful as he takes Daniel's lecture
about parenthood on board.

Things are reaching critical point in the boiler room as the pressure
becomes too great for the boiler to handle.
On the mezzanine Terese is inspecting glasses, she has a feeling that something isn't quite right but continues with her preparations.

Meanwhile, Susan is walking past the community centre and checking her watch.
Kyle and Georgia continue kissing in the hotel room Š Kyle tells Georgia she should get going if she wants to make her flight. Outside the hotel room Amy
is wondering what she should do, and notices that the door is slightly ajar. She nudges it open and in horror sees Kyle and Georgia kissing. Kyle tells Amy
that this wasn't planned and he only came to talk, but she can tell that this is more than just talking and asks Kyle if he and Georgia are now back
together. Struggling to hold back tears she rushes out of the hotel room, Kyle's profuse apologies ringing in her ears as she flees to the hotel lift.
Georgia tells Kyle that he should go after Amy, and gives him the ticket as a final goodbye, telling him that if he changes his mind she'll be waiting
for him.

Torn between the two women in his life, Kyle heads out of the hotel room to catch up with Amy. He manages to catch her before the lift door closes, but
she doesn't want to talk to him. She tells him how hard it is for her to trust men after her failed marriage to Liam, telling Kyle that she thought he
cared about her. Before Kyle can offer a response the lift stops working, and Amy is in disbelief that this is happening at such an inopportune moment.
Sirens are going off in the boiler room and the pressure gauge is in the red, as unsuspecting guests continue to mill around the hotel.

Back in the lobby, Karl is looking for Susan and asks Daniel if he has seen her. Daniel however is pre-occupied with complaints from hotel guests about
losses of power and extremely hot water in the rooms.
Steam is continuing to build up in the boiler room.

Kyle and Amy are still trapped in the lift as Amy bangs on the door for help.
Josh is still waiting for Terese and asks Daniel if he told her he was waiting - Daniel assures him she will be right down to see him once she's finished
preparations in the mezzanine. Josh isn't happy and gets into an argument with Daniel.

Outside the hotel reception Paige bumps into the mysterious man again and asks him if he recognises her from earlier. Before he can respond there is a
massive explosion as the boiler finally succumbs to the extreme pressure, and Paige is hauled out of danger by the unknown man. The hotel is shaken to its
core, forcing the lift that Kyle and Amy are stranded in to veer sideways, as Sonya struggles to keep balance in the mezzanine.




The aftermath is a scene of devastation. Paige and the stranger are knocked unconscious by the force of the blast, whilst inside the lobby both Josh and
Daniel are lying under a mountain of debris, also unconscious. Alarms ring fruitlessly in the eerie silence of the destroyed reception area.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Terese Willis,
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis,
Paige Smith, Kyle Canning, Daniel Robinson, Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan
Guest Cast: Terence Donovan as Doug Willis,
Andrew James Morley as John Doe,
Saskia Hampele as Georgia Brooks,
Kane Felsinger as Tom Quill,
Gail Easdale as Julie Quill
Trivia Notes
• Saskia Hampele makes a one episode return as Georgia Brooks, in order to facilitate Christopher Milligan (Kyle Canning)'s departure from the cast later in
the week. This would prove to be the final appearance of Georgia, after she left the regular cast in 2015
• Andrew James Morley joins the cast as John Doe. The character's real name would later be revealed as Jack Callahan, and he would remain a part of the cast
for two years, as well as returning for a guest appearance in 2020
• Past characters Amber Turner and Matilda Turner are mentioned
• In Australia, this aired as a standalone episode
on 04/04/16. In the UK, this aired as the
first half on an hour-long episode on 04/04/16
by Michael