Channel Eleven: 05/04/16, Channel 5: 04/04/16 and 05/04/16
Julie hijacks the Citizen of the Year award from under Paul's nose... Tom Quill asks Paul to work with him to bring down Julie, but Paul tells him he has
other plans... Paul asks Cecilia to make sure the Citizen of the Year event is a complete disaster... The pressure in the Lassiters boiler room reaches
breaking point, leading to a massive explosion at the hotel... Paige is pushed out of danger by a mysterious man... Kyle and Amy are trapped in the hotel
lift... Josh and Daniel are buried under a mountain of rubble in the reception area as alarms sound...
Lassiters hotel is a scene of devastation, debris and shattered glass is scattered over the complex as panicked guests and residents rush to help injured
people. Karl enters the destroyed reception area to see if anyone is trapped. He finds Daniel trapped under a support column, and asks him if he can hear
him, but he's unconscious. Josh is also buried under the same support column, and Karl goes to him to see if he is breathing. As he does this Paul rushes
into the reception area and sees Daniel lying under the rubble, his face wracked with pain at the scene before him.

Outside the hotel Steph rushes over to Paige and the unknown man, telling Aaron to call for an ambulance. Paige is conscious but bleeding, however the
unknown man is not responding to Steph's calls but is breathing. The ambulance crew rush over to help him, asking Paige for his name. Paige tells them
that she doesn't know.
Back in the destroyed reception area Karl is tending to Josh and Daniel. Paul, guilt ridden and anxious over Daniel's fate, implores Karl to help him - he
tries to move Daniel but Karl tells him he needs to leave him, as he could end up killing Daniel and Josh due to the nature of the support column trapping
them both. Imogen rushes in to see what is happening; she goes over to Daniel and Josh as Karl and Paul exit the building. Daniel is still unconscious as
Imogen sits next to him.

Outside the building Paul tells Karl that they need to lift the support column in order to save Daniel's life, but Karl tells him it's not as simple as that,
the column may be the only thing keeping Josh alive and moving it may exacerbate his injuries. Karl informs him that they need to stop the bleeding, but
Paul is concerned, asking what will happen if the blood loss is too great. Karl tries to assure him that he will reassess the situation if that happens,
but Paul is adamant that he wants swift action and tells Karl that he will give him everything if he can to save Daniel's life. Karl is incandescent,
he won't allow Paul to railroad him into moving the support column, telling him that both boys could lose their lives. He implores Paul to stay outside
the reception area while he goes back in to tend to Josh and Daniel, Paul looking powerless as he heeds Karl's desperate pleas for reason.
Inside the hotel lift, Kyle and Amy are trying to find a way out, but the door is jammed. Amy tries the emergency services but cannot get through to them.
She asks Kyle what he thinks happened, but he isn't sure. He tries to reassure Amy that they will be okay, however she is still reeling from the kiss he
shared with Georgia earlier and asks Kyle if the fact that it was just one kiss is supposed to make her feel better. Kyle tries to defend himself, saying
that Georgia texted him out of the blue and he didn't know what she wanted, however he thought he should hear what she had to say. On reflection he realised
that he loved Amy and had made the decision to stay with her, but Amy is too angry to offer any kind of gratitude at this declaration.

Back downstairs in the reception area Imogen is still sitting with Daniel, trying to assure him that they will get him to a hospital and imploring him to
open his eyes. Daniel awakens and mentions that he can't feel his legs; the ambulance worker tells him that they are doing everything they can to get him
out, but they need to stop the bleeding first. Imogen tells Daniel how much she loves him, and he responds in kind as Karl re-enters the building, telling
Imogen that she needs to leave so that they can concentrate on removing the support column to free Josh and Daniel.
Karl goes over to Josh and asks him if he can hear him. Josh's condition is critical, and he asks Karl what has happened. Karl tells him about the accident
at Lassiters and Josh replies that he can't move, his stomach and legs being pinned under the column. Josh asks Karl how bad it is, and Karl is grave,
telling Josh that he has a crush injury and that they need to get him to the hospital as soon as they can. Josh then inquires about Daniel and Karl tells
him that he's conscious but needs to be removed also. Karl can tell that Josh's injuries are severe and asks the ambulance crew if they can stop the bleeding,
but they respond that they cannot, which leaves Karl fearful that Josh's injuries are worse than he initially thought.

The ambulance crew prepares to lift the support column under Karl's instruction so as to release Josh and Daniel. Karl insists that Imogen leave so that
they can begin lifting the column, and she tearfully departs the scene. The ambulance crew and Karl get to work lifting the column, Josh being informed by
Karl that this is the only way to stop the bleeding. As the hydraulic jack is placed under the column, Karl suddenly shouts to the ambulance crew that they
need to stop, he realises that there is a piece of steel that is pinning Josh down. Realising that removing the column will worsen Josh's injuries, Karl
gravely informs Josh that he can't move him without causing a massive haemorrhage.
Knowing that Daniel is in a critical state and needs medical attention, Josh implores Karl to continue lifting the column, knowing that such an action will
probably lead to his death. Karl asks him if he is sure, and Josh selflessly says yes, knowing that any further delay could cause Daniel to die. Karl looks
horrified, knowing that Josh's fate will be sealed if he lifts the column, but Josh tells them to continue to save Daniel. Karl tells Josh that he is so sorry
as he prepares the ambulance crew to resume lifting the column. The hydraulic jack is once again placed under the column as they begin raising it -
eventually they are able to release Daniel and put him on a stretcher. Josh's injuries worsen as the column is raised, and he asks Karl how long he's got.
Karl, grief stricken at Josh's impending fate, tells him he doesn't know but it won't be long. Josh asks Karl to find Brad and Terese for him, and Karl
rushes off to find them, leaving Josh to contemplate his final few moments.

Brad and Terese are rushing towards the hotel and run into Karl. They ask Karl where Josh is and if he's okay, but Karl's news isn't good. He tells them
that a support column fell on both Josh and Daniel, and they didn't know the extent of Josh's injuries until the column was lifted. Terese misunderstands
and thinks that Josh has been freed from the column, however Karl tells her that a steel rod has entered his side, pinning him down and causing massive
internal injuries. The medics are giving Josh pain relief, but he is struggling to breathe due to the extent of his crush wound. Terese is distraught but
pleads with Karl that he must be able to save their son, but Karl breaks the news that even if they manage to release him, he probably won't make it to the
hospital as the injuries are too severe. Brad and Terese begin to realise that no matter what happens Josh will succumb to his injuries, but even so Terese
again pleads for her son's life. Karl implores Terese to listen to him; they need to go to Josh now before it's too late. He departs to help other injured
guests, leaving Brad and Terese overcome with anguish.
Daniel is being taken into an ambulance and Imogen asks to go with him. Paul rushes over to Karl and is overwhelmed with relief to hear that Daniel should
be okay. Sonya and Susan come over to see what is happening, and Karl hurries over to her, relieved she is okay. He tells Susan that Daniel is being taken
away in an ambulance, but Josh is still trapped inside. Sonya asks if Josh will be okay, but Karl tells her the prognosis is grave as he mournfully shakes
his head. He tells them that they must leave the area as he goes back into the hotel.

Terese is pleading with Brad that the medics need to do something to save their son's life. Brad, however, has seemingly accepted that their son is going
to die and tells Terese that Karl has done everything that he can - he wouldn't let their son die if he knew there was still hope for him. He tells her that
they need to be strong for Josh, and the impact of Brad's words brings Terese to the realisation that their son doesn't have long left. Brad pleads with her
that they need to go and be with Josh before it's too late.
Paul is on the phone outside Lassiters. Voice crackling in emotion and eyes filled with tears, he asks the person he's speaking to if they had something
to do with the explosion, his voice breaking as he becomes overwhelmed with guilt.

Entering the eerie silence of the ruined reception area, Brad and Terese make their way over to their ailing son, whose condition has deteriorated further.
Terese isn't sure if she has the strength to do this, but they go over to be with Josh. Brad says a fraught hello, and takes Josh's hand, telling him that
he's not going anywhere. Josh tells him that he loves Brad, to which Brad reciprocates. Knowing that his son doesn't have long left, Brad tells Josh that
they will never let Matilda forget who her father is. Josh thanks him, relieved that Matilda will be taken care of after he is gone. He says that he's
getting a little bit cold and Brad gives him his jacket to wrap himself in. Josh then says hello to his mum. Struggling to summon the words to say to her
stricken son, Terese tells him that she is here and that she loves him. Josh tells them that he needs to speak to Imogen, Piper and Matilda, and Brad
promises that he will get Amber on the phone to say goodbye.
Kyle and Amy are still trapped in the lift, and Kyle's attempts to seek help through banging on the doors and shouting is driving Amy mad. She tells
him to stop shouting and just be patient, saying that the emergency workers will check the lifts eventually. After a period of silence Amy asks if she
did anything wrong to push Kyle back towards Georgia, but he tells her this is not the case. Amy doesn't understand why he went to see Georgia in the first
place, and he responds that she is still his wife and they had unreconciled differences that needed to be resolved. Kyle admits that he still loves Georgia
despite everything that happened, but he loves Amy also. Despite his assurances Amy tells him no-one has ever treated her like she is disposable. Kyle
tells her this was never the case, but Amy angrily tells him that he has betrayed and used her, and she will never forgive him for that. Upon these cutting
words the lift lurches downwards momentarily, forcing Kyle and Amy to refocus once again on their predicament.

Paige has joined Brad and Terese in what is left of the Lassiters reception area. Josh is extremely weak and pale as Terese talks to him about his
childhood. She regales him with stories of the time when he was a little boy and he used to hold her hand everywhere, but when he turned seven it wasn't
a cool thing to do anymore. She then goes on to tell Josh how scared she was when she found out she was having twins, but once they were born she knew that
everything would be alright. Overcome with tears, Terese tells Josh what an incredible and wonderful son he is, and Josh tells his mum how much he loves her.
Terese is overcome with emotion as she tells Josh how much she loves him. Josh then speaks to Paige, telling her not to cry and wishing that he had been able
to spend more time with her. Paige takes his hand and struggles to keep herself together as she tells Josh that she wishes the same thing. Joshua asks where
Piper and Imogen are, and Brad replies that they are still trying to get hold of Piper and Imogen is at the hospital with Daniel. Josh is becoming weaker and
struggling to talk as
Paige goes outside to see if Piper and Imogen have arrived. Upon seeing Imogen, Paige rushes over. Imogen doesn't understand why Josh isn't at the hospital,
and Paige tells her his injuries are too severe and any attempt to move him will merely exacerbate his condition. Aware now that her brother's condition is
desperate, Imogen rushes into the hotel to say a final goodbye to Josh.


Josh smiles as he sees his sister arrive. He jokingly tells her to stop looking at him like someone just died, and then says he hopes he hasn't been too bad
as a brother. Imogen agrees that he's been good to her most of the time, and teasingly tells him about the time he flushed her head down the toilet and left
a spider in her bed. Imogen then breaks down in tears and asks Josh what she is going to do without him. He tells her that she has always been the smarter
twin and she will be amazing, and Imogen replies that she loves him, telling him that he has been the best brother.
In the hotel lift Kyle tells Amy that they have to get out before the whole thing collapses. Kyle asks Amy to give him a boost so he can reach the latch at
the top of the lift. She manages to help him up to the hatch of the lift but upon trying to exit Kyle is electrocuted. He falls back to the floor unconscious,
Amy trying desperately to revive him.

With his condition worsening, Josh is pleased to see Amber and Matilda on a video call. Josh tells Amber that she needs to be okay and get through this for
Matilda's sake. Amber tells Matilda to say hello to her daddy, and Josh greets his baby girl. Josh asks Amber to remember a few things for Matilda to tell
her when she is older:
"Tell her I love her more than words can say. Tell her that I never knew how much I could love another human being, until she was born and I looked into her
eyes. I want her to be happy. Tell her to follow her dreams, and not to listen to anyone who tells her they're not worth chasing. And not be afraid of making
mistakes, everyone stuffs up. It's what you do afterwards that counts. Tell her that I'm sorry that I didn't spend more time with her. I really wanted to see
the sort of person that she became. And tell her the last thing I thought about was her."
Upon these words Josh can no longer hold on, succumbing to his injuries as he passes away. Amber cries out Josh's name and Matilda starts crying, whilst
Brad and Terese cling to one another in mutual grief. Brad goes to close his son's eyes, as Imogen and Paige sob at the loss of their brother.
As the Willis family continue to be consumed in their grief, Paul is standing outside the hotel, clearly pained at the untimely death of Josh. He looks
horrified and full of remorse at the devastation wrought.

After the devastation of Josh's passing, Karl is now heading up to the hotel and room 401. He frantically knocks on the door, and it's answered by none
other than Sarah Beaumont, the mysterious person Karl was speaking to on the phone earlier. She doesn't understand what has happened, and Karl asks her
if she is hurt. She has twisted her ankle - Karl tells her to sit down so he can assess the injury, assuring her that everything will be okay.
Back in the lift Amy is still trying to revive Kyle after he was electrocuted, but he refuses to wake up. She starts doing CPR in a desperate attempt to
revive him. Eventually Kyle starts groaning and Amy implores him not to move until they receive help. She notices an envelope that Kyle dropped when he
fell to the ground and sees that it contains plane tickets to Germany. Putting this to the back of her mind, she calls emergency services and tells them
they need help before the lift collapses.

Karl is still treating Sarah in her room and tells her that emergency services will be there shortly to help her vacate the hotel. Sarah asks if he can
stay with her but he tells her he has to check on other guests, and quickly departs. On his way out Sarah jokes that there is never a dull moment between
them, whilst Karl looks guilty at deceiving Susan.
The Waterhole has been set up as a triage centre to deal with injured guests. Terese, Brad, Imogen and Paige are sitting at a table, looking inconsolable
after the tragic loss of Josh. Imogen tells them she is going to the hospital to check on Daniel, but Brad is adamant that someone should go with her.
Imogen ignores this and walks out, passing Piper who is still unaware of the tragic news. Piper apologises that she didn't respond to their repeated phone
calls, telling them that she got caught up with her counsellor. Brad implores Piper to sit down so they can tell her about Josh's death, however Terese is
stricken with grief and walks out. Piper pleads with Brad and Paige to tell her what has happened, and with a heavy heart Brad tells Piper that Josh died
in the explosion.

Amy is holding Kyle by the arm as they stumble out of the hotel, Kyle's leg having been twisted in his fall in the lift. Sheila quickly hurries over and
asks them what happened - Amy tells her that they were trapped in the lift and is still confused about the explosion she heard. She wonders if anyone was
seriously hurt, and Sheila tells her that there has been at least one fatality. Amy mentions the plane ticket she found after Kyle's fall and coldly says
that he has a long flight ahead of him. Sheila doesn't understand what she means so Amy quickly fills her in on Kyle's secret rendezvous with Georgia and
plans to live in Germany together. Amy goes off to call Jimmy, leaving Kyle to explain the situation to a bewildered Sheila.
Back inside the hotel Karl returns to Sarah's room - she still hasn't been taken out of the hotel and she asks Karl where the emergency services are.
Karl tells her that they have a backlog of patients to deal with and offers to take her out of the hotel himself. Sarah, however, has something she wants
to say to Karl first, but he tells her the important thing is to get out of the hotel, anything she has to say can wait until later. On leaving the room
Karl bumps into Mark, who is checking guest lists to make sure everyone is accounted for. He tells Mark about Sarah being the only guest in room 401, and
Mark makes a note of this before moving on to check other floors. He asks Karl if he is okay, and a weary Karl flatly replies that he's fine, although his
face tells a different picture.

Tyler is helping with the rescue effort outside the hotel and informs Mark of his progress in moving people to the triage centre at the Waterhole. He then
asks Mark about what caused the explosion, but Mark isn't sure, telling him that for now they need to focus on the rescue effort before starting an
investigation. Upon the word investigation Tyler asks Mark if he thinks that the explosion was deliberate, and Mark says they can't rule anything out.
He says that they need to speak to witnesses first, in particular Terese and Daniel, but they are in no fit state to be interviewed. Tyler asks him why
and Mark replies that Josh died in the accident. Tyler is shocked at the news, and Mark implies that if this was a malicious act then they are looking at
a murder investigation.
At the Waterhole, Piper is consumed with grief at the loss of her brother and upset with herself for being more concerned about her counselling session
than answering her phone. Brad assures Piper that she can't let herself think like that as she wasn't to know what was happening. However Brad's words have
little effect and Piper continues to mourn Josh's passing, saying that she wishes she could speak to him again. Paige consoles Piper as Brad goes over to
see Lauren. She hugs him and tells him how sorry she is about Josh's passing Ð Brad tells her that he can't believe he's gone. Lauren tells Brad that Amber
is devastated by the news but is trying to be strong for Matilda, and Brad agrees that this is the only thing they can do. He also mentions to Lauren that
Doug doesn't yet know of his grandson's death, and Lauren tells Brad that he's over at the motel helping Steph. Brad tells her that he wants his dad to be
here with the family, and Lauren says that she'll call Steph, promising that she won't say anything about Josh's passing until Brad can inform him first.

Tyler is still helping with ferrying patients to the Waterhole and brings Hilary Robinson into the triage centre. She tells him that he is a knight in
shining armour as he helps her take a seat. He then notices Brad, Piper and Paige inconsolable at one of the tables, and wonders whether he should go
over to speak to them and offer his condolences.
Inside Harold's Cafe, the emergency services are taking refreshment breaks as Sheila walks in. She hurries over to Susan to ask her if she has seen Amy.
Susan replies that she is in the kitchen. Amy is busy helping with supplies as Sheila tries to talk to her about what happened between Kyle and Georgia.
Amy tells her that there are more important things to worry about at the moment, but Sheila assures Amy that her grandson is an idiot for thinking about
absconding to Germany when he's settled in Erinsborough. Amy jokes that you can't help who you fall in love with but Sheila is still confused as to why
Kyle would think about reconciling with Georgia after the way she treated him. Amy wonders if Kyle ever loved her, and Sheila tries to assure her that he
did, he's just being traditional due to the fact he is still married to Georgia. Sheila implores Amy that she needs to fight for Kyle, but Amy thinks this
is a fruitless effort, telling Sheila that she can't force Kyle to be with her. Despite Sheila's protestations Amy becomes adamant that Kyle has chosen
Georgia and things between them are over, leaving the kitchen to help with the rescue effort.

At the hospital, Daniel is resting in one of the rooms with Imogen by his side. She tells him that he was in an accident at the hotel but he's going to be
okay. Daniel is happy to see her, and Imogen assures him that she will be here for as long as he needs. He can tell from Imogen's pained expression that
something is wrong and tries to recall the events that led him to the hospital. Daniel starts to recollect the events of the last few hours; the explosion
at the hotel and being trapped under the rubble. He also remembers that Josh was there and asks Imogen what happened to him, believing that he may be at the
hospital also. Imogen breaks down in tears as the devastation of Josh's death overwhelms her once again. She tells Daniel that Josh died in the explosion due
to the scale of his injuries, and despite the efforts of Karl and the emergency services, they couldn't save him. Imogen breaks down as Daniel looks on,
devastated at this tragic news.
Terese is at Harold's, distracting herself from her son's death by answering telephone calls from concerned hotel guests. Lauren comes in and goes over to
her, wanting to console her after Josh's tragic passing. Terese doesn't want to talk about it and continues to busy herself with admin work surrounding the
trapped guests, telling Lauren that she needs to call the guests' families to assure them their loved ones are okay. To stop herself from breaking down
Terese quickly starts to take a call, but Lauren tells her she needs to be with her own family. Upon these words Terese becomes griefstricken once again
and tells Lauren that Josh had his whole life ahead of him - she doesn't know how she will continue going about her life without her son being a part of
it. Terese falls into Lauren's arms as her thoughts once again become consumed with the tragic events.

Outside the Waterhole, Piper and Paige are walking through the complex, both still distraught and shaken. Piper doesn't want to leave the complex area as
she feels she will be leaving Josh behind, but Paige assures her that they will never let him go. They look over at the ruined reception area as emergency
workers continue to help stranded guests. Piper wonders if her ex-boyfriend Chas was somehow involved in the explosion as revenge for her leaving him.
Karl is still at the hotel helping Sarah make her way to the stairs. He receives a phone call from Susan, who is at the Waterhole, wondering where he is.
He informs her that he is still at the hotel helping guests and tells her that it isn't safe for her to be in the area, imploring her to go home. Susan
isn't sure about leaving Karl behind at the hotel but he assures her he will be fine. He ends the call without mentioning the name of the guest he is helping.

Cordons have been placed around the hotel as Kyle walks over to Amy. She wants to know what he is doing back at the hotel and Kyle tells her that he has
been released from hospital and wanted to see her. They talk about Josh's death in the explosion and how he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The conversation then moves on to Georgia, Kyle explains to Amy that Georgia gave him the plane ticket but he hadn't yet decided to go with her. He wanted to
talk to Amy first but she's confused as to what there is left to talk about. She tells him that he made a choice to go and see Georgia and now he's just
second guessing things. Kyle replies that this is not the case, telling Amy that he loves her and just needed to sort out his unresolved issues with Georgia.
Thinking that she will be a consolation prize if Kyle decides not to go to Germany, Amy tells Kyle that they are over and he may as well get on the plane to
be with Georgia.
Piper and Paige have returned to the Waterhole as Terese comes back from Harold's. She rushes over to Piper and they embrace over shared grief for the
loss of Josh. Terese tells her how sorry she is for running off earlier, she couldn't deal with the situation at that moment. Brad receives a phone call
from Steph about Doug's whereabouts as Lauren asks Terese if there are any calls she can make. Terese thanks her but replies that this is not something
they can delegate, and Paige tearfully asks if they are already talking about the funeral. Brad finishes his phone call and is concerned, telling Terese
that Doug isn't with Steph at the motel or at the Willis house. He's gone missing.

Finally away from the hotel, Karl helps Sarah limp across the complex, although she is in a lot of pain from her injured leg. He tells her that they need
to go over to the triage centre at the Waterhole so she can receive proper medical attention, but Sarah wants to talk. Still at the complex is Susan, she
hasn't heeded Karl's calls to return home and looks stunned as she goes over to him and Sarah. She asks him what he thinks he is doing...
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Josh Willis, Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Steph Scully, Paige Smith, Kyle Canning,
Amy Williams, Sonya Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis, Sheila Canning, Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan, Lauren Turner
Guest Cast: Nicola Charles as Sarah Beaumont,
Andrew James Morley as John Doe,
Anne Scott-Pendlebury as Hilary Robinson,
Jenna Rosenow as Amber Turner,
Kathleen Vagg as Matilda Turner
Trivia Notes
• This episode had an introduction voiced by Alan Fletcher:
"Paul Robinson used to be the richest man in Erinsborough until greed got the better of him. His 2IC Terese gave him a
home with benefits. Now Lassiters has a new owner, but Paul wants it back. He's not the only one attracted to strong women, it's no wonder Susan's getting
tired of it. Meanwhile Josh was planning a big move but there's something he has to do with his Pop first. Kyle thought he found happiness with Georgia,
but it wasn't to last. Things seemed to be looking up with Amy, until a familiar face returned. It seems everyone is at Lassiters Hotel today. It should
be a joyous occasion but they've walked into danger"
• This was an hour long episode on 05/04/16 in Australia; in the
UK the first half aired with 7336 as an hour long episode on 04/04/16 and the second half aired on 05/04/16 as a standalone episode
• The characters of Amber Turner and Matilda Turner make a one-episode
return for this episode, with Kathleen Vagg taking over the role of Matilda
by Michael