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Magic Moments > 2016 > The Lassiters Explosion: Part Five Episode 7340

Written by Emma J Steele, Directed by Scott Major, Produced by Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 08/04/16, Channel 5: 08/04/16

Georgia hands Kyle a plane ticket to Germany to come and live with her, as Amy walks in to find them kissing... Toadie is trapped in the hotel and in danger of being crushed by a loose concrete beam... Sonya finds out from Mark that Toadie is somewhere inside Lassiters... Paul tries to contact Cecilia to find out what happened at the hotel as he deletes CCTV footage from Terese's laptop... Xanthe dupes Ben into a fake meeting with Angus Young at the hotel...

Ben and Xanthe are in room 601 at the hotel, waiting to be rescued. Ben tells Xanthe that there is a cherry picker going floor by floor to pick people up and suggests they could take the stairs as Angus Young hasn't arrived yet. Xanthe apologies to Ben for inviting him to the hotel for the meeting, but Ben assures her it wasn't her fault that the explosion happened. He says that he made the decision to come to Lassiters, but Xanthe looks guilty.


At the hospital, Daniel is resting in one of the rooms, with Paul and Terese sitting beside him. He asks them where Imogen is, and Terese says that she's gone for a walk. Daniel apologises to Terese for the death of her son but she reassures him that there was nothing he could have done to save Josh. Terese receives a call from Mark, and she wonders if it is about the CCTV footage she sent him. As she leaves Paul talks about how grateful he is that his nephew is still alive, but Daniel doesn't respond to this, telling Paul that he wants to leave the hospital as soon as he can. Terese returns to the room with some news - Mark has been informed by the investigative team that the explosion originated from the hotel boiler room. Paul looks worried as his thoughts return to the CCTV footage that he deleted earlier.

Steph has returned to the Waterhole from the motel and asks Sonya if they have had any news about where Toadie's located. Sonya tells her that the engineers are still trying to shore up the hotel to prevent the tower collapsing, but as yet they have not located him. Aaron comes in to talk about the source of the explosion but is then informed by Steph that Toadie is still missing. He offers to try and help find him and Sonya thanks him. Nate has also returned to help; heÕs wearing an SES uniform and tells Sonya that they have been given the go-ahead to enter the hotel to start rescuing trapped guests. Aaron is bemused to see Nate back in Erinsborough and asks him when he started working for the SES. Nate confirms that this is his first day and tells Aaron he hasn't got time to talk as he has to meet up with the rescue team.


Over at no. 26, Amy is upset about Kyle's departure for Germany and asks him if he has packed all his stuff. Kyle confirms that he's nearly finished, and talks to Amy about the business, telling her that she can have it now that he's leaving the country. Amy replies that she can't think about the business right now, asking Kyle to mention it to her once he's settled. Kyle apologises to Amy for the way he has handled the situation with Georgia but she storms off, telling him that she doesn't want to hear it. As she leaves Sheila comes over, she is upset that Kyle has made the decision to move to Germany and asks him if he has thought about her in all of this. Kyle tells Sheila that she loves Georgia and this is something that he needs to do.

Back at the hotel, Ben is looking crestfallen at the news that Xanthe fabricated the story about Angus Young coming to visit. Ben doesn't understand why Xanthe made up the story and she confesses that she likes him, using the made-up visit from Angus as an excuse to spend some time with him. Xanthe tries to placate Ben by offering him some chocolate, telling him that it releases morphine into the brain (Ben quickly corrects this to endorphins!). She tells him that they could be stuck in the hotel for hours so may as well make the most of it, but this upsets Ben - he reminds her of the devastation that the explosion has caused and the loss of life. Xanthe is about to respond when her phone rings - Sheila is calling, telling her about Kyle's imminent departure for Germany. She looks shocked and tells Sheila that he can't do that, promising to come home as soon as she can.


Toadie is still trapped underneath the rubble but is relieved to hear drilling from the floor above and begins to cry out for help. A walkie talkie is lowered down, enabling him to speak to Nate. He warns him that there is a concrete pylon directly above his head which is in danger of collapsing.

At the hospital Terese is wracked with guilt about the news that the boiler is the source of the explosion, telling Paul that she asked Julie to get it looked at by an engineer. Paul assures her that the explosion wasn't her fault as she leaves to visit the complex. On her way out, Julie arrives at the hospital, hugging Terese and commiserating with her for the loss of Josh and Doug. Terese asks her if she knows what caused the explosion, but Julie says that she has no idea other than it started to play up when Paul switched the air conditioning off. Having given her statement to the police, Julie says that questions were asked as to why an incident report wasn't filed when the boiler started misfiring, but she managed to cover this, implying that Terese should remember this if the police start questioning her. Paul asks Julie where Tom is, but she says that he left for Sydney. Finding this odd, Paul mentions to Julie that he saw Tom this morning before the explosion, but Julie denies this and makes a hasty exit, telling Terese that she's there if she needs someone to talk to.


Jimmy is in the back garden at no. 26 playing with Bossy - Kyle comes over to talk to him about his departure to Germany. Kyle breaks the news to Jimmy that he is going to take Bossy with him and stay with Georgia permanently, leaving Jimmy confused. Kyle assures him that it is nothing that he and Amy have done, but Jimmy is unhappy that he's leaving, pleading with him that they will try harder to make things work. Kyle says that this won't change his mind and apologises for the hurt he's caused. Jimmy doesn't want to listen anymore and runs inside, upset at the news.

At the Lassiters Complex, Sonya is speaking to Toadie via the walkie talkie, asking him if he's okay. He tells her that he's not doing great but assures her he's not hurt. She apologises for the miscommunication earlier when she thought he was in the city, but Toadie assures her it was a last-minute change of plan that led him back to Lassiters as Doug wanted to talk to him about his will, so no-one would have known where he was. Toadie asks Sonya if Doug made it out of the hotel alive, but she breaks the news that Doug passed away. Before Sonya can say any more about the second fatality of Josh, Toadie becomes increasingly panicked as the loose concrete beam slowly slides towards him, dangerously close to crushing him. Sonya tells him that he needs to find some inner strength to make it out of there alive - she won't let him abandon her and Nell.


In room 601 at the hotel, Xanthe is anxious to leave to say farewell to Kyle and decides to take the stairs, but Ben is unsure about this, concerned that the building may be unsafe. He agrees to go with her but before they leave Xanthe decides to take some water from the fridge. While trying to find the water she comes across a bag hidden in the fridge and finds that it is full of money. Ben asks Xanthe whose room this is, but she responds vaguely that it belongs to 'some rich guy' - she thinks that they should take the money as the hotel may collapse, to Ben's reluctance. Reaching a compromise, Ben and Xanthe agree to take half the money each and store it safely.

Aaron is handing out water outside the hotel but Nate isn't impressed, telling him that he shouldn't be within the vicinity of the explosion as part of the hotel is yet to be stabilised. Aaron cuttingly tells Nate to stop acting like he cares and walks off. Nate then sees Ben and Xanthe coming out of the hotel and asks them what they were doing - Xanthe lies that they were at the library and were curious to see what was happening at Lassiters. Nate tells them they shouldn't have crossed the cordon and orders them to go home.


At No. 22, Terese has just finished a phone call with Mark and confirms to Paul that the boiler room was indeed sabotaged. Paul believes that this validates his theory that Tom Quill was involved, but Terese implores him to be honest - she knows how angry he was at losing the Citizen of the Year event to Julie and that he hated the idea of Julie using it to relaunch the development of Lassiters. Concerned with the implications of Terese's comments, he asks her if she believes he had something to do with the boiler being tampered with. She again asks him to be honest with her, but Paul assures her that he had nothing to do with the explosion and would never put her or her family in danger. Terese still looks concerned as Paul pleads his innocence.

Xanthe has arrived back at no. 26 but is not happy with Kyle, telling him that abandoning Amy and Jimmy to go and live with Georgia is a terrible thing to do. She doesn't want him to leave but her words have little effect. As Sheila hugs her grandson, Amy comes over, asking Kyle how long Bossy will be in quarantine. Kyle tells her it won't be long and asks Amy if Jimmy will be coming out to say goodbye to him. She doesn't reply and looks tearful as she goes to hug Bossy - she wishes Kyle good luck for his trip to Germany and he turns to leave, saying goodbye to his family for his new life. He is then surprised as Jimmy runs outside, wanting to give Kyle a final hug goodbye. Kyle tells Jimmy to look after his mum and departs.



Still waiting to be rescued at the hotel, Toadie is speaking to Nate on the walkie talkie. He asks him what his chances are of making it out alive, and Nate assures him that they are doing everything they can to get him out. He then makes an unusual request, asking Nate to find Steph as he wants to ask her something.

Steph is at the motel as Paul walks in - she tells him she hasn't got time to talk as she's wanted at Lassiters. Paul stops her as he needs to talk to her about the explosion. He's worried that the police may think that the motel had something to do with the boiler being sabotaged due to their intense rivalry, but Steph is confused, asking Paul why they would think the motel was involved. He cannot answer this and instead asks her to ensure that if the police do pay the motel the visit that she asks them for a warrant first. Steph hurriedly agrees to Paul's request so that she can leave.


Having made her way to the complex, Steph is talking to Toadie on the walkie talkie. He tells her about the plan Nate and the rescue team have formulated to save him, but he doesn't seem hopeful. He asks Steph to do something for him if he doesn't make it out alive. He wants Steph to look after Sonya and Nell as they will need a lot of support, and he also tells her about a red folder that he needs her to destroy if he dies in the hotel. Becoming emotional, Steph agrees to do what Toadie has asked whilst still trying to provide encouragement that he will come out of this unscathed.


Steph has returned to the motel, still emotional after speaking to Toadie. Disturbed by Paul's words about not involving the police, she spots his briefcase still on the floor in the storeroom. Compelled to find out what's inside, she uses a knife to prise it open. Steph becomes deeply concerned as she finds detailed blueprints for the Lassiters boiler room inside.

Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Terese Willis, Ben Kirk, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Xanthe Canning, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Jimmy Williams, Nate Kinski, Aaron Brennan

Guest Cast: Gail Easdale as Julie Quill

Trivia Notes
• Gail Easdale is not credited for her appearance as Julie Quill in this episode
• Final appearance of Chris Milligan as Kyle Canning until a guest appearance later in 2016. The character would then return as a regular from 2019 until 2022
• Final appearance of Bossy the dog

Summary by Michael