Magic Moments
> 2016
> The Lassiters Explosion: Part Four
Episode 7339
by Sam Miekle, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 07/04/16, Channel 5: 07/04/16
Paul asks Cecilia to make sure the Citizen of the Year event is a complete disaster for Lassiters... Tom Quill propositions Paul to work together to bring
down Julia, but Paul implies that he has other plans... Paul phones Cecilia to make sure everything is on track, whilst Aaron follows Tom... Brad reunites
with his son Ned thanks to Doug, who then has a stroke and passes away... Toadie goes into the hotel for a business meeting...
Mark is outside the destroyed Lassiters reception area, talking to Sonya about the damage caused by the explosion and the possibility that the tower could
collapse. He tells her that it is too dangerous to go inside until the tower is secured, and Sonya asks him if everyone is accounted for. Mark assures her
that all the checked guests have been reported on, but he can't say the same for any visitors who may have gone into the hotel before the blast. Sonya is
hopeful that there is no one else trapped inside the hotel and walks off to make a call, whilst Mark looks concerned.

Inside room 101 of the hotel we see debris and wreckage strewn around the room and someone trapped underneath the rubble. It's Toadie.
Paramedics, hotel guests and police officers are walking around the outside of the Lassiters hotel to help with the rescue effort, whilst Brad is lost in
thought as he tends to his departed father. He looks distraught at the realisation that he has lost two members of his family in a short space of time and
refuses to leave Doug's side. Ned walks over and asks Brad if he is okay, but Brad is still disbelieving that his father collapsed and died so suddenly when
he appeared fine moments earlier. Ned implies that Doug may have had some other injuries caused by the explosion which contributed to his death - he tries
to soothe Brad's anguish by saying that at least he didn't suffer as his death was sudden. He walks away to tell the ambulance crew that they want to spend
a little bit more time with Doug before he is taken away. As he does this Lauren walks over, horrified at the sight of Doug lying on the ground with Brad
inconsolable beside him. She doesn't say any words as she draws Brad into an embrace, and he weeps as they hug.

Inside the hotel Toadie awakens, still trapped under a mountain of rubble.
Terese is at home at no. 22 holding one of Josh's t-shirts, lost in her thoughts. Piper is in the kitchen weeping, feeling guilty that she wasn't there
when her brother passed away. She asks Terese if Josh understands that she would have been there if she could and Terese assures her that he would, but
she continues to be distracted with the item of clothing. Paul enters the house and Piper leaves to see Imogen, telling Paul that Terese isn't saying much
and she's worried about her. Paul goes to sit next to Terese and she mentions the t-shirt of Josh's that she found in the laundry basket, feeling helpless
as Paul tells her about Daniel and his recovery from surgery. Terese is still confused about how the explosion at Lassiters happened and asks Paul what
caused it, but he is unable give her an answer.

As Terese leaves to call Brad, a worried Paul makes a call to
Cecilia, but she ignores it, as she walks around the chaos of the Lassiters complex.
Outside the hotel, Brad and Lauren are still with Doug, having a final few moments with him before he is taken away. Brad receives a phone call from Terese
but he doesn't answer, telling Lauren that it's not appropriate to mention her father-in-law's death over the phone. He tells Lauren that he thought he would
have had a few more years with Doug and cannot believe the suddenness of his passing. He goes on to talk about Ned's return and his refusal to believe Doug
when he said his grandson was with him in the hotel. Lauren doesn't understand what he's talking about and Brad clarifies that Doug and Josh brought Ned
back to Erinsborough to help reunite the family.

Toadie is fully conscious in the ruins of room 101 at the hotel and is crying out for help - he cannot move due to the weight of debris on top of him, but
his plaintive cries go unanswered.
At the triage centre in the Waterhole Sonya and Steph are helping out with the rescue effort, but Steph tells Sonya she needs to get back to the motel.
Sonya receives a call from Toadie, he has managed to retrieve his phone from within the wreckage and tries to tell her about his dire predicament, but she
is unable to hear him as the phone is damaged. Unaware that Toadie is trapped within the hotel, she tells Steph that she will try and phone him later once
he's finished his meeting. Toadie's situation worsens as a concrete beam has come loose and is dangling above his head, as he desperately tries to remove
the rubble pinning him down.

Over at no. 22, Brad has broken the news to Terese about Doug's death, and she is once again distraught at the death of another member of their family. She
tries to comprehend why they have been dealt these tragic deaths, but Brad is unable to find a reason and asks Terese if she wants him to stay with her for
a while. Terese assures him that she has Paul to comfort her and tells Brad that he should go and be with Ned considering the amount of time they have been
apart. Paul comes over to offer his condolences to Brad and promises him that he will look after Terese. As Brad departs Paul tells Terese that he loves her
and she says that she is glad he is here, but at the moment all she can think about are Doug and Josh.
Brad is at Harold's talking to Lauren about Ned, his son with Beth. He tells Lauren that he tried to stay in touch with Ned but Beth put a wall between them
when she moved to Sydney. Brad tells Lauren that he tried to go over there to see Ned a couple of times a month, but Beth didn't want him to be there and the
visits dried up. Lauren asks if he has ever told Ned this, but he replies that he didn't think it was fair to put him in the middle of his issues with Beth.
Before they can talk any more Ned walks into Harold's, having been caught up with the paramedics. Brad still doesn't understand why he and Doug were at the
hotel, and Ned brings up the revelation that it was actually Josh who contacted him, wanting to bring the family back together again. Ned admits that he
didn't want to visit Ramsay Street straight away due to difficulties of seeing his father after so many years, aware of Brad's break-up with Terese and
reunion with Lauren. Brad is hurt by all the years he missed out with his son and tells Ned that he would like to get to know him again, but Ned tells Brad
that it is not as simple as that. He does, however, agree to stay in Erinsborough to support the family after the double tragedy inflicted upon them.

At the Waterhole Sonya speaks to Mark about Toadie, as she has found out that he didn't make it to his meeting in the city. Mark tells her that he managed
to locate the signal of his phone from the call he made with Sonya earlier, and gravely informs her that it was pinned to a location within the hotel. Sonya
starts panicking and tells Mark that she wrongly assumed he was in a hotel in the city, not Lassiters, but Mark manages to calm her down, assuring her that
they will find him.
Ned is hugging Imogen and Piper at Harold's, comforting them about Josh and Doug and telling them how big they've grown since he last saw them. He tells them
how proud Doug was of their chosen career paths having spoken to him earlier at the hotel, and then goes out to the kitchen with Lauren to take his bandage
off. Imogen asks her dad if he knew Ned was coming to visit, but he tells her it was a complete surprise and there is still a lot that he doesn't know about
him. In the kitchen Lauren is helping Ned with his bandages and she notices a tattoo on his chest, looking concerned as she busies herself with the first aid

Back at no. 22 Mark comes over to pay Paul and Terese a visit, he informs them that Toadie is missing and asks them if there is a quick way to locate where
he might be within the hotel. Terese tells him that she will try and find the relevant CCTV footage but it may take a couple of hours, and Mark thanks her,
telling her that they will also need the footage to ascertain what caused the explosion. Terese asks Mark if they have a running hypothesis about the source
of the blast, but he says that they haven't yet found out whether it was an accident or intentional. Paul reveals that Tom Quill may have had a part to play
in the explosion due to his grudge against his stepmother, however Mark isn't interested in this supposition and tells a worried Paul that they will need to
know everyone's whereabouts at the time of the explosion.
Ned is still at Harold's talking about Doug and Josh, whilst in the background Lauren is busily drawing a picture of the tattoo she saw on him earlier. After
some talk about Matilda, Ned indicates that it is time for him to leave and asks them to give him details about the funeral arrangements once they have more
information. Brad asks Ned if he can't stay a little bit longer to help them out, indicating that he can stay with him and Lauren until the funeral. After
some initial reluctance Ned agrees to stay in Erinsborough, although Lauren doesn't seem sure.

Within the hotel Toadie is still trying to free himself, the loosened concrete beam above his head now periliously close to falling and crushing him.
Back at Harold's Lauren is chatting to Ned in the kitchen, telling him that she's happy he's staying in Erinsborough until the funeral. Ned wonders if she
really is happy with the arrangement as Brad didn't ask for her opinion, but Lauren bats this away and tells him she's fine with it. Ned can tell she's lying
and asks her what the issue is - Lauren brings up the tattoo that she saw on his chest earlier which startled her. She mentions that her late husband Matt was
working on a case involving the East Coast Gang who had that same tattoo as their crest, and she cautions Ned that if he is thinking about bringing these
nefarious activities to Ramsay Street, it would be a bad idea considering the pain that his family is already going through. Ned assures her that he was
never part of the East Coast Gang but just liked their tattoo. He offers to leave if it will make her feel better, but Lauren decides to give Ned the benefit
of the doubt. As he leaves the kitchen she still looks worried.

At no. 22, Terese is downloading the CCTV footage from the hotel as Paul assures her that whoever is responsible will be brought to justice. She asks him if
he really believes that Tom Quill is accountable for the explosion, and he says that it is possible. Terese can sense that he is hiding something and asks
Paul if there is anything he wants to disclose - he tells her about Tom approaching him earlier to team up as revenge against Julie. Urging him to go to the
police with this information, Paul states that it is better to wait and see what the investigation reveals as it may have just been a tragic accident.

As Terese goes to take a shower Paul makes a call to Cecilia, asking her to pick up her phone because he needs to know what happened at the hotel. He then
starts looking at the CCTV files on the laptop. He plays one which shows him walking through the hotel lobby, and another of the entrance to the boiler room.
Looking concerned at the footage contained, he deletes the second video.
Featured Regular Characters: Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson, Brad Willis, Terese Willis,
Piper Willis, Imogen Willis, Steph Scully, Lauren Turner
Guest Cast: Terence Donovan as Doug Willis,
Ben Hall as Ned Willis,
Candice Alley as Cecilia Saint
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Josh Willis, Matilda Turner and Beth Brennan are mentioned
by Michael