Magic Moments
> 2016
> Brad and Lauren's Wedding
Episode 7509
by Sarah Walker, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 01/12/16, Channel 5: 01/12/16
Piper and Tyler almost kiss, but he pulls away... Piper asks Tim Collins to drop all charges against Tyler and reveals a USB stick containing footage of him
doing something compromising... Tim warns Terese to retrieve the USB stick, or the Maxine story will go public... Ned returns to Erinsborough and drops in to
see Elly... Kathy gives Lauren a rose from her wedding bouquet... Lauren reveals to Kathy that Lou has been missing her, telling her not to throw away her
chance of happiness...
Last-minute preparations are taking place at the wedding venue for Brad and Lauren's forthcoming marriage. Lou is walking around the marquee looking
thoughtful, and as he paces around, he goes over to sniff some of the roses on display.

At no. 28, Elly asks Ned if he has heard about the balloon accident, and he tells her that he spoke to Brad on the day, but things were complicated.
Elly contends that things are always complicated where Ned is concerned, and he doesn't disagree with her on this point. She doesn't understand why he
didn't come to see her earlier after she was badly injured in the crash, but Ned tells her that he was worried about how Jacka would react, particularly
after learning about the death of Regan. Ned admits to Elly that he will be leaving town straight after the reception, but she implores him to speak to
Brad before making any rash decisions. He isn't sure if Lauren will welcome him with open arms on the day of her wedding, but Elly pushes him to make the
effort, telling him that there is only one way to find out how Lauren will react.
Over at no. 32, Kathy is helping Lauren get ready for her wedding as Piper starts pouring a glass of champagne for herself! Lauren starts practising her
vows but Kathy wonders if her speech isn't a little close to the bone considering the fallout with Terese. Piper tells her that the vows are okay as her
mum will know what to expect. She heads off to the wedding venue to help with preparations, leaving Lauren and Kathy to finish getting ready.

Lou is still looking thoughtful as he sits outside the Waterhole. Brad comes over and comments to Lou that he thought he was coming inside, but Lou is
distracted. He mentions how he once owned the Waterhole when it was called Lou's Place, and Brad adds that he also owned it when it was named Chez Chez.
Noticing that Lou has been thinking a lot about the past recently, Brad comments that he heard he had recently caught up with Trixie. Lou confesses to Brad
that he was hoping to recapture something from the past, and Brad uses this moment to bring up Kathy and the possibility of a rekindled romance. As a way
of changing the subject Lou tells Brad that today isn't about himself and Kathy but about his forthcoming marriage to Lauren. He tells him that Doug would
be proud of him and Brad is grateful for his kind words, telling him that it means a lot to hear him say that. As they shake hands Ned shows up at the complex.
At Harold's, Brad tells Ned about how Jacka poisoned his tattoo ink after breaking into no. 32. Ned is saddened that he wasn't there to protect his family,
but Brad assures him that Karl managed to work out what was wrong with him. Convinced that Ned wasn't going to return for the wedding, Brad is upset when
Ned tells him that he won't be staying for long having decided that he can only return for the ceremony. He tells Brad that if he stays in Erinsborough
there is a danger that either Jacka or the police could find out. Brad warns Ned that he can't run away forever and regardless of the consequences he needs
to take responsibility for what happened to Maxine. At this point Brad confesses to Ned that after their call he contacted Maxine and has been paying her
rent as recompense for Ned burning her house down. He tells Ned that the time has come for him to sort things out himself, and at this request Ned mellows,
telling Brad that if that's what he wants, that is what he will do. Brad is grateful and he and Ned embrace. Knowing that the ceremony is imminent, Brad
asks Ned if he can learn a dance routine in half an hour.

In the complex, Tyler runs into Piper - he tells her that she looks incredible in her bridesmaid dress. Piper jokes that it is her brains Tyler really
loves and he bashfully agrees. She tells Tyler that since the Cannings dropped out there are extra places available at the wedding ceremony and asks him
if he would like to attend. Using the proviso that she needs somebody to operate the video whilst she's busy with the ceremony, Tyler agrees to come as her
guest and camera operator, even if her parents won't be happy seeing him at the reception. They both look happy with this arrangement as they head off in
opposite directions, smiling as they go.
Terese drops off some food platters at Harold's and turns to leave, however she is stopped by Paul. He tells her that he is hopeful Tim will keep his side
of the bargain and hold off publishing the story about Maxine. Terese assures him that once Piper is finished with the camera, she will retrieve the memory
card and return it to Tim. At that moment Piper enters Harold's and Terese senses an opportunity - she gives Piper a brand-new memory card for the camera
and offers to take the old one home. Terese is disappointed as Piper tells her that there is enough memory on the old card, so she'll fill it up first before
replacing it. She also mentions to Terese that there are extra spaces at the wedding venue if she wants to bring someone. As Piper departs Paul is surprised
that Terese is going to the wedding. She tells Paul that going to her ex-husband's wedding to the woman he left her for isn't particularly appealing, but
she is doing it for Piper. She wonders if people will see her as pathetic, but Paul tells her that this will never be the case. Terese asks Paul if he
would like to be her plus one at the wedding and he agrees, telling her that it sounds like a plan.

The wedding guests start to arrive at the ceremony as Susan directs people to their seats and Terese and Sonya help with handing out wedding flyers.
Mark and Tyler arrive at the venue and remark on how amazing everything looks. Noticing Tyler's arrival, Terese coldly remarks to Sonya that she didn't
know he was invited, but Sonya counters this by telling Terese she didn't know Paul was invited. Terese realises that Piper has blabbed to Sonya about
her invitation to Paul and looks unimpressed. Meanwhile, Tyler tries to bring up the surrogacy news with Mark but he quickly shuts him down, telling him
that this is not the day for talking about it. He also implores Tyler not to mention the surrogacy to Sonya or Steph. As Mark leaves to drop off the
corsages to the groomsmen, Tyler busies himself with the video camera and becomes concerned when he sees something on it.
At no. 28, Mark arrives to find Elly sitting at the table looking worried. He asks her if her worry is because of Ned's return, and she confesses that
she is struggling to forgive Ned after the events surrounding the hot air balloon crash. Mark changes the subject and brings up the situation with Angus,
assuring Elly that she was right not to press charges against him. He tells her that after doing a routine background check on her there was something on
her record that could have been used against her in court. He asks Elly if Susan knows about this, but Elly angrily tells Mark that it is none of his
business. Mark implores Elly that she needs to keep a clean sheet, advising her to stay away from guys like Ned.

Over at no. 32, Lou is standing in the garden as Kathy comes out; she tells Lou that he looks handsome as he repays the compliment. Paige rushes outside
to let Lou and Kathy know that Lauren is ready for her wedding. Lauren comes outside and they all compliment her on how beautiful she looks, Lou telling
her what a wonderful daughter she is. They all head off to the wedding venue but on his way out Lou stops and picks up a card - the card he sent to Kathy
on their wedding day. He looks thoughtful as he finds a rose inside.
At no. 30, Ned is getting ready for the wedding as Elly comes over; she wants to talk to him about why he left. She asks him if his reason for leaving was
to protect her or if he was looking for an excuse to dump her. Ned assures Elly that he needed to leave because of what happened with Jacka and his worry
about what Jacka might do to the people close to him. Elly has one more thing to ask Ned - she mentions the note he left her saying that he loved her and
asks him if this is true. Ned says that it is, and Elly looks pleased. She tells him that the rest of this conversation can wait until after the wedding
and rushes out, leaving Ned confused as to what she means.

The wedding party are heading out of no. 32 into a waiting car, Lauren flanked by Lou and Piper as Paige takes photos. Lou warns them that they are going
to be late for the ceremony and hastens them into the car. At that moment a dapper looking Ned heads out of no. 30 towards Lauren, Paige and Piper, who
look astonished to see him. They compliment him on his attire and go over to give him a hug, as Lou once again warns them that they are going to miss their
own wedding!
At the wedding venue, music is playing as Ned and Piper get the ceremony underway with an impromptu dance routine, followed by Karl, Paige, Steph and Toadie.
As they finish their dance routines Brad and Lauren appear; they continue the musical theme as they make their way to the head of the ceremony. The
atmosphere is jovial as residents cheer the happy couple, although Sonya is forced to sit down, looking unwell. Mark notices Sonya's condition and becomes




Friends and family settle down into their seats as the formalities begin, with Susan as celebrant. Brad and Lauren begin by making various promises to never
desert the other, or take each other for granted, or compromise their varied pursuits.
Brad then continues with some words:
"Lauren, when we first found each other, fate and timing kept us apart. And I can't regret those years because without them we wouldn't have the beautiful,
amazing families that we love now."
Lauren continues:
"Brad, when we first met, I was a teenager, and we couldn't be together. Little did I imagine I would be standing here today but look, here we are. And I
can't wait to go forward with our lives together."
Susan informs them that it is now time to exchange vows. Brad and Lauren read their vows and as they finish Susan happily pronounces them as husband and
wife. She tells them that they can now kiss and the congregation cheers.
A short while later everyone is hugging and cheering and throwing confetti as they celebrate the union of Brad and Lauren. As the hugs continue, Brad
sidles away from the group and goes over to see Terese. He thanks her for coming to the ceremony and for all her support over the years, telling her that
he hopes she can find some happiness in her life as well. Terese is surprised as Brad embraces her. Meanwhile Sonya is resting at one of the tables as Mark
comes over Ð he asks her if she is feeling okay as he noticed her looking a bit off colour previously. Before she can answer Steph and Toadie stroll over,
excited at reliving the dance moves they showed off earlier. Toadie notices Sonya looking tired and asks her if she is okay. She tells the group that she
is having cramping pains which is a sign that her period is on its way, and Toadie offers to drive her to the wedding reception to save walking. She agrees
and they depart, leaving Mark and Steph looking downcast. Despite Sonya's news Steph assures Mark that they can consider other fertility options but there
is no rush. He agrees and they share a hug.

Tyler is still at the wedding ceremony looking at the camera as Terese walks over to him Ð she tells Tyler that he must have captured enough wedding
footage and she'll pass the camera over to Piper for him. Tyler is reluctant to hand over the camera to Terese and insists that he will give the camera
to Piper himself, as he needs to tell her a few things. He walks off leaving a frustrated Terese to consider her next move. On his way out Tyler sees Piper
and Paige and hands the camera back to Piper - he informs them that he will not be coming to the wedding reception, leaving Piper disappointed. She tells
him that no one will mind if he's there, but Tyler doesn't feel assured at this, and glances back towards Terese. As he leaves Piper insinuates to Paige
that her mother must have said something inappropriate to Tyler which has made him reluctant to attend the reception. She then looks at the camera and is
surprised to see that all the footage Tyler has taken is of her. Embarrassed and happy at the same time, Piper rushes off, telling Paige that she'll be
back shortly.
The wedding reception preparations are taking place at the Waterhole as Ned and Elly arrive. Ned is still looking for an answer from their curtailed
conversation earlier and Elly quickly fills in the blanks, asking Ned when he is leaving town. She confesses to him that something else has come up in
her life and she would like to leave Erinsborough with him. Ned has bad news for her however, telling Elly that his plans to leave are now on hold as he
needs to face up to what he has done. Elly asks him for more details but Ned refuses to divulge the reasons, telling her that this can wait until after
the reception. Unhappy that Ned is keeping secrets from her again and sure that he is leading her on, Elly tells him that she can't be around him anymore
and leaves. Ned looks crestfallen at her departure.

Back at the wedding ceremony, Lou picks up a yellow rose from one of the vases, pricking his finger in the process, and hands it to Kathy, telling her
that it will replace the one she gave to Lauren. He tells Kathy that this reminds him of the day she was carrying a bouquet of roses down the aisle in
Queensland, and he mentions to her that people have the crazy idea of thinking that you can recapture the past. With a nod to Brad and Lauren Kathy agrees
with Lou, telling him that some people take this notion all the way to the altar. Lou is thoughtful and asks Kathy if recapturing the past is as crazy as
it seems.

At the rotunda Piper walks towards Tyler, telling him that she has been looking for him everywhere. Tyler confesses to Piper that he had to clear his
head and tells her that he realised from looking at the footage that she must have been the one who stopped Tim from getting him charged thanks to the
dirt she had on him. He has also come to the realisation that Brad and Lauren's wedding vows are very much like his and Piper's relationship, telling
Piper that keeping two people apart who are made for each other is a mistake but one that can be rectified. He asks Piper if she thinks that being apart
from each other is a mistake and she adamantly agrees that it is. They look lovingly into each other's eyes as they share a passionate kiss.
Featured Regular Characters: Brad Willis,
Lauren Turner, Paige Smith, Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy,
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Jack Callahan, Steph Scully
Guest Cast: Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter,
Tina Bursill as Kathy Carpenter,
Ben Hall as Ned Willis
Trivia Notes
• Walking On Sunshine by Katrina And
The Waves is played as the guests arrive and perform their dance routine
by Michael