Magic Moments
> 2016
> The 2016 Season Finale
Episode 7510
by Paul Gartside, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 02/12/16, Channel 5: 02/12/16
Lou tells Kathy that people have a crazy idea that you can recapture the past... Jack and Paige make love in the barn after the balloon crash... Paige ends
things with Jack after he fails to commit to their relationship... Ned tells Brad that he's messed up... Maxine continues to blackmail Brad into paying her
rent, so she'll keep quiet about Ned's involvement in the house fire... Piper realises that most of the wedding footage Tyler has taken is of her... Tyler
and Piper share a passionate kiss at the gazebo...
At the gazebo, Piper and Tyler are still kissing. Their moment is cut short as Piper tells Tyler that she has to go to the wedding reception at the Waterhole
to take some footage. She notices that the battery on the camera is almost flat, but Tyler offers to take it to his place to charge it up. Tyler mentions to
Piper that once the official part of the reception is over she could slip away and meet him, to which Piper happily agrees. They kiss again.

The Waterhole is bustling as guests have arrived for Brad and Lauren's wedding reception. Lauren is making a speech as Piper, Paige, Ned, Toadie and other
residents listen intently:
"In our vows today, Brad and I wanted to acknowledge the past. But looking around the room now, all I see is the future. A future surrounded by a wonderful
group of people who Brad and I both care about so very much. I'd like to make the first toast of the day to all of you. To family, friends and neighbours."
As she finishes, Ned stands up in preparation to give his own speech. He is interrupted however by the arrival of Maxine Cowper. Lauren asks Brad whether
Maxine was invited as Ned tells them that he needs to go and sort this out. He is accompanied by Brad, who assures Lauren that he will explain everything
later and asks Toadie to carry on with the speeches. As Toadie begins his speech Brad and Ned ask Maxine what she is doing at their wedding reception, and
she tells them that she wants more money. Desperate not to have any unpleasantness at their happy occasion, Brad orders an angry Maxine outside to discuss
the matter. Mark and Lauren look worried as they leave.
Outside the Waterhole, Lou and Kathy are sitting in the beer garden. Kathy asks Lou if he is sure that it is a relationship he wants or whether he's just
feeling nostalgic, but he assures her it is the former. She then asks Lou where it all went wrong for them, and Lou jokes that it was somewhere between
kids and mortgages, whilst Kathy chips in with get-rich schemes. They agree that despite this they had some good times, including seeing their two children
grow up. Kathy admits that on some level she always cared about Lou, but just couldn't live with him. Lou asks her if she could live with him now, but Kathy
contends that Lou is not the type of person to settle down with. Feeling that now is the time to change that, Lou proposes that he would like to live in
Brisbane so he can be close to Bailey, Amber and Maltilda. Surprised that Lou would give up his nomadic lifestyle and settle down, Kathy asks Lou if he
really would be prepared to change his lifestyle to suit her. Lou contends that he will still go to Cambodia a couple of times a year and suggests that she
could come with him. He admits that he was a fool to ever let her go and suggests to Kathy that despite the past they could still have some special memories
to share.

Having diverted Maxine to Harold's, Brad and Ned are chatting with her about the fire. Ned apologises to Maxine for burning her house down as Mark enters
Harold's. He tells them that they are both needed back at the reception, but Ned realises that this is a good time to admit the truth and tells Mark that
the lady they are speaking to is Maxine Cowper, and it was he who burnt her house to the ground the day before the balloon crash. Brad defends his son's
actions by telling Mark that Ned risked his life to rescue Maxine from the burning building. Astonished by the revelation he has just heard, Mark asks
Maxine why she didn't report the fire to the authorities, but she tells him that she has no trust in the police. Brad admits that Ned called him after
the balloon crash to confess to his crime, asking him to make sure Maxine was okay. Mark informs Ned that he will have to take him to the station for
further questioning, but Brad asks for this to be delayed until after the reception. Reluctantly Mark agrees, but he warns both Brad and Ned that this
needs to be sorted out sooner rather than later. As they prepare to leave Harold's, an exasperated Lauren enters, demanding to know what is going on.
Back at the wedding reception, Jack goes over to see Paige, who is giving him the cold shoulder. He tells her that he wasn't sure if he should come to
the wedding due to the fallout from the closure of the Blaze Outreach centre, but Paige informs Jack that Brad is a forgiving guy. He asks Paige if she
has forgiven him, but he doesn't receive an answer. He persists, asking Paige if it's possible for them to go back to just being friends, rather than
complicating things. Paige contends that things have always been complicated between them and it's not possible for them to just be friends. She wishes
Jack all the best but tells him that they can't pretend that they can go back to a perfect, happy time that they shared together, because such a time
never existed. Paige walks away, leaving Jack looking forlorn.

At Harold's, Brad is trying to explain the situation with Ned and Maxine to Lauren, telling her that Maxine knew the fire was an accident but wouldn't
let up in her vendetta against Ned, instead resorting to blackmail. He goes on to say that they came to an arrangement whereby Terese would pay Maxine's
rent, but Lauren isn't satisfied with his explanation. She tells him that he should have come to her first, but Brad defends himself, telling her that he
was only trying to protect his son and that as soon as he realised the arrangement was affecting their relationship, he put a stop to it. Unconvinced by
this, Lauren informs Brad that he was happy to tell Terese about the situation but not her. Brad assures Lauren that he didn't want to burden her with the
Ned and Maxine fallout, especially as he wasn't well at the time and thought he was going to die, so instead divulged the news to Terese in the hope that
she would deal with the situation if he succumbed to his illness. As Brad finishes his explanation a furious Lauren receives a text from Karl informing her
that the bridal waltz is due to take place at the Waterhole. Brad tries to take Lauren's hands, but she pulls away; he apologises for what he has done
and asks if she can forgive him, but Lauren still looks unhappy.
Despite her anger with Brad, Lauren decides to accompany him at the Waterhole for their first dance, as Karl introduces the happy couple. They begin their
dance, with Lauren still looking frosty, however once Brad starts showing off his signature dance moves Lauren begins to soften. Brad jokes that this is
the reason Lauren wanted to marry him, for his epic dance moves. Happier than she was a few moments ago, Lauren tells Brad that she agreed to marry him
for better or worse, she just didn't realise the 'worse' part would come along so soon. Brad apologises once again for his actions and Lauren forgives
him, telling Brad that she loves him. He echoes her sentiments.

As they continue dancing Karl invites everyone else to the dance floor, and they begin pairing up with each other. Jack offers Lauren a dance as Paige
stares at them moodily across the room. She becomes upset as Jack and Lauren start dancing, informing Piper that she's going outside for a while. The
reception continues as Amy dances with Aaron and then Jimmy, whilst Ned invites Lauren onto the dancefloor, although she intimates to him not to get
carried away! Terese is looking glum on the sidelines, but Paul invites her on to the dance floor. She tells him that she still needs to get the video
camera footage from Piper, and Paul asks her if she is worried about missing Tim's deadline. Terese assures Paul that she has everything under control
so he tries to get her to relax, telling her that she should enjoy being the other woman for a change. With everyone caught up in the dancing, Piper
discreetly sends a text message to Tyler, telling him that she is on her way. She bumps into Karl on her way out of the Waterhole, who is puzzled as
to where Susan is. Worried about the possibility of having to partner up with Karl on the dance floor, Piper quickly makes her escape.
It's revealed that Susan's whereabouts are at the Lassiters park; she is overseeing another wedding ceremony - for Lou and Kathy. Lou has prepared
a speech and begins:
"After all this time, what is there to say? We have been through the very best of it, and the very worst. We've loved with a passion, and we've
fought like cats and dogs. But I believe that every path we take is the right one, provided you end up where you're meant to be. And I believe this
is it - standing here, side by side, with each other, for good."
Revealing that she still has the same ring from their first wedding, Kathy gives it to Lou so that he can put it back on to her finger. They finish
their vows as a happy Susan pronounces them man and wife. They share hugs and kisses and receive a cheer from some people who are sitting nearby having
a picnic.

The dancing is in full swing at the Waterhole as Mark and Steph head over to one of the tables to take a break. Mark informs Steph that he will have
to get a statement from Ned as soon as the reception is over. Steph assures him that this was the right thing to do, telling him that a year ago he
probably wouldn't have been so lenient. Recalling the arrest of Paige on their wedding day, Mark agrees that he has mellowed in the last year and then
surprises Steph with a marriage proposal of his own. Taken aback by the offer of marriage, an astonished Steph gives herself a moment to think it through
and then agrees to Mark's announcement. They share a kiss at the happy news. Elsewhere in the Waterhole an unwell Sonya tells Toadie that the cramps are
not getting any better and she needs to go home to rest up. He asks her if he should come with her, but Sonya tells him to stay at the reception. As she
leaves Toadie receives a text message from his brother Stonie with the words 'call me crazyÉ but is there a resemblance here??'. There is also a link to a
picture which Toadie clicks on. He is shocked when he sees the picture, not knowing what to do next.
As the dancing dies down, Brad and Lauren call the singletons on to the dance floor for the traditional tossing of the bouquet. Lauren is wondering
where Paige and Piper are but Brad jokes that this is probably not their thing, and they are hiding somewhere. She carries on with proceedings and throws
the bouquet into the waiting crowd. It is Mark who catches the bouquet, and he looks happily surprised considering his announcement to Steph earlier. He
goes over to give Steph a hug as Lauren and Brad embrace. Ned comes over to Brad and Lauren, telling them that they look perfect together whilst apologising
for his actions over the last few months. He thanks them for allowing him to be part of the proceedings and Lauren tells Ned that she was glad that he came.
Brad is also apologetic for the years when he wasn't there for Ned, telling him that he is glad to be given a second chance at repairing their relationship.
Realising that now is as good a time as any, Ned tells Brad and Lauren that he will go and give his statement to Mark. Lauren assures him that it will be

Still reeling from the photo he saw earlier, Toadie is on the phone to Stonie. He asks him where he got that photo from and whether he took it himself. He
then tells Stonie that the photo is troubling him, and he needs to see him in person for an explanation.
At Harold's Ned and Brad have arrived to see Mark, with Ned preparing to give his statement. Mark asks Ned to begin his story, starting with why he went to
visit Maxine's home on the day it burned down. Before he can continue a uniformed officer enters Harold's and to the astonishment of Mark informs Ned that
he is under arrest. Mark assures the officer that he is dealing with the situation, but the officer is unconvinced, telling Mark that a woman called
reporting an arson, but he refused to act on her information. Despite Mark telling the officer that Ned is fully co-operative to his questioning, she
goes ahead and arrests Ned for arson, stating that he is a gang member and a proven flight risk. Grudgingly Mark accedes to the officer's request and
reads Ned his rights, puts handcuffs on him and escorts him away to the station. As they leave Brad looks unhappy at the sudden turn in events.

Outside the Waterhole, Paige is sitting sobbing on a bench. David comes over to offer her some words of comfort. He wonders if the events of the wedding
have made her emotional, and Paige agrees that this is something that she has always wanted even before she met Brad and Lauren, the idea of a stable and
loving family. She goes on to tell David about the events of last year when she was due to marry Mark, and how it ended in heartbreak, and then the deaths
of Josh and Doug and her difficult situation with Jack. David asks Paige if things with her and Jack are over, and Paige admits that they are, telling David
that she was clinging on to the notion of the man she first met but that he is not that man anymore. She continues to cry as David puts an arm around her
for comfort.
Outside no. 32, Brad and Lauren's preparations to depart for their honeymoon getaway have suddenly changed as Lou hangs a 'just married' sign on the back
of Brad's campervan. Lauren informs Lou and Kathy about Ned's arrest and tells them that he has been denied bail and is on remand. She sadly tells them
that she and Brad will be unable to go on their honeymoon as they need to stay in town to support Ned. Seeing an opportunity in the making, Kathy asks
Lauren if it would be okay if she and Lou went on the road trip in their place, but Lauren is surprised at the request. She doesn't understand why they
would be going on a road trip together, but Lou happily tells her that he and Kathy have patched things up. Lauren is pleased at the sudden turn in events
and goes to take the 'just married' sign and wedding decorations off the campervan. At this moment Kathy informs Lauren of some other news, displaying her
wedding ring and telling her about her impromptu marriage to Lou earlier. Lauren is astonished and overjoyed at the announcement as they all laugh together.

At no. 24, Terese and Paul enter through an unlocked front door, in pursuit of Piper's camera. Terese wonders if it is okay to go in without anyone
knowing, but Paul assures her that the door was unlocked so it can't be perceived as a break and enter. After looking around the living area Terese
spots the camera on a table and opens it to remove the memory card. She puts it into her handbag and turns to leave, noticing Paul smirking as she does
so. He is impressed with her actions, jokily telling her that it is pleasing to see her in espionage mode! As they go to leave, Terese fails to notice
the red bridesmaid dress belonging to Piper on the side of a bookcase.
In Tyler's bedroom Piper and Tyler have consummated their relationship. They look contented as they stroke each other's hair and kiss.

Back on Ramsay Street, Brad and Paige are surprised that Lou and Kathy got married without letting anyone know but are pleased to see them so happy.
Lou informs them that today was a purely ceremonial occasion until the marriage licence comes through, as he and Kathy prepare to leave.
Having commandeered Brad's campervan, Lou and Kathy depart Ramsay Street for their honeymoon, with Susan, Lauren, Brad and Paige waving them off.

Later in the day, Paige is in her dressing gown at no. 32. She has taken a pregnancy test and is nervously awaiting the results. She holds it in her
hands before looking at the result, which is positive. She becomes concerned.
At no. 30, Sonya is in the bedroom, also looking at a positive pregnancy test. She looks concerned at the result of the test and wonders what to do next.


Meanwhile in the living room, Toadie is nervously awaiting Stonie's arrival from Colac. Stonie eventually arrives and starts talking about the mysterious
lady whose photo he accidentally took in Colac, telling Toadie that the resemblance is striking. Toadie tells Stonie that they need to be realistic about
this, assuring him that this must just be a total stranger in the picture. Stonie tells Toadie that the stranger in the picture is the spitting image of
her. Toadie zooms in on the picture on his phone. We see a woman sitting on a park bench, talking on the phone, who looks uncannily like his first wife Dee...
Featured Regular Characters: Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Paul Robinson, Lauren Turner, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Mark Brennan,
Tyler Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Jack Callahan, Paige Smith
Guest Cast: Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter,
Tina Bursill as Kathy Carpenter,
Ben Hall as Ned Willis,
Takaya Honda as David Tanaka,
Madeleine West as Dee Bliss,
Anthony Engelman as Stonefish Rebecchi,
Kate Hood as Maxine Cowper,
Amy Gubana as Miranda Coby
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Bailey Turner, Amber Turner and Matilda
Turner are mentioned
• Madeleine West is credited as playing Dee Bliss for this
episode, though she only appears in a photograph and is later revealed to be Andrea Somers
by Michael