Magic Moments
> 2017
> Callum's Return
Episode 7618
by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 07/06/17, Channel 5: 07/06/17
Paul proposes merging the motel and Backpackers to Leo and Steph... Leo tells Sonya that she won’t get away with destroying his business and nearly killing
his brother... Toadie tells Steph that Sonya has checked herself out of rehab, and then finds out that she is living in a caravan... Toadie calls someone
for help with Sonya... Jack tells Amy that he can’t give himself to both God and his son... Lauren informs Jack that Amber has a burst appendix, but asks
him not to tell Paige...
Paige is at the hospital walking back to her room with Jack after giving Gabe his first bath. Paige remarks on how cute Gabe was, but Jack tells her he
was too nervous to notice. Paige doesn’t agree with this and asks Lauren for her opinion, but she seems distracted. Paige asks Lauren when breastfeeding
will become easier, but is told that these things take time. Lauren has to go for a house inspection and departs. Jack asks Paige if she wants any more
water, giving him an excuse to speak to Lauren privately. He asks her if she has had any update from Amber after her burst appendix, but Lauren hasn’t
heard anything. Jack doesn’t think it’s a good idea to keep Amber’s health issues from Paige, but Lauren tells him it’s for the best and reiterates to
Jack that he shouldn’t divulge the news to her just yet. Jack isn’t convinced that this is a good idea.

Leo is chatting to Paul and Steph at Robinsons, he says that he has found a buyer for Sonya’s Nursery but Steph didn’t even know that she was selling.
Leo contends that this is the only way that Toadie and Sonya will be in a position to compensate him for what happened at the Backpackers, and it is a
better option than involving lawyers and a protracted legal battle. He also thinks that this will allow Sonya to focus on her recovery. Paul agrees that
this is a good idea but Steph is angry that Leo thinks taking away Sonya’s Nursery is in any way a positive outcome for the Rebecchi family. She is adamant
that forcing Sonya to sell the nursery is not on the agenda as it could push back her recovery further, and Paul and Leo have to reluctantly concede that
they will not be able to change Steph’s mind on this.
Over at no. 32, Toadie is checking his phone to make sure the flight is on time. Shane comes over and asks him if he has any second thoughts about the
decision he’s made, and Toadie admits that he isn’t sure he has done the right thing. He asks Shane if he has made the right decision, and Shane assures
him that this is the best thing to help Sonya. Toadie agrees that this is the last throw of the dice in order to bring Sonya home, and decides that he needs
some sleep before heading off to the airport. Shane jokes that he doesn’t look in the best shape at the moment as Toadie heads off to bed.

At the hospital, Paige is checking on Gabe as Jack walks in. She asks him if everything is ready for them to go home, and he says it is. Paige says that
they are lucky to be able to go home so quickly, and that Amber and Josh had to wait for ages to be released from hospital. The mention of Amber brings a
pang of guilt into Jack’s mind about the news he is withholding from Paige regarding Amber’s medical episode. Paige says that she has not heard from Amber
for months, and Jack assures her that she is probably just busy. Jack busily changes the subject as Paige can tell that Jack is holding back; he covers
his tracks by revealing that a parishioner has just died, and leaves. As Paige goes back to settling Gabe, Piper comes in, revealing the news about Amber.
Paige looks surprised.
Jack has arrived at the church to sort out the funeral arrangements for the parishioner. Amy comes over to see if everything is okay, but Jack is stressed;
he says that he can’t both look after Paige and look after the church. Jack says to Amy that maybe it’s best if he calls the Bishop and hands in his
resignation from the church, but Amy wants to know if this is truly the decision that he wants to take. Jack isn’t sure what he wants to do as he doesn’t
want to let down Paige and Gabe, and Amy tells him that he needs to be sure of his decision before he does something rash.

At the caravan park, there is a knock at Sonya's door and Toadie’s surprise visitor is revealed - it’s Callum. He tells her that he is here to bring her
home, but Sonya is still in shock that he has flown over just to see her. Sonya learns that Toadie arranged for Callum to come and visit her, and she is
upset that he decided to take this course of action. Callum asks to come inside so that they can chat, but Sonya doesn’t want him to see the state of the
caravan and instead tells him that they will go for a walk after she has tidied herself up. As she heads inside Callum notices empty bottles of alcohol
littered around the caravan and looks worried.
Paige is still at the hospital preparing to leave for home as Lauren pops in, she has found the perfect gift for Gabe in the gift shop. Paige doesn’t look
happy, she asks Lauren why she didn’t want to tell her about Amber and her burst appendix. Lauren tells her that she didn’t want her to worry unnecessarily
about Amber or the fact that she might have to leave to go and look after her, cutting short the time she wants to spend with Paige and her newborn. Paige
says that it was her decision to stay in Erinsborough and she is coping fine; being a single mother is frightening but Paige says that Lauren’s influence
has given her strength. Paige implores Lauren to go and look after Amber, she has already called Amber to let her know she is on her way home.

At Harold's, Steph is trying to persuade Paul to hold back from pushing Sonya for compensation until she is back on her feet. Paul says that the deal Leo
came up with is a generous one to both parties that doesn’t involve extra expense, but Steph pleads with him to think of another option. She even suggests
selling back some of her shares to cover Leo’s loss from the Backpackers, but Paul doesn’t understand why she would want to do this just for Sonya’s sake.
Steph says that things with Sonya are even bleaker than they seem; she tells Paul that Sonya checked herself out of rehab and is now living in a caravan,
convinced that Nell and Toadie are better off without her. Convinced that if Leo sells the nursery it will give Sonya less of a reason to return to Ramsay
Street, Steph appeals to Paul’s better nature. Paul tells Steph that he will talk to Leo, but can’t promise her that he will be able to change his mind.
Steph is grateful for his compassion and leaves.
Back at the caravan park, Sonya and Callum are out for a walk. Sonya isn’t happy that Callum has come all this way to see her, telling him that the issues
she is having with Toadie shouldn’t be of his concern. She apologises to Callum for him being dragged into their marital problems but he interrupts her,
telling her that he is glad Toadie called him. He’s worried about her and forces Sonya to reassess her situation, telling her that she shouldn’t be living
in a caravan. Feeling that some tough talking is the only way to get through to his mum, he tells Sonya that hiding away and relying on alcohol as a comfort
blanket is not the way forward. Sonya isn’t happy with this outburst and tells Callum that she is still his mother and he needs to respect her, however
Callum sees this is a cover and tells her to stop lying to herself. They come to a park bench and Callum tells her to take a seat, he has more that he
wants to say.

Still preparing to leave the hospital, Paige is packing a bag. Lauren doesn’t feel comfortable about going back to Queensland so soon after the birth. Jack
has another solution, he tells Paige that she should go and stay with Lauren for a few days, so that they can support each other whilst Amber recovers from
her surgery. Lauren thinks that this is a good idea but Paige isn’t sure she wants to leave Jack so soon. However, Jack insists that he will be okay whilst
she is gone and asks Paige if she will agree to go. She looks pensive, thinking it over.
Sonya and Callum are talking things over. Callum tells Sonya that she is naïve if she thinks that leaving Nell to grow up without a mother is the right
thing to do, and brings up his own experiences of abandonment when Sonya left him when he was growing up. He wonders if Sonya’s reasons for leaving at that
time were because she didn’t love him enough to stay, and then talks about how his feelings of isolation and neglect changed when Toadie decided to adopt
him. Callum understands that Sonya had to leave him out of love as she was not in a good place at that time, and Sonya agrees that this was the case; she
didn’t want to ruin his life by inflicting her pain on to him. Callum says that there is still a part of him that wonders what he did wrong to make Sonya
leave, and he doesn’t want Nell to grow up with those same feelings. He implores Sonya to return to Ramsay Street for Nell’s sake, telling her that she
shouldn’t allow another of her children to have to grow up without a mother. Sonya is teary-eyed and anguished at Callum’s strong words.

Toadie has arrived at the caravan park and wonders where Sonya and Callum are. He then sees Callum walking back on his own without Sonya. Callum apologises
to Toadie, he tried everything he could to persuade Sonya to come home, but Toadie is grateful for his efforts. He also says sorry to Callum for involving
him in this, but Callum says that he was more than happy to help, he wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he didn’t speak to Sonya. Callum doesn’t
understand why Sonya is acting like this, preferring to live away from the people that make her happy, and Toadie concedes that this is his fault; he feels
that he pushed Sonya away through his actions. Realising that Sonya is not going to be coming home, Toadie and Callum decide to leave.
Paige is packing for her stay in Queensland as she prepares to leave the hospital. She promises Piper that she will send plenty of photos while she is away.
Lauren thanks Jack for allowing Paige to stay with her for a few weeks; Lauren was in a difficult position between supporting Paige and looking after Amber.
She also tells Jack that he should come up and visit when he has some time. Jack has one final hold of Gabe before Paige takes him, she doesn’t feel entirely
happy about taking her newborn away from Jack so soon after the birth, but he assures her he will be fine and tells her to have some rest whilst she’s in
Queensland. Paige and Jack embrace as she leaves.

At the Waterhole Paul has called Leo over for a chat about Sonya and the nursery. Having taken Steph’s desperate pleas on board, he asks Leo to back off
from pursuing Sonya for compensation for the time being as she is in a bad way. Leo isn’t happy at this, asking Paul why he should roll over after what
happened at the Backpackers. Paul reiterates that he just wants Leo to delay his course of action whilst Sonya sorts herself out, but Leo contends that
he has already done more than enough to find an amicable solution with Toadie and Sonya. He also reminds Paul that Sonya nearly killed his brother. Paul
says that there will be real issues with Steph if Leo continues his pursuit of compensation, but Leo is adamant that he won’t back down on this.
Jack is back at the church, lost in his thoughts. Amy comes in and asks him if he has had any second thoughts about asking Paige to leave, considering how
much he loves Gabe. He says it was hard seeing him go, and confesses that he’s worried he will not be able to continue being both a priest and a father.
He is concerned that he will not be able to put his full focus into his church activities now that he has a son. Amy asks him if he is ready to make a
decision about his future with the church. Jack says that he is and picks up the phone to speak to the Bishop.

Over at no. 30 Callum and Toadie are thinking about what happened at the caravan park. Toadie offers to make Callum some lunch but he says he’s lost his
appetite. There is a knock at the door and, to both Toadie and Callum’s surprise, it’s Sonya. Callum asks her if this is a temporary visit or if she’s
staying permanently; and to both his and Toadie’s relief she says it’s the latter. Toadie is grateful that Sonya has decided to stay and thanks her for
coming home, however Sonya tells him that she is doing it for Nell and Callum’s sake and no one else's. Toadie understands and says that he is just
grateful she has returned. Sonya tells Toadie that she will never forgive him for involving Callum in their marital problems, but he can accept this
considering the alternative.
Toadie departs, leaving Sonya to settle back into no. 30 with Callum’s help. Sonya and Callum embrace as Toadie makes his way back to no. 28, feeling
bittersweet and emotional that his wife has returned.

At Robinsons, Steph receives a text message from Toadie informing her that Sonya has returned. She looks happy and tells Toadie she’ll be home soon. Leo
is behind the counter; he shows Steph a letter he has drafted for the purchase of Sonya’s Nursery. Steph doesn’t understand, she thought that he was not
going to be pushing for compensation after their earlier chats, but Leo tells her he didn’t agree to her terms. Steph says that he can’t do this; Sonya
has just returned to Erinsborough and Leo’s attempts to purchase the nursery could push her recovery back. She implores him to reconsider his actions,
telling him that Sonya has an addiction and is in a fragile state without Leo adding to her problems. Leo tells her that Sonya needs to face up for what
she’s done and accept responsibility. Not getting through to him, Steph tells Leo that she’s calling Paul, hoping he will be able to make Leo see sense.
However, Leo tells Sonya that Paul is on his side having agreed with him earlier, and that their shared genetics align with their shared business sense.
Steph looks astonished as Leo heads out the door.
Featured Regular Characters: Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi,
Paul Robinson, Steph Scully, Leo Tanaka, Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Piper Willis, Amy Williams
Guest Cast:
Kate Kendall as Lauren Turner,
Morgan Baker as Callum Rebecchi,
Kian Bafekrpour as Gabriel Smith
Trivia Notes
• Morgan Baker returns as Callum Rebecchi for the first time since September 2015,
when he made a brief video call following Toadie's bouncy castle accident
• Past characters Josh Willis and Amber Turner are mentioned
by Michael