Magic Moments
> 2018
> Paige, Jack and Gabe's Departure
Episode 7810
by Sandy Webster, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 30/03/18, Channel 5: 30/03/18
Rafael tells David that his mother's death haunts him, and he needs answers... Piper is introduced to Mark and Aaron's sister Chloe... Piper is unhappy that
Chloe has 'kicked her out' of the Brennan household since her arrival... New law client Rita gets caught in the crossfire of Shane and Toadie's pranks...
Mishti doesn't understand what Leo is doing in London... Mark angrily tells Paige to stay away from him... Paige tells Jack that she wants to move to
Queensland with him and Gabe.... Piper inadvertently reveals to Mark that Paige is leaving Erinsborough...
At the Lassiters Complex, Paige is looking contemplative as she prepares for her departure to Queensland with Jack and Gabe. She has flashbacks to her first
meeting with Lauren inside Harold's and then to her first meeting with Jack just before the hotel explosion. As her mind continues to drift to the memories
she holds from her time in Erinsborough, Mark spots her and walks over, revealing to Paige that he knows she is leaving due to Piper's slip of the tongue.
She admits that she is leaving this afternoon but didn't feel it was appropriate to tell Mark directly as she wasn't sure if he would want to see her. He
assures her that explanations are unnecessary and coldly tells Paige that he will leave her to her packing, despite her offer that he can come over to say
goodbye to Gabe. Mark leaves Paige to her musings and continues his run.


At no. 30, Shane shows up to offer his apologies for inadvertently throwing a cake at one of Toadie's clients, telling him that he hopes that she has a sense
of humour. He offers to give her a call but Toadie tells him that Rita has already fired him for the incident and he walks off, disgusted at Shane's attempts
to try and rectify things. As he leaves, Steph explains to Shane that Toadie has been working hard to try and make up for the $100,000 that Andrea stole from
him. She goes on to tell Shane that Toadie might respond to an apology if there was a little more thought behind it, suggesting that bringing in some 'cashed
up clients' would help make up for the loss of Rita.
Breakfast is underway at no. 24 as Mark politely asks Chloe if she can move some of her stuff into one of the bedrooms. Chloe tells Mark that she doesn't
want to get too comfortable when she doesn't officially live there, but Mark assures her that this is her home too and they will work something out. He brings
some toast over for Piper but Chloe grabs it for herself, leaving both Mark and Piper upset at her rudeness. Chloe offers Piper some of the half-eaten toast
but she declines, telling them that she's heading over to no. 22 to help Paige and Jack with their packing. Annoyed with Chloe's manner, Mark asks her if she
is going to be looking for a job if she's sticking around. She assures him that Aaron is helping her with her CV. Mark is pleased with this and heads to the
bedroom, as Aaron informs Chloe that Mark's bad mood is due to Paige leaving town today. She uses this opportunity to ask Aaron about his own love life,
telling him that his 'cutie-patootie' doctor has disappeared from his Instagram posts. Aaron is uncomfortable at this line of conversation and informs Chloe
that the situation is complicated, but she persists with her interrogation. She asks Aaron if he and David have broken up but will inevitably fall back into
each other's arms, but Aaron confirms to Chloe that he is seeing someone else. Still not taking the hint that Aaron is reluctant to have this conversation,
she asks him if he knows who this person is, leaving Aaron exasperated at Chloe's lack of tact.

Over at no. 22, Shane has come over to assist with Paige and Jack's packing, although he has an ulterior motive for his visit. He asks Terese if she has
thought about taking Toadie on as Lassiters' principal lawyer, but Terese tells Shane that they already have a lawyer on retainer from the city. She does
reveal that they are looking for a new executive assistant to replace Paige, but this is of no interest to Shane and he departs, wishing Paige and Jack luck
on his way out. Paige has collected the mail from the office and hands it over to Terese - she tells Paige that this is officially her last duty as her EA as
she heads upstairs to grab some more boxes. As she does so Paige informs Jack of her run-in with Mark earlier, telling him that it wasn't much of a farewell.
Jack asks her if she can try again but Paige doesn't look hopeful.
Back at no. 24, Mark is also discussing his awkward encounter with Paige to Aaron, telling him that he wishes Paige luck with the move but there is nothing
left to say that hasn't been said already. Aaron disagrees with Mark's blase response, telling him that he and Paige went through a lot together and that it
would be some kind of catharsis if they could at least acknowledge that.

Returning to no. 22, a despondent Paige tells Jack that Mark wants nothing to do with her and she doesn't blame him, although Jack suggests that he may still
want to give her a proper goodbye. Paige is still sure that any chance of a civil farewell is off the table.
At no. 24, Mark is looking thoughtful at Aaron's earlier words, as Chloe tries to cheer him up by clunkily telling him that he deserves better than the 'baby
with an ex' set-up. Aaron glares at Chloe as Mark departs - she tries to defend her advice by telling Aaron that a gentle push in the right direction is what
people need. She is once again suggesting that Aaron needs to resolve his issues with David and acknowledge his feelings for him, but Aaron orders Chloe to
wash the dishes and stop interfering.

In the penthouse, Leo has arrived home from London; he greets David and Amy, telling them that he feels refreshed after the flight home. Amy asks Leo about
Dakota, telling him that Paul has been trying to track her down. Leo tells her that Dakota is too smart to be cornered a second time but didn't deny her
involvement in the fire in Brazil. He admits that she didn't clear Paul for his involvement in the fire, but he has a gut feeling that Paul is innocent.
He then asks David and Amy about the court case surrounding the sabotage of the construction site. David tells Leo that Rafael has been fined $10,000 for
his part in the crime, also revealing that Sue Parker and Jayden have each been jailed for six months. Feeling despondent about Rafael's situation, David
tells Leo that Rafael is still holding back on their relationship until he is sure that Paul had no part to play in his mum's death. Leo assures David that
he hasn't given up on finding out what happened. At this moment Mishti arrives Ð Leo showers her with kisses to distract her from asking any questions.
Despite his attempts Mishti has overheard their conversation and asks Leo who Dakota is. Amy tries to assure her that Dakota is just an old business
associate of Paul's, but Mishti doesn't look convinced as she departs, unsure as to why Leo is keeping his activities in London a secret from her.
At the backpackers, Leo is surprised to hear that Jack is leaving. He agrees that it is a big risk but that he would be anything for Paige and Gabe. Jack
thanks Leo for giving him a home when he needed it most and Leo embraces him, telling him that he is going to miss their bonfire sessions. As Leo leaves,
he bumps into Rafael. He apologises that his search in London didn't work out, but Rafael implores Leo for further help, suggesting that maybe Mishti could
get involved in the search. Reluctant to get his girlfriend involved, Leo tells Rafael that if the cops could find Dakota then he would have asked for their
help at the beginning, but as he has no information to give them it would be pointless to involve them. Leo promises Rafael that he's not giving up but
suggests to him that if they cannot find any answers, he considers letting the matter rest. Unhappy at this, Rafael tells Leo that he has to find an answer
for his mother's death, as he previously explained to David. Leo softly asks Rafael if there is any hope for a future relationship with David as he cares
for him, but Rafael tells him it's not as simple as that before walking off.

On Ramsay Street, Shane tells Toadie that he has an idea for how he can get some of the cash back that he lost from Andrea. He suggests that Toadie goes
back to doing pro-bono work as he used to do in his early days, but despite Shane and Steph's encouragement that they can help him rustle up some clients,
Toadie looks far from convinced.
Inside, they begin calling potential clients to try and garner some interest in having Toadie as a legal representative, but without much success.

Paige is taking a stroll down Power Road with Gabe and happens to bump into Mark at the bus stop. She jokes that Mark has stolen her thinking spot, and
Mark agrees that he has numerous memories of finding Paige at the bus stop during her early days in Erinsborough, particularly when they were having troubles
in their relationship. He apologises once again for arresting Paige on their wedding day, but she tells him that they both had a role to play in that. They
agree that with Paige having a baby it made sense for them to get back together, but despite the love that they once shared for each other it didn't pan out.
Mark is thoughtful and concedes that Paige re-uniting with Jack is just the way it was meant to be. He goes on to say a heartfelt goodbye to Gabe, telling
him that he will have an amazing life and will do things he can't even imagine, and then turns to Paige, telling her that he will never regret a moment that
they shared together. Mark and Paige say goodbye to one another for what seems like the final time before Mark walks away.
At Harold's, Aaron introduces Amy to Chloe. Before he can stop her from putting her foot in it once again, Chloe starts talking to Amy about the crazy
things that have been going on in her family since Rafael's arrival, and the fact that David has fallen in love with a man who is hell bent on revenge on
Paul. Unsure what to say, Amy tactfully tries to steer the conversation in another direction, aware that Aaron is probably hurting from David's love for
another man. Chloe pushes Aaron into allowing the conversation to continue, and as such Amy admits that Rafael will be unable to move forward with his
relationship with David until he knows that Paul is innocent of any part in his mother's death. As Amy departs, Aaron once again shakes his head at Chloe's
lack of tact.

Packing is still underway at no. 22 as Gary and Jack head down the stairs with a load of boxes. Jack tells Gary that he has just been at his last church
service with Amy and Jimmy, and that it was strange being a spectator rather than a speaker. He tells Gary that he is welcome to come and visit them in
Queensland, although Gary is sure that Terese is already planning a visit. Aware that Terese may be struggling with their departure, Jack goes over to her,
telling Terese that she has done so much for them. He admits that he wasn't always there for Paige but now that they have reconciled, he will never stop
finding ways to show her how much he loves her and will never let her down again. As he heads upstairs to finish packing, Terese admits to Gary that she is
worried how Piper will cope with Paige leaving. She admits that now is a good time to start a new chapter in her life, but she isn't going to pressure Piper
to move back into no. 22. Whilst chatting to Gary, Terese opens the post that Paige brought round earlier. She is surprised to find a USB stick in one of the
letters and assumes that Leo must have left it in the back of a taxi or in the hotel in London. She puts it next to her laptop and tells Gary that she will
pass it on to Leo when she next sees him.
Paige arrives with Gabe at no. 24 and is welcomed by Chloe, who tells her that it is nice to meet her if only for a short while. She jokes that she can see
why Mark proposed to her so many times, but before Chloe can say any more Aaron quickly ushers her out of the house, telling her that they have more CVs to
drop off to aid Chloe's job hunt. Aaron tells Paige that he will say a proper goodbye later as he and Chloe depart. As they leave Piper comes out of the
bedroom with a toy elephant for Gabe. She tells Paige that at first she was worried when Brad revealed that he had a secret child with Lauren, but in hindsight
feels glad that Paige came looking for them. Paige agrees that she made a great decision coming to Erinsborough, allowing her to reconcile with her family
and make roots in the area. She goes on to intimate to Piper that maybe it is time she thought about moving back home with Terese, telling her that it is
going to be harder to stay in the Brennan household due to Chloe's arrival.

At no. 30 Toadie is exasperated that all of his, Steph and Shane's work in trying to drum up prospective clients has led to no positive results. Shane
assures Toadie that he just needs to give it time, but Toadie argues that he needs to get back every penny of the $100,000 he lost sooner rather than later
as it is the least Sonya deserves. As he continues to lament the lack of positive leads, an excited Steph tells Toadie that he should have checked his laptop
as he has five emails from potential clients. Feeling in a slightly more upbeat mood that the day's work hasn't been in vain, Toadie makes it clear to Shane
that despite what happened yesterday he did enjoy the food fight. He jokily punches Shane on the shoulder as he leaves for work.
Chloe is on the job hunt at the Lassiters complex and hands Shane her CV, telling him that she has experience of working with royalty and cooking on a
tycoon's yacht! Shane tells Chloe that any potential recruits need to be run past Sheila but indicates that Terese is looking for a new executive assistant
at the hotel, suggesting she look there. Thankful for the information, Chloe and Aaron head off, spotting David and Rafael across the complex outside
Harold's. David is offering to pay Rafael's court fine, but he tells him that this is unnecessary. He then asks Rafael if he has had a change of heart
regarding their relationship. As they continue to chat Chloe and Aaron watch on. They are concerned to see a forlorn David walking away as his conversation
with Rafael ends.

Boxes are being taken outside of no. 22 in preparation for Paige and Jack's imminent departure, as Chloe, keen to make her case for the executive assistant
role, has arrived to give Terese a copy of her CV from her USB stick, having run out of paper copies. Terese puts the USB stick into her laptop and begins
to look at Chloe's past work history. She notices that Chloe has had a lot of short-term jobs and has no experience in hotel management, although Paige
chips in that she didn't have any experience either when she first started. Not wanting to let this opportunity slip by, Chloe pleads with Terese to give
her a chance in the role. Terese tells her to send through an email so that they have her information on file if they do decide to hire her, and then in
her haste returns the wrong USB stick to Chloe. Unaware that she has been given the USB stick belonging to Leo, Chloe leaves no. 22 as Paige prepares for
her departure. Paige feels daunted by the prospect of another big upheaval in her life and is reassured by a comforting embrace with Terese before heading
Out on Ramsay Street, Jack is putting Gabe into the car as Paige begins her farewell hugs, starting with Elly and Aaron and then Piper and Terese.
Surprisingly, despite their goodbyes earlier, Mark comes outside to do something he should have done earlier. He gives Paige a warm and heartfelt embrace.
Jack assures Mark that he will take good care of her, and the two men shake hands. Steph has also come outside to see them off and gives Jack a cursory wave.
With emotions running high, Jack and Paige get into their car and head out of Ramsay Street with Gabe, waving to their friends and family as they go.


A melancholy Terese is nursing a cup of tea at no. 22 as Piper arrives with her suitcase and pillow, her intention being to move back in with her mum now
that Paige has departed. Terese looks astonished and touched at Piper's surprising return home.

At no. 24, Chloe has the USB stick plugged into her laptop as she talks to Aaron about Mark and Paige. She goes on to talk to Aaron about the situation
with Rafael and David, but Aaron is adamant that as soon as Leo finds a way to clear Paul's name, this will allow Rafael and David to start a relationship.
Chloe contends that from what Amy said earlier, it is unlikely they will ever find out who started the fire. As she's talking, she realises that Terese has
given her the wrong USB stick and Aaron offers to return it. Before he can do so Chloe stumbles upon a file containing information on a fire in Sao Paulo.
The file is a UK Statutory Declaration and states that Dakota and an associate have admitted culpability for the fire in Sao Paulo, their intention being to
collect insurance money. It goes on to say that Paul Robinson is completely innocent for his part in the crime. Shocked at what he has just seen, Aaron tells
Chloe that they need to show this information to David. Chloe tells Aaron that he needs to think this through, if this information does indeed clear Paul's
name, then there is a possibility that Aaron will lose David to Rafael. Aware of the dilemma, Aaron is at a loss what to do next.
Featured Regular Characters: Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Mark Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Elly Conway, Piper Willis,
Terese Willis, Mishti Sharma, Amy Williams, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Gary Canning
Guest Cast:
Ryan Thomas as Rafael Humphreys,
Kian Bafekrpour as Gabriel Smith
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Olympia Valance as
Paige Smith, though she would return for guest appearances in 2020 and 2022
• Final regular appearance of
Andrew Morley as Jack Callahan, though he would return for guest appearances in 2020
• Past characters
Lauren Turner and Brad Willis are mentioned, with Lauren also shown in flashback
by Michael