Magic Moments
> 2018
> Steph's Departure
Episode 7859
by Jo Kasch, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Natalie Mandel
Channel Eleven: 07/06/18, Channel 5: 07/06/18
Paul dismisses Sheila for selling Flametree produce at the Waterhole... Sheila is unhappy to see Fay taking over her manager's position, accusing her of
stealing her job... Sonya tells Phillipa that Steph is in a position to help her... Phillipa asks Steph if Charlie can stay with her... Time is running out
for Toadie, as Steph, leaving soon, wonders where he is... Chloe encourages Mishti to talk to a guy who has been giving her the eye at the Waterhole... Mishti
and Dilhan head back to her place... Xanthe walks in on Dilhan going through Mishti's purse...
At no. 32, Mishti is woken up by a panicked Xanthe, who explains that she walked in on someone going through her purse. Aware that this person is most likely
Dilhan, Mishti rushes out of the back door to see if she can still catch him.

The next day at no. 26, Steph is saying her farewells. She informs Gary that the van has just left with her belongings, and she now can't wait to spend some
time with Charlie and Adam. Steph tells him that she always dreamt of this day but is still disbelieving that it could ever happen, but Gary tells her that it
is well deserved. He assures her that the retreat will be in safe hands when she is gone, and he even has an idea to increase revenue but wants to think it
through before telling her what it is. Intrigued by this revelation, Steph tells Gary that she will see him later as she heads back to no. 30, hoping that
Toadie is out of bed so that she can make peace with him before leaving.
At no. 30, Sonya is worried and sends Toadie a text message telling him to 'hurry up!!!', just as Steph returns home. She tells Charlie that he should have a
shower before they leave, and as he does so she is informed by Sonya that Toadie has headed to the office as he has got a lot of work on. Steph is unconvinced
by this and is certain that he is avoiding her - she tells Sonya that she and Charlie might as well head off early if Toadie isn't around. Aware that there is
a danger that Steph could leave earlier than planned, Sonya stalls for time by assuring her that Toadie will be here at some point, as he has been throughout
her time in Erinsborough.

Terese is talking to Leo in her office, telling him that she wants him to work in the kitchens to learn how to handle working in a high-pressure environment.
They are interrupted by Gary who is keen to know if Terese would be willing to re-stock the Flametree desserts in the Waterhole. Despite his demotion Leo is
adamant that they should continue to serve the desserts that they already have, but Gary tries to tell him that his desserts are much healthier. Caught in
the middle, Terese decides that new manager Fay should be the one to make the final decision to avoid any danger of nepotism. Gary offers to make up a tasting
platter which Terese agrees with, although she makes Leo even more unhappy by telling him that he will be the waiter for this taste test, as part of his
ongoing training.
The taste test is underway at the Waterhole as a sullen Leo holds the tasting plate while Fay tries each dessert. She is surprised that Gary would want to
approach her after the fallout with Sheila, but Gary tells her that he doesn't hold grudges and the Waterhole is a quality venue. To Leo's displeasure Fay
loves all of the desserts she has been offered, and asks Gary if all of the food in the Flametree is as good as the desserts she has sampled. Leo continues
to be appalled and sickened at the flirtatious food related tete-a-tete between Gary and Fay, desperate for it to end.

At no. 32, Dipi and Shane have arrived back from their overnight stay at Lassiters to find an upset Mishti, who reveals that her date from last night has
robbed them and stolen all of the money from her purse. She goes on to tell them how Xanthe managed to disturb the thief as Dipi tries to console her, asking
Mishti if she is okay. Mishti admits that the only thing she feels at the moment is embarrassment for letting him into the house, concerned that her police
instincts let her down. With encouragement from Dipi, Mishti assures them that she will catch him, and she will start her investigation by scouring through
last night's CCTV at the Waterhole.
Continuing to say her goodbyes, Steph is at no. 24 talking to Mark. He is pleased that things have worked out for her with Charlie and Adam and wishes her
well for the future. Steph wishes that his dreams of a wife and kids come true also and is sorry that things didn't work out between them. They share a hug,
as Steph admits that she is struggling to get into contact with Toadie as he's not returning her calls. She and Charlie head out the back door to say goodbye
to Aaron and David, although Mark has a quick favour to ask of Charlie.

At the Waterhole, Mishti is disappointed as the CCTV at the pub doesn't have a clear shot of Dilhan's face. Despite this Fay promises to ask the staff to
keep a look out for him with the vague description Mishti gives her. As she leaves Shane comes over, and Mishti is astonished to find that photos Chloe has
sent her from last night include an image of Dilhan. She states that she will try and use some facial recognition software to get a better image of him.
Meanwhile Leo is reliving the tasting session between Gary and Fay with Terese, telling her that they were both really into it. He implies that there is some
hidden chemistry between Fay and Gary but Terese is surprised as she assumed that Gary would not be on Fay's culinary level. Leo reminds Terese that she did
once go out with Gary and she quickly changes the subject, telling Leo that a business deal between the Flametree and the Waterhole will be good for everyone.
She still looks irked however as she glances over at Fay.
Outside the police station, Xanthe has given her statement about the events last night at no. 32 and Mishti is escorting her outside. Mishti mentions the
photo that Chloe sent her earlier and hopes that this, coupled with Xanthe's statement, will help her to build a case against Dilhan. She then apologises to
Xanthe about her being caught up in her dramas with Dilhan, but Xanthe assures her that she is okay. Xanthe asks Mishti if she's coping, but Mishti admits
that she is worried that she is unable to translate her work instincts into her personal life, using her decision to hook up with Dilhan rather than choosing
Cassius as an example of her poor choices in men. She is intrigued at Xanthe's suggestion that she should have a friend to help her with her 'men instincts'
until she gets hers working again.


At no. 30 Sonya is still stalling for time but Steph tells her and Charlie that it is time they hit the road. Aware that Sonya and Charlie are trying to delay
the departure, Steph informs them that she doesn't want to hang around waiting for Toadie any longer. Sonya promises Steph that Toadie is on his way, but
Steph is adamant that he has had numerous opportunities to say goodbye and although it upsets her, it's a choice that he has made, and she respects his
decision. As she laments her best friend's decision to avoid her farewell, Steph is stunned to see not only Toadie but Adam suddenly walk through the door.
As a tearful Steph goes to hug her youngest son, Toadie explains that his absence was due to him flying to Sydney to pick up Adam, so that he could drive
back with her and Charlie. Astonished that Sonya and Charlie were also in on the secret, Steph pulls Toadie in for a hug as he explains to her that they have
both shared amazing memories together and he didn't want her to have to waste any more time making new ones with her family.
At Harold's Steph is having a drink with Toadie and Sonya as she watches Charlie and Adam bonding at another table. Steph admits that she feels guilty for
being so annoyed with Toadie as she thought that he didn't want to say goodbye, but he tells her that she has nothing to be sorry for. She goes on to thank
Steph and Toadie for letting her stay with them as she didn't know what would have happened with her situation otherwise. She admits to Sonya that at first
they weren't very close, but now she feels like they are sisters thanks to the love and support she has given her, and she doesn't know how she can ever
repay her or Toadie. Sonya and Toadie are both adamant that Steph has already repaid them, stating that she was the one who helped bring Callum to Toadie
and thus bringing Sonya to Toadie, and she was also there when Sonya had her relapse. Knowing how important they have been to each other with their various
dramas, Sonya, Toadie and Steph become teary eyed and hold each other's hands, professing their love for each other and the deep bond they have shared.

Back at the Lassiters Complex Mishti meets up with David and Aaron to ask them if they will be her date consultants. They are confused as to why she wants
them to help her given their respective dating histories, but she tells them that despite their rocky pasts, they are the two people who can help her work
through her dating issues. She goes on to tell them that they are one of the most compatible couples she knows, and she only needs their help for a short
while until she can start to trust her own instincts again. Aaron jokes that sizing up hot guys isn't so bad as far as community service goes, but David
corrects him by stating that Mishti is probably looking for more than just looks. They agree to help her, much to Mishti's pleasure.
At Harold's, Steph is on the phone to Gary, who is happily informing Steph about the dessert deal he has just made with Fay at the Waterhole. She is happy
with his work and promises to catch up with him in a few days. Steph returns to Sonya and Toadie, who are again professing their sadness at how much they are
going to miss her, but Steph feels that this is a good time for her to leave. She doesn't want the usual Ramsay Street farewell however, telling them that
she wants to savour the moment and go quietly, although she can't resist giving Toadie another hug, telling him that Erinsborough hasn't seen the last of her.
Hugo and Charlie join Steph and they once again give Sonya and Toadie farewell hugs before Steph ushers the boys out the door to start their new life together.
The trio head out of Harold's as Toadie and Sonya struggle not to cry, although Sonya tells Toadie that he should go outside to give Steph and the boys a
final farewell wave.


Outside the complex Steph and the boys head into their car before driving out of the car park, with Toadie happy to see his friend so contented as she heads
off for her new life with Charlie and Adam.
At the Waterhole Terese is unhappy to see Gary and Fay close to one another as she comes into the pub, although she is happy to hear that Gary's desserts
are now back on the menu. Feeling uncomfortable, she quickly removes herself from Gary and Fay's company and goes over to see Leo, who is happy that his
suspicions regarding Gary and Fay's flirting have been witnessed by Terese. Terese admits that it is not easy to see her ex-partner with somebody else after
they have broken up, even if she believes that their semi-flirting is purely business related. She tells Leo that he would probably be feeling the same
levels of jealousy and annoyance if it was Mishti sharing a joke with a male colleague, and he agrees, although he is un-convinced that Terese's annoyance
is purely because of this.

At no. 32 Mishti is relieved, telling Shane and Dipi that Dilhan has been identified from the photo Chloe took and it won't be long until he is picked up
by the police. She is still annoyed that she let this happen in the first place, especially if Yashvi and Kirsha had been home at the time. Shane assures
her that they weren't and suggests that they put this behind them, although he jokes that in future Mishti should do some background checks on her dates
before bringing them home. Mishti informs Shane that she has already put steps in place to avoid having another disastrous date in future. They are happy
to hear this and head off to see how Toadie and Sonya are coping with Steph's departure. After they've left Mishti receives a text message from a blocked
number with the message - 'Call off the cops or this video goes viral'. Mishti is shocked as she opens the video, aware that her romantic dalliance with
Dilhan was caught on camera and could be shared online.
Featured Regular Characters: Steph Scully,
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Terese Willis, Leo Tanaka,
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan
Guest Cast:
Zoe Bertram as Fay Brennan,
Alexander McGuire as Charlie Hoyland,
Archie Campbell as Adam Fitzgerald
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Carla Bonner as Steph Scully, though the character made a brief cameo in 2022, in what was believed at the time to be
Neighbours' final ever episode
by Michael