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Magic Moments > 2019 > Kyle's Return Episode 8072

Written by Jessica Paine, Directed by Chris Langman, Produced by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 02/04/19, Channel 5: 02/04/19

Paul spots Gary with an engagement ring and he later calls someone telling them that he has a proposition... Gary phones Sheila with his proposal idea... Finn sees his mum Claudia but she runs off... Susan thinks that Claudia blames herself for how Finn's life turned out... Claudia doesn't want Finn to drag his lawyer down with him... Finn asks Imogen to stop being his lawyer as he thinks he's a lost cause... Piper, Imogen, Ned and Bea raise a toast to Josh and Doug... Leo sees Shaun leaving Imogen's office... Piper reveals that Imogen is Finn's lawyer...

In the backyard of no. 22, Bea and Ned are in disbelief after Piper's revelation that Imogen is representing Finn. As Bea and Ned go to leave Piper asks Imogen if she has told Toadie about offering Finn legal services, but Imogen informs her that she is doing this work pro bono. Piper suggests that despite the work being off the books, meetings are still being held in Toadie's office, which could reflect badly on the firm. She then asks Terese why she isn't outraged by the news and Terese contends that Imogen doesn't just do things without thinking them through. Angered by her mother's response and seeming lack of concern, Piper storms off.


Imogen catches up with Piper on Ramsay Street and angrily tells her that she is being immature in her behaviour, however Piper asserts that she would rather be immature then defend an attempted mass murderer. As they argue Sheila is doing some gardening at no. 26 and is shocked to hear that Imogen is defending Finn. She continues to listen as Piper lashes out at Imogen, reminding her that Finn tried to kill her best friend. Imogen refuses to back down and suggests to Piper that her anger stems from annoyance at how successful she is whereas her life is treading water, but Piper tells her not to try and change the subject. Despite this Imogen continues to interrogate Piper about her life choices, reminding her that she is working in a job she has no interest in, has deferred university and has lost some of her closest friends. Piper tries to defend herself by mentioning that she has struck up a close relationship with Leo, but Imogen continues to berate her and suggests that she lose the chip on her shoulder, indicating that she is unhappy with herself rather than angry at her. As Piper once again storms off Sheila comes over to give Imogen a piece of her mind, telling her that she should be ashamed of herself for representing Finn.

Outside the hospital Finn is surprised that Imogen still wants to represent him, as he thinks that his mum is correct in her view that he is dragging them all down. Shaun tries to reassure Finn that their mum is just trying to strip away his confidence, but Finn is still convinced that he is rotten to the core.


At number 26 Gary is feeling nervous but Yashvi assures him that the 'marry me' banner is in position. He is still worried and suggests to Yashvi that they go through this again from the top as he cannot afford for anything to go wrong. Yashvi mentions to Gary that he probably shouldn't have planned such an elaborate proposal if he was feeling concerned, and they once again run through the rest of the plan. As they do so Sheila enters the house, still angry about the news that Imogen is representing Finn. She vents her frustrations to Gary and Yashvi, which leaves Gary even more concerned that his idea of proposing to Amy today is not a good one.

At no. 28 Bea is also upset about Imogen representing Finn and is offloading to Karl and Susan, asking them why somebody else couldn't represent him rather than someone she knows. She indicates that his mum Claudia probably has some rich lawyers who could assist, but Susan confirms that Claudia will not do anything to help her son.


At the Penthouse Amy informs Paul that Gary had arranged to meet up but then had to cancel. As she laments this Paul asks her about the groundbreaking event at Robinson Pines, suggesting that they should have a photo of his dad there as a tribute to him. Amy can see that Paul is not going to make her last few weeks easy, but he tells her that her replacement will thank her. As they continue to chat Terese arrives, feeling sad about the memorial service for Josh and Doug but touched by Amy's words of comfort. As Amy leaves Paul informs Terese that the flowers have arrived and he offers to go with her to put them by Josh's plaque before the memorial, conscious that the service is just for family. Recalling her conversation with Imogen from earlier in the day, Terese divulges to Paul that Imogen will be representing Finn in court as his lawyer. Although surprised by the news Paul backs Imogen in her decision, informing Terese that Imogen is putting aside her own personal feelings in the name of justice. He admits that he was in a similar situation to Finn after his brain tumour and wished that people had looked past what he had done to ensure that he was treated fairly. Surprised and grateful for Paul's supportive stance regarding Imogen, she asks him if he would like to come to the memorial service. Paul tells her that he would be honoured to do so.

At the Backpackers Piper is still angry and upset and tells Leo that she can't understand why Imogen doesn't think there is anything wrong in defending Finn, adamant that she doesn't want to see her at the memorial. Leo offers to go to the memorial service with her, but Piper says that it's a family thing. She leaves awkwardly but assures Leo she's fine.


At Lassiters Paul and Terese are looking at the plaque for Josh and Doug, as Claudia arrives to say that she is checking out. Terese mentions to her that it is the anniversary of her son's death and Claudia sympathises with her by saying that she is sure he was a wonderful young man. Although she was aware that Josh had his fair share of troubles, Terese tells Claudia that he was still her son and that he had a good heart. Her words have an effect on Claudia as Terese laments about needing to hold on to your children while you still have the chance to.

Over at Lassiters Lake, Imogen is talking to Susan about the hostility she is facing from the community regarding her decision to represent Finn. Susan asks her why she took the case on, and Imogen admits that she is fascinated by the details, believing that Finn has the right to a fair trial even if it means she doesn't get paid. She goes on to tell Susan that Shaun's money is tied up with Claudia and that Finn tried to fire her, but she refused to back down.


Things don't get any better for Imogen as she enters Harold's to find Gary, Shane and Dipi talking about her. Imogen asks Gary if there is anything he'd like to say to her regarding representing Finn, but an unhappy Gary says it's probably better that he doesn't respond and leaves. As Imogen goes to sit down, Dipi asks Shane if they should inform Toadie about Imogen offering legal services to Finn whilst working at his firm, but Shane suggests that they shouldn't bother Toadie unless it's urgent. As they discuss this Paul approaches Imogen. Expecting another admonishment, Imogen is surprised as Paul mentions his conversation with Terese from earlier about how proud she should be of her. He indicates that everyone deserves representation regardless of their crime, and Imogen agrees that if someone like Susan can see good in Finn then that has to count for something. Paul thinks that this case could make a big splash and put her on the map, which Imogen agrees with, although he cautions her that sometimes fame isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Outside the Waterhole Gary and Sheila are still unhappy with Imogen taking on Finn's case, however Sheila suggests that Gary should try and focus on Amy today. She attempts to convince him to concentrate on his upcoming proposal, but Gary thinks that it would be a betrayal to Xanthe to be happy after receiving news such as this. Meanwhile Piper is watching an old 'Pipe Up' video of hers in which she talked about getting ready for the next chapter in her life. As she wistfully watches the video Ned joins her; Piper tells him about her conversation with Imogen and admits that although it was hard to hear, Imogen made some good points about her direction in life. Feeling unhappy that Imogen's seemingly perfect life with a marriage and law degree has highlighted that her own life isn't going anywhere, Piper tells Ned that she has struck up a fairly recent relationship with Leo but it's not love. She admits that she had that feeling of love with Tyler and thought that she had it with Cassius, but now wonders to Ned whether she is just meandering from one failed relationship to another and not taking control of her life.


At the hotel Claudia calls for a cab and then stops to look at the plaque for Josh in the foyer. She is approached by Susan, who has the photo album that Shaun gave her. She informs Claudia that Finn sent it to her when he was a teenager along with a letter begging her for help, but she wouldn't look at either of them. In her defence Claudia tells Susan that she had her reasons for keeping her distance, but Susan tries to tell her that the boy Finn used to be is completely different from the man he turned into and that she has the opportunity to heal the relationship between them. Susan mentions that Imogen to going to try and make the case that Finn's experiences in captivity altered his behaviour and they were the catalyst for his crimes, but to help back this up she needs Claudia's help. Still staring at the plaque, Claudia considers Susan's words as Susan has one final plea for her, reminding Claudia that she left Finn for dead in South America, and whether she is prepared to do the same again. She leaves Claudia with the photo album and departs the hotel.

At the Waterhole Amy joins Gary, admitting that she was looking forward to seeing him at the yard earlier but could understand why he cancelled, having heard about Imogen and Finn. An upset Gary believes that Finn is going to prison anyway, and no lawyer will make a difference, but Amy is touched that he has been able to control his anger with Imogen and is encouraged by the man that he's become. She believes that there is no man who she can rely on more and that is why she fell for him. As they continue to bond Amy is interrupted by a text from Leo and Gary encourages her to leave, telling her that they have plenty of time. With Amy gone Sheila comes over to find Gary smiling. He tells her that he was na•ve in cancelling the proposal but admits that it is too late to go through with the plan now as he's told Yashvi to cancel everything. He informs Sheila that he will have to go old school instead to try and rectify the situation.


Outside the hospital Claudia is visiting Finn, who is walking with the aid of a frame. She asks him if his lawyer is any good, and he admits that Imogen is nothing if not committed. Feeling sorry for himself, Finn tells Claudia that if he goes to jail at least he will be out of her hair. Claudia passes Finn the photo album that Susan gave her, reminiscing that when the album first arrived, Errol was furious and threw it in the bin. However, she mentions that Shaun managed to retrieve the album and she has kept a photo as a reminder. Finn offers for her to keep the whole album, but she walks off saying she has to go.

At Harold's, Yashvi interrupts Leo and Amy, telling Amy that she has to come with her immediately as something needs to be fixed at no. 26. Unfortunately for Yashvi, Amy refuses to come but says she'll pop over later, leaving Yashvi feeling defeated.


At the hotel Piper and Ned have arrived for the memorial service; they apologise to Terese for being late as Piper admits that she had to sort some things out in her head. With the family gathered around Terese gives a speech about Josh, and then offers for others to say something about Josh that they admired. Imogen gives her speech, remembering how Josh was brave in his decision to leave Erinsborough to be close to Amber and Maltida, willing to risk anything for a chance at happiness. Piper then says a few words, telling them that Josh always listened to his heart, never wanting to have any regrets or wondering what if. She surprises the group by stating that if nothing else Josh has taught her to be fearless and decisive, and then declares that she needs to leave Erinsborough for her own peace of mind. Both Terese and Imogen look shocked at this revelation.

Outside Lassiters, Claudia is getting into her taxi, as Shaun assumes she will join him in Switzerland as soon as possible. Claudia surprises him by saying that he can stay in Erinsborough as long as necessary, and that all the legal bills can be sent to her secretary. They share a hug as Claudia gets into the taxi, looking at a photo of Finn as she leaves.



At no. 26 Gary is dressed in a suit with bow tie, looking nervous as Amy arrives with her toolkit in preparation to fix the manufactured emergency that Yashvi invented. She looks bemused as Gary gets down on one knee, informing her that she is perfect and that she has fixed him. He goes on to tell her that she is kind, strong, beautiful and his best friend, and that he wants to spend the rest of his life making her happy. He takes out a ring and holds it in front of Amy, asking her if she will do him the honour of marrying him. Despite the surprise proposal Amy looks happy, and is about to provide an answer when the door opens. To the astonishment of both Gary and Amy, Kyle Canning walks through the door, offering an awkward 'surprise' as he greets his father and ex-partner.

Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Leo Tanaka

Guest Cast: Chris Milligan as Kyle Canning, Rob Mills as Finn Kelly, Ariel Kaplan as Imogen Willis, Brad Moller as Shaun Watkins, Kate Raison as Claudia Watkins

Trivia Notes
• Chris Milligan returns to the cast as Kyle Canning, remaining as a regular character until 2022
• Past characters Tyler Brennan, Cassius Grady, Doug Willis, Josh Willis, Amber Turner and Matilda Turner are mentioned

Summary by Michael

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