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Magic Moments > 2019 > Piper's Departure Episode 8073

Written by Emma J Steele, Directed by Chris Langman, Produced by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 03/04/19, Channel 5: 03/04/19

Imogen questions Piper over what she is doing with her life... Piper admits to Ned that she feels as if her life is going nowhere... At Josh's anniversary memorial Piper decides to follow her heart and leave Erinsborough... Amy admits to Elly that she and Gary face an uphill struggle... Paul films Gary taking delivery of a ring from a stranger at the Waterhole... Paul makes a phone call to someone with a proposition in mind... Amy assures Gary that there is no-one else she would rely on more and that's why she loves him... Gary proposes to Amy, but they are interrupted by the return of Kyle Canning...

Having interrupted Gary and Amy's romantic moment with his impromptu arrival, Kyle looks ready to turn around and leave no. 26 but is told by Gary to come in. There is a slight awkwardness in the air as Gary hugs Kyle, whilst Amy puts on a brave face and tells Kyle that it is good to see him. To break some of the tension in the air Gary goes to put the kettle on.


At the Backpackers, Piper has come over to see Leo; she mentions that the memorial for Josh was sad but cathartic for her, allowing her to sort things out with Imogen and provide some clarity for her own life choices. She informs Leo that she needs to leave Erinsborough for a while to 'shake things up' in her life, but Leo doesn't quite grasp the finality of this and assumes that Piper is suggesting a holiday for the two of them. Piper gently breaks the news to Leo that she needs to do this on her own, insisting that she will be forever grateful for their friendship but trying to take things further was a mistake. She is thankful that Leo was there for her when no-one else was and when she was feeling lonely missing Xanthe and Terese, but she has decided that this is not a good enough reason to be with someone. Leo admits that he didn't see this coming, and Piper is apologetic for not letting him down sooner. Although Piper tells him that she promised Terese she would spend her last night in Erinsborough with her, she insists that he come and see her off when she leaves tomorrow. Leo agrees that he will.

Back at no. 26, Amy joins Gary in the kitchen as he makes the tea. Gary admits that he had no idea that Kyle was coming and feels worried that his proposal will now be turned down, however Amy tells him that despite Kyle being her ex-boyfriend she still wants to marry him. Despite her reassurances to Gary Amy looks slightly flustered, feeling unnerved at Kyle's sudden return. As Gary and Amy head back into the living room to join him, Sheila enters the front door and is excited to see her grandson, giving Kyle a big hug. She asks him what he is doing back in Erinsborough and what has happened with Georgia, and Kyle confesses that he and Georgia broke up. Feeling unable to go into the full details having just arrived, Kyle informs them that he will give them the full story tomorrow, but he needs to catch up on some sleep. Sheila offers to make up the spare bed for him, but Kyle tells her that he is going to stay at the hotel; he gives them another surprise by informing them that Paul has offered him a position at the Robinson Pines development as Amy's replacement, and as part of the deal he is able to stay at Lassiters for free. Amy is confused as to why she wasn't told this, but Kyle assures her that they will have a few weeks to sort out the handover before he quickly heads out the door.


At no. 22 the next morning, Imogen and Ned are discussing what Piper's plans might be as she hasn't told them where she is going. They make educated guesses as to where she might go, with Ned thinking she'll head overseas whilst Imogen is sure she'll go to Queensland to take up her university place. As they continue to discuss this Piper and Terese come in. Piper can sense that Terese isn't keen on her leaving Erinsborough, but Terese assures her that she respects her decision, although she admits that there is a selfish part of her that wishes she could change her mind. With Imogen's stay in Erinsborough only temporary, Terese is worried how she will cope with no kids left to look after. Despite her mother's sadness, Piper tells her that this was always likely to happen at some point. She becomes resolute in her decision and tells Terese that she has to leave today or never.

After Kyle's surprise appearance at no. 26, Sheila and Gary are speculating about Kyle's break-up with Georgia, confused by the suddenness of it. Sheila admits that the last time she spoke to Georgia everything seemed to be fine. She then congratulates Gary on his engagement to Amy, but Gary confesses that Kyle walking in at the critical moment has taken some of the shine off the moment, and in his heart he feels that Amy's acceptance was nothing but an afterthought. To try and cheer him up Sheila assures Gary that Amy wouldn't have accepted the proposal if she didn't mean it. As they continue to chat Amy comes in, annoyed that Paul is ignoring her calls regarding Kyle's appointment at Robinson Pines. Both Gary and Amy suspect that Paul's motivations in offering Kyle the job are purely in the hope that he will come between the two of them, and they decide to go to the penthouse to confront him about it.


At the Penthouse, Paul assures Amy and Gary that he has no ulterior motive for offering Kyle the job, although they are both doubtful about this. Paul tells them that he wanted someone with connections to local traders, and with Kyle's experience in working on German autobahns this qualified him for the job. He also admits that hiring a 'local boy come good' would be good PR for his business. Despite this Amy is still not convinced, informing Paul that he has wasted his time and money as she reveals that she has accepted Gary's proposal of marriage. Paul continues to plead his ignorance and congratulates them on their engagement, going so far as to shake Gary's hand. Still unconvinced by this display, Amy continues to question Paul's motivations.

At the lake, Piper is paying a final visit to the book exchange, dropping off a few books before she leaves. As she does so Terese and Imogen arrive; Terese tries to offer help with the logistics of Piper's departure, but Piper assures her that everything is in hand. She tells Terese that she has spoken to Toadie and he is happy for Imogen to look after the law office until he gets back. Feeling despondent that she cannot offer much assistance, Terese heads off to work. Once she is gone Imogen confesses to Piper that it appears Terese isn't coping well with the suddenness of her departure, and Piper agrees, although she is sure that she will be okay in time. After the fractious conversations that Piper and Imogen shared over Imogen's decision to represent Finn, Piper concedes that although she doesn't agree with the decision, she does think that it is a brave thing to do, and she admires her for that. Grateful for these kind words, Imogen tells Piper that what she is doing is brave also, and she has always admired her fearlessness in making bold decisions. They share a hug at the honesty that they have finally been able to share with each other.


Over at Harold's, Kyle is introducing himself to Shane, Dipi and Yashvi, admitting that he has heard a lot about them from Toadie. Meanwhile Terese and Paul head into Harold's; Terese feels worried that Piper is leaving because of their relationship, but Paul contends that their children are adults now and they have to live their own lives. He then spots Kyle and calls him over, informing Terese about his decision to hire him for the Robinson Pines project. A surprised Terese has a feeling that Paul's hiring of Kyle has more to it than meets the eye, but doesn't divulge her concerns to him.

After his visit to Harold's, Kyle is now at the Waterhole, explaining to Gary and Sheila that his life with Georgia in Germany just didn't work out. He explains that it wasn't what they expected; they didn't have any friends and only had each other, struggling to fit into that way of life. Sheila is confused as she mentions to Kyle that he didn't say anything on the phone to her about his struggles, but Kyle admits that he didn't want to worry her. When he received the phone call from Paul Kyle admits that returning to Erinsborough to work on the Robinson Pines project was perfect timing, although he doesn't know whether he will stick around after the development is finished. He feels happy to have returned as he missed Erinsborough, but Gary doesn't look impressed and admits that having him return just as he was proposing to Amy wasn't great timing. He gets straight to the point and asks Kyle if his return to Erinsborough is an opportunity for him to reconcile with Amy, implying that Paul may have had an ulterior motive for hiring him. Kyle confirms that Paul never mentioned anything about Gary and Amy and was focused firmly on the job he was offering him. He admits that the timing wasn't great and walking in on them last night was awkward, but Gary tells him that there is no harm done as Amy accepted his proposal. There is a difficult silence as Kyle congratulates Gary on the engagement; the tension between them not fully dissipated despite the openness of the conversation.



At no. 22, Piper is having a flashback from the time she first arrived in Erinsborough, interrupting a family row between Brad, Terese, Josh and Imogen. Her flashback ends as Terese appears; Piper tells her what she was thinking about, admitting that she didn't make things easy when she first arrived in Erinsborough. She asks Terese if she thinks that she is a brat, and Terese admits that she does but that she wouldn't have her any other way. Terese asks Piper if her reason for leaving Erinsborough is due to the issues with Leo and Paul in the last few months, but Piper disagrees, assuring Terese that she is leaving for her own reasons. She does agree that Paul's influence seems to have affected Terese's judgement, and wonders if she realises how much she is at Paul's beck and call. Terese admits that she and Paul have always played these power games and that they are simply navigating a new dynamic, but Piper thinks that it is more than that and asks Terese if she can say that she is truly happy.

At Harold's, Gary comes in for a coffee and is unhappy to find Dipi, Shane and Yashvi talking about his proposal to Amy and interruption by Kyle, who Yashvi thinks is 'hot'. Amy comes in and reveals to Yashvi that she agreed to Gary's proposal of marriage, although she is surprised that Gary didn't divulge the news himself. Taking Amy over to one side, Gary admits to her that Kyle's arrival last night ruined his plans for a romantic proposal. She suggests that they do it again, as Shane, Dipi and Yashvi head over to observe. Amy takes her ring off and gives it back to Gary, and he begins his proposal again, telling her that he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He asks her once again if she will be his wife, and she agrees. As he puts the ring back on again, the Rebecchis give a celebratory cheer to mark the occasion.



Piper's departure from Ramsay Street has arrived as Paul, Terese, Ned and Imogen gather to see her off. Wondering whether she needs some company after the farewell, Paul suggests to Terese that she come over to the penthouse afterwards, but Terese confirms that she will be staying at no. 22 tonight. She tells Paul that he is welcome to join her, but he informs her that he has a few things he has to do. Having said her goodbyes to the Brennans, Piper emerges from no. 24 and is distracted by a text from Leo, who informs her that he will not be coming to see her off. Piper starts her round of goodbyes by giving Ned a hug, telling him that she is glad he decided to return to Erinsborough as it was nice having her big brother around, although she jokes about him using all the hot water. She then goes to give the keys of her car back to Imogen before giving her a hug, as Imogen warns her that she wants constant updates from wherever she's going. Piper then turns her attentions to Paul, jokily cautioning him that although she won't be here, she'll still be kept up to date on goings on at home, warning him that if he hurts Terese she'll find out. They almost hug as Paul confirms that he will be on his best behaviour. Saving her final farewells for her mum, Piper tells Terese that she loves her, as Terese admits how proud she is of her daughter and that she will continue being proud. They share a hug as they both shed happy tears, before Piper gets into the waiting car and heads out of Ramsay Street, smiling to herself as she goes.

Returning to no. 22, Terese looks around the house, focusing her attention on a picture of her and Piper. She decides to sit on the couch, pick up her phone, and watch an episode of 'Pipe Up!', in which Piper surmises: 'Sometimes life hits you with a blow so hard, it can feel completely pointless. Like you're lost in the dark, and unable to connect. But then I watch people I love, and I see the strength it takes to get back on your feet.' Despite the emotion of her youngest daughter's departure, Terese feels reassured having watched this video and smiles.



At the Waterhole, Leo is at the bar nursing a drink as Kyle enters; he heads over to Gary and Amy who are sitting at a table but the awkwardness from earlier returns as he does so. Gary offers for Kyle to join them for a drink, but Kyle jokes that he doesn't want to ruin their moment again and decides to head off elsewhere. Meanwhile Ned comes in and joins Leo at the bar, informing him that Piper was disappointed that he decided not to show up for her departure earlier. He understands Leo's reasons for staying away but contends that it would have been more difficult if things between he and Piper were more serious. Leo reveals that his feelings for Piper were stronger than he initially thought, and he realised that he wanted more, however Piper was adamant that they should never have got together in the first place. He asks Ned if he knows where Piper has gone, but Ned tells him that he has no idea, although his expression suggests he may know more than he is letting on.

Piper has arrived at Dunstan Garden Apartments in Adelaide and looks nervous as she knocks on an apartment door. She smiles as Tyler opens the door and reveals that she missed him. Tyler tells Piper that he missed her as well and offers for her to come in. She walks through the door as they revel in this happy reunion.



At the hotel, Kyle is in his room talking business with Paul, who is appearing enthusiastic about Kyle's new job. Kyle has something on his mind and asks Paul if hiring him for the Robinson Pines project is the only thing he had in mind in bringing him back to Erinsborough, suggesting that he is using him as a ploy to get between Gary and Amy. Expecting Paul to deny that this is the case, Kyle is surprised as Paul admits that he is indeed using him to drive a wedge between Gary and Amy and that is why he offered him the job. Kyle looks frustrated as Paul tells him that he is the only one who can do that.

Featured Regular Characters: Piper Willis, Leo Tanaka, Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Guest Cast: Chris Milligan as Kyle Canning, Travis Burns as Tyler Brennan, Ariel Kaplan as Imogen Willis

Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Mavournee Hazel as Piper Willis
• Piper's final words are "I miss you"
• Past character Georgia Brooks is mentioned
• A clip from Piper's 2015 Arrival is shown

Summary by Michael