Magic Moments
> 2019
> Harlow's Arrival
Episode 8146
by Magda Wozniak, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced
by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 15/07/19, Channel 5: 15/07/19
Finn admits that he might be falling in love with Bea... Bea wonders if Ned and Yashvi are moving too fast... Finn suggests to Bea that Ned might find it
odd if she starts going out with someone else... Bea declares that she and Finn will not be getting romantically involved... Roxy tries to find out more
information about who David is trying to contact... David gets confirmation of his afternoon meeting... Leo is unhappy with David for planning to see their
half-brother, Robert Robinson... David doesn't think they should tell Paul about Robert, just as he walks into no. 32 with Terese...
At no. 32, Paul is interested to know what David, Aaron, Roxy and Leo are discussing but he is met with silence, until Roxy comes up with the story that
David and Aaron are planning to foster a child today. The boys play along with Roxy's story and admit they wanted to keep the news quiet from Paul, as they
were concerned that he would talk them out of it. Despite David and Aaron preparing to host a lunch, they hurriedly leave the house so that they can attend
their 'fostering session', leaving Paul curious about the whole affair.

Meanwhile, at no. 22, Yashvi is preparing for her 'Erinsborough Street Art Tours' and runs through what she has done with Ned so far. Ned is suspicious that
Yashvi is copying him, but she promises to stay off his patch and asks him if he would be able to help her out on the tours. He reluctantly agrees to do so
but then surprises Yashvi by using the term 'boyfriend' to describe their relationship status. She seems secretly pleased that he has used the term but then
starts teasing him mercilessly.
Bea is in the garden at no. 28 and, having been given an invitation from Yashvi to attend the tour, suggests to Finn that they go along to give her some
moral courage. She feels that this will allow her to get over seeing Ned and Yashvi together, but Finn contends that she doesn't have to attend if she
doesn't want to. Bea admits that she doesn't want to be less of a friend to Yashvi just because she has hooked up with her ex-boyfriend, confessing that
she would have gone on the tour regardless.

After the lunch was curtailed prematurely, Leo heads out to Ramsay Street as he follows David and Aaron to their car. Having lied to Paul about where they
are going, Leo asks them what they are going to do when they don't return with a child from their fictitious fostering appointment. David admits that he
hasn't thought of an answer yet as his sole focus is on meeting Robert for his research, but Leo persists in trying to talk him out of it. Despite Leo's
resistance David admits that he is curious at what he will find as no-one from the family has visited Robert in over a decade. He assures Leo that he needs
to do this as he and Aaron head into the car to begin their journey to the prison.
At Lassiters only one person, Luka, has turned up for Yashvi's tour, so Ned heads over to the Waterhole to try and recruit more people. He manages to invite
Chloe along, who in turn invites Kyle to attend. Just as they are about to head off to begin the tour, Bea and Finn arrive to join the group.

Back at no. 32, Terese is in the backyard trying to make conversation with Leo and Roxy but decides to talk to Paul instead, who is worried about the haste
in which David and Aaron are heading down the fostering route. He thinks that a foster child would still be attached to their real parents, but Roxy
interrupts them and reminds Paul that he has unattached children. She jokes that given the lack of talk about his son Robert, he might have been better
off in foster care as the parenting clearly wasn't the best. Gobsmacked by Roxy's lack of tact, Terese chastises her niece and attempts to hold back Paul,
who glares at Roxy and angrily warns her to mind her own business.
Yashvi is leading the tour around Erinsborough but is struggling as she doesn't know much about the street art that she is showcasing. As she continues to
toil Bea and Ned find a moment to chat about Ned having brunch with the Rebecchi family; she asks him if things are now okay with Shane and remembers how
nervous he was over his first meeting with Liz. They are interrupted by a despairing Yashvi who pleads with Ned to help her with the tour; he gives her a
few pointers and Yashvi, trying to reassert her authority, leads the group over to the memorial for Stingray. She uses her knowledge of her cousin to get
the tour back on track, and as they move off, she declares that Ned is a genius for his help, before going to kiss him. Seeing Bea nearby, Ned tries to
break off the intimate moment with Yashvi, but Bea quickly tells them that she is okay with seeing them kissing.

At no. 32, Terese is grateful for Leo continuing to host the lunch after David and Aaron's abrupt departure, mentioning that she wouldn't have blamed him
or Roxy for cancelling it. She notices how subdued Leo is and he admits that he has been thinking of Robert and is curious as to why Paul barely acknowledges
his son, let alone visits him in prison. He surmises that although Robert did a terrible thing in triggering the plane crash, he is still Paul's son, and
then asks Terese if Paul ever talks to her about him. Terese states that all the information she has about Robert is second hand from Susan; she relays that
Robert was a bright child but a little bit odd, being especially close to his mother but hating Paul for leaving her and the triplets. She suggests that it
was anger that led Robert to attack the plane as he thought Paul would be on board, and Leo is shocked at this, unaware that Paul was the intended target.
As Terese laments that Paul is most likely scared of Robert due to the impact he has had on him, Leo still appears taken aback by the revelations.
The Erinsborough Street Art tour continues but Yashvi is struggling again as they reach the history wall; she picks out a picture of Kate Ramsay but then
struggles to name the artist or the backstory behind it, making matters worse by failing to relay the correct information about KateÕs life story and untimely
death. An unhappy Kyle interrupts Yashvi to tell her that the story she is telling is incorrect, becoming even angrier as Yashvi attempts to rope him into
filling in the gaps of Kate's death. Having had enough of the tour, he stuns the group by storming off, with Chloe volunteering to go and check up on him.
Yashvi attempts to fix the situation by asking the group to take photos of the mural, which Luka quickly does. Meanwhile Bea proposes that the four of them
have dinner tonight, although both Ned and Finn don't look particularly enthused with the idea. Feeling exposed by Bea's sudden suggestion, Finn decides
that he is going to leave the tour, however Yashvi asks him to stay so that he can leave a review. Luka hears Yashvi use Finn's full name and quickly realises
that he is on a tour 'with the psycho Finn Kelly'; he starts taking photos as Finn tries desperately to get away. He hastily disappears as an angry Bea tells
Luka to back off, whilst Yashvi looks distraught at how her tour has unravelled so rapidly.

After Roxy's outburst earlier at no. 32 Terese suggests that she apologise to Paul, as she goes over to speak to him herself. She is surprised to hear that
Paul is coming round to the idea of David and Aaron fostering a child, suggesting that they will be 'ten times the father I was'. He also wants to purchase a
cake and presents to welcome this child to the family but Leo, knowing that this is merely a ruse to cover for seeing Robert, tells Paul that it might be
better to wait in case it doesn't happen. This confuses both Terese and Paul, who ask Leo why the fostering wouldn't go ahead. To stunned silence Leo finally
admits that Aaron and David aren't fostering a child but are in Albury at the prison visiting Robert. He asks Paul not to be mad at David as he wasn't given
the full picture about Robert's behaviour, but Paul takes no heed to Leo's words and rushes out of the house, informing Terese and Leo that he must stop
David as he doesn't know what he is getting himself involved in. Terese suggests that she accompany him to the prison, but Paul is adamant that he will do
this alone.
With the incident at the history wall fresh in their minds, Bea and Finn have returned to no. 28 and are sitting in the garden. Despite Bea's attempts to
cheer Finn up he still looks upset at how Luka reacted towards him, admitting to Bea that he couldn't deal with it. Finn is also concerned with Bea's
ongoing friendship with Ned, suggesting that she is setting herself up for a fall, but Bea doesn't agree and counters that she is just trying to maintain
a friendship with Yashvi. Realising that he may have overstepped the mark, Finn decides to leave, telling a surprised Bea that he will stay out of things
from now on.

David and Aaron have arrived at Albury Super Max Prison to see Robert. As they arrive there is a young girl sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting
area. A guard comes out to tell them that meetings with prisoners have been delayed by an hour, which leaves David and Aaron frustrated. The young girl
decides to step outside during the delay, leaving the boys to wait alone.
At the Waterhole, with the street art tour concluded, Chloe informs Yashvi and Ned that Kyle is okay, he just gets emotional talking about Kate. She tries
to help Yashvi see the bright side by mentioning that at least Kyle's outburst and Finn's sudden departure helped to make the tour interesting, as well as
allowing her to keep her mind off Pierce. She goes off to make a phone call, leaving Yashvi and Ned to talk alone. Noticing that Ned is unusually quiet,
Yashvi wonders if it is to do with the kiss they shared in front of Bea earlier, and Ned admits that it is. He is worried that their relationship could be
stalling due to BeaÕs presence in their lives, although he hopes things will settle down soon.


Back at the prison, Paul has arrived and is sitting outside in his car. He has numerous flashbacks to being held captive by Robert in the mine and the
horrific plane crash fifteen years ago.
Meanwhile, David and Aaron are still waiting to see Robert and are eventually rewarded when he appears from behind a door into a glassed off room. As
David and Robert prepare to talk to each other via the telephones on either side of the glass, Paul rushes in, stunned to see his wayward son Robert in
the flesh and unable to answer David's questions about why he's there. Robert is unhappy to see his father and quickly puts down the telephone, stands up
and prepares to walk back to his secure room. Realising that Paul has blown his chance of speaking to Robert, David looks annoyed, however Paul is still
distracted at having seen his son after so many years.

At no. 32, a worried Terese is attempting to reach Paul, but he is still not answering his phone. As she continues to fret Roxy seems happy in seeing Paul
so uncomfortable about Robert, leading Terese to tell her to stop acting like a child. She tells Roxy that as a twenty-year-old woman she should have
developed a basic sense of empathy, and then confesses that although she made some mistakes with Vance, she has tried to do everything to make it up to
her. Roxy is unhappy with Terese's attempts at an apology and continues to berate her over the situation with Vance, angrily telling her that she was
being intimate with her boyfriend. This is the final straw and Terese snaps, informing Roxy that it was she who made the decision to move to Erinsborough
and she is not doing herself any favours by continuing to behave immaturely. She admits that she will soon lose patience with Roxy and eventually give up
on her, asking her if she understands that. A stunned Roxy nods her head in silent acknowledgement as Terese leaves the house.


Back at the prison, David wishes that Leo hadn't told Paul about his and Aaron's prison visit to see Robert, but Paul assures them that he isn't angry,
more concerned that there are things that they do not understand about Robert. Just as Paul is about to explain more, the young lady from earlier comes
over and is unhappy that, having spoken to the guard, Robert will not be seeing any more visitors today because of them. She tells them that she has come
a long way to see Robert and they have ruined it, but Paul rudely informs her that she has wasted her time and has no business here. As he turns back to
speak to David the young lady interrupts them again, leading Aaron to ask her why she would want to visit a man like Robert anyway. They are astonished
as the young lady reveals that her name is Harlow Robinson and Robert is her father.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Ned Willis, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly,
Kyle Canning
Guest Cast: Jemma Donovan as Harlow Robinson,
Adam Hunter as Robert Robinson,
Duncan Munroe as Gabriel Manfield,
Taylor Than-Htay as Luka Eve
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Jemma Donovan as Harlow Robinson
• Harlow's first words are "Hello. Well I've just spoke to the guards and apparently all of you are the reason why Robert Robinson's not seeing any more
visitors today?"
• Adam Hunter reprises the role of Robert Robinson, last seen on screen in February 2007
• Although it's mentioned that Robert is in prison in Albury, an
establishing shot of Warrinor Prison is shown
• Past characters Gail Robinson, Kate Ramsay and Stingray Timmins are mentioned
by Michael