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Magic Moments > 2022 > The 2022 Season Premiere/Zara's Arrival Episode 8752

Written by Jessica Paine, Directed by Declan Eames, Produced by Kate Kendall, Natalie Mandel and Andrew Thompson

10 Peach: 03/01/22, Channel 5: 03/01/22

Levi is shocked as Ned tells Amy that he wants it to be just the two of them in the relationship... Amy turns Ned down... Terese starts drinking again... Harlow wants to know why Glen is spending so much time with Terese... John Wong investigates Glen for Harlow and hands her his findings in a folder... Terese goes missing... Harlow finds Terese on the hotel roof and they argue, with Terese snatching the folder... Glen and Paul argue about Terese, before spotting her hanging over the hotel roof, clinging on for her life...

As Harlow gets out of the hotel lift and goes into reception, Paul passes her and says that Terese is on the roof. Harlow replies that she knows, and she walks off. Terese, meanwhile, it losing her grip and screaming for help, as Glen watches from below. Harlow looks at Glen, then starts to gather up the pages of John Wong's report that were thrown from the roof. Up at the rooftop pool, Paul rushes out and reaches Terese just in time, pulling her to safety. He comforts her as they slowly walk away from the scene.



On Ramsay Street, Ned arrives home at no. 22 and is phoning Amy, only to find her already in the house. She says that he should know that Terese has started drinking again and there was some kind of incident at the hotel pool. Ned wonders what she was doing there and Amy explains that she lied to everyone about where she was going for Christmas. They hug, as Ned looks worried.

At the Waterhole, Harlow is going through the pages of the report.


At the penthouse, David wants to take Terese to the hospital for a thorough examination, but she insists that she's fine. She points out to Paul that he saved her life and he admits that he's never been so scared, going up to the pool and not knowing if she'd still be there. He asks what she was doing up there, but they're interrupted by Glen's arrival. After a few awkward moments, Paul says that they know she's been drinking again and that Harlow knew too, so he doesn't understand why she left her up there alone. Terese explains that there was an argument, as Harlow had been given a report on Glen by John Wong, and all she could think about was getting it from her.

In flashback, Terese takes the report from Harlow but the wind causes most of the pages to fly away. As Harlow goes off to get them, Terese asks her what happened to her. Harlow insists that it's Glen that Terese should be more worried about. Terese then spots one of the pages caught near the edge of the rooftop and goes to grab it but loses her balance and falls.


Back at the penthouse, David is surprised that Harlow didn't come back when she heard Terese scream. Terese weakly suggests that maybe she didn't hear.

At the Waterhole, Amy and Ned arrive to meet Levi, with Ned preoccupied with worries about Terese. He tells Amy and Levi that he's sorry about the way he behaved before he went away for Christmas, and he tells Amy that he wants her in his life, in whatever form he can get it. He confirms that this means that he doesn't mind if he and Amy aren't exclusive, and then he apologises to Levi for what happened at the Police Ball. Levi says that they can all just hit reset now, and then Roxy comes over, telling Ned that she's going to visit Terese and asking if he wants to join her.


At the penthouse, Roxy and Ned have joined David, Paul, Terese and Glen, with Paul struggling to get hold of Harlow on the phone. David says that he'll go and look for her, but then she gets out of the lift, acting very nonchalant as she's told about Terese's accident. Paul asks if she heard Terese screaming, but all Harlow is interested in is the file on Glen, saying that it's missing a page but she'll call John Wong and get a replacement. Paul can't believe that the files are all she cares about, but Harlow simply says that it's not her fault if Terese fell, as she was drunk. Paul is absolutely furious with his granddaughter, who says that Terese was the one who was drunk, so perhaps he should be angry with her instead, then she walks off.

At Amy's apartment, Ned arrives for Christmas lunch leftovers with Amy and Levi. He tells them about how Harlow was behaving, then they all sit down to eat together, with a delighted Amy saying that she loves her life.


At the penthouse, Paul, David and Roxy are outside on the balcony, as a still shaken Terese sits inside. Roxy says that she'll take Terese home, and Paul apologises for the way he dealt with Harlow earlier, saying that it probably didn't help matters. Roxy disagrees, saying that she was close to cheering him on, and David tells Paul about their theory that Harlow has been behaving oddly recently, though he says that he thinks he knows what's going on. Paul looks over at Terese, horrified at how close he came to losing her, though he confirms to Roxy that he doesn't think that this is going to bring them back together. Glen then takes a glass of water to Terese, apologising to her for freezing when he saw her hanging from the roof. He admits that it brought back some terrible memories for him of his fall from the roof, but the hotel wasn't as high back then so he survived - Terese wouldn't have. Terese points out that she did survive and that was only because Glen raised the alarm, and she tells him that she's sorry about this business with Harlow and John Wong. Glen tells her not to worry, saying that they just need to focus on her health.

Outside the hotel, Glen is searching for the missing piece of paper from John's report, which he finds in the bushes.


Back at Amy's, Levi is talking about being best man at Kyle's wedding, joking about bringing a pair of handcuffs just in case the groom tries to do a runner. Ned starts to tell Levi and Amy about the time he caught Mark Brennan in his own handcuffs, but then gets a message from Roxy saying that she's taking Terese home. As they talk about missing the Canning family lunch, Amy says that she loves what the three of them have and that it's been the most liberating thing she's ever done - which Ned and Levi agree with.

Hendrix and Mackenzie walk into the Waterhole and spot Harlow sitting on her own. They wonder whether to go over to her, deciding to hover by the bar in case she needs them. David then walks in and goes over to Harlow. She asks if he's going to give her a hard time too and, as he sits down, she tells him to give it his best shot. He tries to be sympathetic, pointing out everything she's been through in the past couple of years and says that he thinks she's suffering from compassion fatigue. He explains that her emotional exhaustion from everything has diminished her ability to feel compassion for others. She suggests that it's a very convenient little box to put her into, but David says that he's seen the way she's been behaving and he thinks she's subconsciously protecting herself from more hurt by pushing away those close to her.


Amy, Levi and Ned make a toast and she starts to laugh, but isn't willing to tell the boys what she finds so funny. They eventually persuade her and she says that something Ned said reminded her of a dream she had and, as she continues to talk, they realise that she had a dream about them having a threesome. She admits that she felt bad, as there were so many people saying that she was just using Ned and Levi, but Ned tells her not to worry about what anyone else thinks. Amy says that it was just a dream, unconvincingly adding that she doesn't really want that. As she gets up from the sofa, she says that none of this was part of their agreement, but a girl can still dream. Ned and Levi then share a look with each other.

By the lake, John Wong meets up with Glen. John admits that he was intrigued by Glen's message, and Glen asks if he's going to send Harlow the missing page from the report. John says that he hasn't yet and Glen asks him not to, saying that he'll report him for giving false information to Jane when she was looking for her daughter. John simply walks away, so Glen stops him and says that, if that information gets out, lives will be ruined. He adds that Paul and his family have ruined enough innocent people's lives, so just for once, don't be a part of it. John looks conflicted, but says nothing.


Later that night, Susan and Chloe arrive at no. 22 to see Terese. As Susan comforts Terese, Chloe and Roxy start pouring bottles of wine down the sink.

At the penthouse, Paul goes to pour himself a drink, then stops.


In his hotel room, Glen looks at the page from the report that he picked up earlier, before tearing it to pieces.

Paul stands on the balcony and stares out into the night.


Terese admits to Chloe, Susan and Roxy that she feels ashamed that everyone knows about her drinking problem. Susan tells her that all they know is that she's struggling and it's been a real wake-up call for all of the people who care about her. Terese says that she'd scared of failing again, but Susan reminds her that she's got the support of everyone on the street now.

Back at Amy's apartment, she, Levi and Ned have been drinking all evening, and Levi suddenly asks Amy if she's ever had a threesome in real life. She admits that she hasn't, and Ned says that he once did, with two women. Ned then asks Amy if she thinks that the dream means that she wants to try it in real life. She says that she didn't at first, but now she quite likes the idea, and she'd be game if they're both interested. She goes to get more drinks, with Levi initially thinking she's joking about the threesome. As he and Ned discuss it, they start to seriously consider it.


At the Waterhole, Harlow is on the phone to John, having received the missing page and disappointed that the big secret was just parking violations. Meanwhile, Kyle and Roxy arrive to join Harlow and Hendrix. Roxy notices Harlow sitting across the room and Mackenzie explains that she's been there for a while and she looked a bit shaken up after a visit from David. When Harlow walks over, they all go quiet and she realises that they're talking about her. She accuses Roxy of sending David to check up on her and tells them about his compassion fatigue theory. They all think that it would make sense, but she says that she won't be getting treatment as she's perfectly fine sleeping at night without worrying about anyone else. She adds that she doesn't want to become a broken mess because someone else hurt her and her friends look very worried as she walks away.


The next morning, Amy, Levi and Ned all wake up in bed together. As Amy says good morning to each of them, someone appears in the doorway and coughs. Amy is shocked as she looks up and sees her daughter, Zara.

Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson, Amy Greenwood, David Tanaka, Levi Canning, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Hendrix Greyson, Kyle Canning

Guest Cast: Richard Huggett as Glen Donnelly, Freya Van Dyke as Zara Selwyn, Harry Tseng as John Wong

Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Freya Van Dyke as Zara Selwyn, who would remain part of the cast until the 2022 Season Finale
• Glen's name is once again misspelt as Glenn on the closing credits, though it is spelt correctly on John Wong's report
• Flashbacks from the 1991 Season Finale are shown
• Past characters Mark Brennan, Finn Kelly and Pierce Greyson are mentioned

Summary by Steve

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