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Character Profiles > Zara Selwyn Freya Van Dyke

Zara Selwyn 2022
Lived: 30 Ramsay Street
Born: 2005/6
Parents: Amy Greenwood and Eric Selwyn
Siblings: Elijah, Jax, Kai
Occupation: Harold's Cafe Assistant, Student

Daughter to Amy Greenwood and her second husband, Eric, Zara Selwyn became a teenager with four dads - her dad and his husband as well as Amy's first husband Damien and his husband - around as her caregivers, with Amy spending a lot of her time travelling the world as a flight attendant. After Amy had spent some time back in her old home of Erinsborough, putting in a bid to design new uniforms for Lassiters hotel, she returned home to Cairns, where Zara's behaviour was giving cause for concern. After Zara deliberately started a fire at a hotel where Amy was working, Amy took the blame for her daughter, lost her job and returned to Erinsborough, where she got the job of manager of The Flamingo Bar at Lassiters.

As well as finding work in Erinsborough, Amy also began a polyamorous relationship with Ned Willis and Levi Canning, but was in for a shock when Zara turned up unannounced, finding her mum in bed with her two boyfriends. As Eric told Amy that he was happy for Zara to stay with her for as long as necessary to improve her behaviour, Amy decided that she needed to focus on her daughter, and take a break from things with Ned and Levi. She also decided that she needed to be honest with her 16-year-old daughter about the true circumstances of her relationship with Ned and Levi, telling her that it was a poly relationship and not just a one-night stand as she'd allowed Zara to believe. Zara was horrified and as Amy tried to get through to her daughter, Levi was unimpressed with Zara's bratty behaviour, though Ned was a little more understanding of how she must be feeling. Aware that Zara's dads had been tough on her, Amy did her best to give her a little more freedom, but as Zara continued to push things too far, school principal Susan Kennedy suggested finding her a part-time job to keep her occupied.

As Zara reluctantly started work at Harold's Cafe, she found a friend and confidante in Hendrix Greyson, admitting to him that four dads back in Cairns had been enough for her, and she didn't need to come to Erinsborough and add another two to the mix. Realising that Zara just wanted some time alone with her mum, Hendrix told her about the struggles he'd had with his own father and how he'd even fallen for his stepmother Chloe, which unwittingly gave Zara the idea of trying to crack on to Levi. Hendrix quickly noticed that Zara was being extra nice to Levi and worked out what she was up to, telling her that this wasn't the best idea and that she had to be completely honest with Amy about her feelings, or nothing would ever change. Zara invited her mum to the cafe for a coffee and told her that she felt like there had always been something stopping them from spending time together - first her mum's job with the airlines and now two boyfriends to compete with. Amy then arranged for some mother and daughter time at the spa, followed by a swim, but as Zara waited for her, Amy bumped into Ned and Levi. As she explained to them that they had to take a complete break from seeing each other for Zara's sake, Zara got tired of waiting and ended up seeing her mum hugging her two boyfriends. Not realising that it was a goodbye hug, Zara angrily decided that she would have to get Ned and Levi out of Amy's life by any means. Returning to her plan to seduce Levi, Zara turned up at the Canning house on Ramsay Street and found him in the spa, where she joined him, making him very uncomfortable. She then took a selfie of them, sending it to her mum, before claiming that she had something in her eye. As Levi checked it for her, getting closer to her, Amy turned up, horrified at what she was seeing.

Amy dragged her daughter from the scene, as Levi protested his innocence, and outside, Zara came clean about what had really happened, but refused to apologise to Levi. With Amy's old friend Toadie worried as she refused to punish Zara for her behaviour, the incident also led to Levi deciding to end things with Amy, pointing out that things were now a lot more complicated than when they first started the poly relationship. Having wrecked her mum's relationship, Zara continued to cause problems as she helped out at Toadie's house, where plans were underway for Roxy Willis's hen's night. With Toadie furious at Zara for her recent behaviour and Amy's lack of discipline, he snapped at her when she tried to add vodka to the non-alcoholic jelly shots. Upset that Toadie was trying to be yet another father in her life, she got her own back by adding the vodka anyway. Unfortunately, Toadie's young daughter Nell ate one of the spiked jellies, and although she was OK, he was angry when this still didn't cause Amy to discipline her daughter. Toadie warned Amy that, eventually, without punishment, Zara would do something that she couldn't come back from, but when Amy tried to talk to her, Zara dropped the bombshell that she wanted to stay in Erinsborough permanently. Amy was thrilled, even more so when Zara then offered to help her aspiring fashion designer mum to fix up the bridesmaid dresses for Roxy's wedding.

As Zara started at Erinsborough High, she quickly got herself in trouble after altering her uniform, and struggled to make friends when popular girls Sadie Rodwell and Aubrey Laing didn't want to know her. After finding out that her mum had spontaneously bought a food truck, after a freak storm destroyed the Flamingo Bar and left her unemployed, Zara was upset, feeling that it was going to take up all of her mum's time. Deciding that her mum wasn't making any effort to spend time with her, Zara declared that there was no point in her making an effort at school either, and she deliberately set off the school's smoke alarms. With the fire department having to be called out, Amy found herself with a $2500 fine to pay, while Zara received a three-day suspension. Whilst the incident seemed to attract the attention of Aubrey and Sadie, who suddenly wanted to get to know Zara better, it also caused more problems between Zara and her mum. When Zara decided to block the school's toilets next, Amy warned her that, if she found herself expelled from Erinsborough High, then they'd just find another school for her to go to. As an argument broke out and Zara pushed her mum away, Amy fell to the ground in pain, having suffered a rib injury during the accident that had destroyed the Flamingo Bar weeks earlier. Believing that her mum was being overly dramatic, Zara walked away, but was horrified when she later found out that Amy was in hospital with a punctured lung. Fortunately, she recovered from the injury, and the whole thing made Zara realise how much she loved her mum, but Amy was still left struggling to open a food truck that she didn't know how to run.

When Toadie suggested that Amy and Zara could move in with him at 30 Ramsay Street, rent free for the first few months, it gave Amy the breathing space she needed, but Zara was very unhappy with the idea, having already gotten off to a difficult start with her mum's friend. After being told that she'd get her own room and use of the house's pool, Zara still wasn't convinced, but Hendrix persuaded her that it would all be OK, as he lived next-door. As it became clear to Hendrix's girlfriend Mackenzie that Zara was developing a crush on him, Aubrey and Sadie turned up to visit Zara on Ramsay Street, impressed that she was already such good friends with her neighbour and work colleague. When the girls then spotted Hendrix working out in the park, Sadie and Aubrey sent Zara over to him, to ask him to join them. Believing that Zara wasn't really friends with him, the girls were surprised when Zara brought him back to join them, so she later led Sadie and Aubrey to believe that Hendrix was planning to dump Mackenzie for her. After this, Sadie and Aubrey set up a private thirst account on social media, with pictures of Hendrix they'd been taking, telling Zara that they would send her a link and make her an admin on the account. When Zara then started being hassled by teacher Jane Harris over her attitude and a late essay, she mentioned to Sadie and Aubrey about how Jane had been caught out after using a camera inside a teddy bear to spy on her daughter, Nicolette. When a teddy bear then turned up on Jane's chair in the classroom, Zara was immediately suspected of being behind the incident. Aware that Sadie and Aubrey must have been responsible, Zara confronted them, but unwilling to lose her only friends, she went along with it when they admitted to doing it, insisting that they'd just been trying to teach Jane a lesson.

Unwilling to snitch on her friends, Zara turned to Hendrix for advice and, as he hugged her, Sadie and Aubrey witnessed it, only making them more determined to cause problems for her. They decided to lull Zara into a false sense of security by helping to cover for her, insisting that she'd been with them in class all day and couldn't possibly have been responsible for the teddy bear incident. Sadie then continued to encourage Zara in her pursuit of Hendrix, asking for proof that there was something going on between them. After receiving a text from her mum saying 'Thinking of you baby. Love you', Zara changed the number to make it look like it had come from Hendrix, before forwarding it to Sadie. When Sadie failed to believe it, Zara then intercepted a gift that Hendrix had bought for Mackenzie - a locket, engraved with an M on one side and 'Love you H' on the other. Zara managed to get it re-engraved to change the M to a Z, hopeful that it was the proof that Sadie and Aubrey needed to believe her. Following this, Sadie and Aubrey upped their efforts to get Zara in trouble, causing drama when they got the whole class to start filming Jane on their phones, causing the teacher to suffer a panic attack. When Zara got the blame for the incident, with headteacher Susan believing that she was the instigator of all the recent bullying towards Jane, she was angry about how unjust it all was. And when a bin was then set alight on school grounds, Zara immediately got blamed for that too, given her history with starting fires, though she protested her innocence, unaware that Sadie and Aubrey were behind the whole thing.

Though there was no proof that Zara started the fire, Jane was convinced that she was responsible, with a pattern seemingly emerging of Zara acting out when she came up against authority figures. Determined to find out who was responsible, only more so when her mum told her that she was no longer going to be working at Harold's until her behaviour improved, Zara initially suspected Sadie and Aubrey, quickly backtracking when they appeared to be very offended. With Hendrix's encouragement, Zara then did her best to behave and to get along with her mum and Toadie, but there was another dramatic turn of events when the mailbox of 32 Ramsay Street, where Jane lived, was set on fire. Now convinced that someone was targeting her, Zara was upset as she was suspended from school, and Sadie's dad, Sergeant Andrew Rodwell, banned his daughter from spending time with her. With Amy threatening to send her back to Cairns, Zara snuck out of the house to see Hendrix and, as the only person who seemed to support and believe her, she responded to his kindness by kissing him. Aware that she couldn't cause any more drama, Zara begged Hendrix to keep quiet about the kiss, insisting it was a mistake, and her day only got worse when she found out that Sadie had taken her job at the cafe.

After apologising to Sadie and Aubrey for accusing them of starting the bin fire, and being made to feel like she was a bad friend, Zara was relieved when they agreed to start hanging out with her again, and she invited them over one day when everyone else was at a party at no. 24. Zara also asked Hendrix over that day, apologising to him again for the kiss, and when Sadie and Aubrey arrived on Ramsay Street and saw him leaving Zara's place, they became determined to let Mackenzie know what was going on. After encouraging Zara to post a photo on the thirst account, showing her wearing the necklace Hendrix apparently gave to her, they sent a link to Mackenzie, and she and Hendrix were horrified by what had been going on, particularly after seeing the photo with the necklace. They headed to no. 30, where Zara was unable to deny posting pictures to the account or stealing the necklace, while Mackenzie also said that she knew about Zara kissing Hendrix too, as he had admitted it to her. With even Hendrix now struggling to believe that Zara hadn't started the recent fires, it looked like she had been completely isolated from everyone in her life, though Mackenzie was starting to wonder what was really going on. She pointed out to Hendrix that Zara had owned up to the kiss and stealing the necklace, but was still adamant that she hadn't started the recent fires. Zara, meanwhile, had tracked down Aubrey and Sadie, upset that they'd sent the link to Mackenzie, and was shocked as she realised that they'd been behind everything, trying to get her sent back to Cairns as revenge for stealing Hendrix from them.

As Mackenzie found Zara hiding out at the school, Aubrey and an increasingly reluctant Sadie were busy with the final part of their plan to get rid of Zara - a fire inside the school. As Zara explained to Mackenzie that Aubrey and Sadie had been setting her up all along, they realised that there was smoke in the air and, as the fire alarms started going off, they found that they were trapped. As Zara managed to get out through a vent and raised the alarm about Mackenzie, Hendrix rushed inside to get his girlfriend, but ended up trapped. The pair were rescued by the firemen, whilst outside, Sadie became worried that she and Aubrey had gone too far this time. As Zara confronted the girls, insisting that they were setting her up, she found that nobody believed her, and she was soon being taken in for questioning by the police, with Aubrey now claiming that she'd seen Zara starting the fire. With Amy feeling like she'd failed, and Amy then overhearing her telling Eric that their daughter was likely going to end up in juvenile detention, Zara decided to run away. Mackenzie, however, remained convinced of Zara's innocence over the fires and convinced Hendrix to try and find a way to clear her name. At work, Hendrix started to realise that Sadie was hiding something but struggled to get her alone without Aubrey telling her what to say. When Hendrix then overheard the girls talking, he realised that Sadie was feeling guilty and after managing to get her alone, he forced her to admit that she and Aubrey had started the fires. Sadie explained that Aubrey had been forcing her to do these things for years, but this was far more serious than the shoplifting and now she didn't know what to do.

As Sadie came clean to the police, Zara was tracked down, with Amy, Toadie and Jane all apologising for not believing her. All charges were then dropped against Zara, with Aubrey and Sadie facing charges of their own, as well as expulsion from Erinsborough High. As she encouraged her mum to try and make a go of things with Ned and took up some volunteering shifts at The Sonya Rebecchi Foundation, things finally seemed to be improving for Zara, but she was upset as Hendrix didn't want anything to do with her. Having helped to clear her name and even not pursuing charges against her for stealing the necklace, Hendrix was unable to spend time with Zara after everything she'd done. As Zara tried to repair her own reputation and fix the mistakes she'd made, she found out that Aubrey had already left her new school after being bullied. She then spoke to Jane about the possibility of Aubrey being allowed to return to Erinsborough High, admitting that although she didn't want to be her friend ever again, she didn't like the thought of her life being ruined either. Jane told Zara that there was no way that Aubrey could be allowed to return, but she did offer to help Aubrey and her grandmother Shannon with some tutoring and home-schooling.

As Amy and Zara rebuilt their relationship, Amy started talking about having another baby with Ned, plans that soon fell apart when she found out that he'd been secretly seeing Harlow Robinson. Zara, meanwhile, continued in her efforts to make amends with Hendrix, but things only got more complicated when Sadie moved into 26 Ramsay Street with her parents, Wendy and Andrew. Worried that she would just further upset Hendrix by hanging around with Sadie, Zara kept her distance, until Amy pointed out that Zara had forgiven Aubrey, and Sadie had been the one who confessed to everything. After talking to Sadie and agreeing to put the past behind them, Zara went to Hendrix and tried again to fix things with him. As Zara put her case across, Hendrix became increasingly upset, before blurting out that he'd just found out that he would need a lung transplant or he'd die. As the truth came out - Hendrix had been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, made worse by being trapped in the school fire - Zara felt terrible, while the Rodwell family found themselves with few friends on the street. As Zara continued to blame herself, Hendrix finally forgave her, realising that she wasn't to blame and he needed to focus all of his energy on his health. With Hendrix and Mackenzie then planning to get married, aware that they could be on borrowed time, word came through that donor lungs were available. The wedding was brought forward but after the operation took place, Hendrix tragically died after his body rejected the new organs. Afterwards, Zara revealed that she had helped Hendrix to film a video of his last wishes the day before the operation, with neither of them ever believing that anyone would have to see it.

Though the video proved to be a great support for grieving widow Mackenzie, she struggled to forgive Sadie for the role she'd played in Hendrix's death, and Sadie decided that she had to try and make amends and prove that she wasn't a bad person. As Sadie had been accepted back into Erinsborough High, she and Zara were spending more time together and when they overheard Harlow Robinson talking about a planned sting operation to catch her criminal ex, Corey Smythe-Jones. Aware that Harlow was nervous, Sadie decided that she and Zara were going to reassure her by scoping out the planned meeting place, Woodvale Sanctuary. Unfortunately, they ended up running into Corey, who knocked out Sadie then grabbed Zara and drove off with her. Aware that Harlow had previously kidnapped and drugged Harlow to try and get her into the Restoration Order cult, Zara knew she had to act quickly and, when he got out of the car to smash up her phone, she found some sleeping pills in the car and put them in his bottle of water. As Corey started to lose control of the car, Zara tried to make her escape, but when Corey collapsed on the road, she tied him up on the back seat and drove his car back to Ramsay Street, much to everyone's shock and relief.

As everyone then gathered for a memorial to Hendrix, Zara began to notice a change in her mum's behaviour. Since the end of her relationship with Ned and his subsequent departure from Erinsborough, Amy continued to consider having another baby, but Zara had seen the way her mum had been talking to, and behaving around, Toadie lately and concluded that Amy was in love with her best friend. With Toadie due to marry Melanie Pearson, and Amy insisting that she didn't have feelings like that for him, Zara started to help her to find a new man with online dating, but as she described her perfect man for her profile, she came to the sudden realisation that she was describing Toadie. This only made her more determined to find herself another man, but her attempts at dating all proved to be disasters. As Zara slowly started to come around to the idea of her mum and Toadie as a couple, and noticed the way that Amy seemed to be subconsciously sabotaging Toadie and Melanie's relationship, she realised that she had to do something. When Harold Bishop returned to town, he was uncomfortable with the idea of Melanie marrying Toadie, wrongly believing that she'd previously been a bad stepmother to Joe Mangel's children, Sky and Toby, and that she'd end up hurting Toadie's children, Nell and Hugo, too. Picking up on the tension, Zara approached Harold and suggested that they could work together to split up Toadie and Mel. Though reluctant to get involved, Harold couldn't deny that he had misgivings about Mel marrying Toadie and, after finding out that she'd turned Toadie down the first time he proposed and that she'd struggled with the presence of Toadie's late wife Sonya in the house, he decided to contact Joe. Having learnt that he'd misunderstood the circumstances and that Melanie had been a wonderful stepmother to Sky and Toby, Harold decided that he had been hasty and gave Mel and Toadie his blessing.

Having failed to get her mum and Toadie together, and with Amy now talking about having another baby on her own, Zara was surprised when her mum announced that their only option was to leave Ramsay Street. But as they struggled to find somewhere else to live, and then Amy got a very expensive quote for IVF and sperm donation in the USA, she blurted out her real feelings to Toadie, before suddenly disappearing, along with Zara, from town, only days before Toadie was due to marry Melanie. When they returned again, on the eve of the wedding, Amy was relieved as her friends allowed her to attend and didn't hold any grudges. As everyone celebrated the union, followed by a huge party on Ramsay Street, Amy admitted to Toadie that she might have found the perfect person to help her have a baby and, later that night, Amy's ex-boyfriend, Lance Wilkinson, turned up. Amy broke the news that she and Lance were getting back together and planning to have a baby, and also that she and Zara were leaving Erinsborough to return to North Queensland, where Lance had been offered a job. The following year, word reached Ramsay Street that Lance and Amy had become parents to a son named Kai.

Trivia Notes
• Amy referred to Zara as Zsa Zsa
• Zara was dded to opening titles between episode 8787 and 8891, but when titles were removed between eps 8892 And 8903, Freya Van Dyke was only credited for the episodes she appeared in


Biography by Steve
