Magic Moments
> 2022
> Elly and Yashvi's Returns
Episode 8896
by Jo Zantuck, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced
by Katja Bauerle, Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 26/07/22, Channel 5: 22/07/22
Paige asks where Chloe went after Adelaide, Chloe answers that she had some surprising news and went to Sydney instead. Freya and Levi tell Susan they want to remake the history book, she tells them it's a great idea and well done. Amy tells Toadie that she and Zara have decided to move out, Toadie tells her she'll have no problems finding a guy to help her have a baby, Amy tells Toadie that she thinks of him as more than a friend and canŐt be around him anymore. Mal tells Susan that he and Izzy want to move back to Erinsborough and Holly will come with them if they do, Susan tells Karl that she doesn't want Isabelle Hoyland living in the same town as them with their son. Izzy takes a tour of Number 24 with Paige and says she loves the house.
In their hotel room at Lassiter's, Izzy is trying to sell Mal on buying Number 24, saying she'll lie by the pool with her top off so she has no tan lines, but tan lines aren't what Mal's worried about. Izzy says he can build her a swim up bar and she can call it the Scarlet Bar for old time's sake. Mal asks if she thinks it's too close to his Mum and Dad, but she says that's the beauty of it, neither of them think they're good together and this way they will see them everyday and see that they are. Mal says that his Mum will think they're rubbing their noses in it, but Izzy says that will pass, especially with Holly in the mix, she just wants to speed through the awkwardness and get to a good place. Mal asks if they can at least let his parents get their head around their relationship first before they tell them, Izzy agrees but says they can't wait too long as the house won't be there forever.

At Number 28, Susan is telling Harold that she promised herself years ago that she would not let Izzy dictate her emotions and she's never been able to stick to it. Harold tells her that she's just as strong as she is, but Susan says that everytime Izzy waltzes back into her life she ups the ante and any peace she'd managed to find with her past behaviour flies out of the window. Harold suggests that perhaps there's a way to keep a healthy distance, but Susan says there's not while she's got her claws into her son. As Harold contemplates, Susan apologises for dragging him into it, but he says he can understand her concern. Susan asks if he's ok as he's been a little quiet, Harold says he's concerned about Melanie and Jarrod, he confirms that everything is ok between the three of them now but there's another situation coming to a head which he said he wouldn't get involved in.
At Number 30, Toadie has told Melanie about Amy's feelings for him and she asks if he's sure he's got the right end of the stick. The both agree that it doesn't make any sense as Zara walks out from the bedrooms and asks what's going on. Toadie says they'll let her mum explain when she gets back but he doesn't know when that will be.
Just then, Amy walks in, she says she was hoping they'd all be in bed which is where she's going, but Toadie stands up and asks her to stay so they can talk, she says she's too tired and turns to walk to her room, but Melanie stands and tells her not to walk off, she's just dropped a bomb right before their wedding and they'd like to understand. Amy asks to not talk about it right now, but Melanie says it sounds like she's had feelings for Toadie for quite some time and she never said anything, she thought they were friends. Amy says they are, but Melanie says it's not really her idea of friendship. Amy tells Zara to pack a few things, they'll go to a hotel and they head to their rooms to pack leaving Toadie and Melanie looking at each other in disbelief.

The next morning at Number 24, Freya is showing Mackenzie and Chloe the Facebook group she and Levi have set up for the history book. Chloe asks how it's going, Freya tells them that heaps of people are sending in their photos and memories, Rachel Kinski, Brett Stark, Rick Alessi, Bronwyn Davies... and asks if Chloe or Mackenzie know them. Chloe says that she thinks Aaron knew a Nate Kinski while Mackenzie explains that she thinks Rachel must be Susan's step-daughter from her previous marriage. Chloe says it is so cool, all those people lived their lives right there before them. Freya comments that it's amazing how many of them moved to Queensland, before adding that they're going to surprise Harold with it this morning. She then asks if Mackenzie wants to check out some open houses afterwards as she'll be done by lunch, Mackenzie says yes just as there's a knock on the door. Chloe goes to answer and is surprised to see it's Elly Conway.
Out the front of Number 30, Melanie is fetching in the paper as Toadie is getting out of the car having been to buy some milk. Toadie asks if she got much sleep, Melanie shakes her head saying that she keeps going over and over what Amy has said, wondering how long she's had this in her head, they agree that it must have been before the engagement party as these kind of feelings don't spring up overnight. Toadie decides to message Amy to see when she's coming home, but Melanie asks Toadie whether there are any mutual feelings toward Amy on his part. He tells her that there absolutely aren't and that Melanie knows that, and he's spent half the night wondering if there's anything he's done to encourage it, but he doesn't see how. Just then Toadie receives a reply, it's Zara texting on Amy's phone, they're at the airport boarding a flight to Cairns.

In the kitchen at Number 24, Chloe is making her and Elly a cup of tea. Elly says it was nice of the girls to give them time to speak and that she bets when Chloe left her in Sydney she didn't expect her to follow her back down to Erinsborough. Chloe says she didn't, but Elly reminds Chloe that she turned up on her doorstep first. Chloe says that when Elly told her she'd broken up with Shaun and moved back from Switzerland it made sense to check on her, but Elly says that she'd told her that aside from living with her Mum that she and Aster were great, Shaun is too, he's got himself a pad at Bondi Beach. Elly says that she wasn't going to chase her but knowing Number 24 was up for sale, she knew it'd be snapped up pretty quickly so Chloe wouldn't have much time to decide if she was still moving to Adelaide or whether it might be Sydney now. Chloe adds that just when she'd made a decision Elly had to throw her a curveball, but Elly says she took off before they'd had time to discuss it properly. Chloe explains that she was confused, it sounds like Elly was implying that they could be a thing again, Elly corrects her saying that she wasn't implying, she knew they could, but Chloe didn't give her a chance to explain, continuing by doing so. "Since leaving Erinsborough I have been thinking about you constantly. At first, I thought I was just missing a friend, but as time went on, I realised it is so much more than that. Shaun and I, we make sense. It's easy. But I never felt for him what I feel for you." Chloe says she hopes she didn't tell Shaun that, but Elly says that he knows well enough to realise, he's a good guy but he never stopped her from trying to figure out who she is. Chloe asks "And what did you figure out?", Elly replies "That I love you. I want to be with you, Chloe."
Chloe says they've been there before, but Elly says last time Chloe said they didn't have a balanced relationship as Chloe was all in but she didn't know who she was, she didn't even know if she identified as being queer, but she does now. Elly says that Chloe wanted to be with someone who was on the same level of self-knowledge and acceptance and it's taken her a while to get there, but she is there now, she tells Chloe that she's always loved her and this time she's ready, she just didn't know how to tell her that when she came to visit her in Sydney. Chloe struggles to know how to respond, so Elly tells her to take her time and they can talk whenever she's ready.
At Number 28, Karl is reading a text message from Malcolm inviting them to brunch, highlighting that Mal has asked them to join "us" which Susan finishes means that Isabelle will be there. Karl says that he isn't bouncing up and down with excitement either but it is a good chance to see Mal. Susan says that she was talking to Harold about it last night and he suggested that they give themselves some space, Harold says he did, Karl says he appreciates that but they can't avoid them forever and they need to keep their eyes on Mal, Harold agrees, but Susan says if it just pushes her buttons it won't help Mal at all. Just then Levi walks out from the bedrooms and asks Harold if he's ready to go as he and Freya have the surprise they want to show him, Harold says he is before they're all surprised by the arrival of Elly. She hugs Karl and then Susan, who asks if she remembers Harold, she says she does, it's been a while though as she must have been around sixteen the last time she saw him, but it's lovely to see him again, Harold says likewise before Levi greets her and asks how Bea is. Elly says she's great, she'll have to catch him up but if they're headed out she doesn't want to stop them. Susan says they'll talk to Harold properly again later and he and Levi leave, leaving Karl, Susan and Elly to catch up. Karl asks how long she's there for, she says not too long and asks if they have a bed for her, they say they can make it work and says she assumes Aster is with Shaun, Elly says she is. Susan says she's happy he agreed to come back to Australia too after they broke up, Elly says she is too as Susan offers her a cup of tea and asks what brings her back. Karl reminds Susan that they have brunch shortly, but Susan says they can't go now and tells him to text Mal to say they can't make it. Elly asks if they mean their Mal, she'd love to see him and asks if she can come with them. Karl's reluctant, but Susan says yes as she wouldn't mind EllyŐs take on his new relationship. Elly asks if there's something she's missing...

At Harold's Cafe, Freya asks Mackenzie when Chloe had her big love with Elly as she knows she was married to Pierce, Mackenzie comments that Chloe's marriage was apparently a mere footnote, before wondering why Elly's down in Erinsborough, before adding that she's sure they'll find out soon enough. As Harold and Levi arrive, Mackenzie asks if she'll see Freya at the open house, Freya says she will and Mackenzie leaves, greeting them both on her way out. Freya greets Levi and Harold and the latter of which asks the two of them what is going on as the suspense is killing him. They present him with the new and improved Ramsay Street history book, they thought it was too good of a tradition to let go of, explaining that they put out a call on Facebook and now people from everywhere are sending photos and stories that they can transfer into it. Harold says he doesnŐt know what to say, but Levi tells him that quite a few people mentioned Harold specifically in what they wrote, Eddie Buckingham, Annalise Hartman, Lisa Elliot, Harold recognises the first two but stops them at the third name asking Who?, before Levi continues with Evan Hancock. Harold says he remembers most of them, but stops saying they'll have him choking up. Freya says that they thought he should write the first entry and they then can start adding stuff from everyone else. Harold says it'd be an honour and a privilege. Levi says that when it's done they'll give it back to Toadie to look after. The mention of Toadie reminds Harold of something he's been neglecting and he leaves.
At The Waterhole, Karl, Susan, Mal, Izzy and Elly are eating brunch. Mal says they should have caught up while Elly was in Europe, Izzy adds that she loves the Swiss Alps, to which Susan asks isn't that where she met her last husband. Not biting, Izzy says that Clint loved high altitudes, may he rest in peace. Elly says that she and Shaun love the summertime so much, now that they're back they're just happy to have that, Mal says it's the same with he and Izzy. Karl says that he and Susan are just happy to have their brood within arm's reach. Izzy says that she doesn't know how Susan handles it, all her babies and grand babies being so far away, she'd hate being so far away from Holly. Carving the bread as if she were imagining it were Izzy, Susan comments that somehow Izzy manages. Izzy says that she was just trying to sympathise, mother to mother. Changing the subject, Elly says that Izzy must have great London recommendations for if she ever needs them, Izzy says she could write a book, before describing the boutique hotel where she and Mal had their first date. Mal says it's a bit far out of the way, but Izzy says it's worth it, reminding him of the Lamb Ragu they had for room service dinner, she spilt it all over herself and Mal was adamant that they didn't waste any of it. Mal stops her, saying that they don't need to hear about that, as Susan glares at her, Izzy takes a sip of her champagne, commenting "Oops, TMI!"

At Number 30, Harold has shared with Toadie and Melanie that he knew about Amy's feelings for Toadie, adding that he thinks that Amy has just got herself thoroughly confused. Melanie says that she's still going over the last few weeks trying to dissect it all, Toadie says who knows when they'll understand it but in the meantime they're down a set of hands for the wedding prep. His words remind Melanie that Amy is supposed to be making the wedding dress and organising the catering, they're about to walk into more chaos than a tarot full of towers. As Toadie tries to calm her down, Yashvi walks in the front door, commenting that it sounds like they need her. They're thrilled to see her and as Toadie gets up to greet her he asks what she's doing there, Yashvi replies that she's there to help them out.
Back at The Waterhole, Elly receives a text from Chloe, she's ready to talk, and makes her excuses, while Karl asks if Mal and Izzy have any idea where they're going to live. Mal says that they're still trying to figure that out, Izzy says they're making a shortlist of houses, Karl asks about their preferences, Mal says he doesn't mind as long as it's ok for both the girls, but Izzy says that her priority is a pool. Making the most of the crack in their united front, Susan says that it sounds like they haven't worked out their priorities as a couple, she expects they'll have wildly differing expectations. Mal says that they're willing to compromise, but Susan says that she's sure he is, but she can't imaging Isabelle giving up anything on her wishlist for Mal. Wanting to gain the upper hand, Izzy says that there is a place they've been looking at that has everything that Malcolm needs, Mal tries to stop her, but Susan goads that she gets Izzy is thinking of Paul's penthouse, but sadly it's not for sale, Izzy says no, but there is a place on Ramsay Street that is...

At Number 24, Chloe asks Paige whether she invited Elly back too soon, Paige says not to ask her as she's biased and wants her to come to Adelaide, but all she can say is that she loves them both but to be careful. Chloe says that she isn't sure if her heart is capable of taking a risk on Elly again, Paige says that she doesn't blame her as Elly arrives. She and Paige hug as Paige leaves, Elly says that she thought Chloe would want more time, she knows she won't jump at it, but tells her not to say no yet. Chloe responds that "Of all the relationships I've ever had, you've meant the most, but how can I know this is real?"
Back at The Waterhole, Mal is explaining that they've only just heard about Number 24 being on the market and he hasn't even seen it yet, adding that Izzy knew he had concerns, it was just more of a thought bubble really. Izzy says that they wanted to make sure that Karl and Susan were ok with it first. Karl says that Susan will need a little bit of time for the news to sink in, at which Susan glares at him for putting it all on her, before he adds that he will too as Susan leaves and he follows. As they do, Izzy says to Mal that she though Susan was going to go crazy for a minute but she was as cool as a cucumber.

Out the front of Number 24, Susan is stood in the rain looking at the For Sale sign as Paige walks over to try to gently break the news of Izzy's interest in the house to her, but Susan says she's all over it, it's just the latest in a long series of very unpleasant shocks. Paige tells her that she warned Izzy that Susan might not like it, but Susan says that Izzy knew, before telling Paige that she has to make sure that she doesn't get the house, find another buyer, someone with more money, anything whatever it takes to just make it stop. Paige looks on as Susan heads home.
At Number 30, Mackenzie greets Yashvi and asks after Ned, whom she's back together with, as does Toadie. Yashvi says they've both matured and are now on the same page so they're golden. Melanie says that if it's meant to be it's meant to be before handing out Greyson Grasshopper cocktails in honour of Hendrix, and they all toast to him. Yashvi says that at least she's representing the Sharma-Rebecchi lame-o's who can't rock up to the wedding, Toadie tells her that he doesn't blame anyone who can't make it at such short notice, but Yashvi says that they got the best one anyway, which makes them all laugh. Mackenzie adds that with Amy gone Toadie and Melanie are going to need all the help they can get, unless she's coming back anytime soon, they shake their heads and Toadie adds that the only thing he knows for sure is that he can't predict anything. Melanie asks if Yashvi and Mackenzie think they're crazy for trying to pull off a wedding with so much to do and so little time, Yashvi asks what the big things are on the list. Toadie explains that they've split the day up into two so it's a surprise to the other person, he's got the ceremony which is mostly under control, but Melanie explains that she'll need a big hand with the reception. Yashvi says to count her in, Mackenzie offers her help too, Melanie says she couldn't ask, but Mackenzie says it'll be good for her to focus on something fun and happy. Toadie thanks and hugs them both. Yashvi tells him to save the applause until they pull it all off.

At Number 24, Elly tells Chloe that nothing is standing in their way this time, she just wishes she knew what else to say, she knows what their life will look like together, they can get a place by the beach, spend half their time looking after Aster as a family, then when she's with Shaun go away for the weekend or spend the day at home cooking, or in bed wrapped up in each others arms. Elly says it's what she's been dreaming about, Chloe says that they had dreams last time, reality was the problem, but Elly tells her that whatever reality throws at them they can deal with it together this time, she is the only partner she wants in her life. Elly leans in to kiss her, but Chloe pulls away, saying she needs to get her head around it. Elly tells her to give her a call when she's ready and leaves.

At Number 28, Karl says that he thinks there will be a lot of interest in Chloe's place and with a bit of luck someone might beat Mal and Izzy to it, that's if they do decide to make an offer as it didn't seem that Mal was completely onboard. Susan says it's impossible to know what Mal is thinking at the moment as Isabelle is corrupting him at every turn, as she does Mal walks in, explaining that he didn't want to tell them about Number 24 in that way. Susan asks if it was because Izzy couldn't wait to stir them up, but Mal defends her, saying that Susan was asking questions and Izzy just answered honestly. Karl tells Mal that surely he must know that he and Izzy moving in two doors down is just asking for trouble, but Mal asks if they still feel that way if it'll mean that they see more of him and Izzy and they start to feel like family a bit quicker, saying that all they want is for them to accept their relationship. Karl says that it might be too much to ask, but Mal asks how many people would be happy to move closer to their partner's parents. Susan says that she doesn't think it will do them any good to keep discussing it, adding that however he decides to move forward, she and Karl will do their best to try to support him. Surprised at her response, Mal thanks her, while Karl wonders what she's up to.
Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy, Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Amy Greenwood, Freya Wozniak, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Chloe Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Levi Canning
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Natalie Bassingthwaighte as Isabelle Hoyland, Benjie McNair as Malcolm Kennedy,
Olympia Valance as Paige Smith,
Jodi Gordon as Elly Conway, Olivia Junkeer as Yashvi Rebecchi, Freya Van Dyke as Zara Selwyn
Trivia Notes
• Although she featured in the opening credits up until their last appearance in episode 8891, Freya Van Dyke (Zara) is credited with the guest cast
by Callum