Magic Moments
> 2022
> Joel, Kyle and Roxy's Returns
Episode 8899
by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Katja Bauerle, Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 27/07/22, Channel 5: 27/07/22
Terese tells Paige things are easier with Glen… Glen asks if number 22 is officially on the market… Paul congratulates Terese on her decision to move
to River Bend… David, Aaron, and Nicolette all agree to move to New York… Wendy asks Paige for a valuation of number 26… Melanie asks Toadie how they
can make a life together living in a house full of past memories… Toadie reveals to Melanie he has put number 30 up for sale… Karl and Susan stand on
Ramsay Street, horrified that all the other houses are up for sale…
At the Waterhole, Toadie and Melanie are having a coffee. A shocked Mel says they should have ordered something stronger. Toadie replies that he would
have thought Paige would have mentioned that the rest of Ramsay Street was also being put up for sale. Melanie says she is not surprised about Terese
selling up but is shocked about Aaron and David and that the Rodwells are selling up, after only just moving into the street. Toadie says they must
have made a quick decision, and he cannot stop thinking about how Karl and Susan feel about it. Melanie asks him if he’s sure that selling up is what
he wants. She is worried he has made the decision quickly and maybe needs a cooling off period. Toadie says he’s happy with the decision and wants to
make brand new memories with her. He wonders what everybody else thinks about this huge migration away from the street. He then receives a text from
Lucas saying he will be coming to the wedding, and Mel says she wishes that they had heard from Amy.

On Ramsay Street, Jane is with David, Aaron and Nicolette, clearly stunned by their decision to move to New York. Nicolette says she realises it’s a
shock, but it’s time for a change. Jane does not understand why she is only just hearing about it, but David explains it has only been hypothetical up
to this point. Jane says she thought Nicolette was happy with Kiri, but Nicolette explains that Kiri is moving back to River Bend, and they have decided
to not hold each other back. Jane is upset that she’ll miss Isla growing up, especially birthdays and Christmas. Nicolette tells her she is welcome to
visit during the holidays, so she does not miss out. Jane is still not happy, and knows exactly who to blame…
Over at the Penthouse, Paul is packing. Leo says he understands why David and Aaron are making the leap to New York. Paul replies that it will be good
for David to have a clean break and all he wants is for his family to all be happy. Jane arrives, angry at Paul and tells him that, because of him, she
is losing her daughter and granddaughter. Paul replies it is only happening because of what she told Shane, and she has only got herself to blame.

At number 22, Terese and Paige are packing. Paige cannot believe she has five out of six houses from the street on the market. Glen and Kiri are talking
about Glen seeing Terese crying whilst packing up the house. Glen says he pretended he did not see her, and has been burying his head in the sand but now
thinks she is having cold feet about the sale. He says he is sorry to Kiri as he knows any changes will impact her plans. Kiri says it doesn’t matter as
Nicolette has already decided to leave but it is important that he is on the same page as Terese.
Meanwhile over at number 30, Toadie and Mel are returning from the Waterhole talking about the move when they see a wedding present on the dining room
table, wondering where it came from. Toadie opens the card, which says to open the present now. He opens it to reveal a black hat, tie, tutu, and a half-eaten
slice of pizza. Toadie smiles and shouts ‘OK Samuels you can come out now.’ Joel appears at the back door asking if it was the pizza or tutu that gave it
away. Toadie jokes it was the smell of the fake tan and they run to each other and Joel leaps into Toadie’s arms. Joel introduces himself to Mel and says
it’s lovely to meet her. He apologises he cannot make the big day but wanted to come and meet Mel and wish them both the best of luck.


Back at number 22, Kiri is debating calling Nicolette when Paige arrives with coffees. Paige asks if she is worried about the move to River Bend and she
thinks something is off between Terese and Glen. Kiri says she just wants to make sure everyone is doing what they are doing for the right reason. Paige
thinks Terese might be hesitant because of Paul but Kiri says it’s best she does not comment on that. Terese comes in with Roxy and Kyle who have arrived
for the wedding. Paige leads Roxy outside telling her she needs to speak to her ASAP about Terese and Paul.
Back at number 30, Joel and Toadie are catching up over a cuppa with Mel. Joel now has his own business, and the kids are doing great, both are smashing
it at school and have made the National Junior team. Toadie jokes to Mel that Joel’s kids are offensively good-looking. Mel asks if he is married to which
Joel replies that he isn’t any more, but he is hoping to find love again. Toadie and Joel’s banter continues, with Mel laughing and asking if they are
always like this. Mel tells Joel she is part-owner of The Drinks Divas, and Joel asks if that is the business that Amy runs. Mel explains that they are
co-owners. Joel says he would love to see her, but Toadie explains she is in Cairns, adding that it’s all a bit complicated.

At number 22, Paige is explaining to Roxy that she's worried Terese is settling for Glen. She explains it would be good for Roxy to help her find out
what is going on by talking to Aaron and David. Kyle says they should stay out of it. Terese comes in with a box of Paul’s stuff and says she is going
to take it to him. Paige jokes that she clearly cannot stay away from Paul and Roxy says to leave it with her and she will suss out what’s going on.
At the Penthouse, Terese and Paul are exchanging belongings. Terese asks Paul if he’s planning to keep the Penthouse. Paul replies that he was thinking
of giving it to Leo, but he’s still hoping he will go to New York with the rest of the family. He wants his family all together but never imagined it would
be on the other side of the world. He asks Terese when she is planning to make her big move and she says as soon as her house money comes through. Terese
says she better go and if she finds anymore of his belongings, she will bring them over. They are both clearly sad as they say goodbye.



At number 32, David, Aaron and Jane are in the kitchen. Aaron tells Jane there is no reason she could not make the move as well, but Jane said she feels
the move is because Nicolette wants to get away from her. Freya arrives saying she has come to get Jane’s entry for the Ramsay Street memory book. Freya
starts the interview and asks Jane about her fondest memories of living on Ramsay Street. Jane says her fondest memories all start with her Nan, Mrs Mangel
who took her in when she did not have a home. She explains that her Nan did not always get along with everyone, but she was not all bad. Freya ask Jane
about her first love who she met on Ramsay Street. Jane, visibly upset, says that she cannot do this right now and leaves.
Over at number 30, Toadie, Joel and Mel are discussing the reasons for Amy's departure. Toadie explains it came out of nowhere and he does not understand
what has happened as he and Amy have been friends for a long time. Joel jokes that he is amazed Amy could have feelings for him given that she knew him in
the days where he had a mullet. Toadie receives a text from Amy saying that she is not coming back and will have her stuff picked up. Mel asks how they are
going to sort things out now.

At number 22, Terese and Glen are in the kitchen when the contract for sale of the property arrives. Glen asks Terese if she is OK as she was upset last
night - she says she is fine, just tired and has a lot going on. She is going through the box of possessions Paul has given her when she notices Jim’s
compendium is amongst the items. She tells Glen that Paul must have put it in the box by mistake and she will return it to him later. As Glen goes upstairs
to continue packing Terese opens the compendium and begins to go through it. She finds a letter from Paul written to her which says letting her go was the
biggest mistake of his life and he will have to live with it forever. He just wishes she could look at him with love in her eyes again.
Over at Harold’s, Nicolette and Kiri are discussing their upcoming moves. Kiri says she was surprised to receive her letter and Nicolette said it was
easier for her to write everything down. They had agreed not to hold each other back but they will miss each other a lot. Roxy arrives and tells Aaron
she needs to speak to him, asking if there is still a spark between Paul and Terese.

Terese is in the kitchen at number 22 crying about the letter she has just read when Glen enters. He asks why she is crying, and she explains she has
found some letters from Paul that she was not meant to read.
At the Penthouse, Paul is searching for his compendium. Leo asks if he wants help trying to find it, but Paul says he has just remembered exactly
where he left it.

Back at number 30, Toadie, Joel and Mel are reminiscing. Toadie asks Joel about his best memories of Ramsay Street. Joel says there are too many to
mention but he remembers a fundraiser where they agreed not to wash or shower until they had made one thousand bucks. They remember having food thrown
at them and smelt so bad that Dee locked them out of the house. Toadie mentions the time they did the Full Monty and Mel, laughing, asks if there are
any photos. Joel checks his watch and says he must go but it has been great to see them both and he wishes them all the best for the Big Day.


Paul arrives at number 22 to collect the compendium, when he and Terese catch Glen attempting to throw it away. An incredibly angry Terese shouts at
Glen that she cannot believe what he is doing - he knows how much the compendium means to Paul. She tells him it is unforgivable and that she does not
know what to say to him.
Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Paul Robinson,
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Kiri Durant, Glen Donnelly, Leo Tanaka, Freya Wozniak, Aaron Brennan,
David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris
Guest Cast: Daniel MacPherson as Joel Samuels,
Olympia Valance as Paige Smith, Chris Milligan as Kyle Canning,
Zima Anderson as Roxy Willis
Trivia Notes
• This episode marks the return of Joel Samuels who appears for the first time since 2002
• The character of Kyle Canning appears for the first time since May 2022
• The character of Roxy Willis appears for the first time since June 2022
• Jane has two flashbacks to her nan, Mrs Mangel
• There are flashback scenes to Toadie's Uni fundraiser and to The Full Monty
when Toadie and Joel are discussing their memories of living together on the street
• Current character Amy Greenwood only appears in a flashback scene when she is introducing the
Full Monty
• The past characters of Drew Kirk and Dee Bliss are mentioned. Drew is also shown briefly in the
Full Monty flashback
by Darryn