Magic Moments
> 2022
> Chris's Return
Episode 8900
by Shane Isheev, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Katja Bauerle, Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 28/07/22, Channel 5: 28/07/22
Paul tells Aaron and David that he is selling the hotel to Shane and invites them to move to New York with him... Nicolette, David, and Aaron all agree to
move to New York... Paul tells Leo he wishes that he would move to New York with them... Elly tells Chloe she wants to be with her and will wait as long
as it takes... Izzy receives a card from Shane inviting her to dinner... Terese catches Glen throwing away Jim's compendium and shouts at him...
Paul is leaving number 22 with the compendium, clearly shocked at Terese's outburst at Glen. Glen watches from the balcony as Paul gets in the car and
drives off.

Terese is on the couch when Glen comes down the stairs. He tells Terese he will not be home for dinner - she doesn't reply and he leaves. Roxy brings
Terese a cup of tea and asks why she reacted so angrily. Terese explains she found some letters that were written for her and she's sure Glen also read
them. Roxy tells Terese that she and Paige are worried about her, wondering if she is doing the right thing moving to River Bend, and asks if she is still
in love with Paul. Terese replies that she is not in love with Paul, but the letters are a reminder of what once was. Roxy asks why, if that is the case,
was she so hard on Glen. Terese does not respond.
At Harold's, Yashvi and Mackenzie are discussing the wedding street party - Mackenzie says that she has Madame Zolga's tent all organised, but Yashvi
is struggling to find the centrepiece for the whole thing. Yashvi hands Mackenzie a wedding present for Toadie and Mel and Mackenzie comments that the
wrapping paper is the same as that her parents used for her wedding present when she married Hendrix. Yashvi apologises and says she did not know but
Mackenzie says it's fine and then leaves. At the next table, Chloe and Leo are discussing Leo potentially moving to New York. Leo says he wants to be
with his family but has put a lot of work into the vineyard and does not want to see this go to waste. Chloe replies that she is not the only one that
needs to consider her options.

Outside the hotel, Paul is reading the letters in the compendium when Shane, Roxy and Kyle approach him. Shane asks Paul if he wants to check out the
new proposition with him tomorrow, but Paul says he will be tied up. Shane and Kyle leave as Roxy goes to talk to Paul. She tells him that Terese read
every word in the letters and she knows Terese still loves him and he needs to do something about it before it is too late.
At the Waterhole, Glen is telling Kiri that he is hurt about Terese's response to him finding the letters. Kiri says it is time they both had an honest
conversation. Lucy comes in and tells Glen that Chris and Annie will be arriving in Erinsborough tomorrow. She would invite Glen to the family brunch but
does not want to risk him and Paul being at each other's throats. Glen says it's because he's worried Terese still has feelings for Paul, and he has
clearly got a hold over her. Terese comes in asking Glen to talk and Lucy and Kiri go for a walk to give them some privacy. Terese apologises to Glen
for having a go at him, but Glen says that actions speak louder than words. Terese tells Glen that her actions are just residue from the past and
everyone is moving on with their lives and all this will be behind them soon.


At the Penthouse the next day, Paul, Leo, Aaron, David and Lucy welcome Chris and Annie who have arrived in Erinsborough for a visit. Paul tells Chris
he has heard he has been dating the new chef at Mark's restaurant. Chris says it has been nine months three weeks and two days - not that he is counting.
Chris says he has heard the family will all be moving to New York soon and he is looking forward to spending more time with them. He tells the group he
cannot believe how much his life has changed and that Manhattan really agrees with him. Paul goes out onto the balcony and Lucy follows to check that he's
OK. Paul asks Lucy if she thinks Terese is still in love with him. Lucy says it is possible and that feelings do not just disappear, but Paul needs to
acknowledge that he treated Terese badly in the past. She thinks he should talk to Terese one last time, but Paul says he should not throw a spanner
in the works at this late stage. David begins a toast as the family gather round. He says today is a real moment with the family all being together
and that he is excited that this is a fresh start for them. He hopes Leo will visit and Leo replies he will not be visiting as he is going to move with
them too. They all cheer except Paul who is looking downhearted, clearly wondering if moving is the right thing to do.
At the 82 Tram, Kyle and Shane are chatting when Izzy walks past. Shane goes to see her and says he thought she had left town as she never called to
thank him for the gift. Izzy replies that it takes more than a toy car for her to call back. Shane asks if he can make it up to her and invites her to
brunch which she accepts, on the basis that he is paying.

At no. 24, Chloe is writing her entry into the Ramsay Street History Book and reflecting on her relationship with Elly, remembering their first kiss and
their break-up. Mackenzie and Yashvi come in, with Mackenzie insisting that she doesn't need people to hide wedding presents from her, as she'll always
have reminders of Hendrix and she just needs to live with that. Just then, a frustrated Chloe slams the book closed, and Mack asks her if she needs to
talk. Chloe says that everything she writes reminds her of Elly. Yashvi suggests that that is telling her something.
At the 82, Shane and Izzy are having brunch and discussing how Shane made his fortune. Shane tells Izzy his next project is to buy Lassiters from
Paul and explains that he knows Paul from years ago. Shane says Paul is also offering to sell the precinct, but he is not sure whether to buy it or
not. Izzy says he should snap it up as it has enormous potential which Paul was never able to see. Shane asks Izzy to show him what she means, and they
leave the 82.

At the Waterhole, Terese and Glen arrive to meet Chris, Annie, and Lucy. Chris and Terese hug and say it is great to see each other again and Chris
congratulates her on her purchase of River Bend. Lucy asks for a family photo and asks Chris to take it. As Paul looks on, Roxy approaches him asking
him when he is going to make his move, but Paul says it is already too late.
Shane and Izzy are wandering round the precinct discussing Shane's plans. Shane says he is thinking of tearing it down and putting up residential
housing, but Izzy replies that it is predictable and boring and there is already loads of accommodation in town. She says it would be better to have
something where the residents can spend their disposable cash, suggesting new shops, a brewery, an axe throwing area and an escape room experience.
Shane suggests they go for a spin so they can discuss more.

At no. 22, Terese is in the kitchen looking at paperwork when Roxy comes in. Terese explains that it's the contract to purchase River Bend. Roxy
says that, once it is signed, there is no going back, but Terese says she does not intend to change her mind. Glen comes in, with Kiri, and Terese
tells him the contract has arrived. He unenthusiastically replies that is great and walks away, as Terese goes after him. Roxy turns to Kiri and
says that none of this is right, but Kiri says that she just wants what's right for everyone.
Roxy, Kyle, Yashvi, Mackenzie, and Chloe are all sitting outside with Chris at the Waterhole. Kyle asks Chris to contribute to the Ramsay St History
Book and Chris agrees. He reflects on his time in Ramsay Street explaining that it was all about him discovering who he was. He reflects on when he
fell in love with Andrew and that coming out was not easy, but it was the support of his friends and neighbours on Ramsay Street that accepted him
and got him through it. Chloe says she knows the feeling, and has been in contact with Elly who has said she is finally ready to accept her sexuality
and wants to be with her. Mackenzie tells her that every relationship is a risk, but she should go for it and follow her heart. Roxy reminds her that
there's also the chance of happiness, and Chris says that, if Elly is telling Chloe that she's ready, then she should believe her.

At Lassiterss car park, Shane and Izzy return from their spin. Shane tells her he has named the car Bouncer and Izzy laughs that it is a terrible name.
Shane explains it is a tribute to an old mateÕs dog and if she does not like the name, she can choose the name for the second car he has bought. Izzy
asks what he plans to do with two cars, and he says he might let a mate borrow it. Izzy replies that she looks better in blue, and they kiss.
Back at no. 22, Terese and Glenn are packing up the living room in silence. Terese tells Glen that if they want to sort things out, he has got to meet
her halfway. Glen tells her she cannot keep avoiding the truth and that it is obvious she still loves Paul. He tells her that he will always be second
best and that they cannot be together as he cannot live that way. She tells him that if they slow it down, things will be fine and that she does not
have any intention of going back to Paul. Glen says Paul only ever hurt her, but he is not the one for her either and that he cannot be a part of River
Bend. Terese tells him she is truly sorry. Glen says he knows she is, but she needs to do what is right for her.

Shane and Izzy are in the car kissing. Izzy pulls away and apologises and says she should not be doing this as she is with someone she loves. Shane
says that is she was really into the other guy she would not have spent the morning flirting with him. Izzy says she must go, leaves the car, and runs
away as a shocked Kyle looks on from a distance.
Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Kiri Durant, Glen Donnelly,
Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Chloe Brennan, Mackenzie Hargreaves
Guest Cast: Peter O'Brien as Shane Ramsay,
Melissa Bell as Lucy Robinson,
James Mason as Chris Pappas,
Natalie Bassingthwaighte as Izzy Hoyland,
Olivia Junkeer as Yashvi Rebecchi,
Harlow Ireland as Annie Robinson,
Chris Milligan as Kyle Canning,
Zima Anderson as Roxy Willis
Trivia Notes
• This episode marks the return of James Mason as Chris Pappas for the first time
since 2015
• Bouncer the dog is mentioned by Shane Ramsay who has named his new car after him
• The past characters Mark Gottlieb, Andrew Robinson, Hendrix Greyson and Elly Conway are also mentioned
• Harlow Ireland takes over the role of Annie Robinson, and is the daughter of executive producer Jason Herbison
• Flashbacks of Chloe and Elly's first kiss, them breaking up, and Chris coming out to Andrew are also shown
by Darryn