Magic Moments
> 2023
> Erinsborough High Protest: Part Two
Episode 8949
by Jo Zantuck, Directed
by Kylie Robertson, Produced
by Andrew Thompson
10: 05/12/23, Amazon Freevee: 05/12/23
David helps Cara with a cut on her hand... Cara assumes that David is still a GP and he doesn't correct her... Aaron and David decide to move back to
Erinsborough... The school protest gets underway... Susan admits that her ultimate loyalty was always with the school... Jane tells Nicolette that she's
proud of her... Andrew is upset that Sadie and Wendy didn't tell him what they were planning... The protest gets out of hand... Terese's security guards
arrive and Nicolette worries that she's responsible... Terese tells Susan that she can't believe that she didn't give her any warning about the protest...
Melanie is accidentally knocked backwards down the stairs and left unconscious...
With the most of the protestors now outside again, Susan and Jane have a look around, glad that there doesn't seem to have been too much damage caused.
As Jane goes to check her office and look for Melanie who has her other set of keys, Susan is surprised to hear a familiar voice call to her from the other
end of the corridor - former Erinsborough High teacher, Tess Bell. Susan goes to greet her and Tess says that, when she heard about the school closing, she
had to come and pay one last visit to Principal Kennedy's office. She says that she's still teacher, and Susan says that she's now retired - their
conversation is watched by Terese, who looks guilty as she hears Susan say that the school means a lot to a lot of people. As she walks away, she sees
Jane crying in her office and looks even more guilty.

Meanwhile, Melanie is still lying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. She starts to wake up, clearly in a lot of pain, but then falls unconscious again.
Andrew is getting the final few protestors out of the building, with Nicolette telling them that they've made their point and she doesn't want to see anyone
get arrested. Andrew sends Toadie inside to do a final sweep of the building, then tells Wendy that she needs to leave the premises. She reminds him that
this was meant to be a peaceful protest, but Andrew points out that it didn't turn out that way. A disgusted Wendy just walks away.

Inside the school, Toadie finds Terese, who reports that Jane and Susan are dealing with the final few protestors, but she doesn't want to help them.
Toadie asks her what's wrong - Terese admits that she's angry at Susan for not warning her about the protest and for allowing her to believe that there
was hope for her friendship with Jane. She admits that she saw Jane crying in her office, then some graffiti on the lockers mentioning Piper and Ben's
names, and that the whole situation started to feel like a nightmare.
Meanwhile, Susan and Jane are chatting to Tess, with Susan saying that she can think of nobody better than Jane to lead the school in its final weeks.
Tess says that she still remembers coming to the school as a newly qualified teacher, aged 24 and having to deal with kids like Tad Reeves, remarking on
the time that he put drawing pins in her blackboard duster. They're joined by Sue Parker, who says that she managed to charm Sergeant Rodwell into letting
her inside for a few minutes. She explains that she heard about the protest over the radio and wanted to come and talk to Summer, but Susan then says that
she and Jayden must have been released from prison a while ago now. Sue clearly doesn't want to talk about that unfortunate incident, saying that it was
2018, which feels like a whole other world now. Susan isn't sure that Sue is quite the right person to talk about the school on Summer's radio show, but
Sue insists that she just wants to share some wonderful stories about Jayden's time on the school football team. She then remarks that she might be the
right person to talk to if Jane wants some tips on derailing the new development, and that they should catch up for a drink. Jane, however, sadly says that
Sue must have her mistaken for Terese Willis, and walks away.

Later, Jane is outside with Andrew, attempting to clear up some of the mess. She says that she persuaded Susan to go home, so there's nobody else to help
her. Terese and Toadie are nearby, and Terese is on the phone to Sue Parker, insisting that she doesn't want to have a meeting with her. She angrily hangs
up the phone, and tells Toadie that Sue was trying to give her help with cutting a dodgy deal with the council, like they were cut from the same cloth. As
they pass Jane, she asks if they've seen Melanie, as she appears to have gone with the spare set of keys to the school. Andrew says that he'd prefer it if
everyone was accounted for, so they all set off to look for her.
Toadie is inside, walking around the corridors and calling out Melanie's name. As he turns on the lights, he's shocked to see her lying at the bottoms of
the stairs and rushes to help. He finds her unconscious with blood on the back of her head and she starts to stir, but as Toadie calls an ambulance, she
falls unconscious again.

At no. 24, Nicolette is talking to David and Aaron about the protest, saying that it was a good and passionate turnout, and she'll have to offer to pay for
any damages. David and Aaron think that she reminded people of what's important, even if it doesn't change the situation with the school. David and Aaron
then make plans to set off for their rental property in the country, with Nicolette saying that it's typical of her to start a riot on the day they're meant
to be moving. David insists it won't be that difficult, and Aaron tells her that they'll be back to spend Christmas with everybody. Nicolette says that it
won't quite be everybody - David assumes she's talking about the split from Kiri, but Nicolette says that she just feels like it won't quite be the same
living in Erinsborough the second time around. David says that things might have worked out for them if he hadn't insisted that they leave town, but Nicolette
insists that it's all ancient history now, and they all decide that they're going to make some new history - David with his new job, Nicolette finally kicking
Byron off the golden boy pedestal, and Aaron isn't quite sure what he's going to do now.
Melanie is wheeled into the hospital's emergency department, with Remi treating her. Jane, Toadie and Terese are close behind, and they find Susan already
waiting for them. She asks what happened, and Jane says that they don't know how long she was lying there like that, and Toadie adds that she only briefly
regained consciousness. Susan takes a worried Jane to sit down, and Jane says that she doesn't understand how this could have happened. An angry Terese then
goes over and says that it happened because Jane allowed an illegal protest to take place at the school, and these are the consequences of breezing past all
of the security protocols.

On Ramsay Street, Haz is walking up and down the front lawn of no. 32, trying to find a rogue dog poo, when Aaron calls over to him, making a joke about it
and attracting the attention of Cara, who's outside washing her truck. She sees David and goes over, saying that it's quite the coincidence to see him again,
after he helped her with her injured hand. He explains that they're staying with Jane as she's their daughter's grandmother, and Cara explains that her family
just moved into no. 30. She adds that they bought it from Toadie, asking if he's David's cousin or best mate from kindergarten. Aaron says that they're just
mates and that they used to own no. 32, to which Cara adds that it would be funny if they still lived there, as there'd be three doctors in a row at
numbers 28, 30 and 32. She breaks the awkward silence by joking that it'd be a great place to have a heart attack, then goes back over to her truck.
Aaron tells David that he's going to have to be honest about being deregistered, as they're going to see the Varga-Murphys all the time now. Before David
can reply, Nicolette comes running outside and tells them about Melanie's hospitalisation.
At the hospital, Jane is sitting by an unconscious Melanie's bed, while Remi looks over her notes. She explains to Jane that it's a high-grade concussion
and she's sending Melanie for a CAT scan as soon as possible, and she'll also need a shoulder reconstruction. Jane feels responsible, as Melanie was only
at the school because of her, but Remi reassures her that Mel is in the right place now. Mel then opens her eyes, confused about what's going on, and Remi
tells her that she's in hospital and they're taking good care of her. Mel says that she was trying to help with the protestors but a security guard knocked
her over, and Jane looks very annoyed.

Meanwhile, Nell arrives in the waiting room, deeply concerned about Melanie. Toadie checks that Hugo is still with Mackenzie, and both he and Terese suggest
that Nell might be happier waiting at home. Nell says that she isn't a baby and she needs to know what's going on. Just then, Jane comes out of Melanie's
room and explains that Melanie is awake and seems like herself, but she needs a CAT scan and shoulder reconstruction. She then tells a horrified Terese that
it was one of her security guards who caused the accident and that they shouldn't have been there, pushing people around.
A little later, Terese and Toadie are talking privately in one of the hospital corridors. Terese says that the protest was irresponsible, but she can't
believe that one of her security team assaulted Melanie on her payroll. Toadie says that it just sounds like a terrible accident and that playing the blame
game isn't going to help anyone. He points out that more people might have been hurt if the guards hadn't been there, and he goes back to the waiting room,
as Susan joins Terese. Terese says that they're worried about Nell feeling like she has to be at the hospital, and Susan says that she's worried about Terese
too. Terese says that she's beginning to realise that she was so focused on her own development that she ignored the feelings of so many people, including
herself, about how much the school meant to them, and now Melanie's hurt. Susan hugs her.

At no. 24, Nicolette thinks she should go to the hospital and do something to help, but Aaron points out that they need to set off, otherwise it'll be
getting dark and there'll be kangaroos on the roads. Nicolette, however, is determined to go to the hospital, telling David and Aaron to throw her possessions
in some bin bags. They tell her that they're happy to do that, but she needs to stop beating herself up over Melanie's accident.
As they prepare for their journey, David and Aaron stop in at Lassiters to get a coffee for the road. As they pull into the car park, Aaron spots Cara and
suggests that David should go and speak to her, as it's going to weigh on him if he doesn't. He agrees and he goes over to Cara as she's loading up her truck,
and says that, as he and Aaron are moving back too Ramsay Street, he needs to explain something to her - he used to be a doctor, but he isn't anymore. She's
accepting of this, and doesn't ask any questions as he says that he's moving into a new phase of his career. Cara then says that it'll be great to have
another set of queer parents on the street and that they should come over for dinner. A happier David then walks back over to Aaron, who says that he's
proud of him.

Back at the hospital, Remi is doing some more checks on Melanie, as a concerned-looking Toadie walks past her room. As Remi continues her checks, Melanie
sees Toadie and gets upset, saying that he shouldn't be there. As Melanie becomes increasingly agitated, Remi tries to calm her down, as Toadie rushes out
of view.

Later, Toadie tells Terese that he thinks he should leave, as he doesn't want to risk upsetting Melanie. He tells Nell that they need to go, but she doesn't
want to. Toadie says that Susan and Jane can update them with any news, as they're already doing the same for Wendy, but Nell is insistent that she won't
go until she's seen Melanie. Jane doesn't think they'll allow any visitors at this time of night, but Nell says that she and Mel are practically family,
which brings an uncomfortable look to the faces of both Toadie and Terese. Susan then quickly comes up with a compromise - she's going to be staying for
another hour or two, so could bring Nell home with her, as it's not a school night. Toadie agrees to this, then Nicolette comes in and Jane hugs her. Just
as Nicolette is starting to say that she's to blame for all of this, an alarm starts sounding and Remi rushes out of Mel's room and shouts that there's a
code blue. Melanie has suffered a bleed on the brain and her friends can only watch on helplessly as the medical staff wheel her away for surgery.
Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris, Melanie Pearson, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka,
Isla Tanaka-Brennan, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Haz Devkar, Nell Rebecchi
Guest Cast:
Krista Vendy as Teresa 'Tess' Bell,
Kate Gorman as Sue Parker
Trivia Notes
• Krista Vendy is incorrectly credited as playing Sue Parker, while
Kate Gorman is incorrectly credited as playing Teresa 'Tess' Bell
• Past characters Kiri Durant, Tad Reeves, Piper Willis and Ben Kirk are mentioned
by Steve