Magic Moments
> 2023
> Erinsborough High Protest: Part One
Episode 8948
by Elizabeth Packett, Directed
by Harry Lloyd, Produced
by Andrew Thompson
10: 04/12/23, Amazon Freevee: 04/12/23
Susan hopes that Terese and Jane will be able to repair their friendship one day... Jane says that she can't continue on the emotional rollercoaster of the
school closure any longer... Susan says that she'll be supportive if Karl wants to work for Terese... Wendy admits that she's happy not to tell Andrew about
the protest... Nicolette says that they can't tell Jane as she'll probably inform the police... Susan is surprised to run into Summer Hoyland... Summer agrees
to do a live podcast from the protest... Nicolette asks Susan not to tell Jane about the protest...
At no. 26, Susan tells Nicolette, Wendy and Sadie that she admires their passion but she isn't sure that she can stay quiet about this. She says that this
could ruin any chance of Jane and Terese repairing their friendship, and the odds are against it having any kind of effect on whether the school stays open.
She also says that it could lead to a lot of trouble, but Wendy thinks it's worth the risk. As Nicolette begins to wonder if there's another reason why Susan
wants the school to stay closed, Andrew arrives home, unaware of what he's walking into. He says that he left his lunch at home and, as he goes to grab it,
Wendy says that they're all just catching up, as Nicolette, Aaron and David are moving back to Erinsborough. Andrew says that they should throw a barbie to
celebrate and he leaves again. Wendy then points out that Susan didn't say anything to Andrew about the protest and asks if that means she's going to stay
quiet, but she just puts her hands up and walks out.

Outside no. 26, a little later, as she, Wendy and Sadie put their supplies in the car, Nicolette is explaining what she was hinting at earlier - Karl has
been offered a job at Terese's retirement home, so the Kennedys have good reason to want the school to close. They all get in the car and head to school,
but as they drive off, Jane is outside and sees the three of them together, wondering what's going on.
At no. 24, Chloe is catching up with Aaron and David, asking where they're going to stay now they're moving back. Aaron says that Jane is very keen to have
them live with her, and they all reminisce about when it was the 'House of Brennan'. Aaron asks Chloe if she has any news, and how Elly is doing, but Chloe
seems reluctant to say much, and is interrupted by Jane coming in. She says that she still plans to go and see Melanie, but she's confused about what she's
just seen, wondering when Nicolette became friends with Wendy and Sadie. Chloe admits that it sounds like a weird combination and she can't think of much
they'd have in common.


At the school, people are starting to gather for the protest. Sadie is surprised to see Holly there, saying that she thought she'd be with Haz, as they're
inseparable now. As they chat, Summer spots Holly and runs over for a hug, saying that they'll catch up properly later. She then goes over to Wendy and
Nicolette, asking how much trouble she's in, and they realise that she's the one who told Susan. They tell her it's fine, and as long as she's got her
producer with her and is ready to give the protest some publicity, then all is forgiven. Summer says that she's ready to do some interviews and then Brett
Stark appears, getting the crowd whipped up with a 'Save Our School' chant. Wendy hands a megaphone to Nicolette, who thanks everyone for coming. The people
in the crowd - including Melissa Jarrett, Michelle Scully and Marty Muggleton - cheer and clap, and Nicolette tells them that Summer will be doing interviews
for her show, so if anyone has any good stories from their time at Erinsborough High, to register with Wendy or Sadie.
A little later, Wendy is taking down the details of Melissa, who tells her about her when she was a student at Erinsborough High and her close friendships
with Todd, Cody and Josh. She says that they were very close, like 'swapping partners kinda close' and Wendy gives an awkward laugh. Meanwhile, Sadie is
taking information from Marty, who says that she knows who he is as he used to teach her. She says that she needs to make it all official, so he gives her
his name and job title. Wendy is now taking information from Brett Stark, who says that he went to the school with his sister Danni and was friends with
Malcolm and Libby Kennedy. He thinks that Wendy might know their mum, Susan, and she smiles and nods.

A little later, Summer is pleased with all the people who've signed up to be interviewed by her, but says that she'd like to kick things off with an
interview with Nicolette, who's a little reluctant but decides to go ahead with it.
Susan is sitting in Harolds, wondering what to do, when she gets a text from Karl, confirming that he's going to accept Terese's job offer. Meanwhile,
Melanie and Jane come in, with Melanie happily telling Jane that, with Krista co-operating, she might not have to face the drugs charges in the UK, and
it's all thanks to her new lawyer, who's doing a great job. Jane is pleased, but the conversation is cut short by Aaron, who comes running in, having been
listening to the radio, and he tells Jane about the protest and Nicolette's interview. Susan then comes over and says that Wendy and Sadie are involved too,
and they made her promise not to say anything. Jane is worried about all of the people at the school, and the lack of permit for the protest, and Melanie
says that Terese already has the bulldozers lined up, so the protest is unlikely to achieve anything. Aaron then plays them the next interview, with Michelle
Scully, and Susan smiles to herself as she listens to what she has to say.

Summer asks Michelle about her time at Erinsborough High. Michelle admits that she was very badly bullied when she first arrived but the principal at the
time, Susan Kennedy, was amazing and taught her a lot about resilience and perseverance. She says that the bullying stopped when she stood up for herself,
thanks to Susan's advice, and that experience has set her up for life - she's never been a victim again and she knows how to stand up for herself.
As they listen to the end of the interview, with Michelle talking about standing up for what you believe in, Jane decides that she's going to go and join
in with the protest, with Melanie offering to join her. Jane then asks Susan if she wants to come too, saying that she understands if her loyalty is with
Terese and Karl's new job. Susan says that her ultimate loyalty has always been with the school, so Jane asks her to prove it.

Back at the protest, Summer is now interviewing Melissa Jarrett, who says that her time at Erinsborough High was all about friendships. She says that she
had three really close friends and Summer asks if she's still friends with these people now. Melissa explains that Todd and Cody both died tragically young,
only a few years apart, but that intense grief brought her closer to her other best friend, Josh Anderson, and they've now been married for twenty years.
Summer is now interviewing Brett Stark, talking about how he's had quite an adventurous life since leaving Erinsborough and he now lives in Africa. He
explains that he lives in Tanzania with his wife where they run a not-for-profit which is about providing solar power to remote communities. He says that,
if it weren't for Erinsborough High, he wouldn't be there now, going on to tell Summer about the trip he took to Africa with Susan when he was a student...

Summer interviews Marty Muggleton, who says that he's been teaching at the school for five years, but says that he could easily get another job and that
male teachers in general are 'hot commodities' so Summer asks him why he's bothering to protest. He tells her that the simple answer is that he doesn't want
to teach somewhere else. He says that they've just got a great new principal, Jane Harris, who's stern but fair, serious but funny, and she shouted the
drinks at the Christmas party.
As Marty's interview is finishing up, Jane, Susan and Melanie drive into the car park, smiling as they listen to Marty's compliments about Jane. They then
notice the protestors crowded around the entrance to the school and Melanie and Jane go to join them. Susan remains in the car, saying that she just wants
to phone Karl.

As Melanie and Jane go to join in, Wendy and Nicolette spot and them, immediately concerned that Jane has arrived to put an end to the protest. Jane tells
them that she's actually come to be one of the protestors, having heard all of the stories on the radio. Melanie excitedly goes over to say hello to Melissa,
while Jane tells Nicolette that she could not be more proud of her for organising all of this. Aaron then turns up, with David and Chloe in tow, and Jane
looks around and smiles to herself.
Toadie and Terese are leaving the Waterhole, and they see a 'For Lease' sign on her old office in the complex. Toadie hopes this means that Paul has
accepted that she won't be moving back in there, but Terese thinks that anything's possible where Paul is concerned. Toadie then thinks he's spotted
Michelle Scully coming out of Harolds and goes onto social media to check if it was her. He tells Terese about how she's living in the US now, married to
a chef and running a very successful restaurant. He's surprised when he sees that she's back in town for the protest, showing Terese his phone before they
both rush off.

Back at the school, the police have arrived, as a concerned Susan watches from her car.
Andrew, Toadie and Terese join the crowds, asking Jane if she's in charge of the protest. She says that she isn't, but she wholeheartedly supports it.
Terese asks what she's hoping to achieve as the sale of the land has already gone through, but Jane says that she isn't surprised to see that Terese's
first reaction was to call the police. Nicolette, Wendy and Sadie then come over, taking responsibility for the protest and a disappointed Andrew takes
his wife and daughter to one side for a chat. Wendy admits that she didn't tell Andrew because she didn't want him to be compromised, but there was also
a part of her that enjoyed keeping a secret from him. Andrew asks why he's still being punished for all that, but Wendy says nothing and walks away. Andrew
looks to Sadie for answers, and she says that she doesn't have a grudge against him, but this is about the school for her, as they took her in when she
really needed them. She says that Erinsborough High saved her, so she's going to try and do the same.

As the protest starts to pick up, Summer is reporting that things seem to be getting a little out of hand since the police arrived. A group of protestors
is trying to break down the doors and Terese shouts over to warn Andrew. He goes down to try and control the crowd, but the police are outnumbered, so
Terese decides to call her security team, as Nicolette tries in vain to get everyone to calm down and avoid causing any damage. The police are unable to
stop the crowd from pouring in as the doors break open, and Susan, still watching from her car, gets out and rushes over.
As Melanie and Jane stand in the entrance, wondering how they're going to get all of these people out of the building, they're joined by Susan, who asks
what she can do to help. Jane is worried, but says that if the protest is successful, Terese can still build her retirement home, she'll just have to do
it somewhere else, as Melanie points out. She adds that Harold can still move back to Erinsborough and she can still repair her friendship with Terese.
They're joined by Andrew, who says that back-up is on its way but it might take a while. Terese's team of security guards then arrive and one of them,
Neil, explains that she has a contract with them to patrol these grounds. Jane remarks that it's typical of Terese to have her own army, and Andrew sends
the guards off to start rounding up the crowds. He then sends Jane and Susan off to check that all of the interior doors are locked, to stop people from
spreading any further into the building.

Richie Amblin is showing a group around, telling them about the time they all protested over Mackenzie's right to use the female bathrooms. They're
spotted by Terese and Toadie and she calls out to security, who try to take Richie away but he just lies down on the ground, so they pull him out by
his feet. As he goes, he sees Toadie and Terese and says that he can't believe they're destroying the school, as they used to be cool. Toadie and Melanie
then spot each other, and she quickly leaves to go and help somewhere else. Terese, meanwhile, looks upset as she sees Susan and Jane letting themselves
into the principal's office.
Inside the office, Susan admits that she can't believe how many old faces have turned out for the protest. Terese then appears in the doorway, asking if
this is how Susan and Jane are expecting to repair their friendships with her. Susan says that she still hopes that things can be fixed but an emotional
Terese tells them that, after this betrayal, they've set things back. She then leaves, as Jane suggests that she and Susan go and check some of the

Meanwhile, outside, Summer is still reporting on the protest, telling her listeners that things are getting out of control, and it can't be helping
their cause. Nicolette is frustrated by the negative spin that Summer is putting on things, but Chloe, Aaron and David assure her that it's really not
that bad. Nicolette then watches as the police try to prevent more protestors from getting inside the building, wondering what on earth she's done.
Terese finds some students inside a classroom, telling them to get out and take their stuff with them. As they all leave, Susan joins Terese, saying
that she can see that she's angry. Terese admits that she's always known that Susan was on the side of the school, but she can't forgive her for joining
this protest and for not giving her any warning about it. Susan says that it all happened very quickly but admits that she could still have called Terese
and told her. As Terese leaves to focus her energy on securing the building, Jane joins Susan, who isn't convinced when she's told that she did her best
to be a good friend to both of them. Susan says that this is the first time she's been inside the school since she cleared out her desk, and it was always
hard to try and save the school when it still brought up so many emotions for her.

Neil the security guard is showing people out of the building. He gets into a tussle with Marty Muggleton, but as they're arguing they both fail to notice
that they've knocked Melanie backwards down a flight of stairs. She's left lying unconscious on the ground as the lights are turned out.
Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy,
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Aaron Brennan,
David Tanaka, Holly Hoyland
Guest Cast:
Jordy Lucas as Summer Hoyland,
April Rose Pengilly as Chloe Brennan,
Jade Amenta as Melissa Jarrett,
Brett Blewitt as Brett Stark,
Nikolai Egel as Marty Muggleton,
Kate Keltie as Michelle Scully,
Lach Millar as Richie Amblin,
Steven Oktaras as Neil Martello
Trivia Notes
• Jade Amenta appears as Melissa Jarrett for the first time since 1991
• Brett Blewitt appears as Brett Stark for the first time since
a cameo appearance in 2005
• Kate Keltie appears as Michelle Scully for the first time since 2004
• Nikolai Egel (misspelt as Nikoli Egel for this episode) returns as
teacher Marty Muggleton, having last appeared in 2020
• Lach Millar (previously credited as Lachie Millar) returns as
Richie Amblin, having last appeared in 2021
• Past characters Mal Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Cody Willis,
Todd Landers, Josh Anderson, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully, Elly Conway and Danni Stark are mentioned
• Brett incorrectly refers to Danni as his twin sister
by Steve