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Magic Moments > 2023 > The 2023 Season Finale Episode 8963

Written by Daniel Papas, Directed by Iain Barret, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 28/12/23, Amazon Freevee: 28/12/23

Melanie is feeling hopeful about the outcome of her legal problems, now that she has a new lawyer... Melanie tells Terese that Paul cut a deal with a councillor... Terese angrily confronts Paul about his actions... Leo is impressed with the way Krista does business with a wealthy client... Leo tells Krista that he's happy to listen whenever she needs to talk... Elly proposes to Chloe... Elly says that Aster is excited about the wedding... Chloe tells Terese how happy she is... Chloe realises that she can't walk in heels due to her Huntington's symptoms and won't be able to walk down the aisle...

A tearful Chloe sits in the back garden on no. 22, looking down at her shoes next to her. Elly comes running in to find her and Chloe tells her that she looks beautiful, and that she loves her shoes. Elly says that Chloe looks breathtaking, but a disappointed Chloe says that she wanted to be, and she wanted the day to be perfect. She tells Elly that she knew these sorts of symptoms were coming, but she didn't expect it to get this bad so quickly. Elly crouches down next to her and tells her to stop and breathe. Chloe explains about the shoes and how she can't even stand up in them, but at least that means there'll be more room on her side of the closet. Elly says that neither of them needs to be thinking about this stuff today, and Terese then joins them and says that the wedding car is outside and ready. Chloe tells them that she only has her ugg boots with her, and her other shoes at the hotel have heels, so Elly takes her own shoes off and says that they can be barefoot brides together. They stand up together, Elly says that they look perfect and Chloe smiles.


At no. 28, Melanie is finishing getting ready for the wedding, when Jane calls in to see if she's ready to go. Jane helps her to put on her necklace, but then Melanie's mood changes as she gets a message from her lawyer - she and Krista have been summoned to a meeting to discuss extradition over the UK charges. She says that she knows that she and Paul are facing local charges, but she'd hoped that the stuff that happened in the UK would go away. She asks Jane to send her apologies, as she no longer feels like attending the wedding. Jane wonders if the wedding might be a good distraction, but Melanie tells her that the interview is tomorrow, so she needs to speak to her lawyer as soon as possible.

The wedding guests are gathered at the Erinsborough Pavilion, as Karl arrives, telling Susan that Holly wanted to come, but wasn't up to it. He shows Susan a message from Jemima, his half-sister who performed David and Aaron's wedding at the same pavilion, with her top ten tips for performing a same sex wedding. Meanwhile, Krista is sitting with David, saying that this ceremony is far more romantic and intimate than some of the productions she's had to attend over the years. She then gets the same message as Melanie, telling her about potential extradition to the UK, describing it as 'a bit of a downer' and joking that she'll have to catch the bouquet to make up for it.


The brides then arrive and both get out of the same car, with Toadie asking them what happened to the tradition of not seeing each other before the ceremony. Chloe insists that they'd already had enough surprises for one day, and they're joined by Nicolette and Aster. After lots of hugs and kisses, Nicolette tells them how happy she is for them, and Paul comes over to wish them both well too. Terese then checks if they're both ready, and everyone goes to take their seats as Elly and Chloe look at each other and smile.

Aster throws petals down the aisle as Chloe and Elly follow her. They join celebrant Susan and their guests all take their seats as she begins:
"Welcome everyone to this momentous occasion. The wedding of Chloe and Elly. I've been lucky enough to be a part of many unions over the years but this one, this one makes my heart sing."
Elly then shares her vows:
"Chloe, I will support you, hold you and harbour you. I will hide you when you want to be hidden and show you off when you don't. I promise to love you and celebrate you every single day. I will never, ever forget how lucky I am that you are my one."
Chloe speaks next:
"I vow to love you, Elly Conway. I promise to love you ferociously, veraciously and outrageously, for as long as our forever lasts. I want to make it count."




Karl and Aaron then give the rings to Aster, who hands them to Elly and Chloe. They exchange rings and Susan declares that they are married. They kiss, as everyone stands and claps for them.

At Harolds, Melanie is meeting with Lorraine, her lawyer, who tells her that there's a lot of attention on perceived favouritism in the UK courts, so there'll be a media frenzy if Krista appears in court. Melanie worries that this means that she has little chance of avoiding prison time, but Lorraine says that's not necessarily the case, and that the UK government will use tomorrow's interviews to decide if they want Melanie and Krista to be extradited. She says that the need to persuade the interviewers that Melanie is an upstanding citizen who just got caught up in a messy situation with a powerful family, and that some persuasive character references will help. Melanie says that she can get a doctor, a school principal and an ex-school principal, and Lorraine says that she's lucky to have Jarrod Rebecchi in her corner, as a reference from a lawyer will be useful too. Melanie doesn't look too sure, but says that she's going to make this work, as she has no intention of going back to jail.


Back at the wedding, Jane and Karl are congratulating Chloe, who says that Jane and Mike will be the next ones down the aisle. Jane says that, if their ceremony is half as lovely as Chloe and Elly's, then she'll be very happy. Nicolette brings the drinks over, saying that she's been teaching the bar staff how to make Chlojitos, and Jane decides that she needs to come up with a signature cocktail for her own wedding. She and Karl suggest a Janetini, a Jana Colada and a Janearita, before Chloe and Nicolette leave them to go and find Elly. Karl then suggests a Janey Wallbanger, but thankfully the conversation is interrupted by Melanie's arrival. They're pleased to see her, and she says that she has some hope after seeing her lawyer, but asks if both Jane and Karl can give her a character reference by the following day, which they agree to. Nell and Hugo then drag Melanie off to dance with them.

Later, many of the guests are dancing, as Nicolette tells David that she's going to get some food, as she wants to be fuelled up to catch both bouquets. David is surprised to hear that she's hoping to get married, but Nicolette says that she's just interested in winning. Meanwhile, Krista approaches Melanie and says that she's sorry about the mess they've found themselves in with the interviews tomorrow. Mel insists that, just for today, they're both going to be 'happy happy joy joy' and not worry about it. Nell overhears and, when Krista is gone, she asks Melanie about the interview. Mel explains that she might be extradited to the UK but she's going to get some character references to persuade the judge that she's a good person. Nell asks if she's approached Toadie and Terese, and goes off to do it herself, but Mel stops her, insisting that she isn't comfortable with the idea.


Later, Elly and Chloe are preparing to make their speeches. They thank everyone for coming, and Elly jokes about how Chloe not only stole her heart but also her clothes, her make-up and every avocado she tried to hide at the back of the fridge. Elly says that it's worth it though, and Chloe explains that she had trouble writing her own vows, partly because she smushed banana into her keyboard, but also because she loves Elly more than words can express.

Aaron, Karl and Susan then gives their speeches. Aaron talks about how tradition dictates that a best man shares embarrassing stories, saying that he'll begin in 2010 with boys and hair.


Karl says that there isn't much he can say about Elly, but there's plenty he can sing, and he pulls out a guitar, much to the brides' horror.

Susan says that Elly has become like a daughter to her and Karl, and Chloe is well on the way.


Karl continues his terrible song, as Chloe and Elly look on in shock.

Aaron describes Chloe and Elly as 'unbreakable' and Susan calls them a 'dream' and everyone then raises a toast to them.



Karl concludes his song with the line: 'A queen and her queen'

At the Waterhole later, David tells Aaron that everyone should get married at the pavilion, so they can relive their own wedding over and over again. Aaron says that all he needs to do to relive the wedding is to kiss his husband. Meanwhile, Krista comes in and Leo asks her how it went with her lawyers - she says that they just said lots of long words and that it's killed her vibe so she's going back to her room. She decides not to disturb David, so Leo offers to go for a coffee with her instead.

Back at the wedding reception, David completely ignores Paul as he walks past him, while Chloe presents Elly with a new cocktail - the Ellojito. Nicolette is unimpressed to overhear that their couple name is Elloe. Terese approaches Melanie and thanks her for speaking up about Paul and Anthony Marin, telling her that her actions might just have saved the project. Melanie looks pleased with herself, until Terese walks off and kisses Toadie, and Mel looks upset.

At Harolds, Krista is telling Leo how she doesn't want to end up in jail, but she really doesn't want all of the sordid details from her past to become public knowledge in Australia, so that her child can read it all one day. Leo points out that she was only a child herself when she made most of those mistakes, and Krista explains that her lawyers are going to use that defence too - plus they want to mention her pregnancy, feeling that it'll add to the sympathy vote. She's worried about Eden finding out, so Leo suggests that she prepare for the worst - him finding out - and work her way back from there, so she'll have a strategy in place if he does. Krista is clearly touched as Leo says that she's smart and strong enough to face anything.


Back at the wedding reception, David completely ignores Paul as he walks past him, while Chloe presents Elly with a new cocktail - the Ellojito. Nicolette is unimpressed to overhear that their couple name is Elloe. Terese approaches Melanie and thanks her for speaking up about Paul and Anthony Marin, telling her that her actions might just have saved the project. Melanie looks pleased with herself, until Terese walks off and kisses Toadie, and Mel looks upset.

At Harolds, Krista is telling Leo how she doesn't want to end up in jail, but she really doesn't want all of the sordid details from her past to become public knowledge in Australia, so that her child can read it all one day. Leo points out that she was only a child herself when she made most of those mistakes, and Krista explains that her lawyers are going to use that defence too - plus they want to mention her pregnancy, feeling that it'll add to the sympathy vote. She's worried about Eden finding out, so Leo suggests that she prepare for the worst - him finding out - and work her way back from there, so she'll have a strategy in place if he does. Krista is clearly touched as Leo says that she's smart and strong enough to face anything.



Back at the wedding, Aster suggests drying some of the flowers, so that they can be 'forever' flowers, just like Chloe and Elly. Elly thinks it's the sweetest thing she's ever heard, until Aster adds that Susan told her to say it. Elly and Chloe prepare to leave, telling Susan and Aster that they'll see them the following day before they all fly off - Chloe and Elly on their honeymoon, and Susan back to Sydney with Aster. As Elly and Chloe approach their wedding car, they see that Nicolette has sprayed 'Chelly' across the back window, telling them that it's a much better couple name than 'Elloe'. Chloe is delighted with it, and they get in the car as everyone waves them off. Nicolette then reminds everyone that there's still an open bar and all go back into the marquee, though David remains behind, unimpressed to see a text from Leo explaining that he went for tea with Krista.

Later that evening, at no. 22, Toadie, Terese and the kids arrive home. The adults are joking about Toadie going into the bonbonniere business for weddings, when Nell suddenly blurts out that Melanie needs character witnesses to stop her being extradited. Terese says that Mel didn't say anything at the wedding and Toadie adds that she's probably already got plenty of people lined up. Nell thinks that they could both still help, and that Terese owes Mel after she told them the truth about the council vote. Toadie is unimpressed to learn that Mel talked to Nell about this at the wedding and Terese sends the kids upstairs to get changed. Toadie is furious that Mel couldn't speak to him directly and went through Nell, saying that she's well and truly crossed a line.


Krista and Leo are in the hotel foyer and, as the lift arrives, she thanks him for listening to her. She kisses him on the cheek and goes, and Leo is smiling to himself as David turns up. He wants to know what's been going on, insisting that it should have been his job if she needed to talk about something. Leo insists that everything's fine and that Krista wanted David to be able to relax at the wedding reception. As Leo starts to heap praise on Krista, David reminds him that an addict shouldn't start a relationship within a year of their recovery and says that Leo could completely derail her recovery if he tries to start something. Leo tells David to save his breath and that there's nothing going on, but David clearly isn't convinced.

At no. 22, Hugo and Nell are waiting to watch a movie, and Terese says that they should let Toadie pick this one. Terese finds Toadie in the kitchen and asks what he's doing, looking unimpressed when he says that he's working on the reference that Melanie so desperately wants.


At no. 24, Jane and Nicolette arrive home, the former having had far too much to drink, but deciding that she quite likes the idea of a 'Janey Wallbanger' and is going to make one for a nightcap. Nicolette, meanwhile, is distracted by a key that she finds in a pair of shoes on the doorstep. She asks Jane if it belongs to her, but Jane says that it doesn't, and that it's a strange place to leave a key. Nicolette holds up the key, looking worried...

Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Paul Robinson, Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Krista Sinclair, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Leo Tanaka

Guest Cast: April Rose Pengilly as Chloe Brennan, Jodi Gordon as Elly Conway, Amelia Gavin as Aster Conway, Faran Martin as Lorraine Schmitt

Trivia Notes
• Although not strictly a season finale, as there was no break in broadcasts, this was the final episode to be shown in 2023
• This episode also marks the wedding of Chloe Brennan and Elly Conway, and the end of guests stints for both April Rose Pengilly and Jodi Gordon

Summary by Steve

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