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Magic Moments > 2024 > Sky's Return Episode 9070

Written by Stephanie Carter, Directed by Scott Major, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 03/07/24, Amazon Freevee: 03/07/24

Terese tells JJ that Jasmine's confessed to stealing the items from Eirini Rising, putting him in the clear... Toadie returns home from Colac... The passion returns to Toadie and Terese's marriage, and he gives her the nickname of Swordfish... Student Quinn assumes that Wendy isn't that much older than the other students and she doesn't correct him... Aaron is freaked out by a memory of David whilst with Logan and he asks him to leave... Aaron apologises to Logan... Logan looks at Aaron and David's wedding photos... Remi tells Victor that his cancer is in full remission... Vic realises that he can no longer afford to invest in Yorokobi... Vic thanks Jane for the time they've had to reconnect... Nicolette and Byron find letters from their dad and realise that he's done a runner...

At no. 32, Byron and Nicolette are reading the letters and she's relieved to learn that Vic is no longer dying, but Byron tells her to read the rest of the letter. As she does, she realises that Vic is pulling out of the Yorokobi deal, and Byron says that now that they're father isn't dying, he needs the money for himself. Byron says that he's too gutless to tell them to their faces, but Nicolette can't believe he'd do that and tries to call him to find out what's going on. She doesn't get a reply and Byron tells his sister that Vic has gone.


At the Waterhole, Terese says that she's going to order the swordfish, leading to her and Toadie laughing and kissing, whilst their dining companions, Andrew and Wendy, look on awkwardly. A hungover Wendy says that she wishes she could go back to bed, then they all spot Leo bringing in a delivery from the vineyard. He says that things are improving since Gavin Bowman got charged and that Vic is buying into the vineyard for Byron and Nicolette. They're all very pleased for them, just as Jane comes in looking for her glasses. She tells Leo that she left them behind when they were celebrating the vineyard deal earlier and, as he leaves, she rejects a call from Mike. She then goes over to Terese and asks if they could have a meeting later, as she's forming an idea to improve things between the school and Eirini Rising. She suggests a meeting between all of them, like a victim and offender mediation, but less formal. Terese isn't sure, but Andrew thinks that it could be good for everyone to talk and get to know each other, so Terese tells Jane that they'll meet to discuss it later.

At the pavilion, Cara and Remi are ordering drinks at the truck, when Logan appears and Remi immediately thinks that they've met before. Logan doesn't seem to know her, saying that he does get asked that a lot, so he must have one of those faces. He explains that he was living up the coast until he met Melanie a few days ago, so Remi accepts this, and she and Cara go to wait for their drinks, leaving Logan looking worried.


At Eirini Rising, Toadie has come to find out when Terese will be home, telling her that dinner will be waiting for her. Karl and Susan then walk in, talking about the residents' rep election, which is the following day. Karl explains that Moira Tohu, one of the candidates, has been going on at him about two pot plants that she claims have been stolen from her room. Terese says that the kids have been caught, so there surely can't have been another theft, but Karl says that, whatever the case, Moira is very unnerved. During this whole conversation, Harold's granddaughter Sky has been listening from outside. She knocks and says hello to everyone, receiving hugs from Toadie, Karl and Susan. She explains that this was an impromptu visit, but Harold isn't in his studio and he isn't answering his phone either. Susan remembers that he's out on an excursion, but tells Sky that she's welcome to wait, so they all sit down for a catch-up.

At no. 24, Jane is looking over the letters that Vic left for Byron and Nicolette, surprised that he didn't say anything to her before going. Nicolette points out that he left $20,000 for each of them, but Byron says that doesn't make up for any of this, after all of his talk about family and legacy. Jane agrees, saying that Vic has always liked to promise the world, then run away when it all gets too hard. Nicolette doesn't understand what was so hard, and says that him being in remission was such good news and he could have stayed and shared that with them. Jane becomes upset, admitting that she should never have let Vic back into their lives, but Byron stops her and says that Vic is the only person to blame for any of this.


Back at Eirini Rising, Sky has been filling them in on her life in Port Douglas, and Susan is amazed to hear that Kerry is in year 12. Sky tells them about how she's still enjoying the police work, but then Toadie says that he has to get to a meeting, telling Sky that he hopes that they can see more of each other while she's in town. Once he's gone, Sky admits that she didn't just turn up for a random visit - she's worried about Harold and all of the thefts he's experienced since moving in. Susan assures her that the culprits have been caught and the police are dealing with them, so everything is under control. Sky isn't so sure, telling them that she heard them talking about another theft when she arrived, but Terese insists that they don't yet know what happened there. Sky, however, is worried that this whole situation is a lot worse than they're letting on.

Back at the Waterhole, food isn't helping with Wendy's hangover and Andrew accidentally insults her by suggesting that her brain is now older and can't cope with all the late nights. As he scrambles to try and explain what he means, Aaron brings him a glass of bourbon, the smell of which makes Wendy run off to be sick. At the next table, Cara angrily slams her laptop shut and Andrew asks if everything's alright. She tells him that she's struggling to set up the new digital thermostat for the cool room, and she can't seem to keep up with the tech as it all changes so quickly. Aaron suggests that she could do an IT course at the uni, with Andrew adding that she could ask Wendy if she knows anything - but probably another day when she's feeling better.


At no. 32, Sadie joins Byron outside, saying that she can't believe that Vic has done this. Byron admits that he thought things would be different this time - no more messing around, no more lies - and now he feels stupid for falling for it. Sadie says that Byron just wanted to think the best of his dad, and that Nicolette hoping that he'll come back is her also wanting to see the best in him. Byron believes that Nic just needs to face up to the fact that Vic is a selfish coward, adding that he didn't want the $20,000, but Vic always made everything about money. He then suddenly realises that Leo probably doesn't even know that the deal is off.

At Lassiters, Leo walks over to the Drinks Divas van, where Aaron is already ordering from Melanie and Logan. Logan spots Leo and clearly recognises him, but Leo starts chatting to them about the vineyard deal and doesn't seem to know Logan when Melanie introduces him. As they all joke about flattering Leo to get free booze from the vineyard, Logan gives Leo another strange look before turning around to continue chopping the fruit.


At Eirini Rising, Susan and Terese are explaining how they've been dealing with the thefts by students, and Jane's idea of a casual mediation session between the residents and students. Sky is grateful to them for explaining everything, but she doesn't feel like the school and retirement home being so close together is a good idea. Susan insists that these are just teething problems as it's such a new concept. Karl then receives a text from Moira, who's found her missing pot plants in her shower, where she'd put them to water them. Sky is still worried, so Terese suggests that she come along to the meeting with Jane later, where they're going to plan the mediation.

At the Waterhole, Sadie has been telling her parents about Vic's disappearance. Wendy doesn't understand why he wouldn't want to stay if he had found out he was in remission, but Andrew thinks that maybe his family only mattered to him because he thought he was dying. Sadie explains that Byron and Nic have gone to tell Leo what's happened, while Wendy struggles to sit next to Andrew while he's drinking bourbon, so she moves over to Cara's table. Cara quickly shuts her laptop, not wanting Wendy to see that she was looking into IT courses. Wendy apologises if she was interrupting something, but Cara lies that she was researching manuals to fix the thermostat.


Byron and Nicolette arrive at the vineyard, and she wants to put it off for another day, but Byron says that they need to tell him as soon as possible, and show him the respect that Vic couldn't. Leo excitedly greets them, telling them that he's found a really nice spot for their first official meeting. As he walks off, Nicolette and Byron awkwardly follow.

At Harolds, Aaron is buying lunch as Logan and Melanie walk in with a box of fruit. Logan attempts a terrible lemon-related pun, which Aaron doesn't get, then pretends to find funny when it's explained to him. As Aaron leaves, Melanie asks Logan if he has a thing for Aaron. She points out all of the flirty banter, and says that Aaron is still grieving for David, at which point Logan insists that he isn't planning to propose or anything. Melanie tells him that she just doesn't want things to get uncomfortable and Logan agrees, so he says that he'll keep it in the friend zone from now on.


Back at the vineyard, Leo is in disbelief after being told about Vic skipping town. Byron and Nicolette explain that Vic just packed up his stuff and disappeared, and now he isn't answering any of their calls. Leo points out that he'd just start rehiring some of his old staff and he won't be able to pay them now. Byron and Nic are silent, unable to give Leo any answers, as he asks if this was Vic's plan all along, to give him a lowball offer and then not go through with the deal. Byron thinks that he just had to rethink his situation when he found out his cancer was in remission, but Leo reminds them that Vic wanted it to be a family business and now he's messing with Abigail and Isla's futures. Byron thinks that Vic only cares about himself, though Nic is still clinging onto the hope that her dad might not have changed his mind about investing, as they haven't spoken to him yet. Byron can't believe that Nic is still giving their dad the benefit of the doubt, and Leo tells them that, without the investment, it could send him bankrupt.

Byron and Nicolette have arrived back at no. 32, where Byron is telling Sadie about the meeting with Leo, while Nic tries, and fails, to contact Vic again. Sadie doesn't think that either of them should be blaming themselves for this situation and, after she leaves to go to class, Nic thanks Byron for taking the lead at the meeting earlier. She admits that, on one hand, she's relieved that he's in remission but on the other, she can't believe that he'd do something like this. She also says that she was excited to work with Byron, but they realise that, without a lottery win, it's not going to happen. Byron then suddenly has a brainwave and tells Nic that there might be a way to still get a version of the vineyard deal.


At the Waterhole, Sky arrives with Susan and Terese, telling them that she isn't worried about Eirini Rising's facilities, but rather its proximity to the school. Terese insists that they have learnt from any mistakes that were made in the first few weeks, and asks Sky to just listen to what Jane has to say. Meanwhile, Jane is sitting at another table, where Aaron takes her a third glass of wine. He says that he's sorry about what's happened and that Vic seemed to be a nice guy, but Jane points out that everyone thinks that when they first meet him. She then spots Susan and Terese, going over to say that she'll have to skip the meeting as Vic has done a runner on his family, yet again. Jane then realises that Sky is with them and happily hugs her, as Terese says that they were hoping to tell Sky about the planned meeting between the residents and students. Jane says that she can't think about that right now, grabs her wine and an extra seat and starts ranting about Vic, as Susan and Terese look worried.

On Ramsay Street, Melanie and Logan are making plans for work the next day, when Remi spots Logan and rushes over, claiming that she's realised where she knows him from. She says that they chatted at a medical conference in Burleigh Heads two years earlier, but Logan quickly insists that he isn't a doctor and that she must be mixed up, as he did work hospitality at a medical conference. Remi still isn't sure, while Mel looks increasingly uncomfortable with the whole situation. Cara says that Remi does get things wrong sometimes and quickly drags her wife away, as Mel and Logan share a confused look with each other.


Back at the Waterhole, Jane is continuing to rant, until Susan says that maybe they should discuss this another time. Jane takes the hint and leaves, as Susan assures Sky that she'll be back on top of things tomorrow. Sky, however, says that she's sure they're working very hard to create something unique and the facilities are excellent, but it's not as safe as she would like. She points out that Jane is clearly going through some personal problems and that her main concern has to be Harold, so she's decided to take him back to Port Douglas.

Featured Regular Characters: Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Leo Tanaka, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Guest Cast: Stephanie McIntosh as Sky Mangel, Matthew Backer as Logan Shembri

Trivia Notes
• Stephanie McIntosh makes a two-episode return as Sky Mangel, with the character appearing for the first time since episode 8903 in 2022, an appearance that was edited out of the UK broadcast
• Sky is credited as Bishop instead of Mangel for this and the following episode
• Past characters Mrs Mangel, Lana Crawford and Kerry Mangel are mentioned

Summary by Steve

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