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Magic Moments > 2024 > Kiri's Return Episode 9071

Written by Elizabeth Packett, Directed by Scott Major, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 04/07/24, Amazon Freevee: 04/07/24

Quinn assumes that Wendy isn't that much older than the other students... Andrew thinks it's great that the other students are letting her hang out with them... Aaron suggests that Cara should do an IT course at the uni... Jane says that it's typical of Vic to make promises and then shoot through... Leo says that, without Vic's money, he's close to bankruptcy... Byron tells Nic that there might be another way to get the vineyard partnership... Sky returns, concerned about Harold's safety at Eirini Rising... Susan and Terese are unable to talk Sky round and she says that she's taking Harold back to Port Douglas...

At Eirini Rising, Karl is walking Harold back to his room, with Harold explaining that he was sitting with Elenora on the bus today and she finds it very difficult to communicate in English since her husband died. Karl says that he'll arrange an interpreter, and Harold is pleased, but then surprised to find Susan and Terese standing in his room. He notices that his belongings have all been moved and is confused, until Sky appears from the bathroom. Harold's delighted to see his granddaughter, until she says that she's worried about his safety so he'll be returning to Queensland with her.


At the Waterhole, Wendy hands Leo a drink and asks if there's anything she can do to help with his problems at the vineyard. He jokes that she could invest in it, adding that he's one the verge of giving up, as his only other options appear to be Krista or Paul, both of which feel like the wrong solution. Wendy says that, next time Leo speaks to Paul, he can pass on her thanks for Brett, the useless new manager who never seems to be at work. Leo then gets a call from Kiri, telling her how bad things are getting.

Back at Eirini Rising, Sky apologises to her grandfather for packing up his belongings, but says that, after everything she's heard, she thought he was ready to leave. Harold admits that there have been a few issues, but he isn't impressed when Sky shows him the website for a new retirement complex near her, in Port Douglas, with good security. Harold is sympathetic, but reminds Sky that they already talked about his reasons for wanting to move back to Erinsborough. She says that, back then, she believed that this was the best place for him, but it hasn't turned out to be true. Harold insists that it's safe and, more importantly than that, he's happy and doesn't want to leave.


The following morning, at no. 30, Cara is on the phone to the uni, explaining that she has a few questions about the content of one of their IT courses. She arranges a meeting, quickly hanging up when JJ walks in and he asks why she's acting so weird. She insists that everything's fine, so JJ leaves for work.

At the Waterhole, Jane is apologising to Terese, Karl and Susan for her behaviour the previous evening. Susan and Karl insist that it's understandable, though Terese points out that the timing could have been better. Jane tells them that Vic has caused enough drama, and that she's going to put her plan into action that day, as they need to act quickly if Sky wants to whisk Harold away. Jane says that her idea has been inspired by watching the growing friendship between JJ and Harold.


At Eirini Rising, JJ is doing the cleaning in Harold's room, as Toadie asks Harold if he's been practising the tuba lately. Harold says that he usually leaves it until after midday, as a courtesy to his nearest neighbour, but JJ asks him to break the rules and play something for them. Harold plays a note, just as Sky arrives and is introduced to JJ. Harold tells Sky what a lovely young man JJ is, and that he was the one who tracked down his missing tuba. Sky points out that the tuba should never have been missing in the first place, which sours the good mood. As JJ leaves, Harold goes downstairs to vote for the residents' representative, giving Toadie a chance to talk to Sky alone. Toadie insists that everyone around here loves Harold and would do anything to protect him, but Sky says that it's nothing personal and until she feels that this is the best place for him, she's going to keep pushing for him to leave.

At Yorokobi, Leo is delighted when Kiri arrives, telling her that her returning to work with him is the best thing that's happened in ages. She says that she was lucky to get a last-minute flight and that it's worked out well, as she was getting restless on Magnetic Island. She admits that it's going to be weird without David around and says that she can't wait to see Isla, who Leo says is becoming more like David every day. She admits that she's in no rush to see Nicolette though and says that she just wants to work hard and help Leo to turn the business around.


At Lassiters, Wendy walks out of Harolds, as Haz is racing around trying to clear tables. She mentions that it's busy inside and he says that Jane only gave him an hour's notice to arrange a meeting for the Eirini Rising residents and students. As Wendy starts talking about how busy she is too, Haz points out that there's something on her face, which she realises is a fake eyelash. She quickly claims that she never wears them and it's more of a young person thing, but Haz isn't really that bothered and he says he has to get back to work, as Wendy awkwardly walks off.

Inside Harolds, the Erinsborough High students and the Eirini Rising residents are gathered, with name badges, in an attempt to get to know each other better. Jane has paired each student with a senior citizen and given them a piece of paper with some conversations starters. As they all start chatting, Nell notices that Jasmine is more interested in her phone, while Terese tells Jane that she's not convinced that this is going to work. Jane think it's worth a try and it could solve a lot of their problems. Nell then goes over to Jasmine and says that she should be chatting to Mr Johnson and not on her phone, but Jasmine says that he's not interested so there's no point. Haz then goes over to one of the senior citizens, Elenora, to take her order, which she gives in Italian - a strong coffee with a dash of milk. Haz misunderstands and thinks she wants a latte, so Jasmine steps in and corrects him. Harold is impressed and Jasmine says that she learnt from her grandparents, at which point Harold points out to JJ that maybe the wrong people are paired together.


Back at the vineyard, Kiri and Leo are walking through the vines, with Leo explaining that he was devastated when he found out what Vic had done and that he only agreed to the partnership because it was going to be a legacy for Abigail and Isla. Kiri thinks that David would have loved that too, as Leo admits that he thinks about his brother a lot while he's at the vineyard. Kiri says that she can understand why he's so desperate to save it, and Leo tells her that it's great to have her back but without a cash injection, he can't see a way forward. He suggests that she could pray for him, as Kiri looks contemplative.

At the uni, Cara is on the phone, saying that she had one more question about the course that she forgot to ask. As she arranges to go back up to see the tutor again, she hears Wendy's voice, surprised as she looks over and sees her dressing and talking like someone much younger.


At Harolds, Jasmine isn't happy with the idea of swapping partners to sit with Elenora. JJ points out that she's going to have to face up to the burglary charges soon, and showing signs of good behaviour will really help her case. Nell is impressed as Jasmine takes JJ's advice and, when Jane instructs her to, she goes to sit with Elenora. Jane then suggests that Nell go to sit with Mr Johnson, who's fallen asleep, so she joins JJ and Harold instead. Meanwhile, Jasmine sits and chats with Elenora, who's pleased to have someone young to speak to. Terese is happy with the way things are working out, but then Sky walks in, surprised to see Harold and Nell chatting about comic books. Sky says that she used to love manga, and it was how she first bonded with her wife, Lana. Harold says that it looks like everyone is getting on well and that there's no need for him to leave, and Sky agrees, but still looks unhappy.

A little later, Jasmine is relaying a list of Elenora's complaints to Susan and Terese - her wardrobe door doesn't shut properly and she'd like to go to the deli to get some proper olives. Susan is delighted that Elenora is finally coming out of her shell. Meanwhile, Haz notices Nell and JJ chatting, as she tells him that it was great to see him helping Jasmine like that. As Nell goes over to Mr Johnson, who's finally woken up, Haz says that JJ and Nell seem to be getting on well, but JJ explains that she has a date with Dex, so he can't mess with that. Jane then announces that the bus is ready to take everyone back, while Terese is asking Susan whether it was Hilary or Moira who won the election. Susan doesn't get the chance to answer, as Sky comes over and says that she wants to spend some time with Harold, so she'll drop him back later. As Sky goes to rejoin her grandfather, Susan, Jane and Terese hope that she's changed her mind about taking him back to Queensland. Jane then takes a call from Nicolette, who seems to have something important to talk about.


At the vineyard, Kiri is on the phone arranging guests for a product demo the following day, as Leo comes in, impressed with her efforts but still deflated about everything. Kiri then puts herself forward as a potential investor, explaining that she's been looking for something like this for a while and, although she couldn't invest as much as Vic, it could keep the business afloat for a while. She asks if Leo is interested - he tells her she's amazing and hugs her.

At Harolds, he and Sky arrive back from their walk by the lake and she spots one of Nell's manga drawings. She says that she hadn't planned on mentioning it, but when she saw Harold with Nell earlier, it reminded her of when she was Nell's age and into comics and living with her grandad. She admits that it was more than nostalgia and it made her realise the real reason why she wanted him to return to Queensland - she feels like she failed him, when he was living just a few streets away from her for all those years, but she didn't know that he needed help. He says that he didn't exactly tell her that he needed help, but she goes on to say that him moving back to Erinsborough happened so quickly and it wasn't until he was gone that she realised how much she would miss having him around - and then she started feeling guilty about how much he did for her growing up, and how she should be looking after him now. He insists that he wants to be in Erinsborough and that Sky has her own life with Lana and the children. She realises that her coming to Erinsborough was more for herself than it was for Harold and she apologises for coming in all guns blazing. Harold says that she was always her mother's daughter and makes an inappropriate gesture of firing a gun. Sky then tells Harold that she loves him and they hug.


As Harold and Sky walk into his apartment, they find Susan and Terese in there, and Harold says that he hopes it's not going to become commonplace for him to find them there every time he gets home. Susan says that they have a very good reason for the visit - they were attempting to put up a banner to congratulate him on being elected as residents' representative. Harold is shocked, especially as he wasn't even nominated, but Terese says that all of his friends thought he was the best option and Sky says that it was clearly meant to be.


At the vineyard, Leo and Kiri are making a toast to their new deal and talking about her meeting Krista. Mackenzie then arrives, delighted to be reunited with Kiri, who confirms that she's buying into the vineyard and will be sticking around. Mackenzie makes the offer for her to stay at no. 32, and Kiri says that they can discuss it later, before disappearing to the bathroom. Mackenzie says to Leo that it's great to see Kiri again and it's amazing that she's going to buy into Yorokobi, but then Leo receives a message on his phone and says that there's a very big problem...

Featured Regular Characters: Harold Bishop, Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Terese Willis, Nell Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris, Haz Devkar, Wendy Rodwell, Leo Tanaka, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Guest Cast: Stephanie McIntosh as Sky Mangel, Gemma Bird Matheson as Kiri Durant, Frankie Mazzone as Jasmine Stewart, Gianna Affinita as Elenora Santoro, John Hiller as Mr Johnson

Trivia Notes
• Gemma Bird Matheson returns for a guest stint, having been a regular for the final few months in 2022
• Stephanie McIntosh is again incorrectly credited as Sky Bishop
• John Hiller is credited as playing Mr Johnson, though the character's first name of Geoff is shown during the episode
• Past characters David Tanaka and Glen Donnelly are mentioned, Kerry Bishop is also referenced though not by name

Summary by Steve