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Magic Moments > 2024 > Kiri's Departure Episode 9095

Written by Elizabeth Packett, Directed by Kate Kendall, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 15/08/24, Amazon Freevee: 15/08/24

JJ tells Dex to ask Nell out... Nell turns down Dex's offer of a date... Terese is surprised to learn that Toadie has been for counselling... Terese is further surprised to learn that Melanie knew about Toadie's crisis... Kiri finds a list of all of Aaron's faults and mistakes on Nicolette's phone... Nicolette tries to fix her mistake, telling Kiri that she'll cancel the lawyer's report on her parental rights... Kiri tells Nic that, if she has one more of these intense panics, then the relationship is over... Quinn helps out Wendy at the bar and they discuss growing up Asian in Australia... Quinn tells Wendy that it takes patience and grace to navigate the world the way she does...

At no. 30, JJ asks Nell if something happened between her and Dex and she admits that he asked her out, and that she turned him down. She says that she tried to be nice about it, but it's clearly hard for Dex at the moment. JJ then tells her that he understands, as if he were to ask her out and she turned him down, he'd be cut up about it. He tells her that he still really likes her, and she says the same, but the moment is interrupted by Cara and Remi arriving home. Nell thanks JJ for his help and quickly goes to leave, as Cara and Remi look at each other, wondering what's been going on in their absence and why JJ has a wry smile on his face.


At no. 22, Toadie and Terese are preparing dinner in silence, as Nell arrives home. She asks them how they're going and Toadie tells his daughter about his counselling session in the morning, before Terese sends him outside to get some more basil. Terese then notices the smile on Nell's face and she tells her about what just happened with JJ - and that she turned down Dex's offer of a date. She decides that she won't tell her dad until something actually happens with JJ.

At no. 30, Dex is sitting alone in the sunroom, as JJ joins him for a chat. He says that he's sorry things didn't work out with him and Nell, but Dex wonders if that's true, as it now means that JJ is free to make his move on Nell. JJ says nothing, and Dex realises that it's already happened. JJ says that they're not together, but asks Dex if he'd be ok with it if something did happen. Dex says that he'd be fine - if he could move to another planet - and he gets up and leaves.


The next morning, Byron gets out of the lift to meet with Leo at the penthouse. Byron quickly apologises for creating the AI content and asking Nic to pass it off as her own, but Leo points out that he tried to make up for his previous underhanded act by acting underhanded again. Byron says that he realises that he went about it in the wrong way and that it terrifies him how much he's been behaving like his father, which he swore he'd never do. Leo understands this and admits that he was impressed with some of Byron's ideas, so he offers to give him another chance and they shake hands on it.

At Rhonda Del Rubio's office, she says to Toadie that, during their last session, they discussed Dee, Steph and Sonya. Toadie remarks that Steph was just a crazy moment in time and they were never meant to be more than friends. Rhonda explains that, today, she'd like them to focus on Melanie and Terese. Toadie believes that they've already covered that, months ago, but Rhonda says that it was before he 'went back to Melanie'. She asks how he and Terese 'worked through' his cheating - he says that he realised that he'd made a huge mistake and he went away for a while, then begged Terese for another chance when he returned, which she eventually gave him. Toadie wonders why she's asking about this, and Rhonda admits that she doesn't believe that Toadie and Terese worked through it at all.


On Ramsay Street, Nicolette approaches Cara, thanking her for whatever she said to Kiri the previous day, as she's been given a second chance. Cara says that it was Remi who gave the advice, adding that she thinks that what Nic is doing to Aaron is appalling. She admits that she doesn't know all of the details, but what she does know is that Nic took Isla away from Aaron and David when she was born, then swapped her out for Abigail. Nicolette says that she isn't proud of that and that it was a bad time in her life, but Cara just gives her a look of disbelief and drives away. Nic then walks back over to no. 24, finding a letter from her lawyer as she does so.

Toadie's session with Rhonda continues, as he explains that he was insecure about Terese and her ex-husband, Paul, and that Melanie just happened to be there. He says that it should never have happened and he'll always regret it. Rhonda wants to know how he could just write off his behaviour so easily in the aftermath. He tells her that he was wrong about Terese and Paul and he betrayed Terese for nothing, but Rhonda then asks if Toadie actually felt any residual feelings for Melanie. Toadie, becoming increasingly agitated, says no, before hesitating and admitting that he doesn't think so. He wonders why they need to rehash all of this, and Rhonda says that she's looking at patterns of behaviour, reminding Toadie that a similar thing happened when he slept with Andrea, thinking she was Dee. Toadie insists that was different, then says that he needs to get back to work. Rhonda tells him that she has a free session that afternoon if he'd like to come back, but he says that he won't be able to.


At the school, JJ admits to Nell that he knew that Dex was going to ask her out, and he even encouraged it. Nell wonders why he would do that, and he tells her that they couldn't all just keep on going around in circles, so if she wanted to go out with Dex, then he wasn't going to stand in the way. He adds that he would have tried to be cool with it if she'd agreed to a date with Dex, but he wasn't disappointed when she turned him down. JJ says that he feels like a terrible brother, and they both agree to give each other some space, at least until Dex has calmed down a bit.

At no. 26, Andrew and Wendy are having lunch and she admits that she's still a bit nervous about the mentorship. Andrew says that he thought she was feeling better about it, but Wendy explains that all of this talk about diversity and fitting in has stirred up some old feelings that she hasn't had since high school. Andrew tells her not to care about what other people think and to just be herself, but this advice clearly doesn't sit well with her. He says that he has to get back to work, but they can talk more later.


At Rebecchi Law, Toadie and Terese are having lunch and she tells him that she's been thinking about joining him for a joint counselling session. Toadie says that they've talked about including her, but he isn't sure that he's quite ready for that yet. She's clearly disappointed, but he assures her that it'll happen soon.

Kiri and Nicolette are sitting in awkward silence outside Harolds, when Leo joins them for a meeting. He tells them that he's agreed to take Byron back on as a full partner, and Nicolette is pleased, joking about how she didn't manage to pass off Byron's marketing plans as her own. Leo says that they should consider today a fresh start, and he and Kiri go inside to grab some food. Once alone, Nicolette takes the lawyer's letter out of her bag, wondering whether to look at it. She decides to open it, just as Kiri returns and sees her.


Terese looks at the invitation to her and Toadie's first wedding anniversary party and puts it back up on the fridge just as Nell walks in. She admits that it wasn't a great day at school as Dex isn't talking to her, and she asks if she can stay at Jasmine's for a couple of nights. Hugo then comes in and says that he's staying at Austin's, so Nell quietly suggests to Terese that it might be good for her to have some time alone with Toadie.

Nicolette insists that she didn't ask for the letter from the lawyer - it just turned up in the mail. Kiri asks why she didn't just rip it up and Nic admits that she ran into Cara earlier, who reminded her that her own personal history is far worse than Aaron's, which completely freaked her out. Kiri reminds her of what she said the previous day; another of these intense panics and it's over. Nic rips up the letter, saying that she didn't even read it, but Kiri says that's only because she caught her, and says that it hasn't even been 24 hours and Nic can't help herself. Kiri tries to walk away, but Nic insists that she can change. Kiri, however, says that's never going to happen and, as Leo comes back to join them, she tells him that she wants to be a silent partner in the vineyard from now on. Nic says that they can still work together, but Kiri insists that this is the best decision, confirming to a worried Leo that she's leaving Melbourne and she'll let him know when she's worked things out.


As he's locking up Rebecchi Law, Toadie sees Melanie across the complex. When she spots him, she quickly turns to leave and Toadie shakes his head, before calling Rhonda and telling her that he'll take the appointment that afternoon. Nell and Hugo then approach him, checking that it's OK for them to stay with their friends, and Hugo asks if he can drop them back home. Toadie says that he has a counselling appointment to get to, insisting that everything's fine but asking that they tell Terese about it when they get home. He then hugs them and tells them that he loves them both, before leaving.

At no. 30, Terese has been filling in Remi and Cara on the situation with Nell, Dex and JJ. She tells them that Nell and JJ are being sensitive to Dex's feelings and they won't be getting together any time soon. Cara says that they'll try to be sensitive to both boys, and they thank Terese for filling them in. Remi then asks Terese how she's been doing. Terese admits that things haven't been great with Toadie lately but he's getting counselling, and looks interested at Remi's suggestion that she should get some solo counselling sessions too. The conversation is then interrupted as Cara receives a text and looks worried.


At no. 26, Andrew arrives home and Wendy is surprised to see him. He says that he's just on a break from work, but he wanted to return to the conversation they were having earlier, as he felt like Wendy had more that she wanted to say. She admits that she had quite an intense conversation with Quinn about cultural identity and having a sense of belonging, and she hadn't realised how much she needed to talk about it. Andrew realises that it's a conversation she can't have with him and he asks what he can do. She says that she's grateful that he always listens to her, but admits that, during the mentorship, she's going to need to keep having conversations with Quinn and she hopes that Andrew understands that. He says that he does, and that he's happy that she's found a friend who she can talk to. As they hug, Wendy has a look of concern on her face.

Kiri is wheeling her case across Ramsay Street as Cara and Remi wait by the car. She thanks them for giving her a lift to the airport, and Remi says that they're glad to have a bit more time with her before she goes. She admits that it was a snap decision to come back and it's a snap decision to leave, telling Cara that she can't stay or she'll just get sucked back into a relationship with Nicolette again. She tells them that she came back because she had unfinished business and now it's done. Remi reminds her that she's still a partner in the vineyard and she still has friends and family on Ramsay Street, so she can always come back for a visit. Kiri simply says 'Never say never', takes a final look around and then they all get into the car and drive out of Ramsay Street, just as Nicolette drives in. She gets out of the car and looks devastated as she realises that Kiri has gone.



At Rhonda's office, she tells Toadie that she's glad he came back. She asks how he's doing and he explains that he was doing fine until Terese popped in for lunch and she suggested that they have a joint counselling session. Rhonda thinks it's a good idea but Toadie snaps back that it isn't. He apologises and says that he then saw Melanie, who turned and went the other way, and he feels like everywhere he turns, he's upsetting someone or they're upsetting him. They're interrupted by a knock on the door - it's Terese, who apologises for turning up like this, but there was nobody on the reception desk. As Rhonda is explaining that her assistant had a family emergency and had to leave, Toadie sees Terese and quickly gets very angry, assuming that she ignored him and turned up for a joint session, before accusing Rhonda of being in on it too. As Toadie shouts at them that he's not ready and storms out of the room, Rhonda comforts a shaken Terese.

Featured Regular Characters: JJ Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Leo Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Guest Cast: Gemma Bird Matheson as Kiri Durant, Rebekah Robertson as Rhonda Del Rubio

Trivia Notes
• Gemma Bird Matheson departs after a six-week guest stint, allowing the character's story to get a proper ending
• Past characters David Tanaka, Dee Bliss, Steph Scully and Sonya Rebecchi are mentioned
• Nicolette's lawyers are Chawla & Cain

Summary by Steve

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