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Magic Moments > 2024 > Death In The Outback: Part One Episode 9096

Written by Sarah Mayberry, Directed by Kate Kendall, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 19/08/24, Amazon Freevee: 19/08/24

Toadie continues his counselling sessions with Rhonda... Terese suggests that she could come to one of the sessions... Toadie is angry when Terese innocently turns up at Rhonda's office, having told her he wasn't ready for joint counselling... Heath tells Holly that she's the one he wants to be with... Holly catches Tess and Heath together and he reminds her that Tess will find out if she keeps acting strangely... Sadie suggests that Heath is reminding her of Eden, upsetting Holly... Tess tells Paul that SinCast is planning to sell its share of the hotel... Paul asks Mackenzie to keep an eye on Heath and report back to him... Tess sends Heath to Warrawee Cattle Station...

In Tess's makeshift hotel room office, she's showing Heath photographs of Warrawee and finalising plans with him, but he's unhappy about being sent to the middle of nowhere. He tells her that he knows what to do - to check that no evidence or paperwork has been left behind after Justin got rid of the previous station managers - but he wonders why Justin can't go back there himself. Tess says that she has other plans for Justin and Heath wants to know what's going on, accusing Tess of trying to cut him out of everything. They begin to argue, but then Krista knocks on the door and explains that she's received the report from the mystery shopper company and wondered if Tess could go through it with her. Tess says that she has an off-site meeting, adding that she trusts Krista to make any decisions about the report's recommendations. After Krista leaves, Heath and Tess look at each other with tension still in the air.


At no. 22, Terese sits at the dining table, deep in thought, as Susan comes in, reporting that she got Nell and Hugo off to their sleepovers. Terese thanks her, admitting that she didn't want the kids to worry, and Susan asks what exactly happened at Rhonda's. Terese explains that Toadie thought that she was crashing his counselling session and he got very angry, like he did at the nursery a few weeks earlier. She says that he keeps saying that it's his problem and it's not about her, but she can't believe that. Susan says that Toadie and Terese have been through a lot, but his anger is not OK. Terese thinks that the issue is far bigger than Toadie can admit to, but she loves him and wants to support him, though she's scared about what's going to happen. Susan suggests that Terese waits for Toadie to come home and then listen to what he has to say.

Toadie is sitting barefoot on the grass in the grounds of Lassiters. Melanie walks by and spots him from a distance - she looks concerned but decided to carry on walking.


Holly is outside the hotel, near reception, when Heath comes up and kisses her, then asks her to come away with him. She's taken aback as he tells her that they can travel overnight and then stay together for another night. Holly asks if they're going overseas, but Heath says no, though he tells her to bring her passport just in case. Meanwhile, Sadie walks by and spots them. As Heath gives Holly more details, reminding her that she has the next couple of days off work so it'll be easy to just come up with a cover story for her family, she asks for time to think about the offer. Heath says that he'll give her an hour and, as he walks away, Holly spots Sadie watching with a concerned look on her face. She tells Holly that she's worried, to which Holly replies that she wishes she'd never told Sadie about Heath, adding that, out of everybody, she thought Sadie would understand.

At the penthouse, Tess has shown Paul the contract for the sale of SinCast's half of the hotel. He says that he'll have his lawyer look at it and that he'll need a couple of days to come up with the funds - and to work out what to do with Krista and Leo. Tess tells him to blame it on her after she's gone, which she confirms will be soon. She tells him that he can't hesitate if he wants to regain full ownership of Lassiters, but they're interrupted by Krista, who gets out of the lift and smiles as she sees them. Tess says that she has to leave for an off-site meeting and, once she's in the lift, Paul shows Krista the contract of sale. He says that Tess is in a hurry for him to sign it, and Krista adds that she's fairly sure that the mystery shopper report is bogus too. She thinks that Tess is trying to make her look bad, but Paul starts to wonder whether there might be another explanation.


At Harolds, Mack, Haz and Byron are discussing Kiri's sudden departure, with Mack saying that her voicemail sounded so sad. Byron thinks that Nicolette had something to do with it, but he doesn't know the details. Sadie, meanwhile, is sitting with them but is very distracted and admits that she's worried about Holly. She says that she saw her a few minutes ago, but wishes that she hadn't, and the others all look at her with concern so she decides to tell them about Holly and Heath. Mack says that she tried to warn Holly off him, which must be why she's been keeping it so quiet, and then Sadie admits that there's more - Heath is also sleeping with Tess. Sadie says that Holly knows about Tess and claims that she's fine with it, but Mack rushes out, deciding that she needs to speak to Holly and save her from making a huge mistake.

Holly is tidying some tables outside the hotel when Mackenzie comes over, asking her why she keeps selling herself short and why she'd settle for being Heath's bit on the side. Holly realises that Sadie has blabbed, but Mack says that it was because she was worried, and she asks if Holly learnt nothing from what happened with Eden. Holly becomes very defensive at the mention of his name, insisting that Heath is nothing like Eden. Mack wonders why Holly didn't say anything if she's so sure about Heath, at which point Holly accuses her of being judgmental and says that she doesn't need her policing her life. Mack says that Holly is her friend and she loves her, but Holly has already stormed off, back inside the hotel reception.


As Holly rushes into the reception, she runs straight into Heath. She hugs him and asks him what time they're leaving.

As Melanie walks back past the lake, Toadie is still sitting on the grass in the same position as before. She decides to go over and asks if she can join him. He asks if she's sure that she wants to, to which she replies that, although she hasn't seen him lately, it doesn't mean she's stopped caring. She sits down, as he says that Melanie doesn't need to explain herself to him and that he understands why she wouldn't want to get caught up in his mess. He tells her that he's just trying to get his head together before going home to Terese, so Mel asks him to join her for a coffee.


At no. 22, Terese is lost in thought as she walks into the kitchen, then sees the invitation to her and Toadie's upcoming first wedding anniversary party. She takes it from the fridge and looks at it, before worriedly walking off.

At no. 28, Karl and Susan are discussing the Toadie and Terese situation, with Susan saying that all of this anger is very out of character for Toadie. Holly then appears with some bags packed, explaining that she's going away for a couple of days with a colleague from the hotel. She has answers for all of Karl and Susan's questions, and tells them that it's a late flight so she'll call them in the morning.


As Tess walks out of the hotel, she's greeted by Heath, who has his bags packed and sarcastically tells her that he's following her orders and heading to Warrawee. She tells him that she's sorry for the way she spoke to him earlier, but that she has a lot to deal with at the moment. He reminds her that they were supposed to be working together, but she chose to do most of it on her own - she insists that she'll make it up to him once they're free and clear of all of this. He says that he has to go and kisses her on the forehead, agreeing that he'll message her when he arrives. As Heath walks away, Mackenzie calls him over, saying that they need to talk. He tells her to make it quick and she says that she knows he's been sneaking around with Holly behind Tess's back. He's unperturbed, so Mackenzie warns him that she'll be watching his every move to see if he does anything to hurt Holly. She tells Heath that she isn't afraid of him but he says that she should be, warning her to back off or she'll find out what it's like to get hurt. Mackenzie looks shaken as Heath walks over to join Holly in the back of their car to the airport.

At Harolds, Melanie is telling Toadie how much she's looking forward to having her own apartment, even if Paul is going to be her landlord! She then tells him about a pig figurine she bought herself, which is just like the one on her necklace, but bigger, and Toadie is responding but is clearly distracted. He thanks her for keeping him company, and for not telling him off about his behaviour lately. As Haz goes over to ask if he can get them anything else, Mack rushes in, telling him that she's really worried about Holly, as Heath just threatened her. She explains that he drove off and she presumes he was going back to wherever he's staying, and she and Haz decide to go and report the incident to the police. Mel asks Toadie if she knows Heath and he explains that he helped with his property purchase in Hawaii and that he seemed like a decent guy, but clearly he isn't. As he knows where Heath lives, Toadie gets up with a worried Melanie asking if he's planning to confront him. Worried that Toadie isn't in the right headspace for a confrontation, Melanie decides to go with him.


Toadie and Mel arrive at the property and find the front door unlocked. Melanie is reluctant to go inside, but Toadie says that Heath crossed a line and they need to find him. They go inside, with Toadie calling out Heath's name and getting no response. As they look around, they find Tess and Heath's fake passports, along with a bank statement showing an account with nine million dollars in it. They are interrupted, however, by Justin Ashton...

Later at the Waterhole, Haz is telling Byron and Sadie that the police couldn't do much about the complaint, so Wendy suggests that they could ask Andrew for some advice. Mack then returns from trying to call Holly, and is leaving a message warning her that Heath is dangerous. Haz wonders if they should just give Holly some space. Meanwhile, Paul and Krista are nearby and they wonder if they should tell Tess about the complaint against Heath. Paul decides that they need to start looking more closely at Tess's business affairs and find out what's going on. Back at the bar, Mackenzie is worried that she hasn't heard back from Toadie either...


Tess arrives back at her rental property to find that the office has been trashed. Justin tells her that there was a problem, but he took care of it...

Karl and Susan arrive at no. 22, where Terese thanks them for coming and explains that she hasn't heard anything from Toadie since the confrontation at Rhonda's office. She says that she's spoken to Nell and Hugo, but she didn't want to tell them that their father's missing. Karl thinks that there must be a good explanation, but an irritated Terese can't believe that he would just ignore her like this, knowing that she'd be worried sick. They're interrupted by the arrival of Haz and Mackenzie, who say that they need to update Toadie on the Heath situation. When Terese says that she hasn't seen Toadie all afternoon, Mack says that they saw him with Melanie earlier at Harolds. At the mention of Melanie's name, Terese looks worried, so Karl tries calling her but gets no answer, so he leaves a message. With Terese worried that neither Mel nor Toadie are answering their phones, Susan asks who this Heath person is. Mack is then forced to tell Karl and Susan who he is and that Holly has been seeing him in secret. After hearing that Holly has apparently gone away with a friend from housekeeping, Mackenzie says that they need to consider the possibility that she's with Heath.


The next morning, in outback Queensland, Heath and Holly's plane lands and they excitedly begin the drive out to Warrawee.

Arriving at the cattle station's accommodation, Holly is blown away by how amazing it all is. Heath explains that the managers of the cattle station were living there until recently and he has no idea what state it's all going to be in. Holly says that she doesn't care, as long as they're together. She jumps into his arms and they kiss, before she asks why he's being so secretive about why they're there. He insists that he isn't, but it's just boring admin stuff. They're interrupted by Tess trying to call Heath, so Holly tells him to answer while she goes to message her dad. Heath then decides to decline the call and tells Holly to turn her phone off too, so they can forget about the world for a little longer. She happily does as she's asked and they kiss again.


On Ramsay Street, Terese rushes over to Karl and Susan, saying that she hoped Toadie would be back this morning, but there's still no sign of him. As she wonders where he could be, Karl and Susan are forced to tell her that Melanie didn't return home last night either, and that she isn't responding to their calls. Terese is horrified as she realises that they're both missing...

Featured Regular Characters: Holly Hoyland, Melanie Pearson, Toadfish Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Sadie Rodwell, Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair, Byron Stone, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Wendy Rodwell

Guest Cast: Anica Calida as Tess Carmichael, Ethan Panizza as Heath Royce, Richard Sutherland as Justin Ashton

Trivia Notes
• There were no opening titles for this episode, or the following three episodes, with just a title card featuring the Neighbours logo over a shot of the outback. The titles cards used for Death In The Outback week can be viewed here

Summary by Steve