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Magic Moments > 2024 > Death In The Outback: Part Two Episode 9097

Written by Shane Isheev, Directed by Kate Kendall, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 20/08/24, Amazon Freevee: 20/08/24

Tess arranges for Heath to travel out to Warrawee Cattle Station... Tess tries to persuade Paul to buy SinCast out of the hotel... Heath warns Mackenzie to keep her nose out of his business... Mackenzie tells Toadie about Heath's threat... Toadie goes to confront Heath, taking Melanie with him... Toadie and Melanie are caught snooping... Justin tells Tess that he took care of the problem... Terese worries when Toadie doesn't come home... Susan tells Terese that Melanie didn't come home either... Heath asks Holly to come away with him... Holly tells Karl and Susan that she's going away with a friend from the hotel... Heath and Holly arrive in the outback... Heath encourages Holly to turn her phone off...

Heath and Holly are in the outdoor bath at Warrawee's accommodation, and she asks if she can come with him to the cattle station. He tells her to stay behind and keep coming up with ideas for things they can do. She starts splashing him, which quickly turns into a water fight.


Later, they're relaxing in the bath when Heath's phone starts ringing. He apologises, telling Holly that he only turned it back on so he could check the way to the cattle station, and he says he'll turn it back off again. Holly wonders if she should call her dad and Susan, and also Mackenzie, at which point Heath wonders why she needs to contact her. Holly says that Mack is wrong about Heath, but they're still friends. Heath thinks that Mackenzie only wants to be friends when it suits her, and Sadie's the same - Holly will always come second to their boyfriends. Holly admits that it has felt like that lately. Heath then suggests that they go for a walk to the nearby river, then shocks Holly by standing up and declaring that he needs to see some 'roos. As Holly stands up to join him, a call from Tess comes through on Heath's phone.

At the rental property, an angry Tess is leaving a message for Heath, demanding to know why he isn't answering. She says that he needs to call her straight away, as there's been a big development.


At no. 22, Karl, Susan and Terese have been filling in Andrew on the situation with Toadie and Melanie. He tells them that they haven't been gone for long enough to be considered missing persons, and asks Terese if, given what happened at Rhonda's office, they're lying low on purpose. Terese wonders if Andrew knows something, but he insists that he doesn't and that he's just approaching the situation from every angle, as he would with any case. Terese doesn't think that Toadie would cheat with Melanie again, which Karl agrees with. Karl then mentions that they're worried about Holly too, as they suspect she's gone away with Heath.

Krista and Leo arrive at the penthouse, where Paul has been going through Tess's accounts but hasn't found anything suspicious. He tells Krista that he found out that the hotel lost the Melbourne Experiences contract to the Quill Group, who he has a history with, but he called them and they were cagey, but they did seem to know who Tess was. They wonder if Tess deliberately tipped them off, as she also led them astray with that mystery shopper company, both of which cost Lassiters a lot of money. Paul points out that Tess seems to be causing lots of expensive little fires all over the hotel, but none of them can work out why, so he decides to go and speak to her. Once he's gone, Leo suggests that Krista could call Reece. Krista admits that she's scared of what she might hear if she does, worried that she knows about the hotel sale, which would mean that her sister doesn't care about her. Leo tells her to call Reece, adding that he'll be right by her side.


At no. 32, Karl tells Mackenzie that he spoke to Katrina Marshall at the hotel and she said that nobody in housekeeping had mentioned going away on a trip. They realise that Holly lied to them and admit that they were hoping that she was getting her life back on track, but obviously not. Haz is listening from the sofa and he tells them that Holly's just made a post on social media and she looks happy. They can see a man in the background of the post, but he's cut off slightly and they can't be sure if it's Heath. Karl is happy that she seems like she's in good spirits and, as he leaves, he says that he'll let Haz and Mack know if he hears anything. Mack then admits to Haz that it does seem a bit weird that Toadie and Melanie have gone missing and now Holly's gone somewhere with Heath. Haz tells her that he's going to check the metadata on Holly's phone and see if he can work out where she's gone.

At no. 22, as Karl returns, Terese is finishing a phone call with Rhonda. Terese tells Karl and Susan that Rhonda couldn't betray client confidentiality, but she did say that she didn't think that he would cheat on her with Melanie again. Terese admits that she can't stop thinking about something that Toadie kept saying when she went to Rhonda's office - "I'm not ready". She wonders what he meant and why he would be willing to confide in Melanie and not her.


Holly and Heath are having a picnic by the water and she says that it's funny how, as soon as you leave home, all of your problems fade away. Heath asks what problems she has - other than her annoying friends - and she says that her life is lacking direction. He asks what her dream would be, if there were no obstacles, and she says that it used to be studying medicine, but now she's realising how much she misses travelling. She explains that this brings her to her next problem - all of her savings are to go towards a car. Heath suggests that they could travel together, which brings Holly to another problem; he's still seeing another woman. Heath confirms that he's going to stop seeing Tess once they get back to Erinsborough. Holly's surprised, but Heath says that he's going to get what he's owed and go his own way.

Tess is hurriedly leaving the rental property with a suitcase. As she drives off, Paul pulls up in his car, calling out for her to stop but he's too late.


Heath suggests to Holly that they should go away together. She looks stunned as he says that they could get an open ticket to go travelling together, and she says that she would need to go home and discuss it with everyone. Heath thinks that they'd all try to talk her out of it, adding that 'goody-goody' Mackenzie has probably already been talking to Karl and Susan. She can't believe he's serious, but he reminds her that she brought her passport, so there's nothing to stop them. They kiss, but then Holly spots a kangaroo going past and she goes to get a better look. Once alone, Heath throws Holly's phone in the water then goes after her, as a crocodile lurks nearby.

At the penthouse, Leo watches as Krista finishes up her call with Reece, saying that it was really good to talk to her. Krista then confirms to Leo that Reece had no idea about the hotel sale and that she hadn't spoken to Tess in weeks. Leo's very surprised, but Krista explains that Tess and Reece weren't getting along, so Reece sent Tess to the Asia Pacific region to get her out of her hair. Leo realises that he should tell Paul.


Paul, meanwhile, has let himself into Tess's rental property and is having a look around when Leo calls him. Paul explains that Tess took off in her car before he could speak to her, and that it looks like she was leaving for good. Leo thinks that there's a good reason for that - Reece had no idea about the sale and Tess has gone rogue. Paul isn't shocked, but he's distracted as a spots a pig pendant on the floor. He picks it up and looks at it.

At no. 32, Haz has had no luck accessing the metadata on Holly's phone, and Mackenzie wonders if the police would have more luck. Haz doesn't think they'd devote any resources to it, given the circumstances, but then he suggests that, even though he's been trying to put his past behind him, he could hack Holly's phone. Mackenzie realises that this is a big deal for Haz, admitting that she thinks that Holly could be in some serious danger, which makes up Haz's mind.


At no. 22, Terese is in the dining room, gazing out of the window as, in the lounge, Haz and Mackenzie tell Karl and Susan that they've tracked Holly's phone to a place near Mount Harper, in Queensland. Karl can't understand what she'd be doing all the way out there, but Mackenzie then tells them that there are only two connecting flights to Mount Harper each week, and there's one leaving in a couple of hours. Haz says that Heath must have arranged a private flight for him and Holly the day before, and Mack adds that they're going to catch the flight later that day and see if they can find out what's going on. Karl wants to join them, but Mackenzie thinks he and Susan would be better off supporting Terese while they wait for news of Toadie and Melanie. Karl and Susan are very touched by the gesture, and Haz and Mack leave to catch their flight.

Terese is outside the Waterhole, asking Aaron if he saw Melanie or Toadie after they went missing. He confirms that he didn't, and that he's already spoken to Andrew, but he agrees to ask around and see if he can find anyone who did. Andrew and Paul then come over and Andrew shows the pig necklace to Terese and Aaron - Aaron immediately remembers Melanie wearing it the previous day and showing it to him. Everyone looks worried as they hear this.


At the Warrawee accommodation, Heath tells Holly that he's heading up to the cattle station, as she searches the room, telling him that she's lost her phone. She's sure that she had it when they went for their walk, though Heath says that he doesn't think she did. She explains that she wants to message her dad, so Heath offers the use of his phone, though he makes her read out the number to him so he can send it himself.

The rental property is being cordoned off by the police. As Andrew instructs the officers, Terese and Paul arrive and he tells them that they need to leave. He insists that he'll call Terese if they find anything, but Paul points out that, if they find something, Terese could identify whether it belongs to Toadie. Andrew finally gives in, but as Terese tries to work out why Melanie was there and whether Toadie was with her, one of the officers finds some blood on the wall, leaving everyone very concerned.



Heath drives out to the cattle station. As he arrives, he takes a call from Tess, who is at the boarding gate for a flight to Honolulu. She asks where the hell he's been, making sure that the security cameras can see her as she does so. Heath isn't in the mood to talk to her, joking about how she no longer calls the shots, but she says that something serious has happened. Heath's demeanour changes as he listens, asking why Justin would do something like that. Tess says that he felt that he had no choice, and she's not happy about it either but it's done now. She tells Heath to await further instructions from Justin, then throws her phone into a bin and leaves the boarding gate. Heath, meanwhile, puts his phone in his pocket with a look of grave concern on his face.

At no. 22, Paul and Terese are waiting for news and he checks that she doesn't mind him being there. He then tells Terese that he's put in a call to John Wong, as he might be able to find them if the police can't. Terese thanks him, just as Susan and Karl arrive to see if there's any news. Paul explains that forensics are still testing the blood, so Karl tells Terese not to assume the worst. An increasingly agitated Terese says that it's been almost 24 hours and she's now convinced that something terrible has happened to Toadie and Melanie.


At the airport, Mackenzie and Haz are on the plane, preparing to leave, and she asks him if he's OK. He insists that he is, but Mack says that she knows that it was a big deal for him to hack into Holly's phone. Haz says that Holly won't be happy with him, but Mack points out that they would feel a lot worse if something happened to Holly and they didn't take this chance to act.

Back at the Warrawee accommodation, Holly is dancing and drinking wine outside as Heath returns. She asks him to join her, but he's in a terrible mood and gets annoyed when Holly asks if she can try calling her dad. She wants to know what's wrong and Heath accuses her of being ungrateful, saying that he brought her to this amazing place to get away from home and all she's done is talk about the people back in Erinsborough. He asks if she wants to be with him or not, then walks away, leaving her shocked.


At no. 22, Krista and Leo have joined Karl, Susan, Paul and Terese, as they try to work out why Toadie and Melanie would have gone to Tess's house. Krista says that Mackenzie mentioned that she told Toadie about Heath's threats and Susan reminds them that Toadie has always been very protective of Mackenzie. Andrew then arrives with the news they've been dreading - the blood at Tess's house is a match for Toadie. Terese becomes hysterical, wanting to know where Toadie and Melanie have gone.


Meanwhile, a train makes it way through the Outback...

Featured Regular Characters: Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Andrew Rodwell, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Guest Cast: Anica Calida as Tess Carmichael, Ethan Panizza as Heath Royce

Trivia Notes
• There were no opening titles for this episode, with just a title card featuring the Neighbours logo over a shot of the outback. The titles cards used for Death In The Outback week can be viewed here
• Past character Reece Sinclair is mentioned

Summary by Steve