Guest Character
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James Bunkum Johnny McNamara

James Bunkum 2014, 2015
After dipping her toe into internet dating, Naomi Canning was interested to read on James Bunkum's profile that his passions included
trees and wildlife. She decided to try and arrange a double date with Toadie and Sonya Rebecchi, hopeful that, as they had so much in common, James and Sonya might hit it off,
leaving the way clear for Naomi to make a move on her married boss. However, the date quickly turned into a disaster when Sonya found out that James' interest in trees was actually because he worked for a company that grew them for export, and whose
actions had destroyed the homes of native wildlife. She was further shocked when his interest in wildlife was actually as a hunter, and he then managed to offend further with his talk about fat people. Eventually, having heard enough, bar manager
Sheila, who also happened to be Naomi's mum, stepped in and threw James off the premises.
The following year, James was working as a sales rep for Elixa Fuel, selling from a stand at the Dingoes Den gym. Josh Willis had been employed by the company, and had paid them $5000 on his credit card, for his
starter selling kit. His concerned twin sister Imogen, started asking questions, giving James the impression that she was a lawyer, when she was only a first year law student, and scaring him enough to go and phone the
boss. When James later found Josh at Harold's Store, he told him that he was fired.
Episodes Featured 6893, 7144
Biography by Steve