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Guest Character Profiles > Jacob Burchmore Sam Ludeman

Jacob Burchmore 2024
Occupation: Barrister

Having been falsely accused of being the 'Erinsborough Pooper' - a mystery person who'd been pooing in gardens all over the suburb - Karl Kennedy was determined to clear his name, and became upset when he and neighbour Aaron Brennan were out cycling one day and he saw a younger group of cyclists seemingly laughing at him. When Karl approached them, the leader of the group, Matty Yeo, said that they'd just been admiring his helmet and hadn't heard anything about the mystery pooper. Later, when Karl approached Matty again, suggesting that the two cycling groups could join up, Matty explained that his group, the YAHMILs, stood for Young and Hot Men In Lycra, and nobody over 40 could join, but he did tell Aaron that he'd be welcome anytime.

The following week, Karl was shocked when he spotted someone, wearing YAHMILs riding gear, emerging from the bushes at the far end of Power Road. Unable to catch up with him, Karl took photos of the evidence he found in the bushes, then asked Aaron to infiltrate the group and find out who the pooper was. Though reluctant, Aaron agreed to go along with it, realising he was Karl's only hope of clearing his name. Aaron then approached Matty, who was happy to welcome him to the group, and joined the YAHMILs for a ride, meeting other members including Phil Raymond and Jacob Burchmore. Later, Aaron reported to Karl that the only suspicious activity was when Phil dropped back from the rest of the group, claiming to have bike problems, which Aaron thought was genuine. A frustrated Karl then asked Aaron to go out with the group again, but this time to wear a camera on his helmet and get the evidence required.

Though he wasn't willing to wear the camera, Aaron did end up going out with the YAHMILs again, looking at each of them with suspicion as they met up. During the ride, Aaron noticed Jacob pull away from the pack and followed him, shocked to see him squatting in the bushes. Aaron took a photo as evidence, then went to see Karl at the opening of Terese Willis's retirement complex, Eirini Rising. As Aaron showed Karl the proof, they were shocked to see Jacob amongst the guests, attending with his wealthy grandmother, Shirley. Shirley had been considering buying one of the final few apartments at Eirini Rising, but when a furious Karl finally snapped and confronted Jacob, it looked like Terese might be about to lose a buyer. Shirley explained that Jacob's career as a barrister would be damaged if word got out about his unfortunate habit, warning that, if it became public knowledge, then she would not be buying into Eirini Rising.

After bribing Karl with an expensive bike, Shirley was confident that he wouldn't be saying anything and she and her friends agreed to buy the final few apartments at Eirini Rising. As Shirley and Jacob were then sitting together having coffee at Eirini Rising the following week, confident that they managed to avoid any trouble for him and his career, he was in for a shock when the police arrived to take him in for questioning. Shirley turned on Karl, convinced that he'd reported her grandson, but he denied it. He later found out that, after he'd mentioned the story to neighbour Mackenzie, she'd told another lawyer friend, who'd been about to face Jacob in court. As they quickly realised who must have reported Jacob to the police, Karl went to Shirley and explained, though he refused to mention Mackenzie's name, leaving Shirley unsure if he was telling the truth. When Jacob then returned and reported that he'd been charged with public indecency, Shirley announced that she was taking back the bike.

Episodes Featured
9046, 9049, 9054

Biography by Steve
