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Neil Carr Michael Dyson
Neil Carr 2003
Occupation: Magistrate
After being fined and receiving a driving ban for being caught over the legal alcohol limit, Dr Karl Kennedy decided to appeal the ruling, despite the advice of lawyers Toadie Rebecchi and Tim Collins. In court, Karl faced Magistrate Neil Carr, who was notorious for taking a hard line approach, but Toadie tried to argue that, as a doctor, Karl needed to be mobile to make house calls. Unfortunately, the case then took a turn for the bizarre when the high school’s year 12 legal studies group arrived on a field trip and started giggling as they realised who was on trial. The disruption only annoyed Neil Carr further, and he announced that the appeal was a waste of the court’s time, the ban would be upheld and Karl’s fine would be doubled.
Trivia Notes
• Michael Dyson previously appeared as Tony Gunn in 2000
by Steve