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Guest Character Profiles > Forrest Jones Nicholas Gunn

Forrest Jones 2015
Occupation: Salesman

After learning that he was about to become a father, Josh Willis was determined to help the mother of his child, Amber Turner, even though she was in another relationship with Daniel Robinson. Whilst at Off Air Bar one day, Josh got chatting to Forrest Jones, who'd been interested in buying the bar and turning it into an MMA gym. Though that plan didn't work out, Forrest soon saw the potential in Josh as a news salesman, as he was a former athlete, so he told him about the supplements business, Elixa Fuel, he ran from the Dingoes Den gym nearby. Josh was very keen to get involved, but once Josh had left the bar, it became clear that things weren't entirely legit, as Forrest made a call, saying that Josh was completely clueless and desperate for money, so was perfect to work for them. After an interview, Josh met with Forrest later that week to start work, but was told that his best option for making money would be to buy his own started kit of supplements for $5000. Though surprised, Josh was also very keen to show Amber that she could rely on him and so, ignoring the advice of his father Brad to stay on full-time at tech, Josh went back to Forrest and handed over his credit card.

Concerned for Josh, his twin sister Imogen started asking questions at the gym, claiming to be a lawyer, when she was actually only a first year law student. Her questions ended up getting Josh fired, and after getting her neighbour, police officer Mark Brennan to check out Elixa Fuel, and he came back and said that the company was legit, Imogen went to Forrest and asked him to rehire her brother. Forrest quickly worked out that Imogen was only a law student, and she was pleased when Josh told her later that Forrest had called and offered him his job back. However, the whole operation still seemed strange to her, so when she bumped into Forrest again at The Waterhole, and he started flirting with her and invited her to join one of his self-defence classes, she saw an opportunity to get closer to him and find out more. Meanwhile, after learning that his unborn child could be suffering from a serious illness, Josh became more determined to make money, and went to Forrest to see if he had any more work. Quickly realising how desperate Josh was, Forrest managed to persuade him to start selling some new peptides, that weren't actually legal to sell yet. Despite being on a suspended sentence, Josh decided to take the risk and his sales figures quickly improved, but Imogen was still watching, unable to shake the feeling that her brother had become involved in something illegal.

When Josh sold some of the pills to Kyle, who later collapsed, Imogen's suspicions only increased. Though Forrest managed to talk Josh into continuing to sell them, explaining to him that it was just a bad batch that they'd now gotten rid of, Imogen wasn't quite as easy to persuade. She attempted to look at Forrest's phone during one of their self-defence classes at the park, only for him to catch her, and she was forced to lie that she'd been trying to find out if he was single. Now believing that Imogen was interested in him, Forrest arranged for them to go on a date together. As they were having a drink at Off Air Bar, Forrest took delivery of a bag from Josh, and Imogen was immediately suspicious, but was unable to get the chance to look inside. Later, Forrest drove them to a secluded spot, but Imogen was reluctant to get any closer to him and he accused her of being a tease. The tension was broken when his phone rang, and as he left the car to take the call, Imogen took the opportunity to search the bag, finding the illegal peptides and taking some. Outside, Forrest was taking a call from Josh, who had found out that Imogen had been asking questions, and when Forrest returned to the car, he confronted her and quickly found the stolen pills in her pocket. She attempted to run off, but fell and was forced to hit Forrest with a branch, knocking him out. She then went and told Daniel everything, but returning to the scene, they found that Forrest and his car had gone. Imogen was later horrified to learn that Forrest had sacked Josh, warning him not to say anything unless he wanted Imogen charged with assault, and had taken back all of his pills, leaving him with nothing to sell and a $5000 credit card debt.

Trivia Notes
• Nicholas Gunn previously appeared in 2005 as Mo Gorman and in 2011 as Steve Barnes

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