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Bob Kind Peter Flaherty

Bob Kind 2013, 2014
Occupation: Support Group Convenor
When Sonya Rebecchi's long-lost uncle Walter Mitchell came back into her life,
she was surprised to learn, from another relative, that he'd suffered from a serious drinking problem years ago. As Sonya began to suspect that Walter was still drinking, she insisted on taking him along to one of her AA
meetings, led by Bob Kind. Bob was pleased to see, as Sonya and Walter spoke, that they had such a strong support network in each other. Unfortunately, soon after, Sonya learnt that the man she'd come to trust wasn't really
her uncle, but a man named Dave, who'd met the real Walter Mitchell in a halfway house, listened to his stories and then come to Erinsborough to con his family. When Sonya attended her next meeting, Bob asked her about Walter,
and Sonya became increasingly upset, before running out of the community hall.
The following year, after a session in which Sonya had opened up about her current marital problems and struggles to make her husband understand, she was chatting to Bob when he mentioned that he'd been offered a new job interstate,
and asked her if she'd be interested in taking over from him as convenor. With things at home so strained, Sonya decided to turn down the job offer, not wanting to miss out on spending time with her family, but after talking things through
with Toadie, she changed her mind and accepted the job.
Later that year, Toadie and other Ramsay Street residents started to receive poison pen letters, revealing things about Sonya's troubled past that everyone already knew about. Toadie decided not to worry Sonya and with
Brennan's help, he tried to figure out who could have such a grudge against his wife. After ruling out a disgruntled client at her nursery, he began to wonder if it might be someone from one of
her support meetings and knowing that Bob was back in town, Toadie asked to meet with him. Bob was confused by Toadie's request, at first believing that something terrible had happened to Sonya, but when Toadie started trying to
find out if Sonya had ever had a serious run-in with someone at one of the meetings, an annoyed Bob reminded him that everything from the meetings was completely confidential, and he said that he'd never have agreed to meet if he'd
known that this was what Toadie wanted him for.
Trivia Notes
• Peter Flaherty previously appeared as Lloyd Amos in 2000 and as
Miles Cavandish in 2011
Tenure 6682, 6684, 6822, 7004
Biography by Steve