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Guest Character Profiles > Ken Obasi Charles Allen

Ken Obasi 2025
Children: Remi and Taye

After cheating on his wife, then leaving her for the other woman, Ken Obasi went on to have a son, Taye, with his new wife. Wanting to keep the peace with his new wife, Ken then made sure that Taye had little to do with Remi, his daughter from his previous marriage. Taye grew up believing that his half-sister wasn't interested in getting to know him, but after finding himself in a romantic entanglement with three women in Apollo Bay, and seeing on social media that Remi had gone to New York with her family, he decided to use her home in Erinsborough as a hiding place, not telling anyone where he was going. After Remi and wife Cara returned to find that he'd thrown a party and had allowed their younger son, Dex, to have alcohol, they were furious, but laidback Taye struggled to see the problem. As Remi tried to find out why he'd suddenly shown up in her life, he suggested that she didn't want him around as he was a reminder of her dad cheating on her mum. Confused about why he had such a low opinion of her, Remi asked him to stay for a few days so they could get to know each other better, but they continued to butt heads. During one argument, they were surprised when their dad walked in, saying that he could hear their squabbling from outside.

Ken explained that Remi's Aunt Marie, who she'd contacted to sound out about Taye, had told him where to find his son and he'd come to take him back to Apollo Bay. Taye insisted that he wanted to stay in Erinsborough, as he admired the life that Remi had built for herself and wanted to be a part of it, even if she hadn't wanted to know him and had never turned up for Christmas gatherings, and had only stayed at his 18th birthday party for an hour. She told him that she would have loved to spend more time with him, but had never felt welcome around her dad's new family, and it wasn't long before the siblings realised that it had been Ken who had made them both feel unwanted in the other's life. Upset that they'd already missed out on so many years together, Remi and Taye agreed to a fresh start and she asked him to stick around, whilst, not wanting to repeat the mistakes her father had made, she asked Ken to stay for a few hours so he could spend some time with his grandsons.

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