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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Bill Parker Mark Allen

Bill Parker 1986
Children: Sue

Father to disruptive student Sue Parker, Bill was furious when it looked like his daughter had been assaulted by a fellow student. However, since the four students involved, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell, Mike Young and Jane Harris, were all covering and refusing to admit which of them had hit the girl, Sue claimed that it had been a gang attack and Bill threatened to sue them all. But when the real culprit, Jane, owned up to what she had done, the kids claimed that Sue was far from innocent and had provoked Jane by sending poison pen letters to Jane’s grandmother, Mrs Mangel, in the hope of splitting up her and Mike. When Mrs Mangel confirmed the story about the letters, Sue admitted that she’d exaggerated her story about the bashing and Bill backed down, realising that the case would never stand up in court.

Biography by Steve



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